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六年级英语毕业模拟考卷姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_一、 听力部分.选择所听到的单词,数字或时间,将序号填在题前的括号内.(10%) 1. () A. waterB. warmC.WednesdayD. wish 2. ()A.outingB.courseC.OclockD.older 3.()A.bowlB.betterC.butterflyD.both 4.()A.modelB.minuteC.machineD.must 5.()A. ninthB. thirteenthC.sixthD.tenth 6.() A.trafficB. stopC.thiefD.true 7.()A. springB.autumnC.summerD.winter 8.()A.fatterB.youngerC.lighterD.bigger 9.()A.567B.275C. 851D. 473 10.()A. A.6:30B.7:15C.10:00D.8:45.根据短文内容判断句子的正误,正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F”.(5%)1. ()Jim does well in English and art.2. ()His sister is as young as him.3. ()Her hobbies are skating and collecting toys.4. ()Jim wants to do better in running.5. ()This weekend their dad and mother are going to see a Beijing opera show。.根据听力内容,选择所提问题的正确的答案。(5%) 1.() A. Her mother does. B. Her father does. 2.() A. There are five. B. There are some desks and chairs. 3.()A. I like autumn. B.Because I can fly the kites. 4.()A. He is at the goal. B. the man in the blue T-shirt. 5()A. I want to draw some pictures. B. Yes, I do.根据听力内容,在横线上填入所缺的单词.(10%)Mr Green comes from _. He is on _ in Suzhou. He wants to _ his penfriend in Suzhou No 5 _ School, so he _ a child in the street how to get there. The child tells him to _ on bus No. 11 in front of the shopping _ and get off at the _ stop, then he should go _ Renmin Road and _ right at the first crossing. The school is over there.二、 笔试部分.辨音(5%)A 选出与其他三个单词的划线部分不同的单词。1()A.missB.picnicC.childD.city2. ()A.concertB.envelopeC.crossingD.shopping3. ()A.slowB.snowballC.growD.cow4. ()A.trueB. footC.coolD. glue5. ()A.busB.publicC.pullD.fun B根据所给音标选出相应的单词。1. ()/ai/A. cicadaB. July2.()/ u/ A. minusB.classroom3.()/i:/ A. insectB. we4.()/ A.candleB.class5.()/u/A.office B.motorcycle.词型转换(10%)1.mango(复数)_2.draw(过去式)_3.meet(同音词)_4. last(反义词)_5.we(名物代)_6.happy(副词)_7. sheep(复数)_8.study(第三人称单数)_9. put(现在分词)_10. go(过去式)_.词组互译(10%)1. 他最喜欢的运动_2十二点三刻_3. 喝一些果汁_4.举行一次野餐_5. 乘10路公共汽车_6. do a lot of exercise_7. sweep the floor_8. have a big lunch_9. on duty_10. engineers wanted_.选择填空(15%)1. ()I watch interesting cartoons on CCTV 1 _. A. two daysB. two every daysC. every two daysD. everydays2. () My fathers hobby is _. A. collect stampsB.to collect stampsC.collects stamps D. collecting stamps3.() Would you like_ to my birthday party? A. to comeB. comeC. comingD. came4. () What _ you do last Tuesday?We _ to practise Taichi. A. do, beginB. does, beginsC. are, beginD.did, began5. ()How many art _ does Liu Tao _ in a week? A. lessons, have B. lesson, have C. lesson,hasD.lessons, has6. ()I am not _ than my uncle. A. as tall asB. as taller asC. tallerD.a lot taller 7.() In suzhou it doesnt often _ in winter, but it is _in summer. A. snowy, rainyB.snow, rainsC.snow, rainyD.snowy,rains8. ()Look, Wang Bing is _ David. He is _ of David. A. stoping, behindB. stopping, in front ofC. stopping,behind D. stops, in front of9. ()The students get very _ when they are on the farm.A. quietB. excitedC. carefulD. beautifully10.() The girls in the classroom _ the noise from the next classroom yesterday.A. listened toB. heardC.listen toD. saw11.() He can _ snowball fights and _ snowmen with his friends.A. make, haveB.makes, hasC.have, makeD.has,makes12.() Liu Tao wants to write a letter _ Peter, an English boy.A. forB. toC. fromD. be13.() Jim is _ to his dad _ Maths Learning.A.saying, toB.speaking, forC.talking,aboutD.tell, for14.() What is your grandfather? He is _.A. very tallB. a teacherC.busyD.pulling up carrots15.() _ _ is the sun? The sun is a circle.A. What shapeB. How shapeC.How manyD.How much.句型转换(10%)1. It was windy and cold last night.(对划线部分提问)What _ _ _ _ last night?2. My cousin doesnt do well in English.(改为同义句)My cousin _ _ _ English.3. Did you visit your relatives and eat a lot of delicious food last spring festival?(改为陈述句)I _ _ relatives and _ a lot of delicious food last spring festival.4. Miss Li has a box of chocolates and some ice-cream. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Miss Li _?5. The station is about 5 kilometres from our school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the station from your school?6. Su Hai took some workbooks out of the classroom just now.(改为一般疑问句)_ Su Hai _ _ workbooks out of the classroom just now?7. I get up later than my mother every morning.( 改为同义句)My mother _ up _ than me every morning.中译英(8%) 1.I _ _ apples and oranges with my_ on the farm at weekends. 我喜欢在周末的时候和我的父母亲去农场采苹果和橘子.2. Nancy is from_. She can speak_. She _ _ _ visit the history _ in China this year.南希来自于法国.她会讲法语.她打算在今年去参观中国的历史博物馆.3. Bens _ is on the _ of August.本的生日是八月三十号.4. The public sign _ “ _ _ the grass”.这个公共标志的意思是 “禁止践踏草坪”.5. Whats the _? It is three _.现在比分是多少?二比二平.改错(7%)1. ()Do you have problems in your homework?_ AB CD2. () Can I have any writing paper and an envelope?_ A B C D3. () I am going to singing at Millies birthday party._ A B C D4. () There are a football field and some table tennis rooms in the A BCDschool._5.()Whos gloves are they? They are his._ A B C D6.()How does your brother spends his weekends?_ABC D7.()Tommy is five years old younger than his friend._ A B C D.阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的打 “ “,错的打 “”.(5%) Amy: Can you help me find a present for my friend? Shell be 13 years old. She likes hair clips(发夹).Shopkeeper:I am sure you can find some beautiful clips. How much money can you spend?Amy: I have 15 yuan, but Id also like to buy a CD for her. She likes listening to music.Shopkeeper: Well, come and see these nice hair clips.Amy: Ok, these clips are beautiful, and they match her favourite T-shirt!Shopkeeper: Yes, they are very pretty.Amy: How much are they?Shopkeeper: They cost 9 yuan.Amy: Oh! I dont have enough money to buy her a CD then. Never mind! I will buy the clips, because Sandy will love them.1.() Amy would like to buy presents for Sandy.2.() Amy has only 9 yuan.3.() Amys friend likes CDs very much.4. () The clips match Amys favourite T-shirt.5.() Amy will not buy the clips, because she doesnt have enough money.

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