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初中英语语法专题讲座副词【复习要点】时 间 副 词频度副词地点/方位副词程度副词方式副词疑问/连接副词其他副词today, tomorrow,once,here, there,very, too,well,how,too, also, yesterday, now,twice,home, below,enough,hard,where,nor, so, then, early, late,always,anywhere, rather, quite,alone,when,as, on,off,once, soon, just,usually,above, outside,how, so,fast,why,either,tonight, long,often,in, inside, out, much, just,together,whetheryes, no,already, yet, before,sometimes,back, up, down,nearly, onlysuddenly,however, etc.not, neitherago, later, ever sincenever,away, off, far,almost, hardly,-ly结尾关系副词maybe,after, whenever(seldom),near, nearby,as long as等,的副词where,perhaps,first, someday,ever,Wherevereven, all,why, howcertainly,sometime, last,everywhere,a little, a bitwhen,2、副词在句子中的位置以及作用:和形容词一样,副词在句中也属于修饰范畴。形容词主要修饰名词,而副词则主要用于修饰动词、形容词、其他副词以及全句,以表示程度、方式、时间、地点以及对话语的态度等。例如:.修饰动词的词语就是副词,如beat it heavily中的“heavily”就是副词,修饰“beat”,狠狠地打击。 .还有的副词是修饰形容词的,常常表示程度。如extremely beautiful中的“extremely”修饰形容词“beautiful”,“极其漂亮的” .还有的副词本身修饰副词,和修饰形容词类似。He plays football very well. .较特殊情况的副词可以放在句首,表一种伴随状态。例如:“Fortunately,I managed it in time中的fortunately。幸运的,我最后及时的完成了(那件事情)。 1. 副词的构成:从形态上看,大多数副词都是由“形容词后缀-ly”构成的,例如:slowly, heavily, truly, terribly等。形容词变副词:.在形容词词尾直接加-ly。如:real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly .以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily .某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾和以-ue结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y或-ly。如:terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently 注意: friendly; motherly; lovely,weekly,lively等词是形容词而非副词。.英语中还有少数与形容词同形的副词,例如:daily, early, fast, hard, high, long, near, straight, well等。请比较它们的词义和用法:the high jump 跳高项目(形容词)to jump high 跳得高(副词)a fast car行得快的汽车(形容词)to drive fast开快车(副词)an early riser早起的人(形容词)to get up early起得早(副词)a straight line直线(形容词)Go straight ahead.一直朝前走。(副词)注意:兼有两种形式的副词 .late 与lately: late意思是晚; lately 意思是最近。例如:You have come too late. What have you been doing lately?.deep与deeply: deep意思是深,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,深深地。例如:He pushed the stick deep into the mud. Even father was deeply moved by the film.high与highly: high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much 。例如:The plane was flying high. I think highly of your opinion.wide与widely: wide表示空间宽度;widely意思是广泛地,在许多地方 。例如:He opened the door wide. English is widely used in the world.2. 副词的位置:. 副词修饰动词时,通常可以放在句首、句中或句末。如:Usually I do my homework in the evening. (句首) 通常我晚上做家庭作业。 I often get up at six. (句中) 我常在6点起床。Please speak slowly. (句末) 请慢慢说。注意:频度副词通常置于系动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前。例如: Mary is always late for the meeting.玛丽开会老是迟到。We must always remember our friends.我们必须牢记我们的朋友。 I have never been to London. 我从未去过伦敦。My mother often does morning exercises in the morning.我妈妈经常在早上做早操。. 副词修饰形容词或副词时,通常放在形容词或副词的前面,但也有例外。如:These flowers are quite beautiful. (在形容词前) 这些花相当漂亮。 He works very hard. (在副词前)他工作很努力。 She is old enough to go to school. (在形容词后)她已到了上学的年龄。注意:A.副词very 可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。 例如:(错) I very like English. (对) I like English very much. B.副词enough应放在所修饰的形容词、副词或动词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。例如:The boy is old enough to go to school.这个男孩到上学的年龄了。I know him well enough.我非常了解他。He didnt get up early enough to catch the early bus.他起床不够早,没有赶上早班车。C. 注意顺序:quite/rather a good player=a very good player.一个相当不错的球员。. 按一般规则,如果有几个时间状语,单位大的应放在单位小的后面。如:The film will begin at seven oclock this evening. 电影今晚7点开演。 I was born at two oclock on the morning of May15. 按一般规则, 既有地点状语又有时间状语时,地点状语应放在时间状语之前。如:We had a meeting in the classroom yesterday afternoon. 我们昨天下午在教室开了一个会。 He watched TV at home last night. 他昨晚在家看电视。3. 副词的基本用法:副词在句中主要用作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或句子。 修饰动词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式、频度等。一般位于动词之后,如果动词有宾语,则要位于宾语之后。频度副词常位于助动词和连系动词be 之后或实义动词之前。例如:He arrived only yesterday. 他是昨天才到的。There were clothes lying here and there on the floor. 地板上到处都是衣服。I have been terribly worried about you all day. 我一整天都非常为你担心。She plays the piano very well. 她钢琴弹得很好。The boy is always asking his parents for money. 那个男孩老是向他父母要钱。She never goes to the cinema. 她向来不看电影。 修饰形容词、副词、介词短语,一般前置,只有enough例外,需要后置。例如:She seems quite happy. 她看上去相当愉快。Youve done rather badly in the test. 你考得够糟糕的。The wind was right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。This girl is not old enough to go to school. 这个女孩还没有到上学的年龄。He didnt run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快,没有赶上火车。 用作表语,多为与介词同形的副词和表示方位的副词。例如:Is anybody in? 里面有人吗?有人在家吗?Father is away. 父亲离家在外。I am downstairs and my brother is upstairs. 我住楼下,我哥哥住楼上。My friend is still abroad. 我的朋友还在国外。


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