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高二英语模块6、7试题选择题 (1)1. Did you see _ jacket on the playground just now? Is it _ new one and very cool?A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the2. _ enough evidence, the police gave up charging the man with murder. A. Absent from B. Rich in C. Because of D. In the absence of3. He believed _ he would achieve the success that his parents were looking forward to. A. what B. when C. that D. which4. The lake which _trees is seriously polluted. A. surrounds B. is surrounding C. surrounded by D. is surrounded by5. The beautiful words and moving story made her_ in the competition. A. stand by B. stand over C. stand out D. stand up6. I hope to become a person that is difficult to be _ when I leave. A. changed B. replaced C. retired D. turned7. Im looking for Marys bag. Is that black one_? A. her B. hers C. your D. theirs8. _activities are dangerous and _ are not so dangerous.A. Some; some B. Any; any C. Any; some D. Some; any9. Do you think it is_ useful dictionary? A. the B. of C. an D. a10. Is that the man _ yesterday?A. youve met B. you met C. you had met D. you will meet11. I did not choose any of the three offerings, because I found _satisfactory.A. none of them B. none of it C. neither of them D. either of them12. I knew it was difficult_ to talk like this.A. of him B. to him C. for him D. from him13. When my car_, the makers put it right free of charge.A. broke down B. fell down C. broke up D. fell flat14. I was unable to _ him to do as I said.A. make B. let C. persuade D. watch15. Will you please lend me the novel when you _it?A. will finish B. will have finished C. have finished D. had finished16. Peter fell off his bike and had his leg_.A. breaking B. be broken C. broken D. to be broken17. The letter was very short, but_ he did write to me.A. at first B. at least C. no longer D. since then18. The government asked the people to be sure to avoid _ any water which had not been boiled. A. to drink B. having drunk C. drinking D. not to be drunk19. Words are windows _ we can look into the past.A. through that B. through which C. which D. whose20. _ putting it down here well put it up there.A. Instead B. Instead of C.I n spite D. In spite of21. He jumped into the water_ we could stop him.A. when B. before C. until D. as22. 1 tried to get out of business,_ I found impossible.A. who B. which C. that D. what23. _, I d have told you.A. If I would have known it B. Had I known itC. If I knew it D. Should I know it24. It is said that the early European playing-cards _ for entertainment and education. A. were being designed B. have designed C. have been designed D. were designed25. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) _ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. A. is said to be buying B. is said to have boughtC. had said to buy D. has said to have bought26. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying27. Is _necessary to change trains at Beijing?A. this B. that C. it D. he28. Tom kept quiet about the accident _lose his job.A. not in order to B. so as not to C. in order to not D. not so as to29. The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing30. I cant find my purse anywhere.You _ have lost it while shopping. A. may B. can C. should D. would31. Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.You _ it in the wrong place. A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put32. _ is still a question_ will win.A. It; that B. It; who C. That; who D. This; that33. After_ seemed like hours, he came out with a bitter smile.A. which B. it C. what D. that34. _ I want to know is _ it is worth doing.a) What; that B. What; whether C. That; why D. That; what35. _ the workers insisted on was that they _ more pay.A. That; must be given B. What; should giveC. Whether; would be given D. What; be given36. Good manners, _ are very important when you communicate with others, often _ you make good friends.A. what; helps B. which; helps C. which; help D. that; help37. Its reported that by the end of the month, the output of cement in the factory _ by about 10%.A. will have risen B. will be rising C. has risen D. has been rising38. When she graduates from the college this summer, she _ here for five years.A. will study B. will be studying C. will have studied D. studies39. Ill help you as soon as I _the washing up.A. have finished B. finished C. will finish D. finishes40. When you _achievable plans, youll make rapid progress in your study.A. makes B. make C. will make D. made41. The wings of the plane are _ of its body.A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the lengthC. more than twice the length D. more twice than the length42. If I _ so much time playing computer games, I might be a college student now.a) A. did not waste B. wouldnt waste C. havent wasted D. hadnt wasted43. It wasnt an accident. He did it _.A. by chance B. with care C. on purpose D. in advance44. I would appreciate it if you could keep me _ of how our business is going on.a) A. informed B. informing C. being informed D. to be informed45. Though _ terrible, the medicine is said to have a good effect on ones headache.A. tasted B. tasting C. being tasted D. it is tasted46. I didnt send out my application form last week, but I _.A. had B. would do C. might have to D. should have47. With the entrance examination drawing near, the boy is suffering from _ anxiety.A. acute B. urban C. thorough D. systematic48. Lets go shopping first and then go fishing tomorrow._. Ill pick you up at 9.A. Well, I dont know B. You go yourselfC. Thats a good point D. Im afraid I dont agree49. The chef was fired at once when he was caught _ in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to have smoked50. We can understand _ a decision until it is to late.A. him to postpone to make B. his postponing to makeC. him to postpone making D. his postponing making51. She _ cleaning when I passed by her house.A. didB. doesC. is doingD. was doing52. I _ of her since she left school three years ago.a) didnt hear B. havent heard C. was not hearing D. shall not hear53. By the end of last term we _ English for two years.a) have studied B. have been studied C. would study D. had studied54. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon.A. will leave B. would leave C. left D. had leftKeys:1-5 CDCDC 6-10 BADBA 11-15CACCC 16-20BCBBD 21-25BBBDB 26-30ACBBA 31-35DBCBD 36-40 CACAB 41-45BBCAB 46-50DACCD 51-54DBDB选择题 (2)A1. By the end of the century, we will have discovered _ places in our solar system suitable for living.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the otherA2I prefer a flat in Inverness to _ in Perth, because I want to live near my Moms. A one B that C it D thisB3. If you saw a father patting his son on _ back while smiling happily, what would you think was going on?A. a B. theC. hisD. XB4. The cake I made yesterday _ flour, butter, eggs and sugar.A. made up of B. made up for C. added to D. consisted ofD5. It is said that when his father dies, he will _ the family company A. take up B. take off C. take away D. take over B6. He was ill for a week, so he had a lot of homework to_.A. make out B. make upC. make forD. make ofB7. If we continue to kill animals like this, they will _ sooner or later.A. go away B. die out C. give in D. put outD8. They suspected that the secret had been _ by one of their friends. A. given off B. given in C. given out D. given awayC9. It is believed in some science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by insects. A. broken in B. run over C. taken over D. filled inA10. The island in the middle of the lake _ the beauty of the lake. A. adds up to B. adds to C. adds up D. addsD11When he was in America, he went on a journey _ to see Yellow Stone Park. A. in fact B. by chance C. in turn D. on purposeA12. As a good friend, she decided to help him, _ how difficult it was.A. regardless of B. because of C. in the hope of D. spite of C13. Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard, _ you failed.A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. by the wayA14. The boy _ his stamp collection from the burning house.A. rescued B. delivered C. devoted D. relievedD15. If you take this medicine twice a day, it should _ your cold.A. recover B. save C. restore D. cureC16. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A. adapted B. assisted C. adjusted D. resistedA17. She _ her mother happily of her winning the first prize in the computer competition.A. informedB. cured C. warned D. adjusted C18. When he was in primary school, he _ often make funny faces to make the others laugh.A. used to B. should C. would D. couldB19. _ excited me most was that I was received into Beijing University.A. That B. What C. It D. WhichC20. He _ smoke a lot, but now he has already given it up.A. would B. should C. used to D. ought to根据中文意思,完成句子1. 我感谢我的父母出钱让我接受教育。I _ _ _ my parents for paying for my education. 2. 仪式结束后,一群记者围住了那位明星。After the ceremony, the famous sports star _ _ _a crowd of journalists.3无论工作有多么多,他决定把它做完。He decided to do it all, _ _ how much it was.4如果不下雨, 他们下周就去郊游。_ _ it doesnt rain, they will go outing next week.5. 为准备滑冰锦标赛,他每天都在练习。He is practicing every day, _ _ _ the ice-skating championship.6.想及时完成任务,你得事先做准备。To finish the task in time, you should get ready _.7. 什么也弥补不了他们在战争中遭受的苦难。Nothing can _ what they have suffered during the war.8. 在过去几十年间,他的预言已经得到证实。In _, his prediction has proved to be true.9. 当今世界,会讲至少两种语言会使你脱颖而出并大获成功 In todays world, being able to speak more than one language will make you _ and get ahead.10. 在我不在时请帮忙照顾我的房子。Please look after my house during _.11. 他们刚发现的东西对我们理解宇宙可能是至关重要的。What they have just discovered may_ our understanding of the universe.12. 我极力建议长途驾车钱你要查验一下刹车。I strongly recommend that you_ before you go on a long drive.13科学家今晚九点回观测那颗卫星,以免它进入另一个轨道The scientists _ at 9 tonight. In case it falls into another orbit.14有人认为吸烟可以使他们振作精神,但实际上会损害健康。Some people think smoking can _ but actually it just damage their health.15. 他对她说的话很刻薄。_ is very mean.Key:1. am thankful to 2. was surrounded by 3. regardless of 4. Provided that 5. in preparation for 6. in advance 7. make up for 8. the last few decades 9. stand out 10. my absence 16. hold the key to 17. get your brakes checked 18. will be observing the satellite 19. can make them refreshed 20. What he said to her用所给短语的适当形式填空on purpose, in a state of, regardless of, be aware of,on the other hand, congratulate . on, differ from, consist of1. Im writing to _ you most sincerely _ your appointment.2. He described the capital of the African country as being the size of a town but _ entirely _ tents.3. Harris added that many of his views _ those of his partners.4. She _ no longer _ the people around her, only of herself and the storm.5. I assure you that I came out from town _ to meet you.6. He is a bad cook, but _, he certainly can bake a good cake.7. We were _ shock when they told us how much it would cost.8. The law requires equal treatment for all, _ race, religion, or sex.Key:1. congratulate; on 2. consisting; of 3. differed from 4. was; aware of 5. on purpose 6. on the other hand 7. in a state of 8. regardless of写作(articles in English newspapers)P.981、写信向友人介绍作家鲁迅。 魏明的美国朋友杰克开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。魏明回信介绍鲁迅: 1鲁迅是著名的中国作家。他不仅是作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。 2他的小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如阿Q正传、祝福这两部影片 深刻地揭露了旧社会。毛主席对他有高度评价。他的一些作品还被选入了中学和大 学课本。 3认为读鲁迅作品对他很有益处。参考词汇: 创始人:Founder 中国文学:Chinese Literature 阿Q正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福:The New Years SacrificeDear Jack, I was very glad to receive your letter on the tenth of February. You ask me something about Lu Xun and his works since you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about him. Lu Xun was a well-Known Chinese writer; he was not only a writer, a thinker, and translator, but also a founder of modern Chinese literature. His novels have been put into many languages and some of novels have been made into films, such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Years Sacrifice which expose sharply the old society. Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks. Since you are learning Chinese literature, I bet reading Lu Xuns novels will benefit you a lot.Yours sincerely,Wei Ming2、请根据以下提示,用英语给“中国日报”写一篇100个词左右的简讯,要求内容连贯,语句准确,并包含如下要点: (1) 姓名:刘进,年龄39岁,上海一家工厂的工程师。 (2) 1978年毕业于南京大学,后来留学日本东京大学,攻读化学工程。 (3) 1982年科研成果显著,获博士学位。 (4) 日本一家公司想用高薪聘用他,但他拒绝了。 (5) 为了报效祖国,他于1983年毅然回国。 Mr. Liu Jin, aged 39, is working in a factory in Shanghai as a chemical engineer. After he graduated from Nanjing University in 1978, he was sent to Tokyo University to study the chemical engineering. Through his hard work for 4 years, he achieved remarkable result in scientific research and received a doctors degree in 1982. A Japanese company manager tried hard to invite him to work and promised to give him a good salary but he didnt accept it. In 1983 he returned to China without any hesitation. He has made up his mind to devote all his life to our country.

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