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八年级英语假期作业 姓名: 家长签字:一、单项选择题:( ) 1. When _ you _ shopping, Mum? Tomorrow. Would you like to go with me, dear? A. did; go B. do; go C. are; going D. does; go ( ) 2、Canada is bigger than China, but it has_ people than China. A. less B. the least C. fewer D. the fewest ( ) 3、Daniel taught _ how to make a home page. A. him B. he C. his D. himself ( ) 4、Father told Millie_ at home because her mother was ill in bed. A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed ( ) 5、Elephants are very _ and they often walk _. A. quiet; quiet B. quiet; quietly C. quietly; quiet D. quietly; quietly ( ) 6、If we _ more bamboos, giant pandas will have more food. A. grows B. grow C. grew D. are growing ( ) 7、Daniel sits at the back of the classroom because he is _ boy in our class. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( ) 8、You can choose to go with us _ with them. Well, Id like to go with you. A. but B. and C. or D. if ( ) 9、If you visit _, youll see the Eiffel Tower. A. Paris B. Sydney C. Washington D. Tokyo ( ) 10、His jacket is the same _ yours, but yours is bigger than his. A. like B. with C. of D. as ( )11.Its starting ,so I dont want to go out now.A、rain B.raining C.rains D.to rain( )12.The mother asked her kids to stop and to her.A.to talk; lisened B.talking ;listen C.Talking;listened D.to talk;listen ( )13.Alrhough he doesnt like most sports ,he . A.enjoys swimming and goifingB.is a swimming and golfsC.Likes swimming and the golfs D.likes to swim and a golfer( )14.Selina started things .She went swimming when she was three years old. A.earlyB.earlier C.earlily D.late( )15.How many countries can the World Cup?A.to take part in B.Joining C.take par in D.join( )16Did you buy anything _ your way home?Ain Bto Cfrom Don( )17Shall we go there on foot _ by bus? A、or Bbut Cso Dand( )18.When I was ,I went to school. A.six yearB.Six years old C.at ago to six D.sixyears-old( )19This house is _ dear, so he doesnt want to buy it.Atoo much Bmuch too Cmany too Dtoo many( )20There_ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.Ais going to be Bare going to have Care going to be Dis going to have( )21Wheres my pen? I cant _ it.Afind Blook at Clook Dlook for( )22“ _ does your mother usually go to work? ” “By bike.”AWhen BWhy CHow DWhere( )23“When _ he _ to London? ”“ Three years ago. ”Aare, going to move Bdo, move Cdid, move Ddoes, move( 24I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _ is a driver.Aone Banother Cthe other Dother( )25Its cold today. Why _ your coat?Adont put on Bnot to put onCnot putting on Dnot put on( ) 26My brother _ to school because she was ill.Adoesnt go Bnot go Cdidnt go Dnot to go( )27Wed better _ there by bus tomorrow.Agoing Bgo Cto go Dgoes( )28.When I was ,I went to school. A.six yearB.Six years old C.at ago to six D.sixyearsold( ) 29The Whites reached Beijing _ the afternoon of June 15.Ain Bon Cat Dfor( )39My father _ lunch at home every day.Ahasnt Bdoesnt haveChavent Ddont have二、用动词适当形式填空: 1. - What _ your brother often _ (have) for breakfast? - He usually has bread and milk but sometimes he has noodles. 2. My father _ (be) born on June 19th, 1960. 3. Look! A boy _ (cry) over there. Lets go and see what is wrong with him. 4. _ (not play) football on the road. Its very dangerous.5. - Can I _ (have) a look at those new books? - Ok, here you are. 6. He _ (go) to school by dike every morning. But this morning he _ (go) by bus.7. “Do you like _ (drink) tea?”“Yes, I do.”8. Im sorry. I cant. I have to _ (help) my mom.9. There _(not be )any bread at home yesterday.10. Tom _(have) no time last Sunday. He _ (visit) his friends next Sunday.11. Please tell him _(wash) his hands before supper.12.Both of (they) had a good time at the party.13. (do)morning exercises _ (be) good for you.14. Toms brother _ (be) good at soccer.15. Finally he asked people to stop _ (talk).三、按要求改写下列各句1There are some old buses over there.(改为单数形式)There_ _ old _ over there.2She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_ _ she_ for you last Sunday?3Mr. Black teaches in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mr. Black _ in a middle school?4You mustnt play football in front of the house.(改为祈使句)_ _ football in front of the house.5My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ your uncle _ in Shanghai?6Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)Mike _ _ to the park yesterday.7The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_ _ the students _ _ _ next Sunday?四、阅读理解 “Cool” is a word with many meanings. It means a little cold at first. As time changes, the word gets many different meanings. We can use “cool” when we talk about something wonderful or somebody looking smart. For example. When you see a beautiful and expensive car in the street, you can say, “It is cool.” You may think the famous film star Keanu Reeves is cool. You can also use the word to mean something new and surprising. Here is an example. One day a teacher took the students to a farm and then asked them to write something about the visit. One of her students just wrote, “The farm is so cool.” Because he thought “ cool” was the best word to show what he saw and felt. It also shows some people dont have enough words. Without “cool”, they seem to have no other words to use. Can you think of any other words like “cool: with so many meanings? If you can they are also very “cool”. 根据短文内容选择正确答案( ) 1. The meaning of the word “cool” _. A. is always the same B. changes a lot C. is “wonderful or smart” C. is “new and surprising” ( )2. “You may think the famous film star Keanu reeves is cool”. Here “cool” means _. A. a little cold B. a little hot C. new and surprising D. good-looking ( )3. “It also means some people dont have enough words”. Here “it” means_. A. the example B. the student C. the word “cool” D. the visit to the farm ( )4. When some people use “cool” everywhere they dont have other words, the writer seems a little _. A. excited B. happy C. surprised D. worried ( )5. The best title is _. A. Something about the word “Cool” B. “Cool”, the Best Word to Use C. People use “Cool” Too Much D. “Cool Is A New Word

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