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牛津英语模块二重点短语过关练习Unit 1I. A)将下列短语译为中文:1. due to 2. make progress3. according to 4. go missing 5. run into 6. show great interest in7. show up8. run after9. believe in10. step up the research for B)从上面短语中选择一个合适的完成下列句子。(每空字数不限)1. Lost in thought, he nearly _ a car in front of him while he was walking along the street.2. More and more people _ taking sport to keep fit after work every day.3. The police have already _ the missing boy, hoping to find him soon.4. Strangely enough, the bag I left on the table _. Is it possible that someone took it away by mistake?5. The boy _ chess at his young age, and turned a master of chess later on.6. The plane was put off _ the terrible storm.7. He promised to come, but _so far.8. I dont think it wrong _happiness. But everything he or she does should be moral and legal.9. He _ such rapid _ that he was praised by his teachers.10. _the plan, we will make a trip to the famous lake next week.II. A) 翻译下列短语 1. make ones way to2. rule out the possibility3. look into 4. do research on5. make up6. with amazing speed and strength7. put on8. be said to do sth9. take charge of10.could have done sth; B) 运用上面的短语完成下列句子。(每空字数不限)1. 他说他已经对野人研究了十年了。 He says that he _the yetis for ten years.2. 警方说目前他们还没有排除教授被害的可能性。 The police say that they _ of the professors _ so far.3. 请耐心些,我们正在调查这起案件。 Please be more _, we _ the case. 4. 这位老人因擅长编讲故事而受孩子们的欢迎。 The old man is popular with the children, for he is good at _ and _ stories.5. 校长会让哪位老师来负责这个捣乱班级呢? Which teacher will the headmaster have _ the troublesome class?6. 昨晚我听到他播放他最喜爱的CD了。 I heard him _ last night.7. 据说他去过两次北京。 He is said _ Beijing twice.8. 野人以惊人的速度和力气奔跑,我们没有捉到。 The yeti ran _, so we couldnt catch it.9. 花园里的足迹可能是凶手留下的。 The _ in the garden _ by the murder.10. 我们正顶着大风往学校而去。 We are _ to the school _ the strong wind.Unit 2I. A)将下列方框中的短语译为中文。be busy doing sth _be ready to do sth _(be) about the size of_get rough _get turned upside down _get close to _be about to do sth when_ be tired of doing sth _be surrounded by _be home to _B) 从上面的方框中选择合适的词语完成下列句子。(每个限用一次)1. Now he is out of job, no wonder he _ and often shouts at others.2. I _ interview the headmaster _ the light went out surprisingly.3. Forests _ wild animals. If they are destroyed, the animals will be dying out.4. The tiger _ the cow quietly before it made a sudden attack.5. The moment the super star got off the plane, he _ a large crowd of people there.6. Their raft _ when traveling down the river. Luckily, they could all swim and no one got drowned. 7. I_ eating the same food day after day. We want something new for a change.8. The students_ preparing for a party, which is due to start in half an hour.9. He is so kind that he _ help those in trouble.10. Its said that ones heart _ his own fist.II. A) 将下列短语译为中文。1. lose ones way2. in the dark3. suggest sb do sth4. in case5. provide sb with sth6. even though7. in total silence8. tower over9. run out; 10. scareawayII. 根据上面所学的短语完成下句子。(每空字数不限)1. 你们不该对父母隐瞒旅行计划。 You shouldnt have kept your parents _ about your plan.2. 带把伞以防下午有雨。 Take an umbrella with you _it rains.3. 即使我考试不及格我也不会作弊。 I wont cheat in the exam, _ I fail in it.4. 当危险的动物靠得太近时,我们用枪把它们吓走。 We used a gun to _ the dangerous animals _ when they got too close.5. 当你在森林中迷路时你该怎么办呢? What will you do when you _in the forest?6. 汽油用完了,我们只好把汽车停在路边。 With the gas _, we had to park our car at the side of the road.7. 医生建议她不要吃零食。 The doctor suggested her _.8. 我们静静地坐在公园里,仰望着星星。 We sat in the park _, _ at the stars. 9. 摩天大楼拔地而起,高耸入云。 The skyscraper _ the land, reaching into the sky10. 大自然为当地人提供了无尽的资源。 Nature _ the local people _.III. 运用方框中所给的短语完成下列短文。(每个词语仅用一次)look forward to; be disappointed at; go on a trip; tourist spot; cant wait to (do) in harmony with; check in; be included in; sound like; cant help(doing)This summer, my parents and I (1) _ Beijing. I got excited when I heard the decision made by my parents. It (2) _ a dream at first, but it was true! We didnt join the visitors organized by travel agencies, so that we could go to any (3) _ at will. Mum and I got ready everything we thought might be needed for our trip. A digital camera, a mobile phone, a pocket knife and magazines (4) _ our travel suitcase. We decided to go there by train on July 16th, so Dad bought the tickets five days ahead of time. Finally the day I (5) _came at last! We got on the train at seven in the evening because it was due to arrive in Beijing at six the next morning. It was comfortable to lie in bed on the train, so we all had a good sleep. I woke up and (6) _ the rainy weather there. Luckily, the rain stopped after we got off the train. Dad suggested having breakfast first but I (7) _ go to the Great Wall, our first destination. When we got to the entrance of the Great Wall, there had been lots of tourists, they were standing in line waiting to (8) _. At nine oclock, we started to climb along the steps of the Great Wall. After about two hours, I got tired, but I never thought of giving up. I was determined to reach the highest part of the Great Wall. Standing on the top of it, I found it towers over most hills and everything below looks small. I (9) _ feeling proud of myself whenever I think of the famous saying, “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”. Youll admire the great wisdom of the ancient Chinese people when you find that they created such a great art (10) _ nature Unit 3 I. 从下列方框中找出合适的短语完成下列句子。(每个限用一次)be qualified for; as well as; be present at; at a speed of; be curious about; survival skills; not only.but alsoin control of ;be known as / for; shortly after;1. Any teacher who _ not _ his job will be dismissed.2. Mr. Li _ the meeting, which means Mr. Li attended the meeting.3. Zhang Yimo _ a film director.4. When he was young, he _everything and liked to ask questions.5. I think it useful and necessary for students to learn _ before they go traveling.6. He can be _ himself, which helped him to get the position.7. _did he give me some advice _he lent me some money.8. The train is traveling _ 180km/h.9. _he left, someone rang to ask for him.10. Mike, _his friends, is playing football the sports field.II. A) 将下列方框中的短语译为中文。1. have an effect on 2. set sail for 3. emptyof 4. lead sb to 5. go out 6. have a high fever 7. in harmony with8. have something to do sth 9. breathe in 10. result in 11. pay off 12. compare with 13. would rather do sth 14. make a contribution to 15. pay little attention to 16. make ones dream a reality 17. describeas 18. go down in history 19. look up to 20. manage to do sth B) 从上面的方框中选择合适的词语完成下列句子。(每个限用一次,每空字数不限)1. The Titanic sank to the bottom of the sea when it _ America on its first journey.2. According to the doctors, smoking _ great _ health, so never start to smoke.3. I was doing my homework when the light suddenly _.4. The doctor took my temperature and said that I _. 5. I _a blind man _ the other side of the street this morning. You are a good boy. It was dangerous for him to do so without help.6. Mum told me to _ the box _ my books, because she wanted to use it for keeping clothes.7. Heavy smokers are more likely to _lung cancer than non-smokers.8. The police questioned all the people who _ this case.9. If _, smoke can cause people to cough or fall ill.10. I hope there is no war or conflict, and the people all over the world can live _ each other.11. No other discovery could _ this one. It was the greatest that Id ever made.12. All those years of training as an athlete finally _. Liu Xiang won the gold medal!13. If everyone _ protecting the environment, a lot of problems will be solved.14. I made a suggestion to him, but he _it. C)根据所给汉语运用方框中合适的词语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)1. 我宁可被老师批评,也不愿扯谎。 I _ _ be criticized _tell a lie.2. 多年的艰苦努力之后,他最终实现了自己的梦想。 After many years of hard work, he finally _ his _ a _.3. 尽管不富有,这对夫妇还是设法将儿子送进了大学。 Though not rich, the couple _ _send their son into a university.4. 只为自己着想的领导是不值得尊重的。 Those leaders who only care about themselves arent worth_ _ _.5. 他将在历史上成为永垂不朽的英雄。 He will _ _ _ _as a hero. 6. 学生们都说他们的老师是个幽默善良的人。 All the students _ their teacher _ a humorous and kind person.Key: Unit 1I. A) 1. 由于 2. 取得进步 3. 根据 4. 不见了 5. 撞上 6. 对很感兴趣 7. 露面;出现 8. 追赶;追求 9. 信奉 10. 加紧对的搜查B) 1. ran into 2. believe in 3. stepped up the search for 4. has gone missing 5. showed great interest in 6. due to 7. hasnt turned up 8. to run after 9. made; progress 10. According toII. A)1.(奋力)向而去 2. 排除可能性 3. 调查 4. 对做研究 5. 编造 6. 以惊人的速度和力气 7. 假装, 增加, 欺骗 8.据说某人做某事 9. 负责 10. 可能做过某事B)1. has been doing research on 2. havent ruled out the possibility; being murdered 3. patient; are looking into 4. making up; telling 5. take charge of 6. put on his favourite CD 7. to have been to 8. with amazing speed and strength 9. footprints; may / could have been left 10. making our way; againstUnit 2I. A) 1. 忙于做某事 2. 准备好做某事 3. 大约是大小4. 变得湍急/粗暴 5. 上下倾翻6. 接近 7. 正要做某事这时 8. 厌烦做某事 7. 被包围着9. 10. 是的家园B) 1. gets rough 2. was about to; when 3. are home to 4. got close to 5. was surrounded by 6. get turned upside down 7. am tired of 8. are busy 9. is ready to 10. is about the size ofII. A) 1. 迷路 2.在黑暗中;蒙在鼓里 3. 建议某人不做某事 4. 以免 5. 提供某物给某人 6.即使;哪怕 7.悄无声息 8.高出;超出 9. 用完 10.将吓走B)1 in the dark 2. in case 3. even though 4. scare; away 5. lose your way 6. running out 7. not taking snacks 8. in total silence; looking up 9. towers over 10. provides; with endless resourcesIII. 1. went on a trip to 2. sounded like 3. tourist spot 4. were included in 5. was looking forward to 6. was disappointed at 7. couldnt wait to 8. be checked in 9. cant help 10. in harmony withUnit 3I. 1. is; qualified for 2. was present at 3. is known as 4. was curious about 5. survival skills 6. in control of 7. Not only; but also 8. at a speed of 9. Shortly after 10. as well asII. A)1. 对有影响2. 启航前往 3. 清空里的4. 引导某人去 5. 熄灭6. 发高热7. 与相各谐8. 有有关9. 吸进10. 导致11.成功:得到酬报 12.和相比 13.宁可做某事 14.为作出责献 15. 对不关心 16. 使某人梦想成真 17. 描述为 18. 在历史中流传下来 19. 尊敬 20.设法做成某事B) 1. sailed for 2. has a; effect on 3. went out 4. had a high fever 5. led; to 6. empty; of 7. result in 8. had something to do with 9. breathed in 10. in harmony with 11. compare with 12. paid off 13. makes a contribution to 14. paid little attention toC) 1. would rather; than 2. made; dream; reality 3. managed to 4. looking up to 5. go down in history 6. describe; as


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