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Sentence patterns revision (Part 1)(1) Its adj比较级 (for sb) to do sth 1. 在冬天练习更难,因为白天短。WB P10 _ in winter because the days are short.2. 我认为学中文比学英语更困难。 WB P11 I think _ than to learn English.3. 现在对我们来说学习英语更重要了。M3 test Its_ nowadays. (2) What/How about sth/doing sth?1. 忘记生词是正常的,我们查一下字典怎么样?WB P2 Its natural to forget new words. _ in a dictionary?(3) It takes sb time to do sth Sb spend(s) time on sth/doing sth 1. 从北京坐飞机到海南大约用三个多小时。WB P14 _ Hainan from Beijing by plane.2. 我每天用一个多小时学习英语。WB P15 _ English every day.3. 你每天花多长时间练习说英语? M1 test How long do you _? 4. 对学生来说,每天花一小时练习说英语是很重要的。M2 Test Its _.(4) be famous for1. 伦敦约有两千年历史了,它因大本钟而闻名。WB P6 London is about 2,000 years old and _ Big Ben.2. 我的家乡尤其因令人舒服的天气而闻名。WB P7 My hometown _ its comfortable weather.3. 莎士比亚尤其因戏剧罗密欧与朱丽叶而著名。WB P17 Shakespeare _ his play Romeo and Juliet.4. 中国尤其以长城而闻名。M2 Test China _. (5) be afraid to do sth 1. 我说英语时经常害怕出错。WB P2 _ make mistakes when I speak English. (6) asas possible/sb can1. David每天尽可能早起以便上学不迟到。 WB P10 David _ so that he is not late for school.2. 让我们尽可能多的说英语吧。M1 test Lets try to speak English_. 3. 我们都尽可能早到,以便于有时间热身。M3 test We all arrive _we have time to _.(7) asas/ not as(so)as1. 我想我将来会变得和我父亲一样强壮。WB p5 I think _ my father in the future.2. 北京和伦敦一样著名。他们都是历史悠久的古都。WB P7 Beijing _ London. They are both old capitals with long history.(8) one of adj最高级 + n复数 1. 我认为spider-man是最有趣的电影之一。WB P15 I think Spider-man _ films.2. 老舍是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。WB P18 Lao She _ of the twentieth century in China.3. 王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的教师之一。M4 test _in our school. (9)动名词作主语 1. 看英文电影是个学英语的极好方法。WB P2 _ to learn English.2. 我认为听英文歌比打游戏有意思的多。M3 Test I think _playing computer games.(10) offer to do sth.1. 上周日,我父亲主动提出带我去看一场足球赛。WB P17 Last Sunday, _ to watch a football match.2. 我的好朋友主动提出放学后帮助我学数学。 My good friend _ after school.Sentence patterns revision (Part 2)(1) be late for那天,那只白色兔子参加茶话会迟到了。The white rabbit that day.(2) tooto1. 房间太暗了,我什么都看不见。 to see anything.2. 这个盒子太重了,我搬不动。 for me to carry. (3) I dont think(否定前置)1. 我认为汤姆再也不会回来了。 Tom will come back again.2. 我认为那本书没意思。 the book is interesting.3. 我认为你不应该在电脑游戏上花费太多时间。 _too much time on computer games.4. 我认为你不应该在学校用手机。 your cell phone at school.(4) nothing strange 不定代词+adj1. 关于那个故事,没什么奇怪的。说点儿新鲜的。 about that story. Say something new.(5) be + adj + to do sth1. 能参加这个聚会我很开心。 take part in the party.(6) Its + adj + (for sb) + to do sth1. 和朋友们在马路上并排骑车太危险了。 with friends side by side on the road.2. 对我来说,通过这个考试很容易。 别担心。 to pass the exam. Dont worry.3. 对我们来说,保护环境很重要。 to protect the environment.4. 风太大,在大街上行走很困难。 The wind was so strong in the street.5. 在地震期间保持镇静很困难。 during an earthquake. 6. 在地震期间保持镇静很重要。 during an earthquake.(7) as soon as1. 我们一到北京,就给美国朋友寄了明信片。 , we sent postcards to American friends.2. 放心吧,他一回来我就把便条给他!Believe me. Ill give him the note .3. 地面一停止摇动,我就迅速地离开了那座建筑。 the ground stopped shaking. (8) It takes/took/will take sb time to do sth1. 我每天坐公交车到校只需要20分钟。 to get to school by bus every day.2. 事实上,建当地的那所医院工人们用了两年时间。 In fact, _ to build the local hospital.(9) Its clear that Its + adj + that1. 很清楚,住在市中心更昂贵。 it is more expensive to live in the city centre.2. 很明显,钱不能解决一切问题。 solve all the problems.(10) Whats the weather like?/ How is the weather?1. 下周北京天气怎么样? in Beijing next week?(11) so that1. 带上你的相机,以便你能在长城上照相。 Take your camera on the Great Wall.(12) had better do sth1. 如果你想参观北京,你最好在秋天来。 If you want to visit Beijing, in autumn.2. 在中国,你最好双手接受礼物。 a gift with both hands in China.3. 如果他跟你说话费劲儿,你最好给120打电话。 If he has trouble speaking to you, .4. 暑假期间你最好去哈尔滨旅游。 Harbin during the summer holidays.(13) had better not do sth1. 你最好不要在街上踢足球,因为这太危险了。 _ in the street, because its too dangerous.2. 春节期间,你最好不要打碎东西 during the spring festival.3. 在地震时,你最好不靠近火源。 fires when an earthquake happens. (14) want to do sth/ would like to do sth1. 带上你的泳衣吧,因为你可能想在海里游泳。 Bring your swimsuit with you _ in the sea.(15) sothat1. 风太大,在大街上行走很困难。 The wind was so strong in the street.(16) mustnt do sth1. 春节期间你一定不要打碎任何东西。 During the Spring Festival, .2. 在阅览室你一定不要大声说话。 in the reading room. (17) hear/ see/notice sb do /doing sth1. 刚才我看见一个人进了你的房间。 your room just now.2. 我感觉累了,这时我看见英语老师进教室来了。 I was feeling tired when our classroom.3. 刚才我注意到他进了图书馆。 I _ just now.(18) Whats wrong with?Whats the mater with?1. 你看起来很疲惫,怎么了? You look very tired. 2. 首先,我们必须查明他怎么了。First of all, we must find out .(19) Lets do sth 1. 我们过去给那个男孩一些基本的医疗帮助吧。 some basic medical help.(20) help sb (to) do sth1. 玲玲不能去购物,她得在家帮妈妈打扫卫生。 Lingling cant go shopping. She has to at home. (21) make sb + adj/ make sb do sth1. 让我坐在椅子上,那可能会使我舒服。 Sit me on a chair. That .(22) ask sb to do sth1. 老师叫我下次早点儿来学校。 The teacher _ to school earlier next time.2. 我们叫他保持安静吧,这对他有好处。 keep quiet. Its good for him.(23) spend time (in) doing sth1. 我经常告诉他不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。The teacher often tells him not to _ playing computer games.(24) 固定用法1. 什么时候是参观北京的最好时间? 我认为秋天。 to visit Beijing? In autumn, I think. 2. 在瑞士,你必须准时到达任何聚会。 In Switzerland, you _ on time.


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