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高中英语单词轻松背-E字母eager adj. 热切的,渴望的考点 重要句型be eager to do sth. 渴望做- She was eager to buy the new dress.她渴望买这件新衣服。be eager for sth. 渴望,想得到- He is eager for his parents to send him a new bicycle.他盼望他的父母送他一辆新自行车。- He was eager for success.他渴望获得成功。eager + that从句(从句要用虚拟语气)- She is eager that her daughter should arrive earlier.她盼望她的女儿早点到。eastern adj. 东方的,东部的特征- In the eastern part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.在中国东部,夏天的温度和冬天的温度差异很大。备考必背辨析east和easterneastern和east都有“东部的”的意思,在专有名词前一般用east;在普通名词前一般用eastern。East China 华东 east/eastern wind 东风the eastern coastline of China 中国东部海岸线派生词:easterner n. 东方人联想记忆:与eastern构词和用法相同的还有下面这些词,请记住它们:southern adj. 南的,南方的 southerner n. 南国人,南方人western adj. 西的,西方的 westerner n. 西方人northern adj. 北方的,北部的 northerner n. 北国人,北方人edge n. 边缘 刀口,刃特征- The edge of the plate is blue.这盘子的边是蓝色的。- The ax has a sharp edge.这把斧头的刃口锋利。备考必背 重要词组on the edge of 在的边上 at the edge of 在的边缘- There is a cottage at the edge of the lake.在湖边有一座小屋。effect n. 影响,作用,效果特征- The book will have a bad effect upon young people.这本书会对青少年产生恶劣的影响。备考必背 重要词组have an effect on/upon . 对有影响 bring into effect 实行come into effect 开始生效 take effect 奏效- The agreement comes into effect once signed.协议一经签定立即生效。- The medicine didnt take effect yet.药还没有见效。encourage vt. 鼓励;支持特征- He encouraged me to try it again.他鼓励我再试一次。备考必背辨析encourage sb. to do sth.和encourage sb. in doing sth.前者指“鼓励某人去做某事”,后者指“鼓励某人正在做某事”。比较下面的句子:- He encouraged his brother to have a speech at the meeting.他鼓励弟弟在会议上发言。(还没有发言)- He encouraged his brother in having aspeech at the meeting.他弟弟正在会议上发言,他很支持。(正在发言)派生词:encouragement n. 鼓励练习与解答- All the employees except the managerto work online at home.2004 广东A. encourages B. encourage C. is eccouraged D. are encouraged答案:D(除了经理,所有的员工都被鼓励在家里上网进行工作。本题考查主谓一致和被动语态。主语带except,as well as, together,with,rather than,along with,including,in addition to等词组时,谓语不受它们影响,仍由主语决定单复数。)entire adj. 全部的,整个的特征- The entire house was destroyed by fire.整栋房子都被火毁坏了。- Im in entire agreement with you.我完全同意你的意见。贴心叮咛英文中有好几个词都表示“全部的”,它们之间的差别非常细小,同学们要仔细领会。备考必背 辨析entire,whole和complete这三个词都有“全部的”的意思。entire和whole作“全部的”讲时,可以通用,但whole更常用,此外whole还可以表示“健全”,而entire则不能。complete意为“完全的”,表示所有的部分都完整无缺,往往用于一项程序的完结。- I hope you will come back whole.我希望你平安归来。- Do you have a complete set of Shakespeares plays?你有整套的莎士比亚戏剧集吗?equal adj. 相等的,平等的 v. 等于特征- Everyone should enjoy equal rights.每个人都应当享有平等的权利。- Two and five equals seven.二加五等于七。贴心叮咛equal是个很重要也容易考的词,考点主要集中在它的词组上。备考必背把某物分成均等的几份,只能用equal,不能用same。(误)He divided the apple into four same parts.(正)He divided the apple into four equal parts.他把苹果分成四等份。重要词组be equal to sth.等于,与相等,胜任- One li is eaqul to half a kilometer.一华里等于半公里。- It is equal to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都一样。- He is equal to this task.他能胜任这项任务。be equal to doing sth. 能胜任- He is equal to doing this task.他能胜任这项任务。派生词:equality n. 同等,平等,相等equality between the sexes 男女平等- All three children have equality in our family.三个小孩在我们家都是平等的。equip vt. 装备,配备特征- The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.士兵们配备着嘴新式的武器。- The traveler equipped himself for a long journey.旅行者为长途旅行准备行装。备考必背equip的宾语不能是用来装备的东西。(误)He equipped two lights to his room.(正)He equipped his room with two lights.他给他的房间装了两盏灯。重要词组equip sb./sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/某物equip for 为作准备The seamen equipped a ship for a voyage.水手们装备船只准备出航。辨析equip和furnishequip指为某一目的而提供的装备;而furnish则指为了生活上的便利而配备所需要的东西。- They are going to equip the workshop with new machines.他们将用新机器装备这个车间。- We furnished the room with new furniture.我们在房间里布置了新家具。派生词:equipment n. 装备,设备expense n. 费用,开销,花费特征- What are the expenses of these goods?这些商品的费用是多少?- A new car can be a great expense.买一辆新汽车要花很多钱。备考必背 重要词组at ones expense 由某人付款- We were all entertained at Toms expense.我们全由汤姆请客。at the expense of 以为代价He became a brilliant scholar, but only at the expense of his health.他成为了一位卓越的学者,却牺牲了健康。at any expense 不管花费多少钱- He wanted to buy the book at any expense.不管花多少钱他都想买这本书。explain v. 解释,说明特征- The boy was explaining to the teacher why he was late.这个男孩正向老师解释他为什么迟到。- Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it.请向我说明从哪里开始以及怎样做。考点explain后面不能接the reason,这一点经常考到。(误)Can you explain the reason why you were late?(正)Can you explain why you were late?你能解释一下为什么迟到吗?表示“给某人解释”,explain后不直接接某人,也不用for,而用介词to。(误)The teacher explained us this problem.(正)The teacher explained this problem to us.老师给我们解释了这道难题。备考必背 派生词explanation n. 解释,说明- The text still needs explanation.课文还需要被解释。explode v. (使)爆炸,(突然)爆发特征- Its a custom to explode fireworks to celebrate the Spring Festival.燃放爆竹庆祝春节是一种习俗。- The bomb exploded near the tall building.炸弹在这座高楼附近爆炸了。备考必背 重要词组explode with anger 勃然大怒 explode with laughter 哄堂大笑- The audience exploded with laughter.观众哄堂大笑。expose v. 使暴露,使曝光,揭露特征- Dont expose your skin to the flaming sun.别把你的皮肤暴露在炎热的阳光下。- This film has been exposed.这片子已经曝光了。备考必背 重要词组expose . to . 把暴露在- The company exposed the plan to the newspapers.公司向几家报纸透露了这个计划。


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