外研版九年级英语上学期期末试题(II )卷.doc

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外研版九年级英语上学期期末试题(II )卷一、 选择填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ U and _ F are in the word UFO. A . An; aB . An; anC . A; anD . A; a2. (2分)My mother is a traveller with , and she has some interesting . A . experience; experiencesB . experience; experienceC . experiences; experienceD . experiences; experiences3. (2分)Would you like _, Bill?No, thanks. Im full.A . something elseB . other anythingC . anything elseD . else anything.4. (2分)Dong Qing is well-known as a nice and beautiful hostess.A . unusualB . famousC . talentedD . creative5. (2分)The dishes are fantastic! Nothing tastes_ . You are such a good . A . nice; cookerB . better; cookC . terrible; cook6. (2分)Mr. White moved _ a small village last week. A . toB . overC . onD . /7. (2分)If you dont know the word, you can in the e-dictionary. A . take it upB . put it upC . look it upD . give it up8. (2分)Hi, Alice. Could you come to my party next Friday?Sorry, I _. I will go travelling with my parents.A . cantB . couldntC . dontD . didnt9. (2分)Chinese Spelling Hero is the most popular TV show focuses on Chinese character writing among teenagers.A . thatB . whoC . whichD . what10. (2分)The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A . inventsB . inventedC . was invented11. (2分)(2015.沈阳) Look! The old man _ a big box into the house. Lets go and help him.A . pullsB . pulledC . is pullingD . has pulled12. (2分)I cant see any flowers there, _ I can see a hill. A . butB . andC . orD . that13. (2分)Tom, you the exam! Congratulations!A . passB . have passedC . will passD . are passing14. (2分)The woman wants her daughter _ English every morning.A . readB . readsC . readingD . to read15. (2分) Can you tell me the nearest hospital? Yes. Go straight to the second crossing.A . how can I get toB . how did I get to C . how I can get toD . how I got to二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Humans are mammals(哺乳动物)Most mammals are born able to do many things.Some can walk within a few minutes of being born. They have to be able to run away if 1is near. But human babies are born2. They need the care of adults to live.In the first month of life, babies cannot smile or sit up. They cannot even hold up their own heads3some help from grown-ups.In the next few months, babies grow a lot. They learn to roll over, support their heads, and 4sit up while being held.Babies also have to learn to use their5. It takes months for them to learn to reach for objects. At around six months old many babies can6an object from one hand to another.Babbling is7a human baby learns to speak. Babies all seem to make similar sounds by babbling. They try to imitate (模仿) the sounds they hear from adults. It will take about nine months8a baby can say real words.Somewhere around a babys first birthday he or she may stand or walk with help. Soon the baby will9around on his or her own!The first year of a babys life is a time of growing and10. Growing sure takes a lot of work!(1)A . food B . danger C . waste D . peace (2)A . careless B . harmless C . hopeless D . helpless (3)A . of B . for C . without D . by (4)A . even B . never C . ever D . still (5)A . legs B . heads C . eyes D . hands (6)A . keep B . move C . hold D . make (7)A . why B . how C . which D . where (8)A . before B . since C . after D . while (9)A . look B . show C . run D . sit (10)A . speaking B . smiling C . crying D . learning 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)17. (10分)阅读理解About five hundred years ago, an earthquake (地震) happened in a small village. Luckily for them, nothing was destroyed (毁坏) and no one was hurt. But a huge stone fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road.When the earthquake stopped, many people came to the road and saw the stone. Some of the strongest men tried to lift the stone out of the road. But they couldnt move it. They tried to push it but failed. They tried to pull it with ropes but nothing worked.Well, they said sadly, theres nothing we can do about it. Well have to change the way.At this time a boy about 12 years old said, I think I can help you to move the stone away.You? they shouted. What are you talking about? The men all laughed at the boy.?The next morning, some people came into the road. One of them shouted, The stone is gone. More people ran out to see what had happened. It was true. The stone wasnt on the road any longer. It wasnt even near the road.The boy walked over to where the stone had been and said, I buried it.The people looked rather surprised. You see, he said, I dug a deep hole next to the stone and I dug a small incline (斜坡) up to the stone and the stone rolled (滚) down into the hole itself. Then I covered it with earth.The villagers shouted, Clever boy! Clever boy! And some of them said, Why didnt we think out this good idea?(1)Around 500 years ago, this story happened in a small _.? A . townB . villageC . cityD . country(2)After the earthquake, _. A . many people in the village diedB . nothing happenedC . the whole village was covered with big stonesD . a huge stone fell down the mountain and stood in the middle of the road(3)The stone was moved out of the road by _. A . an old manB . a young manC . a boyD . a girl(4)In the end, the huge stone was _. A . in the earthB . in the houseC . in the riverD . on the road side(5)From the passage, we can see that _. A . the boy was stronger than the villagersB . the villagers were very foolishC . the boy was very bright and good at thinkingD . the villagers were all proud of the boy before the earthquake happened18. (6分)阅读理解When US student Olivia Priedeman, 17, woke up one morning, she thought she had had a dream about making plans with a friend.But it wasnt a dream. Her phone showed that during the night, Priedeman had read a text message from her friend. She did it while she was fast asleep.Reading and sending text messages while asleep called sleep texting is an unusual sleep behaviour, similar to sleep walking. Its also a growing problem among doctors: young people cant live without their cell phones.One in three teenagers sends more than 100 text messages a day, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. And at least four out of five teenagers said they sleep with their phone on or near their bed.Elizabeth Dowdell, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, has studied sleep texting. She said that having a phone nearby all night is a big part of the problem.Andrew Stiehm, a sleep medicine researcher with Allina Health in Minnesota, agrees. Its possible for the part of the brain that controls skills to wake up, while the part of the brain that controls memory and judgment(判断) may be still asleep. Thats why some people can perform basic movements-such as walking, talking, texting or even driving while theyre sleeping. Some of Dowdells students said that theyre disturbed by their nighttime texting behaviour. But because sleep texting is unconscious, its a difficult habit to break. Dowdell said she knows of some students who wear socks on their hands to keep themselves from texting.Marjorie Hogan, a doctor at Hennepin County Medical Centre in Minneapolis, Minnesota, suggests keeping all electronic products outside the bedroom.(1)What happened to Olivia Priedeman?A . She sleepwalked to a friends house.B . She dreamed of making plans with a friend.C . She phoned one of her friends during the night.D . She read a text message from her friend while asleep.(2)What does the underlined word unconscious mean?A . 无意义的B . 无意识的C . 无反应的D . 无规律的(3)What can we learn from the passage?A . Its easy to give up a sleep texting habit.B . One in three teenagers has a sleep texting habit.C . Sleep texting can reduce the quality of ones sleep.D . Sleep texting does more harm to ones health than sleep walking.19. (10分)Huaihua Foreign Language SchoolLin Nan, Teacher of EnglishYingfeng Street, Huaihua, ChinaTel:0745-2709348 Fax:0745-2709756E-mail: Linan21cn.comBp:1240822018Zip code:418000Daqing Childrens HospitalLiu Hong, Doctor12 Xingling Road, Changchun, Jilin 130027Tel:0431-564597213704358529(mobile)Fax:0431-5768904 E-mail:cclh163.comRed Star FarmZhang Hui, FarmerShangping Village, Zhejiang, 419100Tel: 0745-682619413973098479(mobile)Bp:1270803706Tiantai Taxi CompanyYang Jun, Driver235St. Tongzhi, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 31007Tel:0571-7038385 Fax:0571-7065834E-mail:hzyi163.com Bp:1992301636(1)We can learn English from _.A . Yang JunB . Zhang HuiC . Liu HongD . Li Nan(2)You may telephone _ for help if your grandmother is ill.A . Yang JunB . Zhang HuiC . Liu HongD . Li Nan(3)We can call _ when we want to take a taxi to Hangzhou Railway Station.A . 13973098479B . 0745-2709348C . 1992301636D . 13704358529(4)Of the four, we cant send fax to the _.A . driverB . teacherC . doctorD . farmer(5)If you have some questions about your health, please send an E-mail to _.A . Linan21cn.comB . cclh163.comC . hzyi163.comD . hhmx163.com20. (5分)阅读下面语言材料。根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。DPeople all need friends because nobody wants to be lonely and a friend can help you in your good and bad times. Youve made friends since childhood, but you still dont know who your true friends are. _Always honestHonesty is important to keep a relationship alive. _It may be hard sometimes but lying can destroy a friendship. It is important that your friend speaks honestly and never makes up stories._There are always periods in your life when you have problems or difficulties. A true friend will always have time to listen to your problems and give advice. It may not be able to solve your problems but the fact that your friend makes time to listen is a sign that he cares about you. Your friend is not a true friend if he can never make time for you when you are in trouble. You also need to accept that your friend also has other things to do so he cant always listen to your problem at once.Always respectful(尊重人的)A true friend will always respect your opinion no matter whether he or she agrees or not. _Always understanding_A true friend will always be understanding and forgiving(谅解的). Even if it isnt his or her fault. We are all different people and we all make mistakes. A true friend is always understanding and forgiving because he or she doesnt want to take the risk of losing his or her best friend.A. A true friend always tells you the truth.B. Here are some signs to tell you if your friend is a true friend.C. It is possible that some problems will appear between two friends.D. Your true friend may disagree but never insist(坚持) that he is correct.E. Always there for you.四、 词语运用。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)选词填空根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子。部分单词在填入前需进行词形转换,每个单词只能用一次,每空只能填一词。 million build of take bigCambridge is a beautiful English city. It has a population_about 120,000. Its famous for university. It has lots of old_and churches to visit. People enjoy_a boat trip along the river. London is_and busier than Cambridge. Its population is about seven and a half_. People can visit some famous places there.五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)(2017重庆)阅读下列对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. Youd better take a bus.B. Why do you go there?C. You know, I want to lose my weight.D. But I dont know the way there.E. Its a wonderful one.F. Where do you usually do sports?G. Its between a bank and a theater.A: Hello, Tony. What are you busy doing these days?B: Im busy exercising. _A: What for? Youre in good health.B: Thank you. But I want to be much fitter.A: _B: At Sunshine Sports Center. Im a VIP of it.A: Wow, cool! Id like to exercise there, too. _B: Dont worry. I can help you.A: Is it far from here?B: Yes. Its about three kilometers from here._A: Which bus should I take?B: You need to take Bus No. 3 to Binjiang Road, and walk along that road to the end. Then you can see Sunshine Sports Center on your left. _Its easy to find it.A: Thank you very much.B: My pleasure.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假设你叫Tom ,你的朋友Mike写信告诉你他英语不好,请你给他回信介绍你学英语的方法。要求:字迹工整,语句通顺,没有语法错误,词数70-80.Dear Mike,Tom第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 选择填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、四、 词语运用。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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