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Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.教学目标(一)知识目标:学习单词:wore, told, show,women, actor, joke, funny, after,theatre ready掌握句型:The men wore womens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. 并能用以上句型描述过去发生的事情。(二)能力目标:通过本节课的学习,培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。小组合作培养学生的团体协作精神。教学重难点:掌握动词的不规则变化是本课重点。熟练地运用目标语句描述过去发生的事情是本课的难点。七、教学过程1 Greetings: 师生运用简单的句子进行问候交流,消除陌生感。2 Warm-up:(播放课件)师生同chant 自制有韵律的儿歌,边跟着节奏边做动作 walk walk walked (做走的动作) jump jump jumped (跳跳的动作) run run ran (做跑的动作) eat eat ate (做吃的动作) tell tell told (做告诉的动作)wear wear wore (做穿的动作)并教授新单词:wore,told,ready, (设计意图:通过有节奏的chant 既复习了已学的动词过去式,又可以很自然地引出新单词,并且营造了轻松愉悦的氛围拉近了师生距离,使学生迅速进入学习状态) 3 Lead-in:T:Today I wear a vest. Yesterday I wore a dress. What about you?T: Look at the picture.Three years ago,At Spring Festival Gala, Xiaoshenyang wore womens clothes.He had a show with ZhaoBenshan and Yadan. (教授单词women,show并练习)4 New text1. T: Last week Lingling,Amy and Sam laughed a lot,too.Lingling wrote a letter to Daming and told Daming what she did last week.Now Lets look at the letter.Please enjoy the movie and find the verbs in the past tense. (课件播放文本内容,请学生边听边划出动词的过去式,并玩游戏复习已学的动词过去式)(设计意图:边听边找出动词的过去式,培养学生的判断能力和自主学习的能力。突破本课重点。请学生说出已学的动词过去式,从而把已学知识和新学知识链接在了一起。)2. listen again and find the new words.(设计意图:使学生在新的语境中再次体会新单词的意义,使所学知识更加牢固。)3. Listen and answer questions: 1、Where did they go last week?2、What did the men and the women wear?3、 What did the actors do?4、What did they eat?(设计意图:在掌握新单词和了解情景的前提下听录音,培养学生听的能力和判断能力。) 5 Practice and Extension: (1)看图选词填空 (2)listen and number (3) 根据语境填词(4)学生分组看图说话 (5)描述自己昨晚做的事情。(设计意图:拓展环节贴近学生们的生活环境,学生能用已学知识描述过去发生的事情。锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,达到了语言学以致用的目的。)八、Homework:What did you do last night?Please discribe and write down:开头已给出:Last night I was at home. I(设计意图:写作就是把口述的内容写到纸上。先引导孩子说,然后再布置写的任务,层层递进,培养了孩子们的书写能力。) Module 9Unit 2 See you soon.教学目标:1、能听、说并正确使用单词:soon、bed、room、history、question、borrow、evening.2、能用不同的时态描述不同时间发生的事。3、培养学生与他人合作互相帮助的精神,保持他们对学习英语的热情。有兴趣与别人谈论过去的事情。教学重点难点:使用不同的时态描述不同时间发生的事。教学设计:一、谈话导入:Today were going to learn Module 9 Unit 2 See you soon.with you.学习单词“soon.”。指出oo字母组合的发音。二、新知呈现:1、Lets free talk:T: Where did you go yesterday? What did you do yesterday? 请学生回答问题来复习一般过去时。2、T: What did you do yesterday evening? 学习单词“evening”,及词组in the evening。3、师接着问:What are you going to do this evening? 让学生复习一般将来时。并变换人称练习:What is he (she) going to do this evening?4、T: Who can ask me some questions? 学习单词“question” ,及词组some questions。5、生问师答,I went to Laizhou Library. I borrowed a book for my friend.学习单词“borrow”,及词组borrow a book。由tomorrow引出borrow。6、T: Because my friend likes Chinese history .So I borrewed a book about Chinese history. 学习单词“history”,及词组Chinese history ta book about Chinese history。7、(1)Lets read the new words together. (2)Lets play a game. Whats missing?三、 课文学习:Daming is going to go to America. Daming has got a letter from America.Who is the letter from? (让学生仔细看书找出这封信是Simon写给Daming的。)He is Damings cousin. What does it say?1、听第一遍录音。 Liston to the tape carefully then try to answer my question: When are they going to see Daming?2、听第二遍录音。Liston again and underline the words and sentences you dont understand. 学习“forget/ask/read(动词过去式)”。3、第三遍听音跟读。Listen and repeat then answer this question:What is Dad going to do? 学生回答后,老师板书:He is going to put another bed in the room. He is going to ask Daming some questions.4、第四遍听音跟读。Read after the tape again then try to do the exercises:What did Mum buy?What did Dad read ?What did they borrow?学生回答后,教师板书:Mum bought (筷子的简笔画). Dad read (历史书的简笔画). They borrowed(自行车的简笔画).5、Read the text by yourselves.四、运用拓展:1、Let play a game.老师出示“yesterdaytomorrow”。让学生从准备的信封中抽取一个词组,让学生用这两个单词造句子。教师先给学生做示范:I watched TV yesterday. Im going to watch TV tomorrow.2、给好朋友的一封信。May Day is coming .Please write a letter to your best friend. Tell him(or her): What did you do last week? And What are you going to do on May Day?让学生根据提示练习这封信的内容。Dear :How are you? Last week I went to . I there.I had a good time.May Day is coming. Im going to . I there.How about you?From, 3、Lets enjoy an English song.Postman, Postman.五、作业:Finish writing the letter after class.板书设计:Module 9 Unit 2See you soon.He is going to put. Mum bought (筷子的简笔画). ask Dad read (历史书的简笔画). They borrowed(自行车的简笔画). Tomorrow Yesterday

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