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杭州市2015-2016学年高一上学期入学测试英语试题试场号:_ 座位号:_ 考号:_ 姓名:_说明:本卷满分120分,测试时间100分钟。所有答案均答在答题纸上,否则无效。I卷第一节 单项填空 (共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分)1. My mother asked me to repeat _ telephone number _ second time so that she could write it down.A. the; a B. an; theC. an; a D. the; the2. The Meiyu rainy season is coming and lets make full use of the _ days to dry whatever needs drying.A. few last sunnyB. last few sunnyC. last sunny fewD. sunny last few3. Why _ your books about? Tidy your study before you leave, OK?A. do you always throwB. do you often throwC. are you always throwingD. are you often throwing4.You are to gather at the _ at 7:30 tomorrow morning.A. schools gateB. School GateC. Schools GateD. school gate5.Living in Wenyan(a town) and working in the countryside has many problems, _transportation is not the least.A. of whichB. for whatC. asD. whose6.I _ on a sofa because my parents have come for the weekend.A. sleptB. was sleepingC. have sleptD. am sleeping7.You know, Miss Lee is really careful. Nobody was able to cheat without _.A. finding outB. being foundC. being found outD. to be found out8.It is said that the _ kids were last seen _ near the river.A. missing; playingB. gone; played C. lost; play D. lost; to play9.If it _ for the snow, we _ the mountain yesterday.A. were not; could have climbedB. were not; could climbC. had not been; could have climbedD. had not been; could climb10.“We expected our first child to be perfect”, many parents have said this, and thats _ I did with my first child, Joe.A. that B. whichC. whatD. it11._ you passed the test, it was never with flying colors, and you should practice more.A. While B. ThenC. That D. As12.Can you focus _ your future and dont waste time to fret over your past?A. in B. to C. withD. on13.Did the turning point come last December _ smoking is banned in all the schools?A. whereB. whenC. that D. which14.Fish dont need to break the waters surface to breathe, however, swimmers, at some point, have to _ for air.A. come inB. come on C. come out D. come up15.The master once said: “I dont complain the heaven, _ blame other people.”A. so do I B. nor I doC. nor do I D. so I do16.The children are _ more allergic(过敏) to viruses than they were when I was growing.A. farB. manyC. veryD. few17.No one in our department but Mr. Huang and I _ that the director is going to retire.A. knowsB. knowC. have knownD. am to know18.The roof can fall down soon if no quick repair work _ to it.A. has been doneB. is being done C. is doneD. had been done19.You _ be tired. You just have run 400 meters.A. must notB. wont C. cant D. may not 20.-Whats the matter with you? Look, you have made such mistakes.-Sorry, I dont think I was _ this morning.A. myselfB. for myselfC. to myselfD. by myself第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Im a 43-year old mother of three young kids with a Master of Science degree. I also _21_pizzas for a _22_. I started doing it after staying home with my children for four years. Caring for your kids all day is a _23_ opportunity for many women,_24_ it wasnt right for me. I began suffering from depression and decided to get a job so Id have more of my own identity. After I learned the basics of Pizza delivery- like getting the _25_ together and not getting lost-I began to fine tune my new “career”. Being competitive and organized _26_ nature, I studied the tipping patterns and demographics of the town.The first few days of each _27_, one of us drivers would take our turn _28_ the public-housing developments. These customers did not always tip well, but I always liked seeing the children and adults sitting _29_ and enjoying the evenings when the weather was nice. The higher-income neighborhoods were much quieter, and I _30_ saw neighbors talking to each other.A year ago my husband _31_jobs and we moved to the suburb of a large city. I planned to get a job that would put my _32_ to use, but within two weeks of settling in I found myself yearning to drive again. I went to work with a pizza license and _33_ had to learn how to pack orders and not get _34_.I also deliver to multimillion-dollar homes now, but the amount I make in _35_ has stayed the same. As I drive up to these beautiful houses, its easy to dream about a generous tip. The person who _36_ the door always looks young and, like the members of my own family, highly educated. All I usually get is a brief “_37_” and a dollar or two.I kept looking for jobs that require my _38_, but I havent found anything that interests me. I feel _39_ that my daughter does not ask me to speak at her school on career day, but there is something about delivering pizza that I find very fulfilling.You can now order a pizza on the _40_, but it is still a real person who has to send it. If youre lucky, youll get someone like me, who loves her job. Please tip accordingly.21.A. deliverB. buyC. sell D. make22.A. studyingB. livingC. playingD. caring23.A. dullB. fantasticC. boringD. Terrible24. A. and B. so C. but D. however25.A. goods B. newsC. booksD. orders26.A. inB. to C. byD. on27.A. monthB. yearC. seasonD. Decade28. A. covering B. looking C. finding D. wandering 29.A. insideB. outsideC. indoors D. outgoing30.A. oftenB. alwaysC. sometimesD. hardly31. A. got B. switched C. missed D. caught 32.A. moneyB. heartC. degreeD. career33.A. once againB. once C. once uponD. at once34. A. dressed B. changed C. trapped D. lost 35.A. helpsB. offersC. tipsD. income36.A. answersB. givesC. closesD. makes37.A. GoodbyeB. Thank youC. Im sorryD. Good luck38. A. age B. learning C. will D. experience 39.A. badB. happyC. tiredD. comfortable40.A. busB. shopC. internet D. table第三节 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,满分30分)A.Maybe you have previously heard how bridging art and science can inspire some weird(奇异) yet interesting works of art, from clothes made of bacteria(细菌) to a woman giving birth to a shark. Yet more and more of these bizarre artworks are out there, reminding us that the boundaries between art and science only exist in our minds.1. Paper SculptureTo maintain their shapes, sculptures are usually carved out of hard materials such as stone, metal, or ceramic. However, Chinese artist Li Hongbo goes for the opposite by building his works out of unconventional material: paper. At first glance, Hongbos sculptures look like those made of ceramic or stone. However when the artist grabs one of them and pulls it apart, it twists, elongates, and retracts as if it were a giant Slinky.2. Mushroom Burial SuitYou might think that our generous contributions to polluting our planet end when we die, But unfortunately, that is not the case. Our bodies are , in fact a temporary storage for a variety of environmental toxins. Most of these toxins remain in our body until we die. Traditional burial methods release these toxins back into the environment. Jae Rhim Lee is a creative bio-artist that came up with a solution to this problem.Through her Infinity Burial Project, Lee proposed an alternative, environmentally friendly way of treating human bodies after death. The project involves developing a burial suit, which contains a mushroom that accelerates(加速) the decomposition of the human body after death.3. Rain RoomImagine if you could walk on the streets on a rainy day without getting a single drop of rain on you. Thats what it feels like when you walk into the Rain Room in The Curve Gallery at the Barbican Centre in London. Developed by Random International, the Rain Room consists of a 100-square-meter field of falling water, which visitors are invited to walk through. Once the visitors enter the field, the rain stops around them, giving them an experience of how it might feel to control the weather.The Rain Room is a highly sophisticated integration of cameras that map the positions of the visitors on the field. This data is then fed into a grid of square panels, each of which controls several outlets that eject a total of 2,500 liters of falling water.41. What may the underlined word “bridging” mean in the passage? _.A. combining B. confusing C. puzzling D. transforming42. From the three examples, we can infer that _.A. Stone, metal, ceramic and paper are traditional materials for sculptureB. Its easy for paper to maintain its shapeC. The toxins the dead bodies release are necessary to the environmentD. Li Hongbo goes far away from the conventional style of sculpture43. The Mushroom Burial Suit is to _.A. protect the dead bodies B. feed the bodies in case they get hungryC. help deal with the bodies after death safelyD. keep the bodies warm after death44. Which of the following statement is correct? _.A. We will get wet immediately we step into the Rain Room B. The water in the Rain Room is from the skyC. Many people are eager to eat the mushroom referred aboveD. New ideas and inventions will be brought out at the crossing of the subjects45. Being in the Rain Room, most people will get a kind of new experience, and what is the experience? _.A. holding the weather in their powerB. predicting the weatherC. being controlled by some magic powerD. feeling so weak in face of natureB.It was a late Wednesday night when the dreading phone call reached our home. I sat up, so I could hear the phone call better. To my surprise, I heard my mom burst into tears. “Get the car Dean! Andrea has been in a car accident.”We ran every stop sign on the way to the hospital and our tires screeched around every corner. We got to the hospital, but were not allowed to see Andrea. The next morning, after wearing masks, we were allowed to go to the ICU to see Andrea. Well, the least I could say was that everything was injured in her body and she lost all of her memories. It was a fatal accident.Over the next two months, I lived more at the hospital than I did at my house. I watched as Andrea worked so hard to gain back everyday motor skills. She never once complained or pitied herself, her determined spirit was shining through. After two weeks in the ICU and two months of the regular hospital treatment, Andrea was able to come home. She missed several months of school, so it was hard for her to catch up. Andrea had tasks to accomplish, and no matter how hard it was, she stuck with them until the job was done. Though busy with dealing with pain and therapy, she always found time to love and play with me.Ill never forget the impact that this incident made on my life. I admire her strong-willed personality and her determined spirit. Today she is perfectly normal, despite the scars and the pins holding her leg in place. I couldnt ask for a better sister, hero, or best friend.46.The writer sat up to hear the call because he _.A. sensed that something terrible had happenedB. might be very concerned about who phoned so lateC. wanted to scold the people who phoned so lateD. was not sure whether the telephone concerned him47.From the underlined sentence in the second paragraph, we can infer that _.A. the family did not obey the traffic rulesB. the writers father was not good at drivingC. the whole family were too anxious to see AndreaD. their house was very far from the hospital48._ mainly made the writers sister recover from the car accident.A. The familys encouragement B. Andreas strong willC. The treatment D. The eagerness for study49. During the treatment, Andrea _.A. had to give up all her studiesB. stopped playing with the writer.C. refused to be accompaniedD. showed unbelievable strength50.What would be the best title for the passage? _.A. A Miracle Happening to my sisterB. My Sisterthe Hero in My LifeC. An Accident Which Changed My SisterD. An Incident Which Influenced Me MuchC.I took my 9-year-old daughter, Suzan and 5-year-old son, Robbie to the shopping centre. As we got there,we saw a big sign that said, “Petting Zoo”. The kids jumped up and asked, “Daddy, can we go?” Both my wife and I were out of work. However, I said, “Sure, giving them a quarter each. They went away, leaving only fifty cents left in my pocket. A petting zoo is made up of a hundred of little baby animals of all kinds. Kids pay their money and stay in the enclosure(围场)pleased with the little animals while their parents shop. A few minutes later, I saw Suzan walking along behind me, I was surprised and asked what was wrong. She said sadly, “Well, Daddy, a ticket for Petting Zoo costs fifty cents. So I gave Robbie my quarter.” Then she said the most beautiful thing I ever heard. She repeated the family motto(座右铭), which is “Love is Action!” I knew clearly no one loves little animals more than Suzan. She had watched both my wife and me do and say Love is Action!” for years, and now she had put it into her lifestyle. It had become part of her, because she knew the whole family motto. Its not only “Love is Action”; its “Love is SACRIFICAL(牺牲的)Action! Love always pays a price. I was moved. We went back to the Petting Zoo. Suzan stood with her hands and chin(下巴)resting on the fence and just watched Robbie go crazy petting and feeding the animals. I had fifty cents burning a hole in my pocket. I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money. Sure, I must do that !51. What would be the best headline for this passage?_.A. A Petting Zoo. B. Try Your Best to Help Others.C. An Attractive Shopping Centre. D. Love Is Sacrificial Action!52.From the passage we can learn that _ .A. the family lived a hard life B. Suzan didnt like playing with petsC. the author was strict with the children D. Robbie didnt want to play with Suzan53. The underlined part “the most beautiful thing” in Paragraph 5 refers to _.A. the Petting Zoo B. the family mottoC. their lifestyle D. the ticket for Petting Zoo54.Which of the following best describes Suzan?_.A. Unselfish. B. Healthy. C. Childish D. Clever55. What might happen next according to the story? _.A. The author would buy Suzan some candies.B. The author would get angry with Robbie.C. Suzan would play happily with the little animals.D. The author would play together with Suzan.II卷第4节 词汇运用 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)根据短文内容或括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处正确形式(不一定一个字)。 The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Perhaps the best thing we ever give each other is our attention, 56 (尤其)when its given from our heart. When people are talking, theres no need to do anything but listen to them. Just take them in. Listen to what theyre saying. Care about it. Most times 57 about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us dont value ourselves or our love enough 58 (know) this. It has taken me a long time to believe 59 the power of simply saying “Im so sorry,” when someone is in pain. One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story people often interrupted to tell her that they once had such similar things that 60 to them. Then her pain became a story about themselves. Eventually she stopped talking to people. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to 61 (自己). When we listen, they know we care. I used to reach for the tissue paper on one occasion 62 I supposed that passing a person a tissue may be just another 63 to shut them down, to take them out of their experience of sadness and grief. Now, I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me with them. This simple thing 64 (not be) that easy to learn so far. It went against everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were 65 shy to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has much more power to heal and to connect than the most well intentioned words. 第五节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据中文意思完成句子,每格一词66. 火车站离邮局有多远?骑自行车大约20分钟。-_ _ is the train station from the post office? -About twenty minutes bike ride.67. 你应尽可能多花时间来朗读英语。You should spend as much time as you can _ _ English.68.我敢肯定他是在说实话,他一直是个老实人。I am sure hes _ the _ ,he is always honest.69. 口渴的人相对于不口渴的人,他们看见的水瓶离他们更近。Thirsty people see bottles of water as being _ _ people who arent thirsty.70. 当我5岁时,我经常告诉他们我要成为一名医生。 When I was 5, I _ _ tell them that I wanted to be a doctor.第六节 书面表达 (共1小题,满分20分)你们班主任是数学老师,但他非常注重学生的英语学习情况。他和英语课代表将在十月份组织一次英语单词竞赛。班级一部分同学支持这一活动,认为通过竞赛可以帮助复习单词;另一部分同学则表示反对,认为对升入高一的学生来说,这样的竞赛会影响学习新的知识。李华同学以书信的形式向教你们的英语老师张老师征求意见,请把上述的不同意见客观地在信中反映出来,适当说说你的看法。注意:1、信得格式和开头部分已写好,你只需接着写。2、所写内容必须包括上述要求。3、词数:100个左右。Dear Mr. Zhang, The head teacher of our class teaches maths._ Yours student, Li Hua2015年测试英语试题答案第一节 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分)1-5 ABCDA 6-10 DCACC 11-15 ADBDC 16-20 AACCA第二节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)21-25 ABBCD 26-30 CAABD 31-35 BCADC 36-40 ABBAC第三节 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,满分30分)41-45 ADCDA 46-50 ACBDB 51-55 DABAC第四节 词汇运用 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)56.especially 57.caring 58. to know 59.in 60. happenedoccurred:61.ourselves 62. when 63.way 64.hasnt been 65. too第五节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)66. How far 67. to read68. telling truth69. closer than70. used to第六节 书面表达 (本题有1小题,满分20分) 参考范文 :Dear Mr. Zhang, The head teacher of our class teaches maths. However, he always calls our attention to the study of English. He, together with the section monitor in English of our class, wants to hold an English word competition in October. There are two different opinions on this matter. Some students think that such a competition will help us to review some useful words and expressions. But others are against it. The reason is that we are students of Senior One and this kind of competition seems to have much effect on our future study. And I also think it is fun to study in activities. Mr. Zhang, please give us some advice on the competition. Thank you very much.

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