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英语高一人教新课标必修3Units 1-2 第一卷(74分)I. Cloze test 24%A Shelter for the HomelessLast summer I was a volunteer (志愿者) at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasnt working that summer and was 1 only two classes in summer school, so I had some 2 time.Three nights a week, I 3 in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and 4 for 45 people hot meals with vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people 5 this good food because many of them usually didnt eat well.I enjoyed this volunteer work, making 6 with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student, 7 me. I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories 8 me with sympathy (同情). Some of them had problems with alcohol(酒精) or drugs while others only had bad 9 . One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company, and 10 she lost her job. She looked for a new job, but couldnt find one, for she was too 11 . She could do nothing but sell her furniture sofas, chairs, and tables 12 she could pay for her food. The woman 13 on job hunting, but she 14 couldnt find one. She had no money for her 15 and had to sleep in her car. Then she had to sell her car. Alone, afraid and 16 , she finally came to the shelter.1. A. studyingB. planningC. holdingD. taking2. A. fullB. freeC. extraD. long3. A. helpedB. waitedC. appearedD. washed4. A. orderedB. boughtC. cookedD. finished5. A. demandedB. neededC. collectedD. requested6. A. decisionsB. wishesC. friendsD. changes7. A. asB. likeC. exceptD. besides8. A. fullB. filledC. caughtD. provided9. A. luckB. painC. experienceD. loss10. A. soB. againC. thenD. thus11. A. oldB. poorC. sickD. dull12. A. ifB. becauseC. so thatD. in case13. A. wentB. movedC. cameD. worked14. A. alsoB. stillC. almostD. even15. A. blockB. carC. buildingD. flat16. A. homelessB. curiousC. shockedD. madII. Best choice: 30%17. _, he had to work overtime for more pay. A. Being in heavily debt B. Being in heavy debt C. Heavily been in debt D. Heavy in debt18. I want to know if I smoke here.No, you .Could you see the sign “NO SMOKING” there? A. can; needntB. must; cantC. shall; wontD. may; mustnt19. Im sorry I didnt mean _ you. A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurting D. having hurt20. As everybody knows, Taiwan is _ part of _ China. A. a; theB. a ; /C. / ; /D. the; /21. The headmaster _ Wang Hong _ for his determination and the great progress he made.A. rewarded; awardB. shared; a prizeC. awarded; a prizeD. honored; a reward22. I heard that you would set _ Quebec soon. Is that true? A. out to B. off for C. off to D. for 23. Childrens curiosity may _ many useful inventions. A. lead to B. take place C. gather in D. bring away24. With thirty percent of the price _, these lemons were quickly sold out. A. taken off B. taking off C. bringing up D. brought up25. _the Spring Festival people visit their relatives, go shopping or do many other things they prefer to.A. On B. At C. During D. All of the above26. We felt very _when we heard the music_.A. pleased, sounding, beautiful B. pleasing, sounded, beautifulC. pleasing, which sounded beautifully D. pleased, sounding beautifully27. “I saw her sighing to herself just now.” “Thats _ she had read a _story.” A. why, heart-broken B. because, heart-broken C. why, heart-breaking D. because, heart-breaking28. I usually go to school by bike _ it rains.A. exceptB. apart fromC. except forD. except when29. We couldnt trust her for she is always _ . Look, she _ some eggs on the table and said these newly- _ eggs were her own. In fact they were her neighbors.A. lying; lay; laid B. laying; lied; lain C. lying; laid; laidD. laying; lay; lain30. Many of the artists who _ didnt come.A. ought to appear B. should appear C. had to appear D. ought to have appeared31. -We need a person badly to do the job. - _ the new comer have a try?A. Shall B. May C. Should D. Need32. Which do you enjoy_, picnicking or hiking?A. havingB. spendingC. to spendD. spend33. The newly-married couple lived a happy life _. Which answer is WRONG?A. ever after B. from then on C. since then D. both A and B34. “The two leaves are nearly _.” “Yes, they both look like a star.”A. of the same shape B. in same shape C. on the same shape D. to same shape35. -I would like to buy a digital camera. -Well, we have several models _.A. to choose fromB. to choose C. for choosing from D. to be chosen36. - _ .- Its nothing to worry about. I never liked it anyway.A. I lost my walkman this morning B. I feel terrible. Ive got a cold.C. I feel terrible, but Ive left your tape somewhere.D. Im sorry, but we dont have some money.III. Reading 20%(A) The Ice Hotel Are you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why ? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice. Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere (独特的气氛). Some couples have even gotten married in the hotels ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between - 2C and - 5C. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold-weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy and warm until morning.37. What is the main idea of this reading? A. How the Ice Hotel is built B. What makes the Ice Hotel special C. Why the Ice Hotel is made of ice D. The services of the Ice Hotel38. What can you do in the hotel? A. Watch a movie B. Get married C. Eat an interesting meal D. All of the above39. Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel? A. the rooms are warm B. the temperature is -2C C. the sleeping bags are warm D. the furniture is warm40. In which part of the hotel would you probably find plates? A. the church B. the restaurant C. the rooms D. the art gallery41. What do you think happens to this hotel in spring? A. It freezes B. It melts C. It stays open D. It moves(B) Waterland, California , USA June 26, 2001-two cars dropped from sight, falling into the bottom of a 40-foot deep sinkhole which appeared suddenly. At a town 12 miles from Waterland, two bedrooms of one house dropped into a hole 60 feet across and 35 feet deep, part of the next house hung dangerously over the hole.Sinkholes have been happening without warning in this part of the world for years. So far there is no way to predict (预示) when or where one will appear. But when one does, others usually follow in the same area, usually along a straight line. The worst sinkhole in recent years appeared in 1996. It was 70 feet across and 150 feet deep. It destroyed one house, damaged several others and broke the walls of a city block. One hole, 15 feet deep, opened up this year in the middle of a highway 19 seconds after a car had been driven by. Others in the same area took place at night, damaging houses, swallowing (吞) up trees and parts of streetsand making 23 frightened persons nun away from their homes in night clothes. Sinkholes happen when the weather is dry. The earth at the surface began to drop into empty space under the ground, like sand falling in a huge hourglass (沙漏). This is how a sinkhole is formed.42. From the passage we know that sinkholes seldom happen . A. in a straight line B. during a period of wet weather C. at night D. in the dry season43. When one sinkhole appears, others unusually follow . A. everywhere B. on straight highways only C. nearby D. in the places far away44. The reason why sinkholes happen is that . A. dry earth moves and fills underground holes B. there are large holes under houses C. Waterland has an underground lakeD. there are too many heavy things such as cars and houses on the surface of the earth45. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Why a sinkhole happens and how its name was formed.B. Even drivers can not keep away from sinkholes.C. Sinkholes always happen without any warning.D. Sinkholes have been happening in the Waterland area and causing some damage.46. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Sinkholes cause car accidents. B Sinkholes destroy buildings C. When and where sinkholes take place D. How to prevent sinkholes from happening第二卷 (26分)I. Vocabulary: 10% (根据中文或首字母写出单字,每空一词)A) 1. “_(把结合起来) Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine, and the effects will be greater,” said a doctor.2. Do you know when India gained _(独立) from Britain?3. In many countries, people often do something to please their _(祖先)in the form of festivals.4. Many trees are planted to _(美化) the schoolyard .5. I have to admit there is no _(可能性) that the stubborn old farmer can be persuaded.B) Dear son, Have you calmed down yourself now? I know you were angry with your father from the way you were (6)g_ at him just now. However, do you know that there may be many other ways to show your anger ? You may not be (7)s_ with your father but after all everybody has his own (8)w_. No man is perfect(完美的). And he is your father, the one who supports the whole family and who has been working day and night to bring you up. Besides, have you realized that your father shouted at you just because he was too concerned about you? Seeing that you (9)d_ your sadness in wine every day makes us so disappointed. Too much drinking will ruin your health. It is time now to pay attention to your daily diet and get (10)r_ of your bad habits! MotherII. Sentence Writing: 10% (每空一词)1. He seems to be enjoying himself. It looks _ _ he were enjoying himself.2. Those motherless children were longing for affection. Those motherless children _ _ _ affection.3. 这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。In this way they _ _ the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.4. 他因没有准时出现在宴会上而向主人道歉。 He _ to the host for_ _up at the feast on time.III. Correcting mistakes: 6%(每句有一处错)1. It has been proved that cucumbers contain a plenty of Vitamin C in them. _2. People love to get together to eat, drink and have funs with each other. _3. It will be another month before he returns his hometown. _4. It is obviously that the announcer has been wrong about the customs on this holiday. _5. I dont think he can get away with fool people, can he? _6. I never thought he might be so rude to his wife. _Units 1-2 单元试卷参考答案1-5 DBACB6-10 CBBAC11-15 ACABD16-20 ABDBC21-25 CBAAC26-30 ADDCD31-35ACCAAC36-40 CBDCB41-46 BBCADDI. Vocabulary: 10% (根据中文或首字母写出单字,每空一词)1. Combine2. independence3. ancestor4. beautify5. possibility6. glaring7. satisfied8. weakness9. drowning10. ridII. Sentence Writing: 10% (每空一词)1. as if / though2. were starving for3. cut down4. apologized not turningIII. Correcting mistakes: 6%(每句有一处错)1. a 去掉2. funs fun3. return后加to4. obviouslyobvious5. foolingfool6. mightshould


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