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宝鸡中学2010届高三适应性训练英 语 试 题注:本试题分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间120分钟。第I卷(两部分,共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节:音标题(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)(原创题)从ABCD四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。补全对话 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余项。Husband:Hi, darling, Im homeWife : 6 Husband:Well, just as usualWife : Come on, Ive known you for yearsYour face tells me something has happenedHusband:Is that so?Wife : 7 Tell me, what happened?Husband: Guess!Wife : Youre promoted?Husband: 8 Wife : You got a raise?Husband: Right! You deserve a reward 9 Wife : SureBut tell me everything from the very beginningYou didnt mention anything about this to meHusband:I wasnt expecting a raise myselfI wasnt even aware that today was payday when I got to work this morningWife : 10 Husband: No, I think I was the only oneThe manager talked to me this morningHe said I had been working quite hard and wanted me to keep up the good workWife : Congratulations! Now lets go to celebrateADid things go well today?BDid other colleagues in your company get a raise, too?CHow about eating out tonight?DYes, you are rightEYour eyes are shining and your mouth is smilingFHow did things go in your office today?GNo, but very close第二节:单项填空 (共1 5小题,每小题1分,共1 5分)从ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11Christmas is _ special holiday when _ whole family are supposed to get togetherAthe ; the Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the12One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _ healthy eating habitsAgrow Bdevelop Cincrease Draise13Busy _ she is, Rita _ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with her sonAthough, sets out Bas, sets aside Cas, sets down Dthough, sets off14As we all know, it takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred to rear people, which means it will be _ one becomes a useful personAbefore long Blong after Cafter long Dlong before15 How cold it is! I wonder how grass survive under such heavy snow-Dont worryThere is a lot of air in loose snow which _Akeeps out the cold Bkeeps the cold awayCkeep off the cold Dkeep the cold up16He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the passengers pocketAput Bto be putting Cto put Dputting17Puppy love is _Athere where Chinese parents have long been arguingBwhere Chinese parents have long been arguingCwhere do Chinese parents argue aboutDthe place that Chinese parents argue about18-Can I borrow your car this Sunday?-_I wont use it anyhowASure, go ahead BYes, indeed CSorry, I dont know DDont mention it19This library was ranked _ one of the best libraries in the world_ honor of its contribution to the peopleAfor, withBas, for Cas, in Dwith, to20Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to universityAlack Blacking of Clacked Dlacking21Some cars are equipped with GPS for people easily to find the _ of their destinationAlocation Bplace Carea Dposition22Of the two boys, the one reading a book is _Athe tallest Btall Cthe taller Dtaller23_ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragementAThe president will attend BThe president to attendCThe president attended DThe presidents attending24Progress _ so far very good and he is sure that his new book will be finished on timeAwas Bhad been Chas been Dwill be25-She looks very happyShe _have passed the exam-I guess soIts not difficult after allAshould Bmust Ccould Dmight第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题15分,共30分)(变式题)*阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项()中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There is a wonderful fable about a young girl who had no family and no one to love herOne day, feeling sad and 26 , she was walking through a meadow (草地) when she noticed a small 27 caught in a thorn (荆棘)bushThe more the butterfly 28 to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its bodyThe young girl carefully released the butterfly 29 the thorns 30 flying away , the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy The young girl rubbed (搓) her eyes in 31 “For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will grant(准予,实现) you any word you 32 like”The little girl thought 33 and then replied, “I want to be happy!”The fairy said, “Very well,” and leaned toward her and 34 in her earThen the good fairy suddenly disappearedAs the little girl 35 , there was no one in the land as 36 as sheEveryone asked her the 37 of her happinessShe would only smile and answer, “The reason for my happiness is 38 I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl”When she was very old and on her deathbed, the 39 all came together around her, being 40 that the fabulous (传说的) secret of happiness would 41 her“Tell us, please,” they begged“Tell us what the good fairy said”The lovely old woman 42 smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, 43 old or young, rich or poor they seemed, had 44 of me”Happiness is the most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different waysAnd happiness is also the simplest thing if you just do what you should doIts 45 that if you love and help others youll get it26Aalone Blonely Chopeless Dhelpful27Abird Bant Cworm Dbutterfly28Astruggled Bstuck Cstruck Dstretched29Aof Bfrom Caway Doff30AIn spite of BIn place of CInstead of DIn short of31Adisbelieve Bdisbelief Cbelief Dbelieve32Ahad Bwill Cwould Dshould33Afor a moment Bin a moment Cat the moment Dover the moment34Asaid Btold Cwhispered Dtalked35Aturned up Bbrought up Ccame up Dgrew up36Arich Bbeautiful Chappy Delegant37Akey Bsecret Cresource Dway38Athat Bbecause Cwhy Dfor39Afamilies Bfriends Cneighbors Dguests40Aafraid Bfrightened Cconcerning Dglad41Adie off Bdie out Cdie away Ddie with42Asimply Bjustly Crightly Dquitely43Ahow Bhowever Cwhenever Dwhen44Aneed Brequest Crequire Ddemand45Asure Bcertain Cpossible Dimpossible第二部分:阅读理解(共20 小题。第一节共15 小题,每题2分;第二节共5 题,每题2分; 共40 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项ABCD中选出最佳选项。AUnnoticed and unappreciated for five decades,a large female turtle (龟)with a stained(彩色的),leathery(粗而硬的) shell is now a precious commodity(物品)in Changshas old zooShe is fed on a special diet of raw meatHer small pool has been covered with glass which can defend it from bulletsA special camera monitors her movementsA guard is posted at nightThe purpose is simple:the turtle must not dieEarlier this year,scientists concluded that she was the planets last known female Yangtze giant soft shell turtleShe is about 80 years old and weighs almost 90 poundsAs it happens,the planet also has only one known maleHe lives at a zoo the city of SuzhouHe is 100 years old and weighs about 200 poundsThey are the last hope of saving a species believed to be the largest freshwater turtles in the world“Its a very dangerous situation,” said Peter Pritchard, a famous turtle expert in the United States,who has helped try to save the species、For many Chinese people,the turtle is the symbol of health and long life,but the last two Yangtze giant soft-shell creatures show the threatened state of wildlife and biodiversity(生物多样性)in ChinaPollution, hunting and over development are destroying natural habitats,and also endangering the plant and the animal populationChina contains some of the worlds richest treasures of biodiversity, yet the latest major survey of plants and animals shows a discouraging pictureNearly 40 percent of all mammal species in China are now endangered, Scientists sayFor plants,the situation is worse;70 percent of all nonflowering plant species and 86 percent of flowering species are considered threatened46Why is the turtle in Changsha specially cared?AShe has been unnoticed and unappreiated five decadesBShe can be sold at a high priceCShe is the planets last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtleDShe is old and heavy47Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?AThe turtle in Changsha is precious because it is the symbol of health and long lifeBPeter Pritchard believes the female turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the worldCThe female turtle is in a dangerous situation where she may be killedDThe female turtle in Changsha and the male turtle in Suzhou are the last hope of saving the largest freshwater turtle species in the world48According to the text _in ChinaAthere are the richest species of living thingsBwild plants and animals are becoming fewerCturtles are specially protectedDthe situation of plants is better than that of mammal species49The last paragraph proves the threatened state of wildlife and biodiversity in China by_ Afacts and numbers BPeter PritchardS wordsCteaching theory Dtelling a storyBSouth Korea has offered about 10,000 tons of corn to North Korea, in what would be the first official aid to its hungry neighbor for almost two yearsThe South also offered 20 tons of milk powder and medicine for children, pregnant women and other vulnerable people, its unification ministry saidThe proposed shipmen would be through the Red CrossIt would be the first official one since a conservative government came to power in Seoul in February 2008The South Korean administration of President Lee Myung-bak has linked major assistance to progress on denuclearisationHowever, after months of bitter hostility, the communist North began making peace overtures(提议,提案) to the South in recent monthsPersistent media reports have also said the two sides have held preliminary talks about a possible summitThe amount of food aid on offer is tiny relative to the needs in what the United Nations recently described as the famine-hit NorthA third of North Korean women and young children are malnourished(营养不良的) and the country will run short of almost 18 million tons of food this year, the United Nations World Food Program said in a report last monthThe unification ministry admitted it was far less than needed but said the North must mend relations before shipments could be increasedWe cannot say 10,000 tons is sufficient in view of North Koreas food shortage and other conditions, said ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-JooWe are providing purely humanitarian aid, she saidThere is no change in our position that massive food aid depends on how relations between the two Koreas develop, she saidNorth Korea has yet to respond to the latest offer, made through the Red CrossBut Yonhap news agency said it was likely co-ordinated in advance before the announcementLast year the South offered 50,000 tons of corn, but the North rejected the shipment amid high tensionsNorth Korea has relied on food aid from China, South Korea and aid agencies to feed millions of its people since a famine in the 1990s resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands50How would North Korea be offered about 10,000 tons of corn from South Korea?ANorth Korea would buy corn from South KoreaBNorth Korea would exchange with South KoreaCThe offer would be through the Red SeaDThe offer would be through an international organization51About whether South Korea would go on offering assistance, we can infer from the passage that_Athey would go on without any conditionBthey would go on if there was a famine in North KoreaCit depended on how their relation would developDit depended on whether North Korea needed it52How did North Korea survive since a famine in the 1990s?AThey depended on the international aid from all other countriesBThey developed their agriculture to increase the productionCThey expanded the agricultural landDThey relied on food aid from China, South Korea and aid agencies53What is the main idea of the passage?A Its about the aid to South Korea from North KoreaBIt tells about the help between South Korea and North KoreaCIts about the help to the PoorDIt tells about an action of the Red CrossCPerhaps you have never heard of Katherine LawesKatherine was the wife of Lewis Lawes, warden (监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison from 1920 to 1941In these 21 years he made many reforms - and an important part of his success was due to his wife KatherineKatherine took seriously the idea that the prisoners are human beings ,worthy of attention and respect She regularly visited inside the walls of Sing SingShe encouraged the prisoners, took things to them and spent time listening to themMost importantly, she cared about themAnd as a result, they cared deeply about herThen one night in October of 1937, news was telegraphed between the prison cells that Katherine had been killed in an accidentThe prisoners asked the warden to allow them to attend her funeralHe agreed to their strange request and a few days later the south gate of Sing Sing swung slowly openHundreds of men who had committed almost every crime imaginable marched slowly out of the prison, later gathered again at the gate and returned to their cellsThere were so many that they proceeded unguardedBut no one tried to escapeIf he had, the others might have killed him immediatelySo devoted were they to Katherine Lawes, the woman who daily walked into Hell to show the men a piece of HeavenKatherine s strength was to see the men less as prisoners and more as individualsThomas Moore once said, We can only treat badly those things or people whose souls we show no respect for54When Katherines husband was the warden at Sing Sing Prison, she did the following things EXCEPT_Aencouraging the prisoners Bvisiting the prison housesCdoing some writing for the prisoner Dspending time in listening to the prisoners55Why did the prisoners ask the warden to allow them to attend Katherines funeral?ABecause Katherine didnt look down upon them and cared about themBBecause Katherine was the wife of the wardenCBecause Katherine made reforms in the prisonDBecause Katherine had been killed by one of them56Whom does the underlined part “the others” refer to?AThe policemen at the funeral BThe other prisonersCThe guards DThe policemen from other prisons57The best title of this passage is_AKatherine Lawes s LifeBReforms at Sing Sing PrisonCTo Honor Their SoulsDTo Meet Their RequirementDOne day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my lifeDo not waste time, because, you know, time will not come backYou cannot buy itIt is one of those things in life that you must really, really valueWhen you see an opportunity, take itYou might not get it backNever let an opportunity passAnd if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunityRemember, you cannot choose how you re going to die, or whenYou can only decide how you re going to liveStudy as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrowDon t just think of the present, but also think of your futureYour future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live itEvery single living thing has a purpose in lifeThe purpose of life is a life of purpose, said Robert BymeLearn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy lifeWe can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; (3) by sufferingLife58The underlined part suggests that_Aif life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chessBif life is a game of chess, both you and time are the playersCif life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other playerDif time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players59According to the author, what can you decide?AHow you die BWhen you dieCHow you live DWhen you succeed60This article is most probably from_Aan explanation of time in the universeBan essay about time and lifeCan argument that time is the most important thing in lifeDa description of an important class第二节:根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中为每段选出最佳的段落大意。选项中有两项是多余项。 (共5小题,每小题2分,共1 0分)AMake posters and signs catchy and helpfulBBuild your network and remind them to voteCBe confident in yourself all the timeDGive a great speech with full preparationsEWhat if I dont win?FYou can win as long as you try your bestGDetermine your issues and keep your promisesConvincing people to vote for you is probably the scariest part of an electionThe best strategy is to show your fellow students that you will do a good jobHow do you do this?61_Think about why you want to run and what you want to do if you winThese are your issuesThen let people know what you will do if electedWhen you do this, be careful not to make promises you cant keepMake sure your issues affect all studentsIf you promise to try to get the whole school painted your favourite color, students probably wont vote for youBut, if you promise to get rid of that yucky(令人反感的)lunch menu item that no one likes, or raise money for more computers in the library, students will see that you are interested in things they care about, and theyll vote for you62_Keep it short, simple, and interesting, and students will remember youStart by writing down your issues and the reasons you think youre a good person for the jobThis is the heart of the speech and will convince other students to vote for youStart with a story to get people listening and then move on to your issuesPractice your speech so you get used to it, and you wont be as nervousAsk your parents or friends to listen a couple of times before the big dayWhen the time comes to give your speech, relaxYoull be ready and the other students will notice63_One of the best ways to get people to vote for you is to talk to them about itAsk your friends to helpIn many elections, people dont vote at allIf you take the time to talk to them ,and remind them to vote, youll increase your chances of winningRemind them why youre running, and why they should vote for youTheyll appreciate that you took the time to talk to them in personAnd theyll probably remember your name on the ballot(选票)!64_When you make your campaign posters, use a catchy slogan that helps other students remember your nameIt can help you win votesIf you have trouble coming up with a catchy slogan, try searching the InternetDont depend solely on postersYour fellow stude


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