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Millie is reading a TV guide online,she is reading about some of her classmates favourite TV programmes. Here are the two web pages Millie is reading.The TV programmes on SaturdaySports WorldSunshine TV 10 a.m.11.30a.m.A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up- to-date information. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball, badminton and football. However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this weeks programme a bit boring. It is all about football. There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players. A report on preparations for the coming World cup will also be included.Beijing Music AwardsSunshine TV 8 a.m.10.00a.m.This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday. Many famous Asian pop stars will attend. Some of the most famous stars will be interviewed about their recent work before the awards start. Twenty thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos. The results will be announced during the programme and then some questions will follow. As you are watching the show, write down your answers and send text messages to 1396. You could win two free concert tickets.Murder in a Country HouseGolden TV 7 p.m.9.30p.m.Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy. Cark, a new director. In the film, a doctor is found dead in his house. Was he killed or did he kill himself? You will not find out the answer until the end of the film. The film is excellent and full of horror and mystery. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you will love this film. If you get scared easily, do not watch it! The actors are all new, yet they all did very well.Tiger WatchGolden TV 10.30 p.m.11.30p.m.This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India. After you watch this programme, you will realize how much danger these tigers face. In fact, they are disappearing faster than pandas. The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones. If you are an animal lover, you might be a bit disturbed while watching the programme. Tiger Watch was filmed in India between 2004 and 2006. It shows the tigers in their natural habitat. You can see scenes of India, one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live. Tiger Watch won an award for its amazing photography. 来莉正在网上阅读一份收视指南。她正在读她的一些同班同学最喜欢的电视节目。这儿是米莉正在阅读的两个网页。 星期六的电视节目体育世界阳光电视台 10 a.m.11.30a.m.每周体育新闻摘要,有很多最新消息。本节目包括各种体育运动,如游泳、篮球、羽毛球和足球。然而,如果你不是一个足球迷,你可能觉得本周的节目有点无聊。它全是关于足球的,还有很多对一些著名足球运动员的访谈节目。它还包括对即将到来的世界杯准奋工作的报到。北京音乐节颁奖典礼阳光电视台 8 a.m.10.00a.m.本年度的北京音乐节颁奖典礼将要进行实况转播。颁奖仪式将于本周六在北京举行。许多著名的亚洲流行音乐明星届时将参加。在颁奖开始之前,将采访一些最著名的明里的工作近况。两万名歌迷已经在网上投票选出了他们最喜欢的歌曲、歌星和音乐电视。结果将在节目进行期间宜布,接看是一系列的提问。你在看颁奖仪式的同时,写下这些问题的答案并发送短信至1396。你将有机会赢得两张免费的音乐会门票。乡村小屋谋杀案黄金电视台 7 p.m.9.30p.m.乡村小屋谋杀案是一部由新导演辛迪 表拉克执导的恐怖片。在影片中,一名医生被发现死在家里。是他杀还是自杀? 直到看完电影你才会知道答案。影片非常精彩,充满了恐怖和神秘。如果你喜欢探索神秘的问题,你就会喜爱这部电影。知果你很容易感到害怕,就不要观看(这部电影)! 演员都是新手,然而他们都有不俗的表现。老虎观察黄全电视台 10.30 p.m.11.30p.m.这部一个小时的纪录片仔细地观察了印度虎的生活。在看完这个节目后,你将会意识到这些老虎面临看多少危险。事实上,它们消失的速度比滚猫还要快。这部纪录片揭示了了(人们)为了虎皮和虎骨而捕杀老虎。如果你是个热爱动物的人,在看节目的时候你可能会有点不安。老虎观察是 2004-2006年在印度拍摄的。它展示了生活在自然栖息地的老虎。你可以领略印度的风光,印度是地球上为数不多的老虎栖息地之一。老虎观察因其令人惊奇的摄影技术而获奖。


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