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九年级实验班选拔考试英语测试卷 班级 : 姓名:一知识运用。(共两部分,计25分) A)单项选择。(共15分) ( )1.There are some bags on her desk, arent ? A.it B.they C.there ( )2.Math is difficult than English. A.very B.much C.much more ( )3.-I liked playing football when I am free. - A.So he was B.So does he C.So did he ( )4. fine weather it is! A.What B.How C.What a ( )5. Must I leave right now?No, you . A.may not B.cant C.needt ( )6.What will the earth fifty years later? A.like B.look like C.be like ( )7.When I see him in his study,I want to study,too. A.to study B.studies C.studying ( )8.You may go shopping if your work . A.is done B.was done C.will be done ( )9.One of the three men is from Paris,and are from London. A.other two B.the other two C.two others ( )10.I bought a new dictionary and it me 30 yuan. A.paid B.spent C.cost ( )11.Our football team the team from No.2 Middle School and the match yesterday. A.beat;won B.won;beat C.hit;won ( )12.There a concert this evening.A. is going to have B.will have C.is going to be ( )13. you ever each other ?A. Did;seen;before B.Have;seen;ago C.Have;seen;before ( )14.Would you mind so much noise? A.stop to make B.stop making C.stopping making ( )15.About of the doctors in the hospital are women. A.third five B.three fifths C.third fifth B).完形填空:(共10分) It was a very cold morning.Some children were 16. on the ice.It was snowing 17. ,but they enjoyed themselves there.Harris,the tallest boy ,skated fast and he didnt 18. that there was a hole 19. the ice.He 20. into the hole.The other children called loudly for help. 21. at that moment,a young worker 22. by and heard them.He put his bike by the side of the river 23. ran to them.When he pulled Harris out of the 24. ,he was all wet.Then he sent Harris to a hospital.25. that the young man hurried to go to work .( )16.A.walking B.skating C.swimming( )17.A.hard B.hardly C.fast( )18.A.observe B.watch C.look for( )19.A.on B.over C.in( )20.A.jumped B.walked C.fell( )21.A.Just B.Only C.Still( )22.A.passed B.drove C.walked( )23.A.and B.or C.but( )24.A.lake B.hole C.snow( )25.A.Before B.And C.After二阅读技能:(共五部分,计45分) A)判断(共10分)阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. On November 11th, 2005,after many days of waiting ,the mascots(吉祥物)were finally chosen.There are five little playful children.The colors of the Five Olympic Rings.They are named Beibei,Jingjing,Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini.When you put their names togethe-Beijing HuanYing Ni-Welcome to Beijing.Beijing is the fish.Jingjing is the panda.Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame.Yingying is the tibetan Anteope.And Nini is the Swallow.Look at them,you can think of the sea,forest,fire,earth and sky.Most people love these five mascots.And some people suggest having a cartoon play about them.They think it will help the world to have a better understanding of them.( )26.The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.( )27.The Olympic mascots are five little playful children.( )28.Huanhuan is the fish.( )29.The passage tells about the colors of the Five Olmpic Rings.( )30.Sone people suggest having a cartoon play about these five mascots.B) 阅读下列图表,完成句子。(共10分) NameWhat are they doing ?Alicetalking on the telephoneMeimeiplaying in the gymJohneating in the dining roomDoingstudying in the library( )31.Where is Meimei playing ?A.In the gym B.In the library C.in the dining room( )32.What is Alice doing ? She is .A.studying in the library B.playing in the gymC.talking on the telephoneOlympic mascotsColorStands forBeibeiblueA fishJingjingblackA pandaHuanhuanredThe Olympic flame(圣火)YingyingyellowThe Tibean antelop(羚羊)NinigreenA swallow( )33.There are Olympic mascots.A. five B.three C.two( )34. stands for a panda .A.Beibei B.Jingjing C.Nini( )35.The green Nini is .A.A fish B.A swallow C.The Tibetan antelopC.)选择。(共10分)Tom is a little fatter than Robert.He wants to get thinner .He is not eating a lot of food .He is more careful about his food .He is not eating any potatoes,bread or butter.Tom also does exercise every day. He wants to be a singer. He runs around the playground every morning. But Robert is still stronger than the others because he always takes a lot of exercise. He likes all kinds of sports.( )36.Tom is more careful about . A.his English B.his food C.his foot( )37.What does Tom do every day ? A.Exercise B.Swimming C.Shopping( )38.Who is the strongest boy ? A.Tom B.Robert C.Others( )39.What kinds of sports does Robert like ? A.Football B.Basketball C.A and B( )40.Tom eat any potatoes. A.begins B.likes to C.will notD.) 回答问题。(共10分)When Bill was very young, he loved pictures .His mother often drew some for him on old pieces of paper.She was very bad at drawing, but Bill liked her pictures and always wants more.Then when he was a little older,Bills mother gave him some pencils and a drawing,book ,and he began drawing pictures himself.But they were never good. When Bill was five years old ,his mother gave him a small blackboard and some pieces of chalk. He liked them very much. One day tried to draw a picture of a baby on the blackboard. He drew lines and rubbed them out ;drew more and rubbed those out too for ten minutes,but when he looked at picture he was not happy. “Well,”he said at last to his mother, “Ill put a tail on it and make it a monkey.”41.Was Bills mother good at drawing ? 42.What did Bills mother give him when he was a little older ? 43.What did he do one day ? 44.Did Bill want to draw a monkey at first ? 45.Did Bill like drawing ? E.)摘录信息。(共5分)Do you enjoy seeing the film ?This week we have the famous Italian film, Three Brother.You can see this beautiful film at 6:10 and 8:45 every evening. On Friday there will also be a late show at 11:45. The ticket office at the cinema is open every day from ten thirty in the morning. You can also buy tikets at theater in the market square. If you want to book your seats by phone, the phone number is 639884. Tickets for all films cost ¥5.40 for adults, children under 15 halfprice. Students pay only ¥3.75 when they show a student card.Information about the film for the workThe name of the film46. Show time6:10 p.m, 8:45p.mTime for the last show on Friday47. Where to buy tickets 48. at the cinema or the theater in the market square.The telephone number for booking tickets49. Special price for students 50. 三、写作技能。(共三部分,计30分)A)完成对话(计10分)。(LLady, MMan)L:How long have you 51 waiting here?M:Fifteen minutes .What about you?L:Ive been 52 for ten minutes.M:Its too bad for us to wait or so long a time Ill 53 a cigarette.L:You cant smoke here.M: 54 not?L:Look at that.Cant you read?M:Yes.It says “ 55 smoking.”L:So you cant smoke here.M:All right.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. B)翻译。(计10分)We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival.(56)There is a name for each Chinese year.We may call it the year of the tiger,the year of the dog or the year of the ping(57)Before New Years Day,people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.(58)On New Years Eve,there is a big family dinner.After dinner,all the families stay up to welcome the New Year.On the first day of the New Year,people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives.(59)They say“Good Luck”,“Happy New Year”and some other greetings to each other.People usually have a very good time during the Festival.(60)56. 57. 58. 59. 60. C)情景作文(10分)假如你叫刘星,你的择友观是:性格外向,擅长乒乓球,并可以教你打乒乓球。最近你就结交了这样一位新朋友赵鹏。请根据表格提示,介绍一下自己,你的新朋友以及你的择友观。要求:1.使用比较级结构 2.80词左右NameLi XingZhao PengAge1514Presonal traitsquiet,good at EnglishOutgoing,play tennis well

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