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模块八 第二单元 Reading练习.单词拼写.1.There was u_(普通的)agreement as to who should become chairman.2.Everyone got worried on hearing the _(令人不安的)news.3.The _(固执的)man refused to apologize.4.They _(联合)to form a new company.5.I finished the work several days ahead of the _(最后期限).6.It is _(显然的)that he will win in the election.7. She showed mercy to the orphan. She is a _(慈悲的) lady.8.The Niagara Falls are a truly _(令人惊叹的) sight.9.Some praise him,whereas others _(谴责) him.10.He is _(不愿意) to give up the opportunity.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空.in order to, take on, instead of, ask for ones hand in marriage, be married to,break ones promise, be unwilling to, broken heart, fall in love, at dawn1.My mother got up _ and prepared breakfast for me.2.Kate was happy because yesterday Tom _ at the party.3.Im sorry. I have to have dinner with my parents _ shopping with you tonight.4.This document in Chinese has been translated into English _ reach a wider audience.5.If she _, Ill never speak to her again.6.Jack _ his wife Linda three years ago and now their child is two years old.7.Most parents _ let their children work in another city, which makes them see their children less.8.Some statues of the famous people will be put up in our school. Then it will _ a new look soon.9.She had a feeling of a _ when she divorced her loved husband.10._with each other, they married two days later.完成句子1.很少有人敢去那片森林,因为那里有很多野兽。Few people _ _ _ _ _ _ because there are too many beats.2.影片暮光之城4-破晓是由著名导演比尔。康顿执导的。The film The Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn _ _ _ the well-known director,Bill Condon.3.我父亲做了一个可以改成床的扶手椅。My father made an armchair which could _ _ _ a bed4.公共场所不允许吸烟。You _ _ _ _ in places.5.一位意大利作家竟会写出以日本为背景的歌剧,这真是奇怪。It is strange that an Italian writer should write an opera which _ _ _ Japan.句型转换1.Inordertoavoidmarriage,shesaysthatanypotentialhusbandmustsolvethreeriddles.Shesaysthatanypotentialhusbandmustsolvethreeriddles_ _avoidmarriage.2.WeneverimaginedthatJohnwouldbecomeadoctor. Weneverimagined_ _ adoctor.3.WangKuncouldntfindabetterplanforhisholiday Thiswas_ _ _ _WangKuncouldfindforhisholiday.4.Thegirldarenotgooutbyherselfatnight. Thegirl_ _ _ _ _byherselfatnight.5.IalwaysfaintassoonasIseeblood. Ialwaysfaint_ _ _ _blood.单项选择1.Whiletherearemanykindsofdifferentunderstandingofour bodylanguage,Some gesturesseemto be _. A.universal B.usual C.common D.ordinary 2. The concert we attended last night was really wonderful. Yeah, I had never been to _.A.the best one B.a better one C.a worse one D.the worst one3. _ get to the company in time, we set out early in the morning.A.So as to B.In order to C.So that D.In order that4.The man was _ to six years in prison for treating his wife cruelly.A.condemned B.arrested C.accuesd D.assumed5.No one _ that to his face.A.dares say B.dares saying C.dare say D.dare to say6. Do you know how long _ Mary before they got married? For about five years.A.had he been in love with B.had he fallen in love with C.he had been in love with D.he had fallen in love with7. After the students put up a Christmas tree in the centre, the classroom _ a holiday appearance.A.rely on B.take on C.look on D.throw light on8.When the man walked past Anna , he _ her bag and ran away quickly.A.caught B.held C.graspd D.seized9.The naughty boy demanded that he _ to go on study next week.A.could permit B.could be permitted C.must permit D.be permitted10.He was arrested but set free soon for lack of _ that he was guilty.A.doubt B.evidence C.conclustion D.belief11.Wang Baoqiang was_as Shagen by Feng Xiaogang. A.carved B.cast C.offered D.throwm12.Suddenly a tall man,riding a golden carriage,_the girl and took her away, _into the woods.A.seizing; disappeared B.seizing; disappearing C.seized; disappeared D.seized; disappearing.句子翻译1. 你不能责怪任何人,因为是你一个人决定的。_2. 她曾经尝试着让歌剧走进更广泛的大众_3. 他们结婚时,他答应她到巴黎度蜜月。她要求他不可以不兑现诺言。_4. 两个月以后他被聘为正式员工。_5. 圣诞树被一些闪亮的装饰物点缀着,很漂亮。_

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