新目标(Go for it)版七年级英语下册Unit 9 What does he look like_ Section B课时练习A卷.doc

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新目标(Go for it)版七年级英语下册Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B课时练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 (共5题;共26分)1. (5分)在下列各句的每个空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出。Remember always be p_with these poor kids. They need our care and love.Dont l_heart when you are in danger.The man p_the sick child with some food last night, and now the boy is much better.Hope Project has sent many s_designed(设计) computers to some schools in poor areas.The teenagers in the 21st c_are much more different as we thought.2. (1分)Im one of Dr. Shaws p_(病人). He is kind to me. 3. (5分)根据句意和汉语注释写出正确单词,完成句子。(1)The Eiffel Tower is made of _ (金属).(2)The _ (获胜者)received the cups and medals at the end of the final.(3)Walk slowly around the big lake and youll feel the _ (美丽) of the old park in the Summer Palace.(4)They _ (邀请) me to join their school trip to the World Park yesterday.(5)What an _ (令人惊奇的)result! We cant believe my eyes.4. (5分)用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)The two _(worker)lost their lives when the accident happened(2)The_(expect)present made us very excited(3)Please find your own_(fault)before you want to speak ill of others(4)I was so careless that I hurt one of my _(teammate)in the match(5)They sold the eggs by_(weigh)5. (10分)In a town in France, there was a farmer who lived alone. Every day he s _ a pound of butter to his neighbor, who was a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i _he was getting a pound. After he weighed it, he found that he wasnt. The baker then took the farmer to the judge (法官).The judge wanted to know the farmers ways to weigh the butter. The farmer replied, “ Im so p_that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it. H _ , I do have a kind of scale (天平).” The judge asked, “Then h _ do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied, “Before the baker started buying butter from me , I had bought bread from him. So now every time when I b _ home the bread from the baker, I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same w_.”We always get back what we give to others. Whenever you take action, ask yourself this question, “Am I honest?”Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit. Some dishonest people can lie w _a red face. Others lie so m _ that they do not even know what the truth is any more. But who is it bad for? In fact, those who lie will hurt t _ by their own dishonest behavior.二、 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)选词补全对话。dumpling,juice,would,order,drinkA:Hello, this is Brown Food Store.B:Hello, this is Amy. I want to_some food.A:What food_you like?B:Id like some _.A:How many do you want?B:Forty.A:Would you like some_?B:Oh, yes. What kind of drinks do you have?A:Green tea and orange _B:Two small cups of orange juice.A:OK. Whats your address (地址)?B:19 Park Street.三、 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)选词填空。minute,new,kilometer,drive,live(1)My sweater is too oldCan you buy a_one for me,Mom? (2)In the afternoon MrGreen usually plays sports for fifty_ (3)On Sunday MsJones usually_her car to the music club (4)I know Bill_with his grandparents. (5)Its about twelve_from my home to the library 四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 (共5题;共24分)8. (12分)根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将其答案写在相应位置上。(1)在这次考试中,你犯了不少错误。You _ in the math exam.(2)郭晶晶没有让我们失望。Guo Jingjing didnt _ us _(3)说实在的,我不知道该怎么办?_,I dont know what to do.(4)我什么也买不了,因为我的钱用完了。I cant buy anything because I have_(5)这家医院是1985年建的。The hospital _in 1985.(6)昨天直到雨停了,孩子们才离开学校。The children _yesterday.(7)大连是中国最美丽的城市之一。_(8)我们英语老师在这所学校已工作十年了。_(9)事故发生时,我正沿着街漫步。_(10)过去他常常上学迟到,但是现在他习惯于早起了。_(11)不要嘲笑处于困境中的人。_9. (3分)在这儿你们必须遵守规则。Here,you must_10. (5分)“他的书在哪里?”“在椅子上。”_ _his books?They are _ _ _.11. (2分)这是我的电话号码。This is my_12. (2分)如果你不出来,我就报警了。If you dont_Ill call the police五、 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。有的需要变换形式。 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(每词限用一次)hot on fruits so itIt was a _ day during the summer holiday. My mother and I got on the bus to my grandmas village. It was _ dry that I was really thirsty. I began to think of the sweet watermelons and other _ in Grandmas house. I could hardly wait to arrive there._ took us two hours to get there . Grandma brought out a big watermelon and cut it. It was nice to eat the watermelon _ such a hot day.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 (共5题;共26分)1-1、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、二、 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。 (共1题;共5分)6-1、三、 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 (共1题;共5分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 (共5题;共24分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、8-7、8-8、8-9、8-10、8-11、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、五、 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。有的需要变换形式。 (共1题;共5分)13-1、

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