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2013年南平市普通高中毕业班质量检查英语试题本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至12页,第二卷 13至14页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上,请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内 作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。3.选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号; 非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。4.保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where does the woman want to go?A. To the post office.B. To the train station.C. To a store.2.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A. Buying a car.B. Doing sports.C. Paying off debts.4.Who is the womans friend?A. Mary.B. Johnny.C. Alex.5.Whats the film mainly about?A.The life of some penguins in New York.B.Some animals ,travel to Africa.C.African animals that travel to New York.第二节(共15小题;每小题I. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What did the woman think of the hiking trip?A. Boring.B. Frightening.C. Exciting.7.What was the best thing about the trip?A. Seeing no snakes.B. Seeing stars at night. C. Hiking all day.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Where are the two speakers now?A. In a shop.B. On the plane.C. In a park.9.What do they get for Cathy?A. A CD player.B. A hat.C. Perfume (香水).10.Which hat does the woman advise the man to buy?A.A red one.B. A black one.C. A white one.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Whats the womans problem?A.She has trouble falling asleep at night.B.She makes many dreams each nightC.She is often troubled by bad dreams.12.On average, how many dreams does a person have per night?A.one or two.B. Four.C. Seven.13.According to the man, what causes bad dreams?A.A big meal.B. A hot drink.C. Its not mentioned.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.What will Peter do next Monday?A.Go to China. B. Visit a Chinese family. C. Invite a Chinese family to dinner.15.Where does Peter come from?A. America.B. France.C. England.16.What does the woman think of taking some flowers as a gift to the Chinese family?A. It is the best choice.B. It is acceptable.C. It is too traditional.17.Why is the woman going to the US during the holiday?A.To visit her parents. B. To go back to her hometown. C. To visit some colleges with her friends.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.How much sugar is in the chocolate bar?A. 1,700 pounds.B. 2,000 pounds.C. 5,500 pounds.19.What will happen to the chocolate bar?A.Itll be taken on tour to schools.B.Itll be given to children in Chicago.C.Itll be given to some schools for free.20.Whats the aim of making the chocolate bar?A.To educate people on proper diets.B.To set a new Guiness record.C.To promote the sales of chocolate.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Elizabeth has bought _N-shaped cottage which can date back to _early 1920s.A. a, theB. an, /C. an, theD. a, /22.Did you listen to Mr. Smiths lecture? It was amazing!I wish I had, but I _on my paper that should have been finished earlier.A. workedB. was workingC. had workedD. have worked23.What he wanted, more than, was a few days rest after the long hiking.A. somethingB. everythingC. nothingD. anything24.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _and weaknesses.A. strengthsB. benefitsC. skillsD. values25. Does he work hard at his lessons at all? Yes, he _no efforts, as far as I know.A. wastesB. sharesC. sparesD. makes26.Adopting the doctors advice, he _coffee and cigarettes and ate a balanced diet.A. cut downB. broke downC. turned downD. put down27.Sometimes success doesnt only depend on what you do; what you dont do is _ important.A. generallyB. especiallyC. equallyD. exactly28.Is everything in place for the celebration on the weekend?Not yet. Its really a race _time to get all work done.A. atB. inC. onD. against29.You are so dependent that Fm afraid you cant adjust yourself to _alone for a time.A. leaveB. leavingC. be leftD. being left30. “Nothing in this letter _be considered as a license to use the artists personal possessions”, the judge declared on the court.A. canB. shallC. mustD. may31. _e-commerce worries some merchants, it contributes to the development of delivery industries.A. WhenB. UnlessC. WhileD. Until32.It is exactly the area _racial conflicts arise now and then.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. why33.We are all convinced that time, _effectively, is money in the bank.A. to useB. usedC. usingD. use34.Youvemissed the deadline for the interview. But for the traffic jam, I _A. shouldnt have missed itB. would have missed itC. couldnt have missed itD. must have missed it35.Can you tell me Sams telephone number? _Who is Sam? The newcomer?A. I think soB. Thats OKC. Id rather notD. Im afraid not第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题I. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I recently returned to work after taking some time off to recover from an operation on my right arm. On my first day 36 _ ,I was the cashier (收银员) in the basket-only line, as I was unable to 37 _ with packing goods into bags 38 _ my earlier arm operation.39 _. it got particularly busy and a young lady came to my line with a 40 _ cart (推车) At this sight, 41 _ complaining, I offered her some bags 42 _she could pack her goods. Towards the end of the sale, the lady suddenly 43 _with anger, shouting at me for not assisting with her packing and 44 my manager over to complain about me. My manager first apologized to her and then started to assist with the packing,45 _ that it was my first day back after my operation. But the woman continued to shout that it was no 46 _ .When the woman had gone, I tried to continue 47 _. But I was so shaken that I burst into tears during the next customer. My manager 48 _and sent me for a cup of tea.Afterwards, when I returned to the shop floor to 49 up my job, I found that the next customer 50 _ the queue had made a point of telling the 51 what had happened just now and that I had in fact done nothing 52 _ He then had gone out and come back with a huge 53 _ of flowers to cheer me up!It went from the 54 _ moment at work to the nicest, and I completed the rest of my work with a massive smile on my face, 55 _ I really wanted to pass on to everybody I met.36. A. off.B. outC. backD. away37. A. doB. helpC. workD. share38. A. due toB. thanks toC. for fear ofD. in case of39. A. Therefore B. ThusC. BesidesD. However40. A. lightB. bigC. fullD. small41. A. apart fromB. instead ofC. except forD. far from42. A. as ifB. only ifC. even thoughD. so that43. A. jumpedB. aroseC. explodedD. left44. A. calledB. signaledC. rangD. waved45. A. whisperingB. describingC. introducingD. explaining46. A. excuseB. reasonC. wonderD. fault47. A. cryingB. servingC. packingD. counting48. A. took overB. came upC. carried onD. figured out49. A. giveB. makeC. pickD. keep50. A. inB. onC. byD. of51. A. ladyB. customerC. assistantD. manager52. A. specialB. wrongC. carelessD. serious53. A. basketB. amountC. bunchD. pile54. A. worstB. darkestC. heaviestD. busiest55. A. thatB. whatC. howD. which第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。AI was so glad to see so many people in the church. I walked up and met my dear Loma. She was dressed all in white. I put the ring on her finger and she looked up at me. “ My dear John, ” she was going to say something when there was the sound of a shot, and Loma fell across my knees. Blood was running down her white dress. I laid her on my mothers arms and rushed out to find the man who shot Loma. I knew who it was Carver!I had no gun, only my hands to kill him with. “Its Carvers life or mine!” I said to myself. I jumped on my horse, rode up the hill and saw he was a quarter of a mile in front of me. I followed him. As I went past a tree I pulled off a branch and carried it with me. Carver rode round a comer but suddenly his horse ran to the edge of the marsh (沼泽地). He could not go on. If he tried to, his horse would go down into the bottomless bog (泥塘), together with him.Carver tried to fire his gun at me. The shot struck me, but I didnt care. I thought of nothing but my enemy. I rode on. As I reached him ,I struck his horse with the branch, so it fell to the ground. Carver fell with it. I jumped off my horse and stood waiting. Carver looked round for his gun, but I had thrown it away. He had only his hands to fight with, too! I allowed him to come forward. Suddenly he seized me with his strong arms and broke a bone in my side. I took him by the neck. He tried to free himself but couldnt. At last he was helpless. I threw him away from me and said, “Go and learn to be a better man.” But his feet had gone into the bog. He went down 一 down out of sight! I simply couldnt help him or save him!I could not think of anything but Lomas death. I hurried back, I saw my mother smile and she said, “She isnt dead.” For days Loma lay in bed between life and death. Then slowly she came back to life and life came back to me.56.Where did the gun shot happen?A. In Johns house B. On the hill C. At the wedding D. In the marsh57.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggests that _A.Carver was bound to die if John wanted him toB.neither Carver nor John would survive the fightC.John was afraid of getting killed by Carver in the fightD.John determined to punish Carver regardless of his own life58.Carver finally died in the fight with John because_.A.John seized the gun and shot him B. he fell into the bog and sank downC.John beat him to death with the branch D. the horse rushed into the bog with him59.From the passage, we can tell that John was _.A.patient but tough B. smart but violent C. devoted and generous D. fearless and mercifulB Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying? The same principle that keeps food frozen in the open freezers at the grocery store allows hot air balloons to fly. Its a very basic principle: Hot air rises and cold air falls. So while the cooled air in the grocery store freezer settles down around the food, the hot air in a hot air balloon pushes up, keeping the balloon floating above the ground.A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope. The basket is where passengers ride. The burner is positioned above the passengers heads and produces a huge flame to heat the air inside the envelope. The envelope is the colorful balloon that holds the hot air. When the air inside the envelope is heated, the balloon rises.The pilot can control the up-and-down movements of the hot air balloon by regulating the heat in the envelope. To ascend, the pilot heats the air in the envelope but when the pilot is ready to land, the air in the balloon is allowed to cool and the balloon becomes heavier than air. This makes the balloon go down.Before the balloon is launched (使升空) , the pilot knows which way the wind is blowing. This means that he has a general idea about which way the balloon will go. But, sometimes the pilot can actually control the direction that the balloon flies. This is because the air above the ground is divided into layers (层)in which the direction of the wind may be different. So even though the pilot cant guide the balloon, he can fly higher into a different layer of air to better control the direction!60.In Paragraph I, the writer tells us how a hot balloon works by_.A. giving an exampleB. making a comparisonC. observing food in the freezerD. keeping the balloon floating61.According to the passage, how could pilots control the balloons altitude?A.Move into a different layer of air.B.Change the amount of weight in the basket.C.Adjust the amount of air in the envelope.D.Regulate the air temperature inside the balloon.62.What does the underlined word ascend”(in Paragraph 3) mean?A.sink.B. move.C. rise.D. float.63.What could the pilot do to change a balloon direction during flight?A.Fly into a cloudB. Move to an upper layer.C.Wait for it to rain.D. Head toward a mountain peak.CAs a language student there are several reasons why learning about cultural aspects is important and fun. One is interest. Knowing about the way people behave makes your reading more interesting. Another reason is usefulness.If you are going to have a conversation with native speakers of a language you learn, you need to know the sort of topics that interest them once you get past “Hello”. You need to know something about their favorite sports, the current (现时的)government of the country where the language is spoken, current fashions in clothes and outstanding national events in recent times, to mention a few. Showing that you know something about their country can lead to interesting conversations.The way people think is closely connected with language. Languages are one channel through which different cultures present their ideas both within themselves and in contact with others. The fact that a language does not have the same range of words as another language does not mean that they do not value those things as much .Whether or not your main intention to Learn a language is to learn about peoples cultural backgrounds or to deal with a degree course, you will be learning about it indirectly from various sources about culture like the course book, films, the news, literature or even travel brochures (手 册).You could make a long list just by thinking of all the things that are important to the culture such as customs that go back centuries, architecture, traditional ceremonies, the way people relate to each other in families, the value that are important to a society, the sense of humour that people share, movies, music and art. All these cultural aspects are important to language learners if they want to get a better understanding of the language itself.64.Which of the following contributes to a conversation with native speakers?A.Greeting them by saying “Hello”. B.Talking about their religious beliefs.C.Telling them about your favorite sports. D.Mentioning interesting topics in their culture.65.What role does a language play in the culture?A.It offers the same range of words as another language.B.It is a channel through which people present their ideas.C.It values peoples ideas and thoughts to a certain degree.D.It deals with the relationship between thoughts and language.66.The last paragraph mainly deals with _ .A.peoples main purpose to learn a foreign languageB.the importance to learn about cultural backgrounds C.different cultural sources and main cultural aspectsD.how people think and what is valued by a society67.What might be the best title for this passage?A.What is a culture aboutB. Why do we learn cultureC.What to learn in a cultureD. How to learn about cultureDHow often do you find yourself running out of time? For many, it seems that theres just never enough time to get everything done. When you know how to manage your time, you gain control. Effective time management helps you to choose what to work on and when in a focused and effective way. The following tips will help you to better manage your time and achieve anything of any real worth:Goal SettingTo start managing time effectively, you need to set goals. When you know where youre going, youll figure out what exactly needs to be done. People tend to neglect goal setting because it requires time and effort. What they fail to consider is that a little time and effort put in now saves a huge amount of time and effort in the future.Prioritization and SchedulingPrioritizing (优先排序)what needs to be done is especially important. Most people have a “to-do” list. The problem with many of these lists is they are just a collection of things that need to get done. To work efficiently you need to work on the most important, highest value tasks priority tasks. When you know what your priority tasks are, you need to know how to create a schedule that keeps you on track, and protects you from stress. Creating a proper schedule that reflects your priorities will allow you to control your time and keep your life in balance.Managing InterruptionsHaving a plan and knowing how to prioritize it is one thing. The next issue (问题)is knowing how to manage interruptions. There may be phone calls, information requests and events that occur unexpectedly. However, you need to do whatever you can to concentrate on the main tasks.Procrastination (拖延症)“Ill get to it later9* has led to the downfall of many people. After too many “laters” ,work piles up. The best way to beat procrastination is to figure out why you procrastinate. Once you know why, you can plan to get out of the habit. Its wise to remind yourself regularly of the horrible consequences of not doing those boring tasks!68.The authors purpose of writing this passage is to_.A.help people to get rid of bad habits B. give advice on how to manage timeC.point out the importance of setting goals D. offer suggestions on how to work properly69.Whats the main advantage of setting goals according to the author?A.It helps you to save time and effort.B. It creates chances for you to succeed.C.It helps you to choose what to work on.D. You can prioritize what needs to be done.70.The word “interruption” (in Paragraph 4) is similar in meaning to_.A.processB. disadvantageC. disturbanceD. emergency71.Which of the following may make you slow down your work according to the passage?A.Procrastination. B. Scheduling.C. Prioritization.D. Goal setting.EPoor sleep can have a great effect on the functions inside the human body, say UK researchers. The activity of hundreds of genes was changed when peoples sleep was cut to less than six hours a day for a week. The researchers said the results of the recent research helped explain how poor sleep damaged health. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and poor brain function have ail been linked to poor sleep.What poor sleep actually does to affect health, however, is unknown. So researchers at the University of Surrey analyzed the blood of 26 people after they had had plenty of sleep, up to 10 hours each night for a week, and compared the results with those after a week of fewer than six hours a night. More than 700 genes were changed due to poor sleep. Each contains the instructions for building a protein (蛋白),so those that became more active produced more proteins 一 changing the chemistry of the body.Meanwhile the natural body clock was disturbed some genes naturally get weak in activity through the day, but this effect was eased (缓解)due to poor sleep. Prof Colin Smith, from the University of Surrey, told the BBC, “There was quite a sharp change in activity in many different kinds of genes.” Areas such as the immune system and how the body responds to damage and stress were affected.” Prof Smith ad

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