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感叹句的教学设计教学重点、难点:1. 重点:描写天气的形容词、感叹句 sun + y = sunny, wind + y = windy.cloud + y = cloudy, snow + y = snowy. etc.2. 难点:感叹句的运用,感叹句的结构和用法 What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S. +V.!How + adj. + S.+ V.!教学准备:1. CAI 课件;2. 学生的有关过去几天的天气变化的日记;3. 有关当天的天气话题;4.八本英汉汉英字典。教学过程:Step 1 RevisionT: There are four seasons in a year. They are.Ss: spring summer autumn winterT: Well, I like summer best.Ss: Why?T: Because I like swimming. What about you, S1?S1: I like winter best, because I like making snowmen.T: (Asking the Ss.) Which season does S1 like best?Ss: He likes winter best.(小组活动,谈论对方最喜欢的季节及原因。)Step 2 Lead-in1T: Different seasons, different weather. And every day, it changes. Would you like to know how to express them in English ? “Yes!” Ok, now lets learn together. At first lets look at some beautiful pictures.(启发式导入新课,激发求知的欲望)幻灯显示:Picture 1 Picture 2When the sun is in the sky, its sunny. We have a lot of snow these days, its snowy.Picture 3 Picture 4When there are many clouds in the sky, its cloudy. Today there is a lot of wind, its windy.Picture 5There is a lot of rain in England, its rainy.(用漂亮的彩图展示,给人以视觉感观的刺激;用红色显示 sun/sunny, snow/snowy, cloud/cloudy, wind/windy, rain/rainy,突出重点,利用学生已经学习过的句型,在句中学单词,加强语言的运用、表达能力,使词汇的学习灵活、不枯燥乏味)2. T: Look at Picture5.Its always rainy and warm in England in a year. Like the weather, the people in England are always gentle, we call them gentlemen or gentlewomen. And they care for the weather very much, they enjoy talking about it. So, youd better begin with the weather when you meet a stranger in England and you dont know what to talk with him at this time.(学习语言的同时,介绍一些文化背景知识,加深对语言的理解和培养跨文化交际的能力)3. 给学生任务,利用图片在自己所造的句子中学习巩固有关天气的词汇。比如听到:A: Look at the sun. B: Its sunny.C: Look at the trees. They are not straight. D: Its windy.(“straight”一词,是学生查字典而得出,我及时给予肯定评价,鼓励自主获取知识,拓宽学用渠道)Step 3 Make dialogue1. T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thanks.T: If we want to know the weather, we can say , How is the weather? OK! How is the weather?(领读两遍。)T: How is the weather? (问学生问题)Ss: Its sunny and cold.(前几前,天下雪,今天的天气正好阳光灿烂,但雪正在融化,天气冷。我由学生熟悉的询问身体状况的一句“How are you?”引出“How is the weather?”而询问当天的天气状况,注意了创设情景的真实性)T: If we want to know the weather and we can also say, “Whats the weather like?”(幻灯显示:Whats the weather like ?=How is the weather? 循序渐进、步步深入,由已知引向未知,既复习旧知,又扩展新知,培养思维的连贯性。)2. Make use of the pictures and your diaries to make dialogues.You can do like this:What is the date today?Its.What is the weather like?Its very cold .引导学生用字典并显示参考词汇:cold/hot dry/wetsunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy(教师走动指导学生同桌对话、前后交叉对话、分组练习,谈论前天、昨天、今天、明天等的日期和天气变化,最后每组两位表演练习)Step 4 介绍新语言项目:感叹句1. Teacher: Its sunny today. If we want to express our strong feeling, Its very sunny. We can say,How sunny it is today! (Repeat)幻灯: Its sunny today. How sunny it is today!教师:Its windy today. 学生:How windy it is today!类似练习:rainy snowy cloudy(Work in pairs, then act out,并尽量用感叹句给予适时评价,如 How well you speak! How brave they are!)T: If we want to express our strong feeling, we can also say,“What a cold day it is!”幻灯: What a cold day it is! =How cold it is today!(跟读两遍,看图小组学习,然后每组推荐两位表演,并给予激励性评价)2幻灯显示感叹句的结构和用法 What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S. +V.!How + adj. + S.+ V.!3. 扩展性训练T: Our classroom is very clean.Ss: How clean our classroom is! /What a clean classroom!(Let them work in pairs,在教室里走动指导时听到:My coat is beautiful! How beautiful your coat is! How cold it is! What a clever boy!等语言,这时掩饰不住心中的喜悦,说道:How happy I am!学生们马上脱口而出: How happy you are! 为了巩固,我再次说道: Yes, how happy I am! What a happy teacher I am today! 然后每组推荐两位表演运用感叹句,并尽量用感叹句给予点评)Step 5 Discuss and try your best to use what we have learned today.(三天前,奥运吉祥物福娃(Friendlies,现已改名为 Fuwa) 揭晓,我便显示出下载的彩图和英语 Welcome to Beijing.刚显示就听到:Wa, how beautiful! 这是真情的吐露,马上给予高度评价)T: Now look at them; you have two minutes to discuss each other. You can talk about the weather, the people, the cities, the food in Beijing, and so on.( How sunny it is! What fine weather! How friendly we are! Welcome to Beijing. 听到这些表达,我由衷的高兴,因为学生能用感叹句、天气变化的词汇表达自己的感情了)Step 6 Homework运用感叹句谈天气;

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