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新课程标准下高中英语“阅读与写作”课教学设计北京顺义牛栏山第一中学 伍国春 李永清 教学案例简介:这是一节在新课标理念指导下,教师引导学生体验学习过程以及进行写作训练的“阅读与写作”课。教学案例特点:1. 教案设计及实施突出体现了写作训练;2. 任务的设计遵循了由简到繁,由易到难,层层深入,并形成从初级任务向高级任务的过渡,即阶梯性任务原则。任务的设计充分考虑到了既要完成课程标准的要求,又要使师生易于操作;3. 对教学材料进行适当处理,注意到了学生的可接受性和潜能的发挥;4. 教学过程中,学生充分地体验语言学习和运用的过程。教学内容: 本课的教学内容是人民教育出版社出版的普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语(选修)Unit 4 Global warming中的Reading: The Earth is becoming warmerbut does it matter? 本单元的中心话题是人类当今面临的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和 “节约能源”等方面的问题。本单元的话题学生并不陌生,但是如何用英语表达却比较困难。因此,根据教学内容和学生的语言知识和语言技能的实际情况,拟设计7课时,本课时为第二课时,在学生了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源”,并树立了 “节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识后围绕本单元主题展开的读与写的技能训练。 在本教学设计中,为了较好的体现语言接触理解体验语言聚焦自主运用的教学思路,针对教学材料偏难,学生理解文章不易,在教学内容上对教材进行了适当的处理。学生情况: 本课的教学是在牛栏山一中高二(2)班实施的。该班是理科A班,多数学生的英语基础相对较好,通过义务教育阶段和高中阶段的英语学习,学生已具备了基本的用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题、解决问题及用英语进行写作的能力。教学目标: Students will be able to1. get the main idea and some detailed information of the text;2. find out some solutions to the problem of global warming;3. write a short passage about global warming according to the text.教学设计:StepsTeachers activityStudents activityPurposesI. Lead-in (5) Show a short movie to students about global warming and ask students: Q1: what do you think happened to the earth?Q2: what effects are told in the film?Students watch the short movie and answer the three questions. To arouse the students interest and let them have a first idea of what is global warming II. Reading (20)Main idea (3)Ask students to read the text and do matching exercisesStudents read the text and match the main idea with paragraph(s)To get the students to know the main idea of the textTrue or false questions(7)Ask the Ss to read the text again and do the “T” or “F” exercises.Students read the text again and judge the statements which is true and which is false. And correct the false ones.To let students get detailed information of the textQuestions (10)Ask the Ss to read the text for the third time and write down the answers to the questions on the worksheetStudents read the text for the third time and answer the questions1. To make students have a better understanding about global warming2. To make foundations for the writing because the answers to the questions are the key points of the writing.III. Writing(7)Ask students to write a short passage about global warming;Ss write a short passage according to the structures and the key points got in this class.Ss can write a short passage immediately after they have got some information about global warming and Ss will know the basic structure of the writingIV. Evaluation (2)Give certain criteria about what is a good composition for this class and help them how to evaluate their compositionsSs check their compositions in pairs and write down their statements according to the criteria. To get Ss to find mistakes or good points of their own writingV. Presentation (6)Ask Ss to read some compositions they checked, and state their opinions about the writings.Ss present their compositionsTo let Ss know what a good composition should be likeVI. HomeworkAsk students to polish their writing after class.Ss polish their writing. To enhance students writing ability教学实施:1. 学生观看关于全球气候小短片,并回答教师针对小短片提出的两个问题,学生直观感受全球气候变暖现象;2. 学生阅读教材第二十六页“The earth is becoming warmerbut does it matter?”,完成对课文段落大意的理解,课文内容正误表述的判断,目的是获取信息;3. 学生进一步阅读该篇课文,然后回答问题,目的是进一步的获取、处理阅读材料中的信息,并为写作做铺垫;4. 学生就如何解决全球气候变暖问题展开小组讨论,目的是使学生拓宽思路,为写作提供丰富的资源;5. 学生依据本节课所学内容,在教师给定作文框架的基础上进行关于全球气候变暖原因、后果及提出至少一条解决办法的写作,这是本节课英语学习中的高级任务;6. 给定作文评价标准,学生进行小组讨论;7. 学生主动呈现自己的作文,教师对学生的作文进行适当的评价。教学流程示意图:获取处理信息连线段落大意判断正误回答问题写作热身写作技能培养交流、反馈及评价


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