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选词二选一(英语1)第一单元1.That little boy plays the violin well.那个小男孩拉小提琴拉的很好。2.He is one of the best violinists in the world.他是世界上最好的小提琴家之一3.He was recognized as an excellent painter.他被公认为是一位优秀的画家4.At last, her fathers work has received popular recognition最后她父亲的工作得到了普遍认可。5.Theyre planning to talk to Joe prior to the meeting.他们打算优先跟乔会见。6.Lets decide what our priorities are. 我们决定我们的优先次序。7.Its been very cold, but today is an exception.这是很冷,但今天是个例外。8.I know nothing about him except that he lives in London.我对他一无所知,只知道他住在伦敦。第二单元1.A lot of people are scared of flying.很多人都害怕飞行2.Dont let the noise scare you. Its only the wind.不要让噪音吓到你,这只是风。3.He has a passion for golf.他非常热爱高尔夫球。4.Joe is passionate about baseball.乔是热爱棒球。5.We barely had time to catch the train.我们几乎没有时间去赶火车。6.The boy likes to walk on the sand with bare feet.这个男孩喜欢赤脚走在沙滩上。7.His wealth proved a curse to him.他的财富是他的祸根。8.All his life, hes been cursed with bad luck。他所有的生活,都被诅咒坏运气。第四单元1.I am a graduate of Peking University. 我毕业于北京大学。2.After graduation, Nancy worked as a nurse.毕业后,南希做了一名护士。 3.He is badly injured in the accident. 他在事故中严重受伤。4.All the passengers in the car escaped injury.所有的乘客从车里逃出来均未受伤。5.desperate Housewives is a very interesting American TV series.绝望的主妇是一个非常有趣的美国电视连续剧。 6.The boy was in desperation when he couldnt find his money. 这个男孩他找不到他钱的时候非常绝望。 7.He fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a lawyer.他完成他的童年梦想成为了一名律师。8.Susan found working abroad a very fulfilling experience.苏珊发现在国外的工作是非常充实的经历。第五单元1.My parents are both retired teachers.我的父母都是退休教师。2.Ben wants to retire next year.本,想在明年退休。3.After a short Romance the couple announced their engagement (订婚).经过短暂的浪漫他们宣布订婚的消息(订婚)。4.I saw a lovely romantic comedy yesterday.昨天我看了一个可爱的浪漫喜剧。5.The doctor was very thorough and asked me lots of questions.医生非常全面的问了我很多问题。6.Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.迟水果前要彻底的清洗。7. I looked around hopelessly, finding no one at the我绝望地环顾四周,发现没有人在8.Its a hopeless dream for us to win the football game我们赢得这场足球比赛是一个无望的梦想。第六单元1.Does the UFO really exist?飞碟真的存在吗? 2.We need new computers to replace the existing ones.我们需要新的电脑来取代现有的。3.Bob is eager to visit me.鲍勃急于来看我。4.She shows great eagerness for success.她表现出强烈的对成功的渴望。5.He gave no explanation for his fault.他没有解释他的错。6.Please explain the rule to me.请给我解释规则。7.These two events were related to each other.这两个事件是彼此相关的。8.Their relation seemed quite close.他们的关系似乎很近。翻译4. 英中1.My picture showed a stick figure with brown hair holding a bottle of orange juice over something like a counter.我画的是一个留着棕色头发的人物线条,她站在柜台后,手里拿着一瓶橙汁。 2.Yet we are not expected to respond with an answer that is likely to come true.然而没人期待我们能给出一个可能实现的答案。3.They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside, and give them good food and medical care.他们带狗去散步,让它们在户外玩耍,给它们上乘的食物和医疗。4.Sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad.有时候看上去吝啬或者威胁性强的人其实并没有那么坏。5. Walking through Beijings 798 Art District, you can almost feel an energy in 6.contemporary art and culture.漫步在北京798艺术区,你几乎可以感受到当代艺术和文化的活力。7.But the days of Chinese architects sitting in the background with the task of working out the construction details of someone elses vision are quickly coming to an end. 过去中国建筑设计师坐在幕后兢兢业业为别人的梦想而打点细枝末节的日子就要一去不复返了。8.Watch closely for the French attention to detail that has made France reputed for good taste.要注意观察法国人是如何注重细节的,正是这种对细节的关注让法国赢得了品味不凡的美誉。9.As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront.随着夜幕降临,薄雾笼罩河岸,巴黎也因此更加迷人。10.Whether it is pressure to conform to a group norm or pressure to act a certain way, peer pressure is something everybody has to deal with at some time in their life.不管是顺从群体规范的压力,还是遵循某种行为方式的压力,同龄人压力是每个人在生活的某些时刻必须处理的事情。11.People who are not confident and those who tend to follow rather than lead can be more prone to seek their peers approval by giving in to a risky challenge or suggestion.那些缺乏自信的人往往顺从而不是引导别人的人更容易通过屈服于有风险的挑战或建议来寻求同龄人的赞同。12.By getting a little better every day, the process is more comfortable than if you try to make a drastic improvement in one practice.每天进步一点点会比在一次训练中取得显著进步更可行。13.If a coach makes the connections, its easy for players to see that preparing for a tough, cross-town rival in basketball is similar to preparing for a tough math test. Both take a plan, extra effort, and commitment.如果教练可以吧这些结合起来,那么球员就会很容易发现迎战一场与同城对手激烈的篮球比赛就如同准备一场艰难的数学考试:两者都需要计划,需要额外的努力和奉献。6.中英1. 他实现了自己成为一名歌手的愿望。(come true) His wish to become a singer has come true。2. 这趟火车可能要晚点了。(likely)This train is likely to be late.3. 我的建议是演讲的时候要充满信心。(confidence)My advice is to make a speech with confidence. 4. 她因为没有立刻回答而向我表示歉意。(apologize) She apologized to me for not answering immediately.5. 如果那个男孩不逗那条狗,就不会被咬了。(leave sth. alone)If the boy had left the dog along_, he wouldnt have been bitten.6. 他一直在这个小镇上过着宁静的生活。(lead a(an) life)He has been leading a peaceful life in this small town.7. 我们有必要权衡工作和家庭生活两者的需求。(balance)There is a need for us to balance the demands of the work with those of family life。、8. 有了因特网,全世界的信息都可以为你所用。(tap into) With the Internet you can tap into all the information of the world。9. 我想借这个机会,对你们的帮助表示感谢。(draw upon) Id like to draw upon this opportunity to express my thanks for your help。10. 虽然没有夺冠,但是这位运动员还是赢得了我们的尊敬和钦佩。(admiration) although the player did not win the championship,he still won our respect and admiration.11. 巴黎的迷人之处,在一定程度上在于它具有浓郁的文化气息。(lie in) the charm of Paris ,to some extent,lies in its rich cultural atmosphere.12. 勤奋与执着对成功来说是必不可少的,它们是通往成功的必由之路。(indispensable, lead to) diligence and perseverance are indispensable to success and they lead to success. 13. 我们应该学会抵制来自同龄人的压力,虽然这需要勇气。(stand up to, take)Although it takes courage,we should learn to stand up to peer pressure 。 14. 该项目能否成功,在一定程度上取决于我们能否预见潜在的困难。(depend on, to some extent, foresee) The success of the project,to some extent,depends on our ability to foresee potential difficulties.15. 这些消费者组织的目的是维护消费者的合法权益。(stand up for)The purpose of these customer organizations to stand up for customers”legal rights.16. 篮球是深受高中生和大学生喜爱的一项运动。它不仅可以帮助学生强身健体,还有助于他们学习团队精神,增强自信。这些会对他们的人生产生积极的影响。 (not only but also, stay fit, have a positive influence on) Basketball is a popular sport among high school and college students. It can not only help students stay fit, but also help them learn team spirit and build confidence. These skills will have a positive influence on their lives.选词填空(所给词的正确形式填空)(英语3,英语4)英语3:第七单元1. The audience was captivated by her wonderful performance.观众被她精彩的表演吸引住了。2. The coffee shop is only a 10-minute stroll away.离咖啡店只是10分钟的路。3. The tourists are browsing the souvenir stalls.游客在纪念品摊位随便看看。4. He is reputed to be the most talented painter in Paris.在巴黎他被认为是最优秀的画家。5. Cars havebecome a(n)indispensable part of many peoples lives.汽车已经成为许多人的生活中不可或缺的一部分。1.I think your problem lie in lacking efficient methods.我认为你的问题在于缺少有效的方法 2.Jennys proposal is worthy of consideration.珍妮的提议值得考虑。3.They strike up a friendship on their tour of Egypt.他们在埃及之旅中建立起了友谊的。4.Wealways like eating out on a Saturday night我们总是喜欢在周六晚上吃饭5.He can see a warship looming up through the heavy fog.他透过大雾隐约看到一艘军舰逼近。第八单元:1.Signing for a top club would enable him to fulfill his true potential.签约一家顶级俱乐部能让他履行他的真正潜力。2.He decided to adopt a more radical approach to the problem.他决定采取更激进的解决问题的方法。3. Banks dont want to finance us because this is a(n) risky business.银行不想给我们提供经费,因为这是一个高风险业务。4.The thought of losing the game was enough to spur him into action.一想到输了足球比赛足以促使他采取行动5. I like to think Im relatively easy to get along with.我想我比较容易相处。1. A lot of our new students have a hard time fitting into the group.我们的很多新学生很难融入集体。2. Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.无论多数决定我准备去了。3.He became a kind of hero for standing up to local gangs.他成为一位英雄抵抗当地的帮派。4.If you are a member of our dance club, you must conform to our rules.如果你是一个舞蹈俱乐部的成员,你必须遵守我们的规则。5.Our teacher says these languages belong to the Latin family.我们的老师说这些语言属于拉丁家庭。英语4:第一单元1. He was trying to dribble the ball past his opponents.他试图运球穿过他的对手。2. He succeeded in rebounding the ball in the backcourt (后场 ).他成功地在后场抢到了球。3. He faked a pass and then ran with the ball.他假装把传球然后带球跑。4. He competed pretty hard on defense throughout the play-offs, but not tonight.整个季后赛他都很顽强的参与了防守,但不是今晚。5.As an experienced player, you should pass on your knowledge to your teammates.作为一个有经验的球员,你应该将你的球传给有学识的队友1.My efforts finally paid off when they called me in for an interview.我的努力终于得最后奏效时他们让我接受访问。2.You should never take chances when driving.开车时千万不要冒险。3. If you spend a little more time on your work now, youll come out ahead in the end.如果你花更多的时间努力的工作,你终会出人头地。4.Where you live can make a difference to the way you feel.你住的地方可以影响你感觉。5. We can stay in London for only one day, so lets make the most of it and see as many things as possible.我们只能在伦敦停留一天,所以让我们充分利用它,看看尽可能做许多事情。第三单元:1.We collected a(n) bundle of old clothes to give to poor people.我们收集了一捆旧衣服给穷人。2.A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress.一个样式顾问将演示如何着装风格使人留下深刻印象。3. Some people have a greater capacity for learning than others.有些人的学习能力比其他人更大。4.The cold wind made the boy huddle inside his coat.寒风使男孩蜷缩在他的外套里5.He patted her affectionately on the head.他深情地拍了拍她的头。1. Do you believe in falling in love at first sight?你相信一见钟情吗?2.He volunteered to serve as the head of our reading club.他自愿担任我们的读书俱乐部的负责人3.His job allows him to take several days off in a row. 他的工作让他连续休息几天。4.I find it hard to keep my concentration on the work with all that noise.,听着噪音我发现很难保持集中工作。5.Im very excited about the possibility of taking part in the national chess competition on behalf of my school.我很兴奋代表我的学校参加全国国际象棋比赛。第六单元:1 This incident was the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations. 这个事件是最新的一系列两国之间的纠纷2 She was knowledgeable, well-spoken, and had a good sense of humor. 她知识渊博,谈吐文雅,很有幽默感。3 We were amused at his funny movements when he did morning exercise. 当他做早操时他滑稽的动作使我们感到好笑,4 Scientists may work out a new interpretation of the phenomenon. 科学家可能制定一个新解释的现象。5 Problems arise when the bodys immune system (免疫系统) is not functioning adequately. 出现问题时,人体的免疫系统不充分运作。1.In other words, intelligence is not linked with any specific genes. 换句话说,智力并不与任何特定的基因有关。2 Coins may be different in size, weight, and shape, and they may be made of different metals. 硬币可能不同尺寸、重量、形状,他们可能是由不同的金属制成。3 His voice was soft, yet laden with indifference.他的声音很柔和,但拉登与冷漠。4 They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis.他们希望所有组在平等的基础上对待。5 The doctor says my headache arises from vision problems.医生说我头痛源自视力问题。第八单元:1. In the coming years a variety of new experiments would reveal whether such concerns are justified.在未来的几年里各种各样的新的实验将显示是否这样的担忧是有道理的。2. When traveling with family or friends, make sure that the accommodation you select allows you to spend quality time together.与家人或朋友一起旅行时,确保选择的住宿能让你花更多的时间在一起玩。3. The hotel has special facilities for disabled people. 酒店拥有特殊的残疾人设施。4. The couple behind us kept distracting everyone by talking during the movie.我们身后的一对情侣在看电影过程中一直谈论分散我们的注意力。5. Each member of staff received a letter outlining their responsibilities and duties.每个成员的员工收到一封描述他们的责任和义务。1. The island is experiencing a surge in tourism.台湾旅游业正在经历一个激增。2. Some working moms worry about the conflicting demands between home and job.一些职场妈妈担心家庭和工作之间的相互冲突的要求。3. There is not enough money to equip the lab with the latest computer system.没有足够的钱来为实验室配备最新的计算机系统。4. In English the letter “Q” is always followed by a “U”.英文字母“Q”总是紧随其后的是一个“U”。

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