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七年级下Unit 5 Im watching TV.Section A Period 1审核人:宋成建 备课时间:第2周 拟使用时间:第三周 周一教师寄语: Easier said than done。说时容易做时难。学习目标:1. 学习并掌握本课的单词及短语。2. 掌握本课的重点句型: 1)A: What are you doing? B: Im watching TV.2)A: What is he doing? B: Hes doing his homework.3. 通过自主学习,合作学习等学习策略,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,是学生熟练运用:What are you doing? 等句型及其回答。前置测评:听写本课的单词,并重点记忆不熟练的。(8分钟)认定目标:师生共同认定。(1分钟)自主探究:1. 看图片,完成1a。然后学生自读这些动作,熟练掌握单词发音。个别展示。2. 听录音,完成1b。3. 重点讲解1c中的对话并跟读对话,并在一分钟背诵下来,然后小组内合作,练习这个对话。代表展示。4. 听录音,完成2a、2b。5. 重点讲解Is Nancy doing her homework? B: No, she isnt. Shes writing a letter.句型,然后套用2c中的图画,小组内合作,练习这个对话。题组训练: 词汇A写出下列各词的现在分词形式(-ing)。see _ play _ read _ like _get _ sing _ open _ clean_write_ listen_B . 考考你。你能总结出上面各词转化成现在分词的规律吗?a. _ ,例如:play-playing b. _ ,例如:write-writingc. _,例如:get-gettingC. 宝剑出鞘。你能根据你自己总结出来的规律,将下面的单词放入下面的三个圈中swim begin sit dance come set puttake speak ask run make go watch 归纳总结:1. 现在进行时由助动词be(am/is/are)加动词ing形式构成的。2.询问正在做什么用:What+be(am/is/are)+主语+doing? 达标测评:选择填空。( )1. -Lets play the computer games.-_. A: Yes, I do B: Thank you C: That sounds good D: No, we dont( )2. Thanks _ your help. A: for B: at C: about D: to( )3. Whos in the room? -Mr. Smith is. He_ a letter.A: is writing B: write C: writting D: writing( )4. -_ do the boys watch TV? -At home. hen B: Where C: How D: What( )5. -Can you buy a dictionary for me?-_.A: Sure B: Youre welcome C: Here you are D: Yes, I do( )6. Listen! They _ about Harry potter. Lets join them.A: are talking B: talk C: talking D: are talk( )7. -Is Alice writing? -. She is listening to the music. A: Yes, she is B: Yes, she does C: No, she doesnt D: No, she isnt( )8. What _ Mary and Kate talking? A: about B: is C: is D: do( ) 9. -Where are the boys? -They _soccer at school. A: play B: are playing the C: are playing D: play the 拓展提高: 你能给下面这段对话排序吗?试一试( ) 1. She is in the garden .( ) 2. She is reading under the tree.( ) 3. Is Eli in the garden, too?( ) 4. He is playing football.( ) 5. Wheres Wendy ?( ) 6. Yes ,he is .( ) 7. Whats she doing?( ) 8. Its in the garden .Its running after a cat.( ) 9. Whats he doing ?( )10. What about the dog? 教学反思:成功之处:不足之处:措施(原因):小组活动七年级下Unit 5 Im watching TV.Section A Period 2主备人:冯海平 参与者:宋成建、曹玉刚、李春峰、李珊珊、卢宪军、杨荣青、刘文光审核人:宋成建 备课时间:第2周 拟使用时间:第三周 周二教师寄语:Tomorrow is another day! (明天是新的一天!)学习目标:1. 熟练掌握句型:A: Whats he taking/reading? B:Hes reading a book.2. 学习如何谈论正在做某事。前置测评:听写本课的单词,并重点记忆不熟练的。(8分钟)认定目标:师生共同认定。(1分钟)自主探究:1.看3a,完成填空。个别展示答案。师生共同核对。2.讲解3a中的重点词组,如: go to the movies , want to do sth 、let sb do sth3.练习对话:A:When do you want to go to movies? B:Lets go at six oclock.组组、生生进行操练对话。4.小组活动描述4中的场景。题组训练: Choose the best answer. (单项选择。)( )1. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. is sing ( )2. Its 8 oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having( )3. Listen! The baby _ in the room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries 4. Look! Lily and Lucy _ photos. A. are take B. is taking C. taking D. are taking( )5. What are the boys doing in the river? They _. A. are swiming B. are swimming C. swimming D. are swim归纳总结学生总结本课的重点内容:1Whats he waiting for/reading?第三人称单数现在进行的具体场景.2When do you want to do?什么时间做某事达标测评1Ask questions and give short answers. (对下列各句提问并作简略回答。) 1. Kate is doing her homework. _? Yes, _. No, _. 2. His parents are talking with the teachers. _? Yes, _. No, _. 3. Jim is cleaning his room. _? Yes, _. No, _. 4. My friends are eating breakfast. _? Yes, _. No, _. 5. My aunt is cooking dinner. _? Yes, _. No, _.2 Ask questions with What. (根据答语用What提出问题。) 1. _? He is taking a shower. 2. _? She is reading. 3. _? They are watching TV. 4. _? The woman is sitting under the tree. 5. _? My grandparents are eating. 3 Complete the conversation. (完成对话。)Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen? Karen: Hello! This is Karen. How are you, Marie? Marie: Im fine. What _(do)? Karen: Nothing much. I _(study)math. What about you? Marie: I _(clean)my room. Karen: Hey, do you want to _(go)to the movies? Marie: That _(sound)boring. Karen: I just call Lucy. She _(swim). Do you like _(swim)? Marie: Sure. We can swim in the schools swimming pool. When do you want to go? Karen: Lets _(go)to the swimming pool now. Marie: Great! III. Reading. 拓展提高:Its Saturday morning. Betty is having her breakfast. Bettys mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning Betty doesnt go to school. She helps her parents do some housework. This morning she says to her mother. “Can I help you, mum? ”“Yes, you can help me. ”her mother says, “You can go to Mr. Whites shop. Something is wrong with our clock. Mr. White mends (修理)clocks. Our clock is in his shop. ”“Is he mending our clock? ”Betty asks. “Yes. ”her father says. “And this morning it is ready. ”“Yes, it is ready. ”Her mother says, “Go to Mr. Whites shop. Take this bag. You can put the clock in it. ”Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home. ( )1. What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? _. A. She goes to school. B. She is having her breakfast. C. She is cooking with her mother. ( )2. Betty often helps her parents _on Saturday. A. do some cleaning B. do some shopping C. do some housework( )3. There is something wrong with their _. A. radio B. clock C. car( )4. _ is mending their clock. A. Mrs. White B. Mr. White C. Mr. Brown( )5. Which is correct in the following? A. The clock is ready this morning. B. Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack. C. Betty and her mother go to the shop together. IV. Writing. 教学反思:成功之处:不足之处:措施(原因):小组活动:Unit 5 Im watching TV.Section B主备人:冯海平 参与者:宋成建、曹玉刚、李春峰、李珊珊、卢宪军、 杨荣青、刘文光审核人:宋成建备课时间:第2周 拟使用时间:第三周 周三教师寄语:Abirdinthehandisworththantwointhebush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。学习目标:1.熟练掌握本节词汇:2. 熟练掌握句型: A:Where is he swimming? B:Hes swimming at the pool.A: Is Tina there? B: No, she isnt.Shes Linda.3. 通过对话,练习表示活动和地点的名词,从而描述活动的发生。前置测评:听写本课的单词,并重点记忆不熟练的。(8分钟)认定目标:师生共同认定。(1分钟)自主探究:1. 自读1a,把图片与相对应的动作活动及地点连起来,先独立完成,然后个别展示答案。2. 讲解1b中的对话,并在组组、生生之间操练对话。3. 听录音,完成2a、2b。4. 自读3a短文,完成标号。个别展示答案。5. 听录音,注意单词发音及句子的语调。然后大声朗读短文,找出文章中的重点短语和句子。组内交流,代表展示所找出的重点短语和句子。6. 根据3b中的图片,完成3b。师生共同核对答案。7. 自己画一幅家庭活动场景并用英语写成短文。小组内交流所写的场景,代表展示。8. 小组联系4中的对话。题组训练: 用所给动词的适当形式填空.1. Look! The children _(swim).2. Mike and Dave _(play) basketball at school.3. Tina _(eat) lunch at the mall.4. Lisa and I _(sit) in the classroom.5. Helens mother _ (make) a cake.6. The students _(have) an English class.7. Bill _(do) his homework now.8. My mother _ (take ) a shower in the bathroom.9. Some girls _(run) on the playground.10. One of the boys _(draw) by the lake.单项选择1. Maria is _ TV now. A. watching B. looking C. seeing D. reading 2. The students are _ their homework. A. writing B. doing C. cleaning D. playing with3. Its six oclock in the afternoon. Mr and Mrs are _ dinner. A. eat B. have C. having D.waiting4. My grandfather often _ newspapers in the afternoon. A. watches B.sees C.reads D.looks at5. They are _ English. A. reading B.saying C.looking 6. Tom _ his bed every morning. A. make B. making C.makes D. making 7. My mother _ cooking for us. A. am b. is C. be D. are8. _ your brother playing chess with Jack? A. are B.is C. Does D. Is达标测评:按要求改写句子(10分)1They are watching TV. (对划线部分提问) ?2She is reading. (对划线部分提问) ?3. Nancy is writing a letter.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) ? , . 4. Bill wants to go to the movies.( (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) ? , .5. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal. (改为否定句) .拓展提高:书面表达现在是晚上8点,根据地Frank提供的信息,请描述一下Tom一家活动的情况。50词左右。father: read a book mother: watch TV grandmother: clean the room Frank: do his homework Mary: play computer games 教学反思:成功之处:不足之处:措施(原因):小组活动:Unit 5 Im watching TV.Self check 主备人:冯海平 参与者:宋成建、曹玉刚、李春峰、李珊珊、卢宪军、杨荣青、刘文光审核人:宋成建 备课时间:第2周 拟使用时间:第三周 周四教师寄语:Adversitymakesamanwise,notrich. 逆境出人才。学习目标:1. 掌握本单元重点词汇及短语。2. 掌握本单元重点句型:1)A: What are you doing? B: Im .2)A: When do you want to do? B: I want toat.3)Where is he swimming . Hes swimming at.4)A: Is Tina there ? B: No, she isnt.Shes.3写作练习,会用现在进行时描述身边正在发生的事前置测评:听写本单元的单词及短语,并重点记忆不熟练的。(8分钟)认定目标:师生共同认定。(1分钟)自主探究:1. 先检测所学的本单元词汇及短语,检查自己会的及不会的,重点记忆自己不会的。2. 阅读3,完成故事。题组训练:根据句意和收字母完成句中所缺的单词。1. There are many books in our school l_.2. Look! The children are swimming at the p_.3. Lets p_ computer games. 4. The girl is c_ her room now.5. The boy is taking photos with a c_. 6. Look! There is a b_ in the tree.7. Here is a photo of my f_. There are five people in it.8. -What is the girl doing?-She is w_ a letter.9. -What are the boys doing?-They are t_ about the pictures.10. Mr Green and his child are e_ dinner now.归纳总结:学生总结本课的重点内容达标测评:用所给动词的适当形式填空1.The little boy_(eat) a big apple now.2. Look! Dave and Mary _(dance).3. -_he_(watch)TV?-No, he isnt.4. She _(not do) her homework. Shes reading.5.Its seven in the morning. Mr Black_(have) breakfast.6.Lily likes _very much. She _very well. She can _English songs.(sing) 7.My brother_(take) a shower now?8. _Bob _(swim)now?9. -What_the children _?(do)-They are reading.10.-What is Mike doing?-He_(run).拓展提高:句型转换1. They often draw pictures in the evening.(用now改写句子)They _ _ pictures now.2. Linda is writing a letter to her parents.(改为否定句)Linda_ _ a letter to her parents.3. Is she eating an orange?(否定回答) _, she _.4. She plays the piano in the morning.(用now替换划线部分) She _ _ the piano _.5. Tom wants to go the movies.(一般疑问句) _ Tom _ to go to the movies?6. Are they having lunch at home now? (用every day替换now) _ they _ lunch at home _ _?7. My sister and I are cleaning our room.(对划线提问) _ are your sister and you _?8. Shes running.(一般疑问句) _ she _?9. Were talking to our friends.(同上) _ are you _ to?10. Im swimming at the pool.(同上) _ _ you _?根据横线后的标点,连词成句。1. Steve, watching, is, TV _.2. friend, what, doing, is, your _?3. you, the, to, want, to, do, go, movie _?4. get, oclock, at, up, seven, lets _.教学反思:成功之处:不足之处:措施(原因):小组活动:

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