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英语中考作文范文汇编一、记叙文与描写文1、记叙经历在学习和生活中,你遇到过高兴和难过伤心的事,请用英语描述这样的经历要求:1:词数不少于60个,开头已给出。可选用下列词汇:experience 经历经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心 Highs And Lows In My LifeWe all have experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I like English but I couldnt get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave it up.Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way. By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing. I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English. How excited I was! My confidence came back to me. Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school. It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life!2、未来计划(广西来宾)暑假即将来临,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,谈谈你的暑假计划。 1.好好休息,学会放松。 2. 读书,因为读书既有趣又能学到许多知识。3.陪父母聊天,多帮他们做家务。4.参加社会活动,了解社会。注意:1.词数70左右,可围绕主题适当发挥;2.短文开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。3.文中不得出现真实的地址和姓名。 4.参考词汇:知识knowledge,社会活动social activities, 放松relax,社会society The summer holiday is coming; Im going to _范文: The summer holiday is coming; Im going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them do some housework, I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society.3、健康 1、根据图示,简要介绍一下如何才能保持健康,并展开想象,适当发挥。要求:词数80左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。运动。饮食睡眠健康All of us want to be healthy. 参考答案:All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we dont feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.4、天气1、英语作文:描述近一周的天气状况Its going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, its going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree.上午游五一广场,西湖公园,去步行街购物下午爬鼓山,参观闽江大桥并拍照晚上在美食街吃晚饭,谈论各自的校园生活5、天气预报(Weather Forecast)Lets take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.6、描述人物 根据提示写一篇“My English Teacher”Name: Mr.King Age: 31 Years of teaching: 10Hobby: playing sports, watching Tv , reading . Relation with his students: strict, kind, patient. 评论:teacher, friendlyMy English Teacher Mr.King is our English teacher. He is 31 years old. He became a teacher 10 years ago. He likes playing sports, so he is very strong. He likes reading and watching TV and he has good knowledge. All of us love to listen to his class because he has a good way to make his lessons interesting. Mr King is kind to us, but very strict with us in our studies. He is patient, too. He is a good teacher and also a good friend.7、介绍你的兴趣爱好My HobbyI am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet.One of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespears works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Scorates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xu, I come back to the old time of China.Reading really affect my life.二、说明文1、利弊谈1、赞成意见:1.现在是信息社会,手机是最快的信息交流的工具之一。2.应充分利用好手机。如偶遇突发事故,可立即拨打手机求助。3.可在每天学习之余利用手机游戏放松一下自己。4.只要正确使用好手机,紧跟时间并无过错,追求时尚可以理解,但学习是首要任务。反对意见:1.学校已提供了公共电话,因此手机并不能带来更多的方便,而且花费较多。2.若课堂接听手机会影响上课。3.学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习。注意:1.可适当增加细节和连接词,使文章通顺连贯;开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;2.词数:100左右;Dear Editor,Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, Yours truly,Wang Lin参考作文:Dear Editor,Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school.As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose theres a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. Therere also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when were tired of our studies. In my opinion, its not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Yours truly,Wang Lin2、网上购物 Doing Shopping OnlineWith the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You neednt step out of the room.It seems easy and quick. But theres always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, youd better not buy clothes online.Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.3、语言学习 (浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以“My English Learning”为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示:When did you start learning English? (in /years ago)How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day)What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar)What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs)参考作文:English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.三、议论文1、饮食(福建宁德)健康饮食关系到青少年的身心健康成长。请根据以下提供的内容和提示词,以”Healthy Eating”为题写一篇作文. 提示:1.健康饮食的重要性(important, energy); 2.良好的饮食习惯(keep a balanced diet); 3.健康饮食的益处(make.stong)Healthy eating is important for us in our daily life. Food can give us energy and help us build up our body. What and how should we eat to be healthier? First, we should have enough clean food each meal. Second, its important to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of food provide us different nutrition we need every day. Third, we should have a regular meal. In this way, well be strong and healthy, and well do well in our study.2、控制人口 The Problems of Large Population It is reported that the worlds population was 6 billion in the year 2,000, and it is growing faster and faster. The worlds population problem is the greatest one because it brings lots of problems, such as water resources problem, more and more people losing their jobs and so on. These problems are mainly in the developing countries because the population of the developing countries is over 4/ 5 of the worlds popuation. So China, the largest developing country, has kept the policy “one couple, one child.”3、调查报告(山东省卷)今年我省出台了系列推进素质教育的新政,其中对学生的作息时间做了严格规定。学生课外时间增多了,他们都在干些什么?他们的负担减轻了吗?下面是English Online杂志社就这些问题对某市部分初中生进行问卷调查的结果。请根据该调查结果写一份80100词的调查报告,并简单谈谈你的意见和看法。文章的开头已给出,不计入词数。How many students60%5%15%20%What do they doStudy, read books or do homework Watch TVPlay computer gamesDo sports or play outdoors English Online made a survey on what junior middle school students do in their spare time. Here is the result._参考范文:English Online made a survey on what junior middle school students do in their spare time. Here is the result. After school, 60% of them study and read books or do homework at home. 5% watch TV and 15% play computers games. 20% do sports or play outdoors with classmates or friends. Things are much better than before, but still about 60% of students are busy at studying in their free time. Study is not the only important thing for children. Playing is important for them, too. By playing, children can keep healthy, and can learn things that they cant get from books. So children need more time to do different kinds of activities.四、应用文1、求职信 假如你是李华,你从报纸上看到2008北京奥运会志愿者的招聘广告。请你用英文写封简短的应聘信,介绍自己的情况(见下表)表示愿意为奥运会做一些工作,请组委会给予考虑,并能尽早予以答复,词数:80左右。姓名李华年龄16简历我市某中学学生爱好绘画、体育、唱歌、演讲、英语口语获奖情况2007年12月获我市中学生英语演讲比赛一等奖身体状况健康联系电话0594-1356666提示词汇:1.志愿者voluteer 2.作为work as 3.答复reply to 4.比赛contestSir/Madam, I read your ad. In the newspaper yesterday._ Yours sincerely Li HuSir/Madam, I read your ad. in the newspaper yesterday. Im writing to tell you that Id like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.My name is Li Hua. Im sixteen. I have many hobbies, such as drawing, sports, singing, speeches, and spoken English. I am proud that I won the first prize in our citys English Speech Contest for Middle School Student in December, 2007.In fact Im healthy and strong. If I am lucky enough to become a volunteer, I will try my best to do this job well. Please reply to me soon. My telephone number is 05941356666. Yours incerely, Li Hu2、提建议(书信) 李小虎沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇短文。提示词: give up concentrate on be (become)interested inLi Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and fell behind others. _参考答案:Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a close friend of his, I must do something to help him. First, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then Ill ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, Ill ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, Im sure he will make great progress soon.3、邀请函 根据所给信息,请你以 Mary的名义写出30词左右的邀请函.文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不给分。Dear Wu Dong,_ Mary July 1stDear Wu Dong, Id like to invite you to my birthday party at five, on Sunday afternoon, July 6th. My home is at No.8 Guangming Street. Hope to see you then! Mary, July 1st4、感谢信 假定你叫王丽,三年的初中学习生活即将结束你能用英语写出几句对老师表达感谢和祝福的话语吗? 要求:1不少于四句;2不要使用真实姓名、校名、地名等,否则不得分。Dear Miss/Mr Li参考范文:Dear Miss/Mr Li,Thank you for teaching us so well. Youre so kind to me. Ill never forget you. Wish you happy, healthy and young for ever. Every thing goes well. Best wishes!From Wang Li5、海报(通知) 请以学生会文体部的名义为一场篮球友谊赛写一份海报,内容如下:1. 参加者:美国北地中学校队和我校校队2. 地点:水泥球场3. 时间:2005年11月20日(星期天)下午4点4. 组织者:我院学生会文体部5. 海报发出时间:2005年11月14日POSTERFriendly Basketball MatchUnder the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union of our school,a friendly basketball watch will be held between the visiting U.S.Northfield Team and ours on the cement basketball count on Sunday, November20th 2005 at 4:00 p.m. the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union 6、失物招领假定你是初三(1)班的李霞,你五月十四日晚上在阅览室里丢失了一个绿色书包,内有两本英语书,一个铅笔盒,一个MP3及自行车钥匙。你非常着急。你根据以上提示,用英语写一则5 O词左右的寻物启事。 FoundI left a green school bag in the reading-room on the evening of May 14. There are two English books, a pencil-box, an MP3 player and the key to the bike in it. Now Im very worried about it. Will the finder return it to Li Xia of Class 1, Grade 3? Thanks a lot!7、日记假如你叫李华,5月11日母亲节那天 你为母亲做了很多有意义的事情。请你根据表格中所给信息,用英语写一篇日记。上午你用零花钱给母亲买了些鲜花,放在花瓶内下午你去市场买菜,为全家人做了一顿简单可口的饭菜完饭后你送给母亲自己制作的贺卡,并祝她节日快乐;告诉母亲要多注意自己的健康,不要过度劳累;你还保证今后会帮助她做一些家务劳动;母亲感动得留下了眼泪注意:1. 词数80100 个左右 2. 日记的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 3. 日记必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句翻译,可以假如适当细节和适当发挥,使其通顺、连贯。参考词汇:pocket money 零花钱vase 花瓶overwork 过度劳累be moved to tears 感动得流泪 May,11th Sunday Today is Mothers Day. I love mother so much that Ive done many things for her. In the morning, I bought . Today is a special day, warm and meaningful. 参考范文:May,11th Sunday RainyToday is Mothers Day. I love Mother so much that Ive done many things for her. In the morning I bought many flowers with pocket money and put them in the vase. In the afternoon I went to the market to buy vegetables and cooked a simple but delicious dinner for my family. After supper, I gave Mother the card that I made myself and said “Happy Mothers Day” to her. Then I told her to pay more attention to her health and not to overwork. I also promised to help her do some housework from today on. Hearing the words, Mother was moved to tears. Today is a special day, warm and meaningful.8、演讲辞( 四川乐山) 从2008年6月1日起,国家将禁止商家免费提供塑料袋,掀起全国“拒塑”的环保运动。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment” 为题,写一篇保护环境的英语演讲稿。内容包含:1.在购物时用布袋子替代塑料袋; 2.尽可能地再利用使用过的课本; 3.离开教室应关灯; 4.最好走路或骑自行车上学; 5.简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等注意:1.词数:80词左右。开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数;2.可根据要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.文章中不能出现真实姓名和校名,否则以零分处理。 3.参考词汇:布袋子cloth bag塑料袋plastic bag保护protect能源energy污染pollution课本textbook What Can We Do for the Environment Hello, everyone. Im Li Hua. Its nice to speak about what we can do for the environment,and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem._ In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in. Thank you for your listening!参考作文: What Can We Do for the Environment Hello, everyone. Im Li Hua. Its nice to speak about what we can do for the environment, and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem. The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags in stead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. Whats more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best reduce pollution and waste.In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in. Thank you for your listening!9、贺卡祝smith先生新年快乐To Mr smith, With Best Wishes for A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! From Wu Dongshan10、请假条假定你是王明,上周星期天因回家途中淋雨,患严重感昌,不能上学,特请假休息三天。 Ask for Sick LeaveDear Mr Jiang, Im writing to ask for sick leave. Last Sunday, I was caught in a heavy rain. Then I got a bad cold. Doctor said I must lie down and have a good rest for three days. So I cant come to class. Im very sorry about that. Wang Ming 11、电话留言 读下面的对话,完成电话留言 A:HELLO!B:HELLO!Could I speak to Frank welsom, please?A:Im afraid he is out at the moment.He went to play footballB:Is that Mrs Welson speaking?A:Yes,who that?B:This is Tony Johnson.Yhere is going to be a concert this evening.I have a ticket for Frank.It will begin at 6. Please tell him .Thank you ! A:Youre welcome .Bye !From:( )To:( )Date:( )Time:( )Message:( )参考答案 From:(Tony Johnson)To:(Frank Welsom)Date:(today)Time:(6 pm)Message:(Tony has a ticket for a concert starting at 6 pm this evening, he invites you to join him.)

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