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动 词动词中考主要考查动词的时态动词词义辨析【考点串讲】 条理清晰 轻松把握 一、连系动词:be动词: 感官动词:feel , taste, sound ,smell, seem等表状态:keep, stay等表变化:become, get, turn, grow, go, fall等二、情态动词:1、can /could(1)表示“能力”,意为“能,会”,其否定形式为cant/couldnt。(2)用在疑问句中,表示“征求意见”,could比can语气更加委婉、客气。(3)在口语中,can可以代替may表示“允许”。2、may表示“请求、许可”,主语为第一人称的一般疑问句,否定的回答用mustnt 意为“可能、可以”,其否定式为may not或mustnt。 May I go now?No, you mustnt. 3、must(1)表示“必要”,意为“必须”,其否定形式为neednt/ dont have to。(2)表示“义务”,意为“应该”,其否定形式为mustnt。(3)表示“推测”,意为“一定、准是”,其否定形式为cant。(4)表示说话人的主观看法,通常表示现在。theres someone knocking at the door, it must be Jim.-Must I finish the work today?-No, you neednt. 4、need 1) need to do sth. (实义动词 2)need doing sth. 表示被动 3)情态动词 need提问或回答, 肯定回答用must, 否定回答用neednt Youneednt come to school so early. 5. had better 1) had better do sth. 2) had better no tdo sth. youd better stay at home 6. shall(should) will (would 1) shall 用于第一人称表示征求意见或询问 Shall I open the window? 2) should 常用于来表示义务、责任 we should obey traffic laws. 3) will 用于第二称表示询问、请求 也可表示“意愿” Will you do anything for me ? 4) would 用于表示过去的意愿或委婉的询问 Would you tell me the way to the station?易混点1. Must 和 have to Must 主观看法 “必须应该,必须”Have to 客观“必须,不得不”we must work hard at school.Well have to ask Zhang Hong instead.2. maybe 和may be Maybe 副词May be 情态动词+ be 3) cant和 mustnt Cant 否定推测时“不可能”Mustnt “禁止、不容许”不能用来表示推测,must 在肯定句中表示推测(09北京) Tony _ go to the opera on Sunday because hes going to have a meeting.A. cant B. might C. mustnt D. should 三、动词不定式:1、动词不定式的构成:(1)肯定式:to(不定式符号)+ 动词原形(2)否定式:not + to + 动词原形 2、动词不定式的功能(1)作主语,常用it作形式主语。常用句型: It + be + adj+ for/ of sb +to do sth.Its very kind of you to help meIt takes sb. some time to do sth (2)作宾语如果宾语后面有宾语补足语,则常使用it作形式宾语,其基本结构是:find, think + it + adj + to do sth.I find it easy to read English every day.注意:有些动词后面要求接不定式作宾语:want(想) / try(试图) / decide(决定) / would like(想要) / hope(希望) / agree(同意) / fail(失败、未能) / wish(希望) 等。(3)作表语 To see is to believe.(4)作定语,通常后置。E.g have you got anything to say?(5)作宾语补足语(6)作状语表目的:I went to the library to study English. 表原因: Im sorry to trouble you .表结果: 3、用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词(1)表示感官的词hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事find sb. do sth. 发现某人做某事feel sb. do sth. 感觉某人做某事(2)使役动词make sb. do sth. 使(让)某人做某事let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事(3)其他: help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 4. 疑问词+ to do He didnt know where to go 5.常见的不带to 的动词不定式 Why not do, had better (not) do, would rather do, could/ would / will you please (not) do I would rather stay at home.真题回放(1)The teacher ask Ben _ a difficult question in class.(2009北京)A. answer B. answering C. to answer D. answered(2) Youd better _ too much time playing computer games. (2009重庆)A. dont spend B. not to spend C. to not spend D. not spend(3)More and more people are trying to do something _ the old.(2009河北)A. serve B. serving C. to serve D. serves(4) - Do you know Neil Armstrong?- Yes, he is the first man _ on the moon.(2009南京)A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walked(5) A mobile phone of this type costs too much. Youd better _.(2009杭州)A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited(6) -Im very tired these days because of studying for physics.-Why not _ music? It can make you_. (2009黄冈)A. listen to; relax B. listen to; to relax C. listening to; relax D. listening to; to relax (7)-Why did you buy a radio?- _ English.(2009 江西)A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning四、动名词1. 用法:a. 作主语,谓语动词用单数Eating too much is bad for your health.b. 作宾语 表示一般的习惯或抽象行为或经常性的动作I like playing basketball very much.Stamps are used for sending letters.c. 作表语His hobby is collecting stanps.d. 作定语She is in the reading room.英语中一些动词常跟动名词作宾语的有:finish, enjoy, mind, be worth, practice , have fun, have trouble/ problem (in), spend, feel like, be used to 等动词后接不定式和动名词的区别1. Stop to do sth./ stop doing sth. stop talking, please.Stop to think about it for a moment.2.Remember to do sth, /remember doing sth.I remember posting your letter.Please remember to post my letter.3. Forget to do sth./ forget doing sth. I forget to bring my homework.I forget bringing my homework.4. try to do sth.努力去做某事/ try doing sth. 试着去做某事he tried speaking English to us.Please trey to do better next time. Regret to do sth. / regret doing sth. I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.I dont regret telling her what I thought.5. Mean to do sth. 打算/mean doing sth. 意味着I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to.Doing that means wasting time.五、分词1. 现在分词v-ing 表达正在进行的动作2. 过去分词v-ed表达完成与被动真题回放1. I wonder _ it is worth _.(2009山西) A. that; reading B. if; reading C. that; to read D. whether; t read2. I cant help _ housework at home because I am busy with my homework.(2009浙江) A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning3. - When will we take a walk?- After I finish _ the dishes.(2009重庆) A. wash B. washing C. washed D. to wash六、易混动词词义辨析1)look, feel, become, get, sound【考例】The food in that restaurant _delicious,but it tastes bad 沈阳市A looks Bfeels C becomes Dgets【考例】-What do you think of the music,Fred?-It _wonderful台州市Asmells B. looks Ctastes DsoundsHi,mumHave you cooked fish for dinner? I can _it 河南Ataste B. smell Cfeel Dtouch2) speak, say , talk, tellSpeak 语言 “说话,发言”say 说的内容talk 常跟to/ with 同某人谈话tell 告诉 常接story /lie 等I am sure that he is_ a lie. 广东省A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling3)spend, pay, take, cost, 使用, 花费 Spend花费时间,金钱,后常接 on sth./ in doing sth. 主语是人Pay与for 连用 主语是人,指某人为某东西付多少钱Take 表示花费时间,金钱常用句型: it takes sb. +时间/金钱+ to do sth.Cost 主语是物 通常是指 花费金钱How long does it _ you to wash all the dishes? 成都市A. take B. use C. spend D. pay4) arrive, get reach达到Arrive +in +大地点Arrive +at +小地点get +to 地点名词reach +直接跟地点名词I visited many places including the History Museum last Saturday; When I_ at the hotel, it was very late. 太原市A. got B. reached C. arrived 5) win & beat win后则跟比赛、奖项等Beat 后跟人或球队In the 49 world Table Tennis Championship(锦标赛),Wang Liqin_ Ma Linand _the champion(冠军)of the Mens Singles芜湖市Abeat; beat B. won;won C beat; won Dwon; beat6) bring& take & carry & fetch Carry“扛,搬”; 用力移动,没有方向性bring带来, 表示“拿到靠近说话的地方”make制作,使;take带走“拿到远离说话的地方”fetch 去取,去拿,表示往返拿东西-why do Chinese people like red? -Because they think it can _them good luck.浙江省Acarry B. bring C. make Dtake7) used to do sth. & used to doing sth.& be used to do sth.used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事used to doing sth. 表示习惯做某事be used to do sth. 被用于做某事Im used to getting up early.I used to get up at six in the morning. 8)join & take part in & attend & enter参加join多指加入某一组织join in参加某个活动;take part in指参加某一活动,并在其中发挥作用;attend 一般指出席会议enter指进入某一地方或领域。The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese. Its fun to _them. 昆明市A. join B. join in C. take part in D. enter七、 动词词组1不同的动词,后面加上相同的小品词使用频率较高的这类动词有:call,cut,come,go,get,look,put,set,turn,take,pay,pick,make等。常见的介词或副词有:in,off,out,up,away,for,on,over,等。1)动词+away构成的短语有:throw away扔掉;put away把收拾好;give away捐赠,分发;carry away运走;run away,潜逃;跑开;go away走开等。2)动词+for构成的短语有:answer for负责;provide for供养;call for提倡,要求;plan for打算,为计划;hope for希望,期待;ask for请求,寻找;需要;send for派人去请;go for努力获取;pay for偿还,赔偿;wait for等待;look for寻找等。3)动词+on构成的短语有:Try on试穿,试验;put on穿上,上演;have on穿着,戴着;pull on穿,戴;hold on不挂断,停止;carry on继续开展,坚持;keep on继续;go on继续;get on上(车、船);come on赶快等。4)动词+over构成的短语有:come over过来;hand over移交;go over仔细检查,复习;get over克服,恢复;look over检查;think over仔细考虑;take over接受,接管;turn over翻转等。5)动词+up构成的短语有:bring up抚育,培养;call up召唤,打电话给;come up走进,上来;cut up切碎:fix up. 修理;give up放弃;go up上升,增长;grow up长大;look up尊敬;向上看;查寻;make up虚构;弥补,组成;put up举起,搭建;pick up捡起,(开车)接某人,偶然得到;set up建立,创(纪录);send up发射;show up揭露,露面;turn up出现,把调高一点;take up占据,开始从事等。【考例】She has to _some of her hobbies because she has no time to spend on them. 太原市A. give up B. look up C. pick up临沂 More and more foreigners want to _their companies in ChinaAopen up成立 Blook up Cclean up Dpick up6)动词+out构成的短语有:go out出去,熄灭;look out留神,当心;walk out走出;set out出发,开始:put out扑灭,生产;give out发出,发表;hand out分发;pick out挑选:find out找出,发现;speakout大声地说出;turn out生产,打扫;get out出去,离开;work out计算出,解决,锻炼;carry out实现,执行;bring out出版,start out出发,动身等。2同一个动词。后面加上不同的小品词(即介词或副词):常见的这些动词有:break,die,call,cut,come,get,go,look,put,set,turn,take,pay,pick,make等。7)get+介词副词的短语有:get about传播;走动;get through到达,做完,通过,度过,打通(电话);get in进入,陷入;get on上车,进展,融洽相处;get off下车,下来;get across通过,被理解;get along进展,融洽相处;get away离开,脱身等 get up 起床。【考例】Dont _while the bus is moving,or you may hurt yourself and even someone outside07南通市Aget on B get up Cget off Dget in Wake up,NickIts time to_,or youll be late for school温州Aget up Bget backCget away Dget off7)give+介词副词的短语有:give up放弃;give in屈服,投降;give away赠送,捐赠;泄漏;give over移交,交出,give off放出,发出,排出;give out分发,散发,放出(光,热);give back归还等。8)go+介词副词的短语有:go ahead着手,开始(做),进行;go along 进展,前进;go around到处走动;顺便访问;go away离去,走开;go beyond超过;go by过去,流逝;go down下降;go up上升;go for喜欢;go off离开,停止;go over复习,温习;go through经历,穿过等。 9)1ook+介词副词的短语有:look after照顾,照料;look away把目光移开;1ook around环顾;look at看;look down朝下看;look for寻找;look into调查;look out当心;look through浏览,检查;look up查字典等。【考例】-Excuse me, Mr Li, I dont know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do? 成都市 -Youd better first _the new words.A. look for B. look up C. look throughKate didnt go to the movie last night because she had to _her sick dog at home. 陕西省A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after10)take+介词/副词的短语有:take away带走,拿走;take out“取出,拿出”;take down“写下,记下” take it esy take off 脱下,飞机起飞 take plce发生The plane _at three oclock in the afternoon. 广东省A. takes off B. takes away C. takes out D. takes down11)turn+介词副词的短有:turn aboutround(使)向后转,回头,转身;turn against(使)反对(某人);turn away转过脸去,拒绝;turn back往回走;turn down调低,关小,拒绝;turn in上缴,上交;turn into(使)变成;turn off关掉;turn on打开;rum out熄灭,生产;turn to求助于,转向;turn up调高,到达,出现等。 11)put+介词副词的短语有:put aside把放在一边,积蓄;put back把放回原处;put down放下,镇压;put forward提出,建议;put in放进;put off迟,拖延;put on穿上,戴上,增加,上演,put out生产出,出版;put up举起,张贴等。【考例】After eight hours hard work,the firemen finally _the forest fire 07连云港市 Aput away Bput out Cput down Dput in12)begetbecome+过去分词形容词+介词的短语有:be dressed in穿着;be fond of爱好,喜爱;be lost in沉溺于;be located in位于;be addicted to沉溺于be used to习惯于;be curious about对好奇;be engaged in忙于,be glad to乐意;be convinced of确信,认识到;be aware of意识到;be worried about担心等。13)动词+副词+介词的短语有:add up to合计达;break away from从脱离开;come up with想出;catch up with赶上;get down to开始认真地做某事;go in for参加,追求;keep away from远离;keep up with跟上;date back to追溯到;put up with忍受,容忍;run out of用完;watch out for当心;look down upon瞧不起;go ahead with开始,着手;go along with一起去,同意;hold on to坚持等。【考例】Though their parents work in faraway cities to make money,those“stay-home children can _themselves台州市Alook out of B come up with Ctake care of D catch up with-Do you have this kind of MP4?-Sorry,we _yesterdayYou can come next week. 南宁市Awrote them down B. tried them on Ctook them off D. sold them out3、动词不同,小品词也不同。【考例】Dont _people in trouble. Try to help them, 吉林省A. hear. from B. go over C. laugh at D. took like-Tom, its cold outside. _your coat when you go out.-OK, Morn. 安徽省A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put onMy parents and I like to _ outside after dinner. It is really relaxing. 太原市A. run off B. hang out闲逛 C. dress upLots of people in our city _ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old on buses. 河南省A. agree with B. worry about C. laugh at D. care for They are going to _a hospital to help poor people07南充市Awrite down B. hand out分发 Cset up2. 动词词组的辨析(1)be made in(在生产或制造),be made of(由组成或构成)(2)come down(下来;落),come along(来;随同),come to oneself(苏醒),come true(实现),come out(花开;发芽;出现;出来),come over(过来;顺便来访),come in(进来),come on(来吧;跟着来;赶快), come up with(找到;提出)(3)do ones best(尽最大努力), do well in(在干得好), do ones homework(做作业),do some reading(阅读)(4)fall asleep(入睡),fall behind(落在.后面),fall off(从掉下),fall down(到下;跌倒)(5)get down(下来;落下),get on(上车),get to(到达),get up(起床),get back(回来;取回),get off(下来),get on well with(与相处融洽),get married(结婚),get together(相聚)(6)give up(放弃),givea hand(给与帮助),give a concert(开音乐会)(7)go back(回去),go on(继续),go home(回家),go to bed(睡觉),go over(过一遍;仔细检查),go out(外出;到外面),go wrong(走错路),go on doing(继续做某事),go shopping(买东西),go boating(去划船), go fishing(去钓鱼),go hiking(去徒步旅行),go skating(去滑冰),go straight along(沿着一直往前走)(8)have a look(看一看), have a seat(坐下), have supper(吃晚餐), have a rest(休息), have sports(进行体育活动), have a cold(感冒), have a cough(咳嗽), have a good time(过得愉快), have a headache(头痛),have a try(尝试;努力)(9)look for(寻找),look out(留神; 注意),look over(仔细检查),look up(向上看;抬头看),look after(照顾; 照看),look at(看; 观看),look like(看起来像),look the same(看起来像),(10)make friends(交朋友),make phone calls(打电话),make money(赚钱),make the bed(整理床铺),make a noise(吵闹),make a faces(做鬼脸),make ones way to(往走去),make room for(给腾出地方),make a decision(做出决定),make a mistake(犯错误),make up ones mind(下决心)(11)put on(上演;穿上;戴上),put up(挂起;举起),put down(把某物放下来),put away(把某物收起来), put off(推迟)(12)take off(脱掉衣服),take photos(照相),take time(花费时间),take out(取出),take a seat(坐下),take an active part in(积极参加),take care of(照顾;照料;注意),take exercise(做运动),take ones place(坐某人的位置;代替某人的职务),take turn(轮流)(13)talk about(谈话;交谈),talk with(和交谈)(14)turn on(打开电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等),turn off(关上电灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等),turn down(关小;调低),turnover(把.翻过来)(15)think of(认为;想起),think about(考虑)【真题再现】 探索规律 找寻突破 1. Listen! Helen is singing in the next room.(04安徽) It _ be Helen, She has gone to Beijing .A. cant B. mustnt C. may D. should2. What is Mum cooking in the kitchen? Chicken, I guess. How nice it_!(04安徽)A. looks B. smells C. tastes D. sounds3. Hurry up! Were all waiting for you. (04安徽) I_ for an important phone all. Go without me.A. wait B. was waiting C. am waiting D. waited4. Do you think our football team will win the match? (04安徽) Yes. We have better players. So I _them to winA. hope B. ask C. help D. expect5. Lucy, could you please help me _ the map onthe blackboard? We wont need it(05安徽)Aput away Bput off C. put on Dput up6We have worked for a long time,so we_ arest(05安徽) - Sounds good!A. stopped to have B. stopped having C. stop having Dstop to have7 Why not go to the office and ask your teacherfor help? (05安徽) I_. But I didnt find her thereA. will B. would C. have D. shall8. -Peter,dont play that kind of joke any more! (05安徽) -Sorry! I_ do it againA. wont B. cant C. mustnt D. wouldnt9.Shall I tell Sally about it? (06安徽) No, you _. Ive told her already.A. Should B. mustnt C. needn t D. cant10. How much did you _ for the dictionary? $12. (06安徽)A.buyB. spendC. costD. pay11. Kate, could you _ the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now. (06安徽)A. turn down B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on12. Schools _ allow students at least one hour a day for sports. (07安徽)A. would B. might C. should D. could13. -Tom, its cold outside, _ your coat when you go out. - OK, Mom.A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put on14. Is Mr. Brown driving here? (08安徽)-Im not sure. He _ come by train.A. may B. shall C. need D. must15. Our team _ the match. Weve got the first place! (08安徽)-Well done! Congratulations!A. hit B. beat C. won D. watched16. Lets plan a surprise for our class. Whats your idea? (08安徽)-Why not _ a short play?A. get on B. keep on C. have on 穿着,戴着 D. put on上演17. Could you tell me what time the train leaves Hefei for Beijing? (08安徽)-Im afraid you need to _ on the Internet.A. look for it B. look at it C. look it over D. look it up18. Whos the man over there? Is it Mr. Black? It _ be him. Hes much taller.(09安徽)A. cant B. mustntt C. should D. may19. Long time no see! (09安徽)-Oh, it _ like years since I last saw you.A. looks B. seems C. feels D. sounds20. -What a day! Its raining again. Im afraid we cant fly a kite. (09安徽)-Dont worry. It wont _ long.A. live B. last C. wait D. go21. -These problems are too hard to _. Will you give me some advice? (09安徽)-There are many ways, but the most important is to have a careful plan.A. work out B. look out C. hand out 把拿出来 D. put out22. Its nice of you to so much time showing me around your school.(10安徽)A. take B. spend C. cost D. have23.How can I well with my lessons?(10安徽)A. work on B. hold on C. get on D. keep on坚持24.what will the weather be like tomorrow?(10安徽)-it be rainy,cloudy,or sunny. Who knows?A. must B. might C. shall D.should【典例精析】 瞄准目标 蓄势待发 1、误 She laid down and soon fell asleep. 正She lied down and soon fell asleep. 析 考试中常出现的是易混动词lay放,lie躺,lie说谎。它们的过去时、过去分词和现在分词变化如下:lay laid laid lying lie lay lain lying 平躺 Lie lied lied lying 2、误 We have won your class.正3、误 I left my key.正 4、误 This dictionary spent me five dollars.正This dictionary cost me five dollars.5、误 Why not to do it again?正 Why not do it again?6、误 When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped to talk.正 When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped talking.【优化演练】 体味经典 把握成功 1、What a nice model ship! Thank you. It _ me three days to make it.A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost 2、Ive _ all the photos in the drawer, but I still cant find the one you need.A. opened up B. given away 分发,泄露 C. handed out D. looked through 仔细查看 3、 We do hope the people in Sichuan will soon _ their troubles.A. go over B. turn over C. get over 从中恢复过来,克服(困难) D. look over 4、Please _ the dog for me while Im away.A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look out 5、Would you please _ the TV a little? Jack is doing his homework. Terribly sorry. I will.A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on D. turn off 6、Oh, Ive left my schoolbag in the classroom. Dont worry. Ill _ it for y

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