8-小学-Robin and the ant-逐字稿

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8-小学-Robin and the ant-逐字稿_第1页
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8-小学-Robin and the ant-逐字稿_第3页
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Robin and the ant1.Greeting and warming upGood morning, guys! How are you today?Not happy? You look tired. Ok, now , lets sing a song and have a relax. “ If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands; If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands; If you are happy, and you know it, then your face will surely show it. If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands.” Oh, you like it. Most of you are smiling. Ok, now boys and girls,watch the video about ant. Do you know ant? Its comes from the science TV show. Here we go! 2. Pre-readingOK, now boys and girls,Do you like the video? Have you got more information? If you have, you can answer my questions: Q1,Do you like ant? Q2, Where can you find the ant? Q3,Whats the ant like? Tom, so active. You please. Yes, you like ant? So cute ,right? Anything else? Jack, you please. The ants are under the stones. You are so cool! How about you, Oliver? The ant is small. Wonderful! There is a story about ant. Spell the word “ant”with me. Look at the title carefullyGuess what is the story about? You can predict the story3.While-readingTurn your book to P62 .Read silently and find the main ideas. But before reading, can you remember the reading skills we have learned before? Wow, Sarah, you please. Do you agree with her? Yes, perfect good. When we read a passage, there are some words, phrases or sentences you dont know. It doesnt matter. Dont focus on them. You can pass them or guess the meaning from the passage. thank you , you have a good memory. Now, guys, lets read quickly with the skills. Begin. Times up. Oliver, you please.Oh,You have got the main ideas: Robin and ant help each other. You are a good reader! Clap hands for you! Hey, guys ,read the story carefully and finish the exercise 1 number the pictures. You can underline the key words. 4 minutes for you. Time up, any volunteers? Lucy? Dont be shy. Look at the screen, three choices for you. A. 3214 B. 3124. C. 3421. Which one do you choose? Excellent! 3214! But I hear some of you choose A, some choose B and some choose C. It doesnt matter. Lets focus the details and underline the sentences. The first picture, who is afraid? Yeah, the little ant. “please dont sit on me.” Have you got? The next , who is worried? Robin or ant? What about you Lily? Good! Robin is worried, right? Why? We should underline “ He is stuck in the mud. He is worried.” Who is pulling? The ants, right? The ant and all of his friends come to help Robin. At last, they are all happy. So its a nice ending, right?Read the story individually and underline the words and sentences they cant understand. 3 minutes for you! Time up! Tom, you are the first one, which word or phrases ? “Stuck” Look at me! I have something stuck in my throat! Ehh! Have you got? So brave , sit down ,please. Anyone else? Laura, you please! “ pull” Its so easy! Come here, now I am pulling you. Can you understand? Can you feel the meaning of pull? So cool! Come back your seat.The last time , lets listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation.Ready? Go!4.Post-readingBefore practicing, I will divide you into 2 groups: G1 and G2. you are G1 and you are G2. Hello, G1! Hello, G2! Well have a PK! The better group will got the top of the triangle.Task 1: reading and imitatePlease work in pair and read the story. One is ant , one is Robin,and the last one can read aside. Be remember your body language! I will choose several pairs to show us. 5 minutes for you . Lets go. OK, times up! Which pair want to show? Lucy and your partner please. Wow, perfect, good acting.You are in G2, so G2 get 1 point. Lily, John and Jane, how about you? Wow, wonderful, boy and girls, give them a big hands.The G1 get 1 point. Now, boys and girls, The G1 is ant! G2 is Robin and I am aside. Here we go! Wonderful! I thin G1 is better! So 1 point for you! Lets do some writing . Take out your paper and fill in the blanks. 3 minutes for you. Here we go! Have you finish it? Mary?Perfect! You are good reader! you are in G1 so G1 get one point. The ant is afraid. Robin is stuck and worried, The ants are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Now everyone is happy. 5.Summary and homeworkHow time flies. Boys and girls. Look at the blackboard and think about what we have learned today? Yes, Jim, you please. Robin and ant help each other. We should always be nice to each other. Please remember: union is strength and Dont judge a book by its cover. Who is the winner? G1 ? right? Clap hands for them!Now, boys and girls, here comes todays homework: (1) Retell the story to your parents.(2)Help someone to do something.Now, its time to sing the goodbye song. Everybody, stand up and sing together: one two go, goodbye to you, goodbye to you, Boys and girls, see you next time!6. Blackboard design Robin and the antafraid antwont Robinstuck Robinworried RobinPulled antsHappy ant and Robin G1 G2

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