2020年八年级上学期英语12月质检试卷(II )卷.doc

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2020年八年级上学期英语12月质检试卷(II )卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。When I was 9 years old, I loved to go fishing with my dad. But the 1thing that wasnt very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldnt catch 2. I usually got pretty 3and kept asking him why. He always answered, Son, if you want to catch a fish, you have to 4like a fish. I remember being even more worried then because Im not a fish. I didnt know 5to think like a fish. Besides, how could what I think 6what a fish does?As I got a little older I began to 7what my dad really meant. So, I read some books on fishes. And I 8joined the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings. I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and it is very sensitive(敏感的) to water 9. Thats why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because the shallow water is warmer. Whats more, water is usually 10in direct sunlight than in the shade. The more I understood fish, the more I became good at 11and catching them.When I grew up and entered the 12world, I remember hearing my first boss say, We all need to think like salespeople. But it didnt completely 13. My dad never said, You need to think like a fisherman. 14later, I learned to provide long-term services to people much older and richer than me. I understood that what we all need is to think more like 15. Its really not an easy job.(1)A . important B . best C . only D . worst (2)A . anything B . everything C . something D . nothing (3)A . angry B . upset C . nervous D . afraid (4)A . think B . swim C . eat D . rest (5)A . when B . whether C . why D . how (6)A . offer B . develop C . influence D . manage (7)A . understand B . think C . discover D . prepare (8)A . only B . already C . just D . even (9)A . quality B . temperature C . taste D . space (10)A . cooler B . warmer C . brighter D . darker (11)A . finding B . keeping C . getting D . protecting (12)A . computer B . teaching C . sports D . business (13)A . come true B . have a point C . come out D . make up (14)A . Minutes B . Hours C . Years D . Seconds (15)A . customers B . bosses C . parents D . fish 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)2. (8分) As a music teacher for twenty-seven years I have always known that music touches the soul. It can break through all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the means for each child to find their light.A few years ago I was blessed with the opportunity to teach pre-school students one afternoon a week. One of my most memorable students was Vanessa. She was five years old, had difficulty walking and could not speak. We mostly sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to sit on my lap. One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students clapped two times while singing the repeating phrase “Oh yes!” Vanessa liked to put her hands together with mine and clap with me. We performed that song during every class Vanessa and I clapped together. She never said or sang a word.One day late in the school year when the song was finished Vanessa turned around, looked at me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands two times and said the words “Oh yes!” I opened my mouth and could not speak. Through music we had made a connection.Several years later I came across Vanessa on the street in town. I stopped my car and waved to say hello. She waved back with a big smile on her face and then clapped her hands two times mimicking the song we had performed in our music class. This precious little girl through her connection with music left an impression on me that will last forever.Every child has the ability to learn and grow. It is up to us educators to discover the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each childs light.(1)The author thinks music_.A . can make children calm downB . can connect heart to heartC . is difficult for pre-school studentsD . is a good means to find a job(2)According to the second paragraph Vanessa_.A . got used to singing songsB . was too shy to speakC . was the youngest in the classD . enjoyed the authors class(3)When Vanessa spoke the words “Oh yes!” the author felt_.A . surprisedB . happyC . frightenedD . satisfied(4)What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A . The author has been in touch with Vanessa for several years.B . Vanessa became as healthy as other children.C . The song made a deep impression on Vanessa.D . Being a good educator became Vanessas dream.3. (10分) Learn a second languageThere was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall. One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose. “Cheese!” the mouse said happily to himself. Ill go and get it now and have it for breakfast.”But then he remembered his parents words. His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”So the young mouse waited quietly. Then he heard a quiet Miaow and he knew the cat was there. He stayed in the hole and said to himself, “Im glad I listened to my parents and learned to wait.”The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again. He could see the cheese. It was only a few centimetres away. But he sat still and waited quietly. This time he did not hear any cat noises. Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.”“Its a dog!”he thought. If the dog is there, the cat wont be there. I expect the dog has chased the cat away, so Im safe.”The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese. He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him.When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “Im glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”(1)Who told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese?A . The cat.B . The dog.C . The cats parents.D . The mouses parents.(2)How did the young mouse know the cat was there?A . He heard the cat.B . He saw the cat.C . He smelt the cat.D . He knew the cat.(3)What was the cats meal?A . The mouses parents.B . The cheese.C . The young mouse.D . The fish.(4)Which language did the cat learn as a second language?A . English.B . Chinese.C . Dog language.D . Mouse language.(5)Which of the following sentences is Not True according to the passage?A . The young mouse lived in a hole in a wall.B . The next day the mouse didnt hear any cat noises.C . The cat pretended to be a dog by making the noise woof”.D . The mouses parents told their daughter to wait before going for a piece of cheese.4. (10分)阅读理解 As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples. One of the most popular words is Dianzan, which is often used when you quite agree with(同意)someone. Another example is Renxing. When you say somebody is Renxing, you mean that he or she will do whatever he or she likes. The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means you can complete your shopping orders before others. But now its widely used when you get your purpose in a very short time. If you describe somebody as Tuhao, you mean that he or she is very rich. You can find lots of such new Chinese words. Keep learning and youll know more about Chinese culture. (1)When you quite agree with someone, you may say _. A . RenxingB . MiaoshaC . Dianzan(2)What does Renxing mean in English? A . Someone can complete his/her shopping orders before others.B . Someone will do whatever he/she likes.C . He/ She is very rich.(3)How many new words and phrases are mentioned in the passage? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.(4)What does the underlined word “purpose” mean in Chinese? A . 目标B . 讨论C . 成功(5)Which of the following is right according to the passage? A . Now, fewer and fewer words and phrases have been created in Chinese.B . Miaosha has been created two meanings in Chinese.C . You can find lots of new Chinese words without learning.三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分)阅读短文,将方框里的五个句子还原到短文当中。A. youd better connect your childs teacher.B. he may have trouble with some classmates.C. there was little communication outside the meeting.D. information exchange can solve simple misunderstandings.E. you notice a change in your childs attitude(态度)toward school.It used to be that parents and teachers had set days and times for parent-teacher meetings, but _With the help of QQ, Wechat, school website and so on, parents and teachers can communicate with each other more easily and often. But some parents still dont want to connect with their childs teachers. Thats not right! Because_Be sure to call your childs teacher if _When a child who used to love going to school, but now cries and fights getting on the bus, _Your childs teacher can pay more attention to something bigger happening.For example, you may find the teachers notes on the test paper. They are often helpful for parents to understand what your childs problem is. If they are unclear to you. _.A good working relationship between parents and teachers is good for everyone. Keep communicating, ask questions and solve problems before they become too big. They are all ways to build a strong relationship.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词。During the long summer holidays, many children go to holiday camps. Emily Harris wrote about_experience looking after children at Kingfishers Holiday Camp, in Salisbury.This summer will be my third time to be at the camp here, but Ive been to_Kingfisher camps all over Britain. Ive made a lot of friends through this summer job. Its perfect for teenagers _me. After all, summer holidays are great,_they are long and they can get boring! We are busy doing this job all the time and we get paid!I help the sports and activity teachers, so I_time with different groups of children, and by the end of the week, I usually know most of them well.The best part is when the children try _new, like boating or climbing. I love seeing their excitement. Its really enjoyable and it makes you feel you are _a good job. Also when they play a team game, and the other team wins, instead of feeling unhappy, we teach them to_hands and say Congratulations! to the winners. This gives me a real feeling of success.As I said before, it isnt just the _who make great new friends! Working together so closely, even for just a few weeks, the helpers at our camp become really good _.五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分)Some students are_(跳舞)in the sports hall 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)你养我长大,我陪你变老父母亲一直在为我们的成长默默付出,成长要学会感受爱、回报爱。今天你即将毕业是向父母表达感激的好机会。请根据以下所给要点,写一篇英语短文。 要点:给我生命,一直照顾我成长;努力工作,为我提供良好的生活和教育条件;拥有爱心,教我学会;今天,我要为你们(自主发挥,至少两点)注意事项:词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息You bring me up. I will be with you in your life. You are important persons in the process of my growth. 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)5-1、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8-1、

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