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人教版高一英语Book 3 Unit 4一、单词拼写1. A lot of Western festivals are based on the Christian r_(宗教信仰).religion2. Several manned s_(宇宙飞船)have been sent into outer space.spaceships3. Mothers are always g_(温和的)with their babies.gentle4. The underground railway s_(系统)in Beijing is developing rapidly.5. There is a friendly a_(氛围)of helping each other in our neighborhood.atmosphere6. Water e_(存在)in three forms, which are liquid, gas and solid.exists7. The universe as a whole contains b_(亿万)of stars.billions8. His question really p_(使我迷惑)me. I had to ask the teacher for help.puzzled9. Exremely interested in stars and space, Tom devotes himself to a_.(天文学)astronomy10. The c_(天气)in the south doesnt agree with my grandfather, who is from the north.climate答案:1. religion 2. spaceships 3. gentle 4. system 5. atmosphere 6. exists 7. billions 8. puzzled 9. astronomy 10. climate二、单词拼写1. The pond is s_(包围)by tall trees.surrounded2.We are e_(非常)sorry for the delay.(耽搁)extremely3. Can we f_(找出)whats wrong with your car?figure4. Dont t_(吓唬)yourself with strange imagination.terrify5. The countrys w_(财富)is based on trade.wealth6. The play will t_(巡回)the province next month.tour7. Can you feel your blood f_(流出)around body?flowing8. He is a strong man with b_(宽)shoulders.broad9. The medicine will s_(加快)your recovery.speed10. There are seven c_(大洲)and four oceans on the earth.continents答案:1. surrounded 2. extremely 3. figure 4. terrify 5. wealth 6. tour 7. flowing 8. broad 9. speed 10. continents三、单词拼写1. We should not only know the t_(理论)but also know how to put it into practice.theory2. We dont want to see the v_(猛烈的)fighting, because we love peace and friendship.violent3. He grew up in an a_(氛围)of love and trust from his family.atmosphere4. The experiment shows that the s_(系统)is not good enough and needs to be improved.system5. Water e_(存在)in three forms-liquid,gas and solid.exists6. U_(不像)his deskmate he worked out the math problem in a different way.Unlike7. The boy likes studying the universe and he wants to choose a_(天文学)as his major.astronomy8. This kind of plant m_(增加)very quickly in warm and wet weather.multiplied9. The heavy rain p_(阻止)him attending the meeting yesterday.prevented10. P_(迷惑)about the long sentence structure, he turned to the English teacher for help/Puzzled答案:1. theory 2. violent 3. atmosphere 4. system 5. exists 6. Unlike 7. astronomy 8. multiplied 9. prevented 10. Puzzled四、单词拼写1. When did the world come into e_(存在).existence2. V_(强暴的)criminals should be severely punished.Violent3. Im sorry to d_(使人失望)you, but I really have no time.disappoint4. The government did whatever they could to prevent the infectious disease from s_(传播扩散)to other countries.spreading5. There is an a_(氛围)of peace and calm in the country that is quite different from that of a big city.atmosphere6. Ana_(天文学家)is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.astronomer7. At present we are watching how your s_(太阳系)system is changing, including big changes to your sun.solar8. A r_(宗教)is a particular system of belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this system.religion9. Ana_(原子)is the smallest amount of a substance that can take part in a chemical reaction.atom10. Ag_(地球仪)is a ball-shaped object with a map of the world on it. It is usually fixed on a stand.globe答案:1. existence 2. Violent 3. disappiont 4. spreading 5. atmosphere 6. astronomer 7. solar 8. religion 9. atom 10. globe五、单词拼写1. You can use g_(全球的)to describe something that happens in all parts of the world or affects all parts of the world.global2. C_(碳)is a chemical element that diamonds and coal are made up of.Carbon3. N_(氮)is a colourless element that has no smell and is usually found as a gas. It forms about 78% of the earths atmosphere, and is found in all living things.Nitrogen4. V_(水蒸气)consists of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air, which appear as mist.Vapour5. You usef_(基本的,基础的)to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or essential. fundermental6. Someonesp_(出席到场)in a place is the fact that they are there.presence7. Heat gently until the sugar d_.(溶解解散)dissolves8. Something that ish_(有害的)has a bad effect on something else, especially on a persons health.harmful9. Ana_(酸)is a chemical substance, usually a liquid, which contains hydrogen and can react with other substances to form salts.acid10. Ac_(链子)consists of metal rings connected together in a line.chain答案:1. global 2. Carbon 3. Nitrogen 4. Vapour 5. fundermental 6. presence 7. dissolves 8. harmful 9. acid 10. chain六、单词拼写1. Shestheownerofthec_(连锁)ofhotel.chain2. Yourr_(反应回应)to something that has happened or something that you have experienced is what you feel, say, or do because of it.reaction3. Such disputes m_(大量增加) in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.multiplied4. DidyouknowImallergictos_(贝类动物)?shellfish5. Thisisthewebsiteofglobala_(两栖动物)diversityanalysisgroup.amphibian6. Ihopewewillliked_(恐龙)food.dinosaur7. Thebat(蝙蝠)istheonlym_(哺乳动物)thatcanfly.mammal8. T_(因此)wehavebecomeverypoor.Thus9. Absorbd_(二氧化碳)andproduceoxygen.吸收二氧化碳,放出氧气。dioxide10. B_(生物学)is the science which is concerned with the study of living things.Biology答案:1. chain 2. reaction 3. multiplied 4. shellfish 5. amphibian 6. dinosaur 7. mammal 8. Thus 9. dioxide 10. Biology七、单词拼写1. Hisfatherisafamousb_(生物学家).biologist2.G_(生物学家)is the force which causes things to drop to the ground.Gravity3. The rocket launched two communications s_(人造卫星).satellites4. My son was a quiet and g_(温和的文雅的) man who liked sports and enjoyed life.gentle5. G_(地质学家)have studied the way that heat flows from the earth.Geologists6. Ap_(物理学家)is a person who does research connected with physics or who studies physics.physicist7. A species of animal or plant that ise_(灭绝的绝种的)no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place.extinct8. Thec_(气候)of a place is the general weather conditions that are typical of it.climate9. Ac_(彗星)is a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun.comet10. Ac_(碰撞坠落)is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.crash答案:1. biologist 2. Gravity 3. satellites 4. gentle 5. Geologists 6. physicist 7. extinct 8. climate 9. comet 10. crash八、单词拼写1. Theinnersystemofas_(宇宙飞船)israthersophisticated.spaceship2. When youp_(拉,拖)something, you hold it firmly and use force in order to move it towards you or away from its previous position.pull3.Gravityexertsanaturalp_(拉力)straightdownwards,towardsthecenteroftheearth.pull4. Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to l_(减少减轻) the risk of serious illness.lessen5. You can alsof_(使漂浮)something on a liquid.float6. Icheeredupimmediatelyandfloatedw_(失重地)aroundinourspaceshipcabin.weightlessly7. Ac_(小木屋)is a small wooden house, especially one in an area of forests or mountains.cabin8. If somethinge_(使筋疲力尽)you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.exhausts9. She was too e_(劳累)and distressed to talk about the tragedy.exhausted10. It was an e_(感到筋疲力尽)schedule she had set herself.exhausting答案:1. spaceship 2.pull 3. pull 4. lessen 5. float 6. weightlessly 7. cabin 8. exhausts 9. exhausted 10. exhausting八、完成句子1. Wehandedinallthedocuments_ _. (及时)in time2. Birds _ _(下蛋)andflysouthforthewinter.lay eggs3. Whydosomechildrenloveto _ _ _(产生分娩)chilblain(冻疮)?give birth to4. Thus they have, _ _ _(轮到他们,接着), become the most important animals on the planet.in their turn5. Wetaketheserisksnottoescapelife,butto_ life_(阻止制止)escapingus.prevent from6. Theboy_ _(感到高兴感到振奋)atoncewhenIpromisedtohelphim.cheer up7. _ _(既然)youhavearrive,letsbegin.now that8.If something such as war, fighting, or disease_ _(突发爆发), it begins suddenly.breaks out9. Wemust_ _ _(密切注意)symptomsofanycancer.watch out for10. Something that_ _(挡住)light prevents it from reaching a place.blocks out11.Theviewofdenyingoraffirmingchinesetraditionalculturecompletelycannot_ _ _.(开始存在)comeintoexistence12. If you_ _(泄露)information, you make it known to people.give out13. If a performance, sports event, or other entertainment is_ _(卖完售光), all the tickets for it have been sold.14. If you_ _ (闲逛,逗留)in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there.hang out


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