仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about thethings that will be discovered in the fD卷.doc

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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about thethings that will be discovered in the fD卷.doc_第1页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about thethings that will be discovered in the fD卷.doc_第2页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 I’m excited about thethings that will be discovered in the fD卷.doc_第3页
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仁爱科普版九年级上Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 Im excited about thethings that will be discovered in the fD卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共37题;共74分)1. (2分)It is safe to eat chicken that_fully, but most people still dare not do that because of the H7N9bird flu .A . will be cookedB . cooksC . is cookedD . cooked2. (2分)Lisa to play the piano when Jim came in. A . sawB . was seenC . was being seenD . was being3. (2分)More actions _ to protect environment in the following years.A . are going to takeB . are takenC . are takingD . are going to be taken4. (2分)So far this year, many new houses _ in Wenchuan with the help of the government.A . buildB . are builtC . will buildD . have been built5. (2分)Its too late. Go to bed quickly.No,I wont go to bed until my work_.A . finishesB . finishedC . is finished6. (2分)Trees and flowers _every year to make our country more beautiful.A . is plantedB . was plantedC . are plantedD . were planted7. (2分)How is your pet dog? He is lovely. But if he _ at home all day, he _ at me angrily.A . keeps; barksB . is kept; will barkC . is kept; barkD . keeps; will bark8. (2分)Chinas high-speed trains _ and perfected now.A . developedB . have developedC . are being developedD . will have been developed9. (2分)Look at the picture. The top five TV plays _ in it. A . listB . are listedC . will listD . will be listed10. (2分)Mickey Mouse _ by Walt Disney in 1928.A . createdB . will createC . is createdD . was created11. (2分)So far, most of the work by others, its your turn to do the rest of it.A . finishedB . has finishedC . has been finishedD . is finished12. (2分)When I see too much water _ in our school every day, I feel very angry.A . is wastedB . wastesC . was wastedD . waste13. (2分)With development of science, more and more things in the future.A . will discoverB . can discoverC . will be discoveredD . are discovering14. (2分)The library _ about five years ago.A . was buildedB . was builtC . buildsD . has been built15. (2分)If you see the cartoon film, you will laugh. A . be makeB . be made toC . make toD . make16. (2分)His new novel _ already. A . is publishedB . was publishedC . has been publishedD . will be published17. (2分)Can you sing this English song?Of course. It _ many times on the radio.A . has been taughtB . has taughtC . is taught18. (2分)Now its much easier to shop online when your order is ready, the things you want to buy to you soon.A . sendB . were sentC . are sendingD . will be sent19. (2分) Did you see the film “ The Founding of A Republic”? Yes, I think it is the best film has been shown this year.A . thatB . whatC . whoD . when20. (2分)Some of the swamps have become _. A . pollutingB . to polluteC . polluteD . polluted21. (2分)Has everything can be done ? A . what; doneB . that; been doneC . that; already doneD . what; already being done22. (2分)Mr. Li _ to give a talk in our school yesterday. A . invitesB . is invitedC . was invitedD . invited23. (2分)A large number of new schools _ to help those left-behind children next year. A . will buildB . will be builtC . were builtD . are built24. (2分)It is reported that the ticket prices for key tourist sites in our country_ soon. A . have reducedB . were reducedC . had reducedD . will be reduced25. (2分)According to the traffic rules, pedestrians(行人) _ 10 yuan if they run red lights.Thats necessary, in order to create a civilized(文明的) city, we should the rules.A . will spent, makeB . will be fined, followC . will be paid, allow26. (2分)- Mr Green by the reporters yesterday.- Hes great! He helped so many disabled people A . was interviewedB . is interviewedC . is interviewing27. (2分)Where is my present, Dad? Dont worry, Jack. Your present _ to you in two days.A . is bringingB . is broughtC . will be broughtD . will bring28. (2分)Thousands of new books _ for the school library in a month.A . boughtB . will be boughtC . were boughtD . buy29. (2分) Our city is developing so fast. Yes. Many modern buildings _ in the city next year.A . are builtB . will buildC . will be builtD . will be build30. (2分) The clothes on the bed very dirty, Mom. They are smelly.一Yes, they .A . can be; should be washedB . must be; should washC . can be; should washD . must be; should be washed31. (2分)Its reported that the Slender West Lake Tunnel _ in 2015.A . is completedB . will be completedC . was completedD . has been completed32. (2分)The girl _ by the teachers.A . is always praisedB . praisesC . have been praisedD . always is praised33. (2分)A wolf has become the mascot(吉祥物) of the World Cup 2018 that _ in Russia. A . took placeB . heldC . will take placeD . will hold34. (2分)The 2018 World Cup _ in Russia. How _ is!A . will be held; exciting a newsB . will be taken place; an exciting newsC . will take place; exciting the newsD . will hold; an exciting news35. (2分)The fallen trees _ away and the traffic is dead on the road.A . have been draggedB . are draggedC . were draggedD . are being dragged36. (2分)-Why are you walking to school today?- Well, my bike _.A . is being mendedB . was mendedC . is mendedD . is mending37. (2分)The cost of rising fuel bills _ on to air passengers in the form of fuel surcharges(额外费).A . is being passedB . are being passedC . have been passedD . has passed二、 主动句变被动句。 (共2题;共17分)38. (2分)The pretty woman will sing a folk song. (改为被动语态) A folk song will _ _ by the pretty woman.39. (15分)主动句变被动句。(1)We shall discuss the question at the next meeting.(2)I shall give you the book tomorrow.(3)The chairman will askus to attend the meeting.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共37题;共74分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、二、 主动句变被动句。 (共2题;共17分)38-1、39-1、39-2、39-3、

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