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第13讲八年级(下)Units 781tour(n.)_tourist_(n.)旅行者2protect(v.)_protection_(n.)保护3achieve(v.)_achievement_(n.)成就;成绩4thick(adj.)_thin_(adj.)薄的5include(v.)_including_(prep.)包含;包括6succeed(v.)_success_(n.)成功_successful_(adj.)成功的7nature(n.)_natural_(adj.)自然的8weigh(v.)_weight_(n.)重量9birth(n.)_birthday_(n.)生日_bear_(v.)出生_born_(过去分词)出生10keep(v.)_keeper_(n.)饲养员;保管人11awake(adj.)_wake_(v.)醒来_sleep_(v.)睡觉_asleep_(adj.)睡着的_sleepy_(adj.)困倦的12excite(v.)_excitement_(n.)激动_exciting_(adj.)令人激动的_excited_(adj.)激动的13illness(n.)_ill_(adj.)生病的14remaining(adj.)_remain_(v.)保留;剩余15laugh(v.)_laughter_(n.)笑声16beauty(n.)_beautiful_(adj.)美丽的17introduce(v.)_introduction_(n.)介绍18success(n.)_successful_(adj.)成功的_succeed_(v.)成功1_feel_ free随便(做某事)2_as_ _far_ _as_ I know据我所知3_take_ _in_吸入;吞入(体内)4in the _face_ of面对(问题、困难等)5even _though_即使6at _birth_出生时7_up_ to到达(某数量、程度)8_or_ _so_大约9full _of_满是的;(有)大量的10walk _into_走路时撞着11fall _over_摔倒12_take_ care of照顾13_die_ from因而死14_science_ _fiction_科幻小说15_hurry_ up赶快16ever _since_自从17_belong_ _to_属于18one _another_互相19cut _down_砍倒20at the _end_ of在结尾;在末端1Qomolangma is _higher_ _than_ _any_ _other_ mountain in the world.珠穆朗玛峰比世界上其他任何一座山都高。2China has _the_ _biggest_ _population_ in the world.中国是世界上人口最多的国家。3This elephant weighs _many_ _times_ more than this panda.这头大象比这只大熊猫重许多倍。4The babies often _die_ _from_ illness and do not live very long.这些幼崽经常死于疾病并且活不了很长时间。5_Who_ _else_ is on my island?我的岛上还有其他什么人?6How long _have_ they _been_ here?他们在这里多久了?7One of them died but _the_ _other_ ran towards my house.其中一个人死了,但另外一个人跑向了我的房子。8_Listening_ _to_ The Toms is a good way to wake up.听汤姆乐队的音乐是醒来的一个好方法。9She came to _realize_ how much she actually _missed_ all of them.她逐渐意识到,事实上她是多么想念他们所有人。10Garth is _one_ _of_ _the_ _most_ _successful_ musicians in American history.加思是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。11_Have_ you _read_ Little Women yet?你已经读过小妇人了吗?Yes,I _have_/No,I _havent_读过。/不,还没有。population【典例在线】More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.超过四分之三的人口是中国人。What is the population of Wenzhou?温州的人口有多少?【拓展精析】population指人口总数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但当population前有分数、百分数等修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。population还可以被large/small修饰,表示“人口众多或稀少”,但不被many/few修饰。询问人口多少的常用句型:What is the population of.?注意:many/few可修饰people。how many people意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou?How many people are there in Hangzhou?杭州有多少人?【活学活用】1)Which city has _D_ population,Shanghai,Hong Kong or Qingdao?Shanghai,of course.(2014,六安模拟)Athe smallestBthe leastCthe most Dthe largestprotect【典例在线】Therere fewer animals.Its important for us to protect them.动物们越来越少,对于我们来说保护它们很重要。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。【拓展精析】protect动词,意为“保护;防护”,常用于短语protect.from/against.中,意为“保护使不受”。【活学活用】2)To _A_ nature is to help ourselves,or we will be punished.(2014,池州模拟)Aprotect BpreventCprovide Dpolluteinclude【典例在线】The price includes both your shirt and your trousers.这个价格包含了你的衬衫和裤子。There are 50 students in my class,including me.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。There are 50 students in my class,me included.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。【拓展精析】include作动词,意为“包括;包含”。including作介词,意为“包括;包括在内”,它和其后的名词、代词一起构成介宾短语。included作形容词,意为“包括的;包含在内的”,常作后置定语。【活学活用】3)Twenty people went to his house for his birthday party,_A_ me.(2014,淮南模拟)Aincluding BincludeCincluded Dto includeremaining【典例在线】The few remaining guests were in the kitchen.留下没走的几位客人都在厨房里。This place remains very cool all summer.这个地方整个夏天都很凉爽。【拓展精析】remaining形容词,意为“留下的;剩余的;其余的”,仅用于名词前作定语。remain动词,意为“遗留;剩余;留下;剩下”。【活学活用】4)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _D_(2014,铜陵模拟)A20 dollars remained B20 dollars to remainCremained 20 dollars Dremaining 20 dollarsbelong to【典例在线】The bicycle belongs to Amy.The bicycle is Amys.这辆自行车是埃米的。【拓展精析】belong to意为“属于;归所有”,其中belong属于不及物动词,常与介词to连用。后接代词作宾语时,要用宾格形式(不可用物主代词);后接名词时,也不能用所有格。belong to sb.be ones“属于某人的”,ones是物主代词,也可用名词所有格形式。【活学活用】5)The book belongs to me.(同义句转换)The book _is_ _mine_6)Are these books _?No,they are not mine.They belong to _B_Ayour;her Byours;herCyou;hers Dyours;sheThis elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这只大象比这只熊猫重好多倍。【典例在线】This hall is four times bigger than my classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大四倍。Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。The hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。There are four times more books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆的藏书数量比你们图书馆的多四倍。There is three times as much water in this cup as in that one.这个杯子里的水是那个杯子里的三倍。【拓展精析】倍数的表达用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,有以下三个句型:倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数as形容词/副词as倍数the size/height/weight/length.of用名词表示,“量”的倍数时,有以下两个句型:倍数more名词than倍数as many/much名词其他as【活学活用】1)We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _B_ we speak.(2014,蚌埠模拟)Aas twice much as Btwice as much asCas much as twice Das much twice asListening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.听汤姆乐队的音乐是醒来的一个好方法。【典例在线】Eating too much isnt good for you.吃得太多对你没有好处。He often listens to music.他经常听音乐。Dont listen to them!别听他们的话!【拓展精析】listening to The Toms是动名词短语在句中作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。listen to为固定短语,意为“听”。listen为不及物动词,接宾语时需要介词to。【活学活用】2)Our English teacher often says to us,“_B_ English well is very important.”(2013,内江)ALearn BLearningCLearned DTo learningdie from,die of【典例在线】His father died from an accident.他父亲死于一次事故。He died of a strange illness.他死于一种怪病。【拓展精析】die from指由于外部或不注意的原因而死,原因常来自外部,后常加名词。die of指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿等,原因多来自内部,后加名词。【活学活用】1)Do you know that Mr.Zhang passed _ last week?Yes.He died _A_ illness.(2013,荆州)Aaway;ofBon;fromCby;withDoff;asa number of,the number of【典例在线】A number of apples are red.许多苹果是红色的。The number of the students is 2,000.学生的数量是2000人。【拓展精析】a number of意为“许多;大量”,相当于a lot of,后面接名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式。the number of意为“的数量”,后面接名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式。【活学活用】2)What _ the number of students in your school?About two thousand.A number of them _A_ from the countryside.(2014,泰安)Ais;are Bis;is Care;is Dare;are一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1Lets work hard together!I believe we will _succeed_ (成功) in the future.(2014,池州模拟)2I have been back home from the _desert_ (沙漠)3The river is too _wide_ (宽的)We cant swim across.4My brother has never been _abroad_ (到国外) before.5About a third of the earths surface is _land_ (陆地),and the rest is water.(2014,芜湖模拟)6You should wait in _line_ (行) to buy tickets.7There is a small _island_ (岛) in the middle of the sea.(2014,安庆模拟)8Its well known that Diaoyu Island _belongs_ (属于) to China.(2014,六安模拟)9You can use this machine to _record_ (录制) the music.10It rains often in the _southern_ (南方的) part of China in June.二、单项选择。11_B_ is the population of your town?About sixty thousand.(2014,池州模拟)AHow BWhatCHow many DHow much12Climbing hills _B_ good for our health.(2014,黔东南)Aare Bis Cwas Dwere13The history proves those islands belong _A_ China.(2014,淮南模拟)Ato Bat Con Dfor14In our school library there _A_ a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them _ growing larger and larger.(2013,安顺)Aare;is Bis;areChave;are Dhas;is15Of all the subjects,English is _C_ for me.(2014,淮北模拟)Ainteresting Bmore interestingCthe most interesting Dmuch more interesting倡议书的写作倡议书是发动人们开展某项具体活动的一种应用文体,目的是希望大家共同完成某项任务或开展某项公益活动。一、倡议书的构成:1标题:简单概括倡议的内容。英语倡议书多数情况下省略。2称呼:可根据受倡议对象选用适当的称谓,如:Dear classmates,Ladies and gentlemen,Boys and girls等。3正文:正文是倡议书的重要部分,主要写倡议的背景,倡议的对象、目的、内容、意义和要求。4结尾:表明倡议者的决心、希望以及建议,常用“Lets.!”“Why not.?”等提建议的句型。5落款:写倡议者的单位名称或发起人姓名。二、写倡议书时的注意事项:1倡议书的内容要有新的时尚和精神,要切实可行。2倡议书的背景、目的要写清楚,理由要充分,措辞要恰当,情感要真挚,同时要富有鼓动性。3篇幅不宜太长。三、写作典例。(2014,十堰)某中学在开展“崇尚节俭,文明做人 (advocating thrift and being civilized)”活动一年来,取得了很好的效果,但还有极少数学生做得不够好,在校园里依然还会出现以下图片中的情形。请你选择以下现象中的几种或全部进行描述,并就中学生如何“杜绝浪费,文明做人”提出至少两点建议。要求:1.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。2语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。3词数80100。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。【范文欣赏】Some middle school students arent doing enough in “advocating thrift and being civilized”Were sorry to see that there is still some waste in our school!For example,some often leave the taps on after washing their hands.In the dinning hall,a lot of food can be seen left after the meals.Whats worse,we often find that waste paper is thrown everywhere,which makes others feel uncomfortable.In addition,some students like to write or draw on the wall or on the desk.As middle school students,we should develop good habits and stop wasting anything.Lets do it from now on!,请完成考点跟踪突破13 )


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