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闽教版新版五年级下学期第6单元测试题一、抄写并写中文,并注意大小写形式, first, second, third fourth race drink happy, sad, tired, proud angry thirsty二、抄写下面的词组,并写出中文意思。Sports Day do long jump do high jumpcheer up 100-meter race run 100 meterstake photos play basketball play footballdo well be proud of drink some water三、抄写句子,翻译句子 1、Who is the winner of 100-meter race?( )2、Look.Peter is the first.Wang Ming is the second.And Li Hua is the third.( )3、Youre the winner of 100-meter race.( )4、Are you thirsty? Drink some water. ( )5、He looks tired.He looks very sad.( )6、.I didnt do well in the high jump.( )7、Im only the fourth in the high jump. ( )8、Not all can be the first. ( http:/w ww .xkb1. com )四、根据课文内容填空。 Peter is _ 100 meters.He is very _.He is the _ in 100-meter race.He is very _.His classmates are _ of him.Yang Ming is _high jump.He doesnt _ in the high jump.He is_ down.He is vey _.His classmates say:“_! Not all can be the _!”五、1、默写数字1-24htt2、默写1-24序数词六、填入适当的词,并翻译。happy,sad,proud,thirsty,tired,They are having a birthday party.They are very _.( ) She cant ride a bike.She is _.( ) Peter is the first in the race.We are _of him.( ) He is drinking water.He is very _.( ) He cleaned the room yesterday.He was very( ) Hes not good at math.Hes _.新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网(

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