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商务演讲技巧 Training Content 培训内容 Part One 第一部分 Good preparation planning and structure 良好的准备 规划和 结构 Establishing credibility and interest 评估受众兴趣点 Speaker s psychological adjustment 演讲者心里调适 Pre class Work 课前作业 Practice Self introduction 演练 自我介绍 Part Two 第二部分 The best body language skills 最好的肢体语言技巧 The best vocal language skills 最好的口语表达技巧 The use of emotional skills 表情运用技巧 Practice Reading Competition 演练 朗读比赛 Part Three 第三部分 The design and use of the text 文本设计和运用 How to filter critical information 如何筛选重要信息 The design and use of diagrams 图表的设计和运用 Practice content organization and design according to the proposition 演练 根据命题组织设计演讲内容 Part Four How to make a good opening remarks and warm up activities 如何做好开场白和暖场活动 How to seize the audience s attention 如何吸引听众的注意力 Skills to deal with unexpected issues 应对突发事件的技巧 Practice Key note Speech Anti interference exercise 演练 主题演讲 抗干扰训练 Part Five 第五部分 Ice breaking skills interactive skills 破冰技巧和互动技巧 Time site environmental control skills 时间 现场和环境控 制技巧 How to make a good ending conclusion 如何结束收尾 Practice A two minute time limited speech 演练 两分钟限时 演讲 Part Six Practice Ad lib of IT technology 演练 IT 技术即兴演讲 Lecturer s comments 讲师的点评

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