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Unit 2 Grammar参考教案第一课时教学目标:1. Compare two things using morethan, fewerthan and lessthan.2. Compare more than two things using the most for the largest amount and the fewest/ the least for the smallest amount.教学重点、难点:1. How to use morethan, fewerthan and lessthan.2. How to use the most the fewest and the least.设计思路:通过比较级,最高级的问题情境,让学生在研究,交流中经历比较级,最高级的知识发现,从而建构比较级,最高级相关的知识体系,达到提升学习能力的目的。教学过程:教学环节Step 1. Warm up Ask some questions about the school lives. Then show the aims to students. Tell the Ss what well learn in this lesson.Step 2. PresentationPresent some picturesAsk the questions: Who has more fewer flowers?Step 3. PracticeWork in pairsUse “morethan”, “fewerthan” to compare the things on the screen.Step 4. PresentationPresent the picturesAsk the questions: Who has more less orange juice?Step 5. PracticeWork in pairs. Practise the usage of “morethan” and “lessthan”.Step 6. Work out the ruleWe use “more/fewerthan” to talk about countable nouns.We use “more/lessthan” to talk about uncountable nouns.Step 7. ExercisesFinish the exercises on Page 29 and Page 28.Step 8. Consolidation Make up more sentences Compare your school life with Nancys, Johns or DanielsStep 9. Presentation According to the table, ask some questions :1) Who studies the fewest subjects?2) Who joins the most clubs?3) Who has the least free time? Present “the most the fewest the least”Step 10. Practice Make up sentences with “the most the fewest the least”Step 11. Work out the ruleWe use“the most/fewest”to talk about countable nouns.We use“the most/least”to talk about uncountable nouns. Step 12. Exercises Finish the exercises on Page 30 ,Part B2 and B3Step 13. Writing Look at the table, Compare your school life with that in America or England, then write it down.Step 14. Homework Finish the exercises.On BbMore than the mostFewerthan the fewestLessthan the least教学后记:第二课时教学目标:1. Can make comparisons using the same as and be different from.2. Can make comparisons using the sameas.教学重点、难点:Grasp the sentences like these: My uniform is the same as Simons uniform. My uniform is different from Johns uniform. Millies pencil box is the same size as Amys pencil box.设计思路:通过the same as and be different from的问题情境,让学生在研究,交流中经历the same as and be different from的知识发现,从而建构the same as and be different from相关的知识体系,达到提升学习能力的目的。教学过程:教学环节Step I. Lead-in Revise the use of more/fewer/lessthan and the most/fewest/least. (make some sentences)Step II. Pre-taskTask 1 “be the same as” and “be different from”. Ask some questions about the picture. (见课件)T: What can you see in the picture? Do the girls wear the same kind of sweaters? What about their skirts? Point out: Amys sweater is the same as Millies sweater. Amys sweater and Millies sweater are the same. Amys hair is different from Millies hair. Amys hair and Millies hair are different.Task 2 Make more comparisons.Step III. While-taskTask 1 Say something about the picture of Part C on Page 31. Simons uniform is the same as Daniels uniform. Johns uniform is different from Daniels uniform. Make different sentences with the picture. E.g. Johns hair is different from Simons hair Use the following pictures of Part C1 on Page 31 to say which things are the same and which things are different.E.g.: Millies skirt is different from Tinas skirt. Millies coat is different from Tinas coat. Millies shoes are the same as Tinas shoes. Millies socks are the same as Tinas socks.Task 2 Finish Parts C1 and C2.Task 3 Look at the pictures of Part A on Page 37 and make sentences. Ss: Picture 1 has more pens than Picture 2. Picture 3 has fewer pens than Picture 1. Picture 2 has the same pens as Picture 3. Picture 1 has the most pens of the 3 pictures. The pens in Picture 1 are different from the pens in Picture 2/3. Task 4 Finish Part A on Page 33.Check the answers with the Ss. Ask the Ss to make more sentences with “the most/fewest”.Task 5 Ask the Ss to answer some questions: 1. We have learned many sports. Can you tell me some? 2. What stationery do you know? 3. What subject do you learn? 4. How many kinds of schools do you know? What are they? 5. How many kinds of students do you know?Task 6 Part B on Page 37 Read the words and phrases in the form and fill the form.Step IV. Post-taskTranslate the following sentences into English. 1.Lucy和Lily的钢笔是相同的。 2.Jam的脸盘和他妈妈不一样。 3.Daniel的自行车与Sam的自行车一模一样。 4.Sandy的家庭作业与Millie的不同。 5、你们的校服和他们的不同。Your school uniforms are_. 6、莉莉的自行车不同与她妈妈的自行车。 Lilys bike _.Step V. Homework1. Finish some exercises.教学后记:资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994资料来源:http:/zhdduya100.taobao.com/QQ:1805986694,597161994

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