
上传人:sh****n 文档编号:8377074 上传时间:2020-03-28 格式:PPT 页数:24 大小:1.16MB
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Period2训练案 课本P43 P44 Unit6I mgoingtostudyputerscience 一 单项填空 1 Wearegoingtotheparty nextweek A inB onC D for 2 areyougoingtodo I mgoingtoflyakite A WhereB WhatC HowD Why C 训练案 B 3 Nextmonthhe hispenpalinLondon isgoingtovisitB visitC visitsD visited 4 yougoingtoplaythepiano Yes Iam A DoB DoesC AreD Am A 训练案 C 5 Mygrandfather apostcardtomelastweek A giveB sentC passD borrowed B 训练案 6 ThereisanewmovieUsandThem 后来的我们 Let swatchit That agoodmovie soundsB soundslikeC looksD looklike B 训练案 7 Helikesreading booksandmanyfamous arehisgoodfriends A foreign foreignB foreign foreignersC foreigner foreignD foreigners foreign 8 Wearegoingtotake lessons A paintB paintsC paintingD paintings B 训练案 C 9 MyNewYear sresolutionistogotoQingdao A ThatsoundsgreatB SorrytohearthatC SureD I dloveto A 训练案 10 Youarecoughing 咳嗽 Youshouldtakesome medicineB meatC hamburgersD juice A 训练案 二 完成句子 词数不限 11 你打算什么时候买辆新车 When buyanewcar 12 他在这次考试中取得了好成绩 He inthistest 训练案 areyougoingto got getsgoodgrades 13 请把这封信寄到你爸爸的办公室 Please yourfather soffice 14 你打算到哪里上表演课 Whereareyougoingto 训练案 sendthisletterto takeactinglessons 15 我想组两支足球队 Iwantto 训练案 maketwosoccerteams 三 阅读理解 Areyoulookingforapart timejob Here ssomejobinformationforyou 训练案 训练案 训练案 训练案 16 Ifyouwanttobeashopassistant youcan A calltheshopB visittheshopC sendafaxtotheshopD sendane mailtotheshop B 训练案 17 WhatshouldyoubegoodatifyouwanttoworkinthePalaceMuseum Acting B Computerscience C History D Communicating C 训练案 18 Mariaretired 退休 lastyearandshecanworkatnight Whichisthebestpart timejobforher Anactor B Ashopassistant C AnEnglishguide D Aprogrammer B 训练案 19 WhichofthefollowingisTRUE A Amanaged30cantakethepart timejobasanactor B Workingasaprogrammerdoesn tneedanyexperience C TheguideswantedshouldbegoodatbothEnglishandhistory D NationalShopneedspart timeworkerstoworkallday C 训练案 20 Thispassageismostprobably A anadB ajobreportC ashoppinglistD amenu A 训练案 四 短文填空 Differentpeoplehavedifferentdreams Lauralikeshelpingpeople Sheisgoingtobeanursewhenshe21 up Thenshecanhelplotsofsickpeople Shethinks22 isnicetohelpothers grows 训练案 it Nickwantstobeareporterinthefuture23 helikestalking24 people Mikelikesworkingontheputer Heusually25 anhoursurfingtheInterneteveryday Hewantstobe26 puterprogrammer ButI mgoingtobeadoctorwhenIamolder because 训练案 with to spends a Ithinkdoctorscansavepeople s27 I mgoingtostudy28 togotouniversityandIwillfindajobinabighospital29 Ifinishcollege Ithinkmydreamwille30 oneday SoIwillworkhardforitfromnowon lives 训练案 hard harder after when true 谢谢观看


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