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完形填空和阅读理解专题一、完形填空题型概况1、 一般10个小题,每题1.5-2分。2、 以故事类、叙述类为主。3、 难度较大。4、要求填入的词主要有: 语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词、连接代词、连接副词、关系代词、关系副词等。 具有语法变化的普通词,如动词的时态、语态、语气,名词的数,代词的格,形容词和副词的级等。 固定搭配短语或词组中的特定词。 同义词、近义词等易混淆词。 根据上、下文意思及结构必须填入的确定词。 尽管有空格、生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。不要在未掌握大意的基础上,边阅读,边做题,这样速度慢、准确率低! 解题步骤:一、通读全文,了解大意。:通读一遍,了解大概内容。千万不要读一句填一句。:细读首句,判断文章体裁,预测全文大意和主旨。:找出关键词、中心词,划出某些代表人物和情节的词,形成思路。对空格作试探性地猜测。二、瞻前顾后,逐步填空从头开始边细读边分析。答案分三类:一是语法,意思X;二是意思,语法X;三是语法,意思。考虑:上下文的意思;句子的结构,习惯用法,固定搭配瞻前顾后先读所填词的句子,回顾上一句,兼顾下一句。一句两个空白双管齐下,同时试填,通读全句,确定答案。做题策略先易后难,放一下,接着做,回头看。三、认真复查,适当调整全部做完后,从头到尾读一遍,三查:是否连贯,情节是否合理,语法是否正确。所考单词以学过的为主,所以首先要复习所学单词,然后复习本学期的语法、句式等。每个选项都要看,对比一下,避免粗心丢分!答题方法:1)择优法:边读边填,能立刻判定最佳答案的,直接选。2)排除法:如答案一时难以确定,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析对选项逐项分析试填。2、 阅读理解阅读理解始终是外语学习和考试重点。测试要点: 1理解主旨大意; 2寻读具体信息; 3理解细节; 4根据上下文语境,推测生词词义; 5简单的判断和理解; 6理解文段的基本逻辑结构; 7理解作者的意图和态度; 8理解文段的文化信息; 9理解图表信息; 10理解指代关系。 技能: 1略读; 2找读; 3预测下文; 4理解大意; 5分清文章中的事实和观点; 6猜测词义; 7推理判断; 8. 了解重点细节; 9. 理解文章结构; 10. 理解图表信息; 11. 理解指代关系; 12. 理解逻辑关系; 13. 理解作者意图; 14. 评价阅读内容。 文章分类: 说明文、论说文、叙述文以及广告。 说明文、论说文的文长基本控制在300词左右。文章的主旨大意多出现在第一段,甚至第一段的前几句,最后一段多与第一段呼应;中间的部分,多是论据或说明文的展开部。 1. What is the best title for/of the passage? 2. What does the author mainly tell us about in the text? 3. What is mainly discussed in the article/passage/text? 做答这类问题时,将阅读重点放在首尾部分,中间部分则可采用略读或扫读的方式,一则省时间,二则目标明确,正答率自然也相应提高了。 (一)细节题的解题思路重视人名、日期、事实、数据和地点等。其答案必定在文章论述范围之内。应该找出提供依据的单词和句子,而不能脱离原文去获取信息,也不能仓促地作出没有原文根据的假设。细读这类题型主要有三种形式:问句式,不完整的陈述句和排除法。1问句式A其发问形式主要有以下几种:How did something happen?Which of the following people should(not) do it?Which of the following did somebody have to deal with. ?Where should somebody do something?B解题技巧“对号入座”,带着问题找句子,先看文章后面的问题,确定每道题目的发问中心。把每个问题的发问中心反馈到原文中去。在有关信息下面画线,标出题号,便于检查,节约时间。与每一选项进行对照,与原文信息相符的那项,即是正确的答案。Cattle have served humanity since prehistoric(史前) days as beasts of burden and as supplier of leather, meat, and milk. Some of the earliest written records concern the sale of cattle. These valuable animals are unusual in that they do not have front teeth in their upper jaw. Instead they chew with their back teeth and gums (齿龈). Cows swallow their food quickly and store it in the fat stomach or rumen, the first of the four compartments stomachs in their.Questions: According to the passage, what is the rumen?A. The first stomach compartment.B. The name of the upper jaw.C. The stomach where digestion (消化) takes place.D. The name of the bacteria(细菌) in the cows stomach.2不完整的陈述句式A常见形式有:Something can be best classified as .A certain kind of person is someone who .People are looking for better ways to .According to the author,“it”was caused by .B解题技巧:答案与原文在字面上的差异很大,有时还要找出与前句的内容在逻辑上的联系,因此答这类题时准确理解是关键,一定要冷静,仔细分析。在做不完整的陈述式题目时候,仍可参考上面列举的解题步骤。第一步,阅读题目,找出问题的发问中心。第二步,带着这些问题来阅读文章。第三步,根据前两步的分析和判断,选择出最符合题意的答案。3排除式A常见形式有:Which of the following are NOT mentioned in the passage?Which of the following is TRUE?Which of the following is NOT listed in . ?Which of the following is NOT included in the passage?B解题技巧:做这类题时,首先要仔细阅读题后的选项,牢记各个选项所阐述的不同内容,然后阅读原文。凡是原文中的信息与选择项内容相同的,我们可以在这些信息下面划线,以作为排除的内容。如果基本选项的内容在原文找不到相应的信息,那么该选项即为该题的答案。这类题与前两种题型不同,后者答案应包括在原文内容中,即与所述的事实具有直接或间接的联系,而前者的答案是被排除在原文内容之外的,因此在答题时要将与原文内容有关的三个选项排除,剩下的一个才是答案。Life on LandLife on land probably began about 430 million years ago, though it has existed in the water for perhaps as long as 3000 million years. When we think of the first life on land, we probably think of strange animals coming out of the oceans, but, in fact ,no animals could have been living if plants had not been on land first. Plants had to be on land before animals arrived. They supplied the first land animals with the surrounding and food necessary, since they-the plants are the only form of life that is able to get and store energy.The first plants to exist out of the water were probably certain kinds of algae (海藻) which were followed by other plants that grew close to the ground and needed water in which to reproduce.Which of the following is TRUE?A. Algae have existed for more than 430 million years.B. It is impossible that algae might be the earliest plant on land.C. Plants get food from animals in the oceans.D. Evolution began after animals appeared on land.这是一道事实询问题。需要把短文第一段首句“Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago”和短文第二段首句“The first plants to exist out of the water were probably certain kinds of algae”联系起来考虑,正确答案为A。B、C、D三项与短文内容均不符,应排除。 (二)阅读理解之准确找出主题句 1首句是主题句的规律给予例证、解释或说明的段落;概率达到70%下定义的段落;对两个或两个以上的事物作比较或对比的段落;表明原因和结果(往往结果交代在前)的段落。主题句是首句的段落总是用演绎法撰写,以概述开段,随之辅以细说。People who talk and sing to plants have no mental problems at all, according to an agricultural expert. In fact, singing and talking to plants makes them grow better, says Dr Braymar. The reason is quite simple. When we sing or talk to plants, we exhale(呼出) CO2 which plants need to survive (continue to live)and grow better. Plants absorb (take in) CO2 through their pores(小孔) during the sunlight hours and produce oxygen which people to survive. Singing and talking have good effect on plants, however, only during the daytime. Singing or talking at bedtime will not help plants to grow better or grow faster. 2尾句是主题句的规律 (1)阐述一个不常见的或难以令人接受的观点的段落。 (2)旨在说服读者相信甚至信服其论点的段落。尾句是主题句的段落总是用归纳法撰写的,其程序是先表述细节或交代论据,最后作出概括性的结论If you hadnt known them, you would have thought Joe and Jim were quite alike. They were both tall and wore long and fair hair. They both walked with a steady stride (坚定的步伐). They both spoke in a deep voice that made them selves seem much older than they really were. Both of them wore dark clothes as a rule, and they liked light coloured ties. But that was all the likeness they had. In other things they were sharply different. Joe was considerate and helpful, and everyone liked him. Jim, however, was very selfish and often flared into terrible anger (勃然大怒) at little things that displeased him. Alike as Joe and Jim were on the surface, they were really very different in nature.3段落中间句是主题句的规律表述某种观点的段落的主题句往往处于段落的中间。先归纳后演绎。给出一两个例证之后,作出概括性的总结,然后根据这一结论再给予例证来证实其论点。如何把拦路虎变成纸老虎?When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. When a bullet (子弹) is shot straight up, it will travel much faster and higher than a ball, but it, too, will come down. Whatever goes up must come down. We have al-ways thought this to be true. An airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then travel far and long. Yet it does not stay up forever. Finally, like every-thing else, the plane must come down. (三)如何抓住长句的核心句子的核心,句子最主要的成分:主语、谓语动词及其宾语或表语。其他的部分统统都是为这几个核心词服务的,或是描述修饰它们,或是解释说明以下细节:时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、何物(what)、数量(how many或how much)及何种结果(what result)等。Twenty students had just climbed their way to the top rung (最高的台阶) out of four million students taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest on Tues-clay evening at Jintan County, Jiangsu Province.分析过程的演示:句子的核心:studentsclimbedway句子的一系列细节:How many:twenty out of four millionWhat result: to the top rungWhat thing: the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics ContestDoing what: taking part in the. ContestWhen: Tuesday eveningWhere: Jintan County, Jiangsu Province抓住句子的核心后,我们首先准确地理解了句子最主要的成分:学生登上最高的台阶。再经过对这个长句的一系列细节的分析,我们可以更进一步地了解到:四百多万参加“全国第五届华罗庚数学金杯赛”中的中学生里有二十个学生在星期二于江苏省金坛县登上了最高的台阶。 2找出谓语动词是抓住核心的关键 英语与汉语的一个区别就是英语中有三种非谓语动词形式:动词不定式、分词与动名词。这三种非谓语动词形式又各自有其一系列的形式,如果在句子中不能迅速而又准确地找到谓语动词,势必会对理解形成严重的障碍。因此找出句子的谓语动词就成了抓住核心的关键。找出句子的谓语动词后,用who或what放在谓语动词前发问,就可以轻而易举地找到主语,然后再用whom或what发问,就可迅速找出其宾语或表。语,以及一系列状语,这样正确理解长句或难句就会变得轻松而容易。请看下面例证中的划线的句子:Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in corals(珊瑚) of the sea. In their skins, corals have tiny plants which act as dustmen, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs very much to breathe. 乍看划线的这个句子,第一印象是这个句子很长,再看下去,就会感到这个长句中动词很多,多至六个。那么哪一个是谓语动词呢?根据我们已掌握的基本知识,经过语法分析,不难看出这个句子的谓语动词是have。于是我们用that放在have前提问:What have?回答这个问题的过程就是找出主语的过程:corals have。然后再用what放在谓语动词后发问:corals have what?找出这个问题的答案也就找到了这个谓语动词have的宾语: have tiny plants。这样该句的最核心的部分:主语、谓语和宾语就都准确地找到了。 3语法分析法是准确理解细节行之有效的方法 通过对上例的分析,我们可以令人信服地让同学们接受我们关于如何抓住句子核心的观点和方法。但是仅有这些,就想正确理解这么长这么复杂的句子,那是不现实的。要想进一步正确而又深入地理解这个句子,语法分析法在实践中已被反复地证实了是行之有效的。在上例划线的句首处,用了介词词组:in their skins(在它们的皮肤上),交代了corals have tiny plants的地点状语,实际上回答的是where(何处)的问题;在plants之后用的是限制性的定语从句:which act as“dustmen”(起到是清洁工作用的微生物),实际上回答的是what effect do they have(它们起的是什么作用)的问题。在这个定语从句后出现的是现在分词短语:taking some of the wasted products from the coral and giving in return oxygen。经过语法分析,不难看出此处的分词短语起的是解释说明的作用,其意为:从珊瑚中清理掉一些废料的产物而归还其氧气。在oxygen之后又出现了一个定语从句:which the animal needs very much to breathe(此种动物非常需要呼吸的氧气)。 诚然,对于一个训练有素的考生,上述这一切是在很短的时间内完成的。但是其阅读、理解及思维等过程,必须经过上面叙述的每一个细节,因此他的正确理解结果必然是:在珊瑚的皮肤中,有着一些微生物,这些微生物在它们身体上充当着“清洁工”,清理掉它们身体产生的废料,而还给珊瑚这种动物非常需要呼吸的氧气。 (四)猜词技巧阅读理解的测试中经常有猜测词、短语、习语意义的题目,这些词、短语、习语要么是生词,要么是熟词新义,单靠平时积累是不够的,还要掌握一定的做题技巧。总结如下:(1)根据构词法(转化、合成、派生)进行判断:在英语中,有很多词可以在前面加前缀(prefix),或在后面加后缀(suffix),从而构成一个词,乍看起来,这个词可能是生词,但掌握了一定的构词法,就不难猜出它的词义。例如:Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10, Anaclerio said, and theyre very interactive and creative in that they built a sense of drama based on a subject.文中interactive是由前缀inter(相互的)和active(活动的,活跃的)构成的,同时根据上下文的意思可以判断,该词的含义应是“互动的”。(2)根据上下文解释作出判断:有时短文中出现一个需猜测其意义的词或短语,下面接着出现其定义域或解释,这就是判断该词或短语意义的主要依据。请看下例:Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Rental Centre offers a wide variety ofchoicesdeluxe sedans, minivans, station wagons, coaches, Santana sedans are the big favourite.从前面的Car Rental Center可知出租车公司提供的只能是cars for rent(出租汽车),也就是说划线的词都是出租汽车的名称。(3)根据上下文的指代关系进行选择:文章中的代词it,that,he,him或them可以指上文提到的人或物,其中it和that还可以指一件事。有时代词指代的对象相隔较远,要认真查找;有时需要对前面提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的事。例如:However, the question that moon people asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.首先,it指上句中的the question,而the question又指上一段中“月球人”所提的问题,所以要经过两次查找才能选出答案。(4)根据转折或对比关系进行判断:根据上下句的连接词,如but,however,otherwise等就可以看到前后句在意义上的差别,从而依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。另外,分号(;)也可以表示转折、对比或不相干的意义。请看下例:A childs birthday party doesnt have to be a hassle;it call be a basket of fun。从上下句可以看出,hassle和a basket of fun肯定是近乎相反的意义,也就是a situation causing difficulty or trouble。(5)根据因果关系进行判断:俗话说,“有因必有果,有果必有因”。根据原因可以预测结果,根据结果也可以找出原因。例如:Biggest power failure in the citys historyAll of our icecream and frozen foods melted根据因果关系,停电只能导致冰淇淋和冷冻食品“融化”,也就是melted。(6)根据同位关系进行判断:阅读中有时出现新词、难词,后面就跟着一个同位语,对前面的词进行解释,有时这种解释也用连词“or”连接。例如:,and other Germanic and Nordic peoples, who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon(or old English),a Germanic language其中old English,a Germanic language都是解释AngloSaxon的。


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