人教版牛津译林英语七年级上Unit7 Shopping单元测试A卷.doc

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人教版牛津译林英语七年级上Unit7 Shopping单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) Hi, Lily. _. Hi! Im very well, and you?A . Are you Jane?B . How are you?C . Whats that?D . How do you do?2. (2分)The giraffes like to eat.A . leafB . leafsC . leavesD . meat3. (2分)Lets thank Miss Yang her help. A . forB . inC . ofD . on4. (2分)_ a kite makes the boy_ very happy A . Flying; feelsB . Flying; feelC . Fly; feelsD . Fly; feel5. (2分)There _ an apple and some bananas on the table. A . hasB . haveC . isD . are6. (2分)My parents promise _ it to the teacherA . dont tellB . not tellC . not to tellD . to not tell7. (2分)Next Sunday, Mr. Brown _ New York _ Beijing. A . are leaving, forB . is leaving, toC . is leaving, for8. (2分)He wears _ today. A . a shortB . a shortsC . a pair of shortD . a pair of shorts9. (2分)Listen! Maryin the next room.A . singsB . is singingC . sangD . sing10. (2分)Unfortunately I was sitting at the table with smokers on side of me.A . eitherB . bothC . otherD . all11. (2分)There a pen, three books and some rulers on the desk. A . hasB . haveC . is12. (2分)Mr. Smith told his son _ the football match because of (因为) the exam. A . not to watchB . to not watchC . not watchingD . doesnt watch13. (2分)Who are you waiting the bus stop? A . forB . atC . at forD . for at14. (2分)The bed _ so soft and comfortable. I like it very much.A . tastesB . looksC . feels15. (2分) Laura a nice pencil box and four pens in it. I have one, too.A . has; there isB . has; there areC . have; there isD . have; there are16. (2分) A stranger offered _ my heavy bag, but I said no to him. It was wise of you not to _ a stranger.A . carrying; listenB . carrying; trustC . to carry; listenD . to carry; trust17. (2分)She came to see me last year, but now she doesnt. A . muchB . a lotC . lots ofD . a lot of18. (2分)Can I help you ? Id like a_. Because I want to join the photo club.A . walletB . cameraC . tapeD . crayon19. (2分)(2016黔西南)There two sofas and a table in her room. A . haveB . isC . areD . was20. (2分)_ you got _ vegetables in the bag? Yes, weve got some.A . Have; someB . Has; anyC . Have; anyD . Has; some二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and 1me he would be away for a week. He asked me to feed the bird2him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox. Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds3the night before David was going to return. I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at4house. I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door5the back door! I kept 6of what David would say when came back.Then I noticed7one bedroom window was open. I found a big tone and pushed it under the window8the stone was very heavy. I of niose. But in the end, I managed to climb up.I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone9a torch(电筒)up at me. I looked down and saw10policeman and an old lady, one of Davids neighbours. “What are you doing up there?” Said the policeman. Feeling like a fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Smiths birds.”(1)A . tellB . tells C . told D . had told (2)A . with B . to C . for D . at (3)A . untilB . before C . as D . since (4)A . her B . his C . their D . our (5)A . and B . but C . or D . nor (6)A . to think B . think C . thinking D . thought (7)A . howB . that C . what D . why (8)A . If B . Because C . When D . Whether (9)A . is shinning B . was shone C . shines D . was shining (10)A . a B . the C . an D . / 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)22. (10分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。There were three big fish in the lake. One of them, Demo, was wise; another one, Jimmy, was half-wise; Martin, the third one, was stupid.Some fishermen came to the bank of the lake with their nets. The three fish saw them.Demo decided at once to leave, to make the long and difficult trip to the ocean. He thought, I wont discuss with these two about this. They love this place so much that they call it home and will stay on. How silly they are! They still havent realized we are in great danger now. Their ignorance will cost them their lives.Seeing the wise fish had left, Jimmy thought, My guide has gone and now Ive lost my chance to escape. He felt sorry for it and then thought, What can I do to save myself from these men and their nets? Perhaps I should pretend(假装)to be already dead, giving myself totally to the water. So he did that. He went up and down with the water, helpless, within arms reach of the fishermen.Look at this! The best and biggest fish is dead. One of the men lifted him by the tail, and threw him up on the ground. He rolled(滚动)over and over and moved secretly toward the water, and then, back in.The third fish was aimlessly jumping about, trying to escape with his speed and cleverness. The net, of course, finally closed around him, and as he lay in the hot frying-pan bed, he thought, If I get out of this, Ill never live again in the limits of the lake. Next time, the ocean! Ill make it my home.(1)Demo thought that he could escape from the fishermen by _.A . staying in the lakeB . pretending to be deadC . jumping here and thereD . traveling to the ocean(2)The underlined sentence “Their ignorance will cost them their lives.” in the passage means _. A . They will get away from the danger because of their carefulness.B . Some bad things will happen to their daily lives.C . They will die if they arent intelligent and smart enough.D . Because of their ignorance, they will have happy lives.(3)Who was caught by the fishermen at last?A . DemoB . JimmyC . MartinD . Mario(4)We can read this passage in _ A . a letterB . a story bookC . a science bookD . a poster(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . It is important to make proper changes in time.B . Good chances are always given to the honest.C . The stupid can also succeed with great efforts.D . Where there is a will, there is a way.23. (8分) For thousands of years, people have used plants to make medicines. They used different parts of the plants the roots, the leaves, the flowers, and the bark (树皮). Today, doctors have rediscovered more medicinal (药用) values of some plants. Lets look at some examples.Foxglove is a common plant. People have used it to make the heart slow down. Recently scientists have developed another drug from it. This new drug helps prevent other heart problems.In some areas, malaria has been a problem. Scientists have learned that the bark of a South American tree, the cinchona, can be made into a drug to prevent malaria. For a long time, the Chinese have known that a special plant, wormwood, can also fight malaria. Scientists have been working with it to develop new drugs against malaria.In Germany, some scientists studied garlic (大蒜) for four years. They found that it helps prevent the build-up of plaque (血小板) because too much plaque is bad for health. This very common plant continues to be studied.As we know, there are about 250,000 kinds of flowering plants in the world. Scientists have only studied little more than one percent of plants for their medicinal value. Maybe medicines for AIDS and cancer will be made from the other 99 percent.(1)What can foxglove be used for?A . Studying plantsB . Building up the plaque.C . Treating AIDS and cancer.D . Preventing heart problems.(2)What does the underlined word “malaria” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指的是)?A . A drug.B . A plant.C . An illness.D . An animal.(3)How many plants are mentioned in the passage?A . 3B . 4C . 5D . 6(4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A . Past and futureB . Plants and medicineC . Health and illnessD . Scientists and doctors24. (12分)Peking Opera(Beijing Opera), is one of the most ancient forms of drama in the world. The roles in it were Sheng, Dan, Jing, Mo, Chou, Wuhang, and Longtao during its early age. But with the development of Peking Opera, there are four main roles in it today: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.ShengMen RolesSheng are the men roles in Peking Opera, which can be divided into Laosheng, Wusheng, Xiaosheng and Wawasheng.Laosheng are middle-aged or older men who are decisive and honest. Hongsheng, a type(种类) of Laosheng, have a red face. There are only two roles knowns as Hongsheng. One is Guan Gong and the other is Zhao Kuangyin. Wusheng are young generals skilled in martial arts(武术). Xiaosheng are clean-shaven(没有胡须的) and handsome. Wawasheng are childrens parts.Danwomen RolesDan are women roles that can be divided into different types Laodan, Qingyi, Huadan, Wudan and Caidan.Laodan play old and clever women. Qingyi are the main women roles. Huashan, a type of Qingyi, was created by Mei Lanfang, who played an important role in shaping Peking Opera. Huadan are lively and unmarried women roles. Wudan characters are woman skilled in martial arts. Caidan are clowns(小丑) in funny plays and comedies.JingPainted Face Men RolesA Jing role is an important man character with striking(吸引人的) looks and high social position. There main types of Jing are Tongchui, good at singing and usually a general; Jiazi, good at acting with less singing; and Wujing, a martial arts and acrobatics(杂技) role.ChouComedyRolesChou are comedy roles in Peking Opera. There are Wenchou who speak, act and sing, and Wuchou who both speak and fight. What makes this type of painted face role special is a small patch(块) of white chalk around the nose. One of the famous roles is the Monkey King, who has a special position in the hearts of all who are interested in Chinese opera.(1)From the passage, we know Picture _ is a Chou role.A . B . C . (2)The passage is mainly about_.A . the roles in Peking OperaB . the development of playsC . different forms of dramas(3)_ are both good at martial arts.A . Wawasheng and wenchouB . Wusheng and WudanC . Wuchou and Caidan(4)_ belong to the same role type in Peking Opera.A . Wujing and HuadanB . Tongchui and JiaziC . Laosheng and Laodan(5)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A . Mei Lanfang created a type of QingyiHongsheng.B . Zhao Kuangyin and Guan Gong are two roles know as Xiaosheng.C . The Monkey King has a special position among Peking Opera fans.(6)From the passage, we know Picture _ is a Chou role.A . B . C . 25. (6分)阅读理解A few years ago, the company I worked for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. Ive always loved running, so I was happy when I found out the house we lived in was next to Central Park. This means I could go to the park to run every morningbefore I went to work.A lot of people had told me to be careful of robbers in the park, so usually I didnt take anymoney with me. But one morning, my wife gave me a $10 bill and asked meto buy some bread on the way.While I was running through the park, another runner knocked into me. Just as I was wondering what was happening, he said sorry to me and went onrunning. I thought it was kind of strange, and suddenly I thought of my money, so I checked my pocket and found that my money was missing. Without thinkingtwice, I ran after that runner. The minute I held him by the arm, I shouted, “Give my money back! Now!” Im not usually a hot-headed person,but I got really angry this time. He seemed to be afraid and he took out the money and gaveit to me. Then he ran away as quickly as he could.I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I began to tell my wife my story. “You wont believe what happened to me.” I started. She immediately stopped me, “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”(1)Why did the writer like the house in New York?A . Its near the city center.B . Its big and beautiful.C . Theres a big park near the house, which is perfect for running.D . His wife lived in the house together with him.(2)Which of the following is true according to the story?A . The writer seldom took money with him when he ran in the parkB . The man that knocked into the writer was a robber.C . The writer lost a $10 bill while running.D . The writer failed to buy the bread in the end.(3)How might the writer feel after hearing her wifes words at the end of the story?A . He felt proud of himself.B . He was sorry for what he had done to the man.C . He was happy that he bought what his wife asked him to buy.D . He was angry for what the man had done to him.四、 根据所给提示及句意完成单词的拼写。 (共2题;共11分)26. (10分)词汇运用 。根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)1.The poster says more than one_ will attend the presentation. (导演)2.She had been very successful before _ the film industry. (进入)3.Who do you think thought of that_ ending of the story? (令人惊讶的)4.We all know that he is always trying to do things_. (不同地)5.The teachers often tell us not to do anything _ the law. (反对)6.Audrey Hepburn is considered as one of Hollywoods all-time _ actresses. (great)7.My parents often remind me of the road_on my way to school every day. (safe)8.How do you like the film_ on the novel of Mo Yan? (base)9.Its said that young man went abroad for further education alone in his_ (20)10.We are not sure whether the victim was killed or he killed_.(he)27. (1分)Tom, what are you doing?Im preparing for tomorrows English e_.五、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)根据所给首字母或单词提示, 写出正确的单词完成短文。On Sunday morning, I usually get up late. It is about 8:20 a.m. A_I eat my breakfast, I often go to a shopping centre w_my mother. The shopping centre is near my home, s_ we walk there. The shopping centre has a good n_.It is called “新世纪购物中心” in Chinese. It doesnt have an English name. Can you help to put it into E_?It is new and big. There are many t_there, such as TVs, fridges, bikes, food and drinks. And the things there are usually good and c_.There are many p_there. They are men and women, old and young. Parents must look after their c_. The workers there are nice and f_. If you come to my home, I can take you there and have a look.六、 句型转换。 (共3题;共7分)29. (3分)There is some water in the jar. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ water in the jar?30. (2分)The students need some unusual books to read after school every day.(改为单数的句子)The students _ _unusual book to read after school every day.31. (2分)She has a many story books. (变为否定句)She _ _ many story books.七、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)请阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填上适当的単词(注意:每空1个单词)。When we are talking to someone, we tend to change someone elses mind to our way of thinking. And we may often find it difficult to do that. So here are five tips on how to change someones mind.The first one is never to turn the conversation into an argument. It should be a conversation where you show your opinions and the facts that youve collected. By showing them the facts, we want to tell other people that we are right. But emotionally, they may not totally agree with what you say. So when you are trying to change someones mind, try to keep it as a conversation and not an argument.The second tip is never to say that you are wrong. If someone makes a statement that you think is wrong, its better to point it out by saying, “I thought otherwise but I might be wrong, lets look at the facts.” The key is to say that you might be wrong, not that you are wrong. This opens up the other person to look at the data again and shows them that youre not bullheaded (顽固的) and that youre not going to change your opinion. Youre showing them that you are open to new ideas and this is super important in changing someone elses mind to your way of thinking.Tip number three is to get the other person saying yes as fast as possible. You may begin your conversation on hobbies that you guys have, something that theyre crazy about, something that gets them saying yes. Because the more that you get them to say yes now, the more likely they are to say yes in the future. A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have. It builds up trust between the two of you.Tip number four is to let the other person do a great amount of talking. If you let them talk more, youre going to show that you actually care about their opinions and ideas, which will earn their respect in the end. By listening to them, youre going to create a friendly relationship and build trust. So when you express your opinions, they will also show a willingness to listen. Never interrupt them when they are talking. Just listen patienly with an open mind, encourage them to talk even more and more so that when its your tum to talk, theyll listen and say nothing.The last tip is to let the other person feel like the idea was theirs. Its wiser to make suggestions and let someone else come to the conclusion, then they have a sense of pride that its their idea. Giving someone the data and letting them come to the conclusion let them feel like it is their idea and they are proud of it.Title: How to change someone elses mindIntroductionThough it is not _to change someone elses mind, here are tips you can follow.Five_of changing someone elses mindKeep it as a conversation and not an argument, or they may not totally be in _with you.Say that you might be wrong_of saying that you are wrong to show that you are open to new ideas.Try to get them saying yes as fast as possible, so they are more likely to say yes in the future.Create a friendly relationship and build trust so that when you express your opinions, they are willing to listen.Let someone else come to the conclusion and they will be_of it because they feel like it is their idea.八、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共1分)33. (1分)There is a place in my heart where all nations will live p_(和平地) some day. 九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)34. (5分) 6月12日是一个晴朗的星期天。假设你和你的朋友Mike参观了海洋公园。根据下面表格的内容写一篇60词左右的日记。可适当发挥。要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名What to doVisit the Ocean ParkIn the morning1).See a dolphin show2).Watch sharks.In the afternoon3).Take some photos.4).Buy some souvenirs.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 选择题。 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24-1、24-2、24-3、


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