2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow Monday星期一 SectionA1a 2d 一 核心词汇news mind stand educational plan hope discussion happen expect SectionA1a 2d 二 重点短语thinkof认为 learnfrom从 获得 findout查明 弄清 talkshow访谈节目 SectionA1a 2d gameshow游戏节目 soapopera肥皂剧 goon发生 SectionA1a 2d 三 经典句子1 Doyouplantowatchthenewstonight 今晚你打算看新闻吗 Yes Ilikewatchingthenews 是的 我喜欢看新闻 SectionA1a 2d 2 Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows 你认为访谈节目怎么样 Idon tmindthem Ican tstandthem Ilovewatchingthem 我不在意访谈节目 我无法忍受访谈节目 我喜欢看访谈节目 SectionA1a 2d 四 基础复现天天练 迪士尼与米老鼠 SectionA1a 2d Whatkindofprogrammesdoyouliketowatch Thetalkshow thegameshoworsoapopera Asforme Ican tstandallofthem Ionlylikecartoons Doyouknowwhy It sjustbecauseofWaltDisney Manypeopleexpectto besuccessfullikehim Yet manyofthemcan tmaketheirdreams1 SectionA1a 2d ButWaltDisneycouldmakeitallthetime Hemadeeverythinghedidsuccessful Whatcanwelearnfromhisstories Whatdoyouthinkofmice Inpeople smind miceareusuallynotpopular butMickeyMouse2manypeople shearts SectionA1a 2d MoviesaboutMickeyMousehavebeenpopular3everywhereintheworldformorethaneightyyears WhatmadeDisneymakethis4cartooncharacter Whenhewasyoung WaltDisneyhopedtodowellindrawingcartoons Andhealsotriedto5betterwaysofmakingcartoonmovies SectionA1a 2d Atthattime somemoviesjuststartedtouse6 Soafteradiscussionwithhisworkmates Disneyplannedtoputsoundinhiscartoons too Peoplewere7whentheysawMickeyMousetalkonthemoviescreen Mickeybecamepopular8boththeyoungandtheold SectionA1a 2d Later WaltDisney9tobuildanewkindofamusementpark 游乐场 Heexpectedtobringaclean goodandbeautifulworldtopeopleofallages 10 WaltDisneymadehisdreametrue In1955 DisneylandopenedintheUSAandbecamethemostsuccessfulamusementparkintheworld SectionA1a 2d 1 A eoverB etrueC eonD eout 2 A winsB losesC breaksD shares 3 A hardlyB neverC almostD ever 4 A dullB boringC seriousD famous 5 A giveB keepC makeD find 6 A soundB colorC paperD clothes B A C D SectionA1a 2d D A 7 A unluckyB educationalC excitedD rich 8 A withB ofC atD by 9 A finishedB startedC forgotD remembered 10 A AtfirstB AtleastC AtmostD Atlast C A B D SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d 谢谢观看

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