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高考重要语法一、强调句 单词 词组 被强调成分1. I ts (was + 状语 + that + 句子 ) 句子:主语 宾语 状语从句表示原因的状语从句,只能由because 引导,不能由since , as , why 引导。It was last summer that I graduated from universityIt was because the water has risen that they could cross the river. 2. It is ( was )+ 代词(名词,形容词)+ that / who ,whom, whose, which )+ 句子 It is Pro.r Wu that /who sent me the letter.Its this novel that /which they talked about last week.It was Doc.James that /whom we invited to give us a lecture.Who was it that you met at the station ?It is red that he has painted the door. I suppose it is I who am responsible . I suppose it is me who is responsible . I suppose it is he /she who is responsible . I suppose it is they /we who are responsible.3. 强调句用在疑问句中:特殊疑问词+ is/was +it +that +句子(强调的是特殊疑问句) that 作直接宾语,间接宾语可以省略。 如果强调的是时间状语/地点状语,that 有时可以省略。It was in that shop ( that ) I came across the book. Where was it (that) you saw the man ?Who was it (that) you want to see ?How is it (that) your answer differs from his?What is it that you want me to say ? 二、反意疑问句注意事项:1、arent/ aint / I m very busy ,arent/ aint I ? 2. There used to be a peach tree in the garden ,wasnt there?There used to be a lot of trees in the garden , werent there?3. I wish to go home ,may I ? 前后均用肯定4. 陈述句主语为anybody , anyone , no one ,these, t和those 反意疑问句中主语用they.5. Such is his trick ,isnt it ? Such are your excuses , arent they ?6. I (dont)think ,believe,suppose,fancy,imagine,expect,seem,feel +宾语从句 反意疑问句和宾语从句中主谓保留一致。 It doesnt seem that he can get it , can he ?7. Let me do it for you , May I ? Let me have a rest , will you ?8. 感叹句的反意疑问句一律用否定式,而且采用be的一般现在时。9. Must He must be tired, isnt he? The boy must have visited the school yesterday, didnt he? The men must have finished his work , havent they?10. Each of 各个,各自 。 Each of these novels is to be discussed this term , isnt it? Each of 全体Each of us have got the prize , havent we ?11. One 正式用one ,非正式用 you One should learn from others , shouldnt one /you ? One can be ones own master , cant one ?12. 前后肯、否一致的反意疑问句。 关心、惊讶、怀疑、愤怒 You look pale , You are not feeling well, arent ? It wasnt a very good book , wasnt it ? He has wronged many people , has he ? You want to feel me ,do you ?13. none 和前面的陈述部分相一致None of his friends is interested , is he ?None of his friends are interested , are they ?14. 主语是个整体,用单数it Whiskey and soda sells well here , doesnt it?三 、 一致关系1、 as well as, no less than,rather than,less than, more than, but except, besides , more than ,but , with , besides , with , accompanied by , along with , together with , like , including , in addition to , combined with B . 谓语动词由A决定。2、 A or B ,either or ,neither nor , not only but also B 谓语动词由B决定。3、 a kind of /a series of , a group of , a piece of ,a portion of +单数/复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。This kind of men is dangerous . A series of lectures on psychology is said to be given by Pro. Wang. 4、every ,each , no 用在由 and 链接的两个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Every boy and every girl has the right to receive education . No teacher and no student is四、同位语从句1、 that ( belief ,fact , hope ,idea , doubt , news ,)2、 关系代词what ,which ,who 关系副词when , where , why ,how 3、 whether ,if There arose the question where we could get the loan I have no idea what has happened to him.五、虚拟语气(一)语气 陈述 虚拟 在条件句中的运用 祈使 虚拟 在某些从句中的运用 (2) 在条件句的运用1. 从句 主句 现在 动词过去式 would ,could , might+动词原形 过去 had +过去式 would ,could, might .+have +过去分词将来 一般过去式 were +不定式 would,could,might, should +动词原形 should +动词原形2、 推测条件句 形式同将来例: If I were to see him , I would speak to him about it . I wouldnt believe it , unless I should see it.3、 错综时间条件句 主句、从句的谓语动词要根据各自所指的不同时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式。4、 “无条件”的虚拟语气句子 with ,without , but for , or , but , otherwise , even , in cause of , what if 例:I would have gone with her but I was too busy .5、 If it were not for (同现在事实相反的假设) If it had not been for (表示与过去事实相反的假设) (三)在某些从句中的运用 1、动词wish 后的宾语从句用虚拟语气。 were /动词的一般过去式 (与现在事实相反) had + 过去分词 would/ could + have + 过去分词 (与过去事实相反) would/should (could, might )+ 动词原形 表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望2. If only 和would that 后面用虚拟语气和wish相同。 例:If only he had told me the truth yesterday. If only he were here. We would that we had seen through him earlier. I would I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky.3. as if /as though 和wish 相同。例: He talks as if he knew all about it. I feel as though we had known each other for years . It looks as if it might rain.4. would rather /would sooner /had better /would as soon +从句 一般过去时,表示一个现在或将来的愿望 过去完成时,表示一个过去将来的愿望5. 意念动词、祈使动词、态度动词的宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中用虚拟语气,动词原形或should + 动词原形。例词:suggest, order , demand , propose , request , desire , insist , require , decide , argue , maintain , determine , recommend , advise , urge , persist , intend . 6. Its + 形容词(名词)+ that ( should ) be important, necessary , urgent , essential , appropriate , desirable , vital ,advisable , preferable , imperative (迫切的)wrong 名词:no wonder , a pityNote : Its amazing ( odd ,strange , surprise ,wrong ,astonishing , a pity ,a shame )等结构后的that 从句中要用should ,不可省,意思为“竟然”,表示说话人的某种情感。Its quite wrong that the children should be given so much homework to do .Im surprised that he should have been so rude to you.7. Its high ( about )time 谓语动词用过去式,“早该干某事而已经有些晚了”Its high time that somebody taught you to behave yourself. 也可改为should +动词原形(用should不能将其省略)但不如用过去式常见。Its time she should do her homework.8. for year that / in order that / so that /lest 引导的目的状语从句用should( could ,might )+ 动词原形 He reminded her twice of it lest she should forget. I wont make a noise for fear that I might disturb you.六、倒装: (一)语法倒装1. 虚拟条件句中的倒装当虚拟条件句中的谓语部分含有were to ,had ,should 时, if 省略,变成倒装句。2. 句首here , there ,now ,then ,such 等副词,谓语动词为be ,come ,go 等时,句子主谓要求倒装。Heres the book you want.There goes the bell.Now comes your turn.Then came the order to take off.Now is the hour when they say good-bye. 若主语为人称代词,则不用倒装。 There he comes Here they are.3. 介词短语位于句首,lie ,stand ,live Behind the counter stands a beautiful young lady .4. so , neither nor , no more 倒装 They can leave now , so can we . She cant understand his lecture, no more can I. 表示对前面的内容同意肯定,则不能用倒装。Hes a good student ,so he is .5. 感叹句中倒装 How happy the children are. 6. the more ,the more The more you study , the more you know. 7. 以 thus ,well , hence , often 等方式状语、频度(率)状语开头的句子。 Well do I remember the day I saw her the first time Often did he come to my home in the past . Many a time has Mike given me help.(二) 修辞倒装1. only+状语Only then / once / by working hard / when /after 2. never , seldom , litter hardly , scarcely , by no means , in no time , under no circumstances, under no condition , in no way , in no case , in vain , at no time , neither (nor) , no sooner than , hardly when , no account , not a bit , nowhere , not only but also . 句首的否定词修饰句子主语,构成主语的一部分,则不用倒装。Not a word was said.Scarcely a drop of rain fell last month.Only an old man took pity on the poor girl.3. 名词、形容词、副词、 动词、动词分词+as /though + 主语+ 谓语Boy as he is ,Strange though it may appear , its true.Situated as it was near a market , the house was very quiet.Try as he might, he still failed. 4 So(such) thatTo such a degree / an extent /lengthsSo fast did he walk that none of us was his equal. Such was the force of explosion that all the windows were broken.5. 为使句子平衡,上下文衔接 主语较长,倒装表语。 On the floor were piles of books . Gone are the days when China had to depend on foreign oil. Seated on the ground were a group of students playing guitars. Happy are those who re contented . 倒装英语以求强调 Every word he spoke to her , she felt an insult.6. 为了生动描写动作,in , out , away ,up ,down , off 等副词可以放在句首倒装。 Away flew the bird . Up went the rocket into the air . Out rushed a group of children.若主语为代词,则用正常语序。7. 在比较状语从句和方式状语从句中用倒装。 He travelled a great deal as did most of his friends . He was honest and diligent , as were most of his friends . 8. 引语全部、部分在句首用倒装。 “Help ,Help !” should the boy.七、主谓 一致关系 单数1. 无生命集体名词作主语Scenery , machinery , clothing , poetry , jewellery , stationery , underwear , glassware. 2. 书名、剧名、报纸名、国名等复数名词作主语The Arabian Nights , The New York Times 3. 动词不定式短语、动名词短语、从句或其它短语作主语Whether she comes or not , is of no matter .(没有关系)Note 由what引导的主语从句,谓语动词一般用单数形式。但从句谓语或从句后的表语是复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式。What you said is quite to the point.What we need are qualified teachers.What are often regarded as poisonous fungi(蘑菇) are sometimes safely edible.4. 表示时间、距离、价格、度量衡的复数名词或短语作为一个整体Four thousand dollars is more than she can affordNote若强调这类词组的复数意义,谓语动词也可用复数形式。200 tons of water were used last month . 5. 以-ics 结尾的学科名词或疾病名词 mathematics, AID6. 以-s结尾的游戏名词, billiards(桌球)另外 cards are allowed here.7. 表示数量的one and a half 后面要接复数名词,作主语时动词用单数。 One and a half bananas is left on the table. 8. a / this kind of , a series of , a portion of , a species of , a group of , a piece of + 名词(单数、 复数)作主语 Theres a kind of tree in the garden which flowers once in every two years . This kind of men is dangerous . A large portion of her poems was published after her death .9. a great deal of ,an amount of , a quantity of +不可数名词 谓语动词用单数Note A quantity of baskets were on sale. 有一批篮子待售。 10. each, every(many) no + 两个单数名词做主语,并用and 连接。Every boy and girl has the right to receive education .Many a boy and Many a girl has seen the painting.复数1. 有些有生命集体名词作主语时cattle , fork , people , police , mankind , youth .2. 山脉、群岛、瀑布 The philippine 3. 一些常用作复数或只有复数形式动名词作主语。clothes, trousers , belongings , earning , surrounding , tidings , goods,findings 4. 某些企业、航空公司、俱乐部、球队带有集体主义的专有名词 Air Canada5. the+形容词(数词)+ and the + 形容词+ 单数名词The fouth and the last paragraph are well written .The red and the white rose need watering .6. one or two + 复数名词 Therere one or two problems to be talked today .单复数看具体情况1. 集合名词the whole +集合名词(单数)作主语时,动词用单数。all the + 作主语时 ,动词用单复数均可。The whole staff has signed the petition .(请愿)All the staff have (has)signed the petition .2. 单复数同形、谓语形式要根据句义来确定。aircraft ,deer , fish , means ,sheep ,species , series ,works , headquarters .The species of fish are numerous .This species of rose is very curious .Every means has been tried.The means of communication between here and outside are interrupted. 2、 the +形容词 表示某一类可数的人或事物。the poor/ rich the deaf the unemployed. ,一般情况下是复数如果表示不可数的事物、抽象概念或个别人,谓语动词用单数。The agreeable is not a always the useful .The unknown is bound to come .The accused was found guilty.4. a lot of ,a plenty of , a heap of 分数/百分数+名词,单数还是复数由后面的名词决定 all of , half of ,some of , remainder of , the rest of , plenty of , a part of , enough of , a porportion of , of 后面的名词决定单复数。5. a flock of , a pack of , a herd of , a swarm of , a school of + 集合名词 表示整体为单数;侧重于群体中每个成员时可以用复数。 a flock of sheep ,goats ,birds( 单复数同)a pack of wolves ,thieves ,cigarettesa herd of cattle ,horses ,pigs a swarm of bees / insectsa school of fisha drove of 牲畜6. a quantity + 不可数名词为单数 a quantity of + 不可数名词复数 为复数 quantities of 大量,为复数 buy sth in quantity ( in quantities ) 7. A and B 整体单数 分开的东西复数The poet and singerMy neighbour and colleagueThe iron and steel industry Truth and honesty Wit and humorWar and peace 单数Salt and waterFish and chips A knife and fork Bacon and eggs The smoke and fog Trial and errors is the source of our knowledge 磨难和错误justice and law time and tide 单复数皆可Your and my husband were present at the partyGood and bad butter are easy to identify . 9. what 引导的主语从句,谓语动词一般为单数,则为复数。 What you said is quite to the point. What we need are qualified teachers.10. none of + 不可数 单数 可数复数 单复皆可 them 若表语是单数则为单数 None of there is his sister.11. the following 表语 上下文意思决定单数还是复数The following is the correct answer.The following deserves/ deserve noticingThe following have been chosen to play in tomorrows match . 其它:12. hair 和beard 不同He has grey hair.He has some grey hairs. beard 集体名词The old man has a long beard.These old men have long beards.13. manners 单复数均可Wherere your manners?Good manners is a rarity today.14. one of the 复数 the one the only one of + 单数 He is one of the students in his class who have visited the US.He is the only one of the students in his class who has visited the US. 八、Shall的重要用法之一 :用于第二、三人称要重读,不可缩写,表示意图、意志、允诺或命令写,但shall所表示的意志是说话人的意志,而非句子主语的意志,在法律、条约、协定等事件中表示义务、规定等。You shall have a lot of money .Every citizen shall carry his identification card when traveling.She shall get the paper in the evening .He shall get what he deserves.九、 形容词、副词比较级前可用 much , far , hardly , no , a lot , still , ever , a little times ( two times )修饰十、动词不定式中主动形式表示被动意义名词/代词+be +easy ( difficult , fit )+ 不定式,有时尽管句中主语是动作的承受者,不定式在定义上是被动的,形式上却是主动的。这时,可看做是省略了动词的逻辑主语for.This book is difficult to read .This film is great fun to see.The food was not fit to eat .The path is easy to find .Theres no time to lose .Theres plenty to eat .如果不定式的逻辑主语是该不定式动作的施动者,那么不定式同其所修饰的名词虽有动宾关系,也必须用主动形式,因为逻辑主语同不定式动作的关系更为直接。 We re got plenty to eat . You ve given me much to make against him . He has two essays to write . She has a large family to support.十一、动词后加动名词作宾语的有:advise; admit; appreciate; avoid; consider; delay; enjoy; escape; finish; imagine; mind; practise; suggest ; miss; favour; deny; include; be worth; be busy; put off; mention; recommend.; forbid , give up ; keep ; permit , resist , risk , stop 等十二、一些动词只能用下面的形式 v +sth +to sb形式explain ; announce; declare ; describe; introduce; propose ; report ; say; suggest , recommend , confide .十三、 有些动词后用动名词表示被动need , want , deserve , repay , require , take(需要), stand , be worth , bear My hair needs cutting .The situation requires careful handling .The job will take noticing a lot.The book repays reading and re-reading. bear , take , stand 之外其它动词,后面也可用不定式被动式 The poor old man deserves to be looked after.stand , bear 后也可用动名词被动式。The words wont t bear being repeated.She cant stand being teased with questions.介词past 后面用动名词的主动语态和被动语态均可。The watch is past repairing /being repaired.某些及物动词后加副词(有些可不加)可表示被动意义。wash , write ,sell, read ,lock ,peel ,draw ,cut ,open ,play ,shut , split , strike , record , cut ,clean , iron , keep , dry .Ripe oranges peel easily .Nylon dries quickly .The door wont shit.The door opens with difficulty .The work doesnt pay .十四、动词不定式的被动语态1. 如果逻辑主语是动作的执行者,不定式用主动式如果 逻辑主语是动作的承受者,不定式用被动式I recommended him to read the book at least twice.I recommended the book to be read at least twice.2. 在名词(代词)+be + easy (difficult, fit ) + 不定式 有时尽管句中主语是动作的承受者,不定式在意义上是被动的,形式上却是主动的。这时,可看作是省略了动词的逻辑主语,for us ,me ,you.The book is difficult to read .Hes hard to convince.The film is great fun to see.Theres plenty to eat.3. 在某些以there等开头的结构用不定式的主动被动有时意义有区别。 Theres nothing to see nothing is worth seeing.Theres nothing to be seen nothing can be seen there at all.She has two more letters to type.She has two more letters to be typed.4.如果不定式的逻辑主语是该不定式动作的施动者,那么不定式同其修饰的名词虽有动宾关系,也必须用主动形式,因为逻辑主语同不定式动作的关系更为直接。Were got plenty to do .He has two essays to write.5. tooto 一般用主动 The box is too heavy to carry. 6. blame 的不定式作表语,可用主动、被动表示被动意义,但含义不同。 Youre to blame = Youre at fault. 这是你的过错 Youre to be blamed = Youre going to be blamed. 你要受到责备7. Something , little , what ,much ,a great deal 作主语时,表语为to do ,用主动。 A great deal of work remains to do . What is to do tomorrow ? 15、 不带to 的动词不定式1. 当几个动词不定式具有同样的功能时,to 只用在第一个不定式之前。He decided to settle down in France and continued to 但为了强调对比,可以在每个不定式之前重复to 。He hasnt decided whether to go home or to stay at school after the vacation .2. He did nothing else than cry . He cant do anything but ask silly question . What do you like to do besides swim ? They had no choice but to fight to the end .但如果but except 等前的动词不是do ,to 则不能省略。3. 主语是all ,what 等引导的从句,作表语的不定式一般不用to . All he does ( can do ) is wait and see. What she did was keep silent . 十六 动词不定式作状语1. 目的2. 结果 A few days later he came back only to find . Hes too young to have seen the bloody war .3.原因 不定式作原因状语时,一般放在句尾。 He was happy to hear the news .4. 说明说话人态度 to tell you the truth5. 条件 To look at her , you would think her a young woman .6. 伴随 往往以独立结构形式出现 They divided the work , John to wash the dishes, Mary to cook the meal.十七、动词分词状语1. 时间相当于when 引导的从句2. 作原因 There being nothing to do ,she went home .3. 方式、伴随状语,可以改写并列句。4. 条件 if , unless引导从句5. 结果状语 so that The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving the project unfinished .6. 让步 though , even if Wounded , the brave soldier continued to fight. Admitting what she has said , I still think she hasnt tried her best .十八、动词不定式作表语1、 表示目的 The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.2、 表示事态发展的结果、预期的结果或不幸的命运 He was to be seriously injured in the accident . You must speak out , if we are to remain friends .3、 用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求意见 What am I to do if they make an invitation .4、 用于被动语态,相当于can ( could )ought to , must . The regulations are to be observed .5、 表示同意安排、命令、决定、劝告。 They are to accept the proposal . Hes to give up smoking. The man is guilty and is to under go ten months imprisonment. 十九、 as和which 区别 as: 1.位置灵活,句首、句中、句末 2.先行词不可是一个词,必须是整个句或是句的部分。 3.有“正如 像”的意思,表达依据评论态度看法。 This elephant is like an snake ,as anybody can see. 4. 常用以下谓语动词的被动形式 know , see , say , expect , imagine , hope ,believe , announce ,suggest ,report, point out .which 1. 只能置于句中、句末。2. 可以一个词、整个主句或主句的部分内容3. 有“这,这一点”意思,表事实、状态、起因、转折、让步。4. 介+which5. n / adi 比较或最高级/ + prep + which They talked about a moue , the name of which Ive never forgotten .二十、against:1、 依靠2、 撞击 Push against the door , the man was heating the windows.3、 以为背 The tower looks beautiful against the evening sky .4、 反对 We voled against the bill .5、 违背 lie against well , sail against the wind 6、 以备 Passengers are warned against pickpockets 7、 对不利 The conditions were against us .情态动词 情态动词 must 无过去式,但常以must 代替过去式使用。must 1. 表示和说话人愿望相反及表示不耐烦。 Why must you be so stubborn? As I was sitting down to supper, the telephone must ring.2. 推测 3 . 非要 不可, 硬要 If you must smoke, please go out. Must you play the same record all day long ? 你非要整天都放相同的唱片吗?4. (嘲讽过去的环境)偏不巧却 (用于过去式,发生在过去的某个时点) We planned to go on a trip.The car must break down.5. 必定 Man must die.Should1. 应该 (义务,当然,建议,劝告)2. 当然的推论,应该


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