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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Section ALanguage Goal: Talk about past experiencesikspirinsizHave you ever been to a science museum?Yes, I have. I went to the national Science Museum Last year. Have you ever been to a history museum?No, I havent.Me neither. Lets go to one tomorrow.Me neither. 常用于口语中,相当于Neither have I.或I havent ,either.表示前面所表达的否定情况也同样适合于他人或他物。Me neither.与Me too.相对。Me too.表肯定,Me neither.表否定。-Lucy cant play the guitar. 露西不会弹吉他。-Me neither.我也不会。辨析: one, that与it one意为“一个人或物”,代替前面提到过的人或同类事物中的一个。one代替可数名词,复数形式为ones.-That boy is my brother.那个男孩是我的弟弟。-Which one? 哪一个?-The one on a bike. 骑自行车的那个。.that与所指名词同类,但不是同一个;可代替上文提到的事情,也可代替不可数名词。The population of China is much larger than that of America. 中国的人口比美国的人口多得多。it用于指代前面提到过的名词,即同名同物。-Do you like the game? 你喜欢这个游戏吗?-Yes, I like it. 是的,我喜欢。巧记 one, that 与it的区别同名同物it替,可不可数两相宜;同类事物用one( s),单用one来复用onesthat同类物相异,不可数也可以。1a Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1(most) to 6(least).space museum_ 太空博物馆history museum_ 历史博物馆art museum_ 美术馆 water park_ 水上公园zoo_ 动物园amusement park _ 游乐园1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places? Check () the boxes.Science museumHistory museumArt museumNature museumSpace museumClaudiaSarah1c Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b.A:Lets go somewhere different today.B:OK. Where do you want to go?A:Have you ever been to the space museum?B:No, I havent. How about you?A:我们今天去某个不同的地方吧。好的。你想去哪里?你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?不,我没去过。你呢?somewhere different意为“某个不同的地方”。somewhere作副词,意为“在某处,在某地”,通常用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中要用anywhere,形容词修饰somewhere, anywhere, nowhere等时,形容词应置其后。He just lives somewhere in the city. 他就住在这个城市的某个地方。Im going to move somewhere interesting.我打算搬到某个有趣的地方。2a Look at the map of the town. Listen and circle the places you hear. water park 水上公园river park 河滨公园concert hall 音乐厅history museum 历史博物馆science museum 科学博物馆space museum 太空博物馆zoo 动物园amusement park 游乐园2b Listen again and circle T for true or F for false.Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 31. Tina went to the space museum last year. T/F2. John has never been to the space museum. T/F3. They are going to take the subway. T/F1.Linda has been to the amusement park. T/F2. Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. T/F3.Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike. T/F1. Frank had a great time at the water park. T/F2. Franks friend has never been to the water park. T/F3. Frank and his friend are going skating. T/Famusement名词,意为“娱乐;游戏”,其动词形式为amuse,意为 “给提供娱乐”。I find amusement in collecting old newspapers. 我从收集旧报纸中发现了乐趣。The children amused themselves by playing games.孩子们通过做游戏取乐。have a great time “过得愉快,玩得高兴”,相当 have a good/ wonderful/ nice time, have fun, enjoy oneself,这些短语后加时间或地点,表示在某时或某地玩得很开心。Did you have a great time at the party?晚会上你玩得开心吗?I have a great time on the trip. =I have a good/ wonderful/ nice time on the trip. =I have fun on the trip. =I enjoy myself on the trip. 2c Look at the map in 2a and make conversations about the places.A:Have you ever been to the space museum?B:Yes, I have. How about you?A:NO, I havent.B:Oh, its fantastic. Lets go tomorrow. fntstikA:OK. How are we going to get there?B:We can take the subway.2d Role-play the conversation.Anna:I went to the film museum last weekend. Have you ever been there?Jill:Yes, I have. I went there back in April.Anna:Its really interesting, isnt it? Its a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.Jill:Yes, I love all the old movie cameras there. I learned about the inventions that led to color movies, too.Anna:So, what did you do on the weekend?Jill:I camped in the mountains with some friends. We put up a tent and cooked outside.Anna:That sounds fun. Ive never been camping.Jill:You should try it!安娜:上周末我去了电影博物馆。你曾经去过那里吗?吉尔:是的,我去过。我在四月就去了那里。安娜:它确实很有趣,是不是?这是一个度过周六下午的好方法。吉尔:是的,我喜欢那里的所有的古老的电影摄影机。我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。安娜:那么,你在周末做什么了?吉尔:我和一些朋友在山里野营了。我们搭起了一顶帐蓬,并在外面做了饭。安娜:那听起来很有趣。我从未野营过。吉尔:你应该尝试一下。a great way to do sth.意为“一个做某事的好方法”,也可用a great way of doing sth来表示。Reading aloud is a great way to practice your spoken English. =Reading aloud is a great way of practicing your spoken English. 大声朗读是一个练习你英语口语的好方法。这是一个含有定语从句的复合句。that led to color movies是一个由that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的先行词inventions, that在定语从句中作主语,不能省略。The bag that lies on the ground 地上的那个包是她的。put up意为“搭建,支起”,是一个“动十副”型短语,名词作宾语可放在两词中间或后面,代词作宾语时,只能放在两词之间。Hes putting a tent up. =Hes putting up a tent. 他正在搭建帐篷。Wheres the tent? Lets put it up. 帐蓬在哪里?让我们把它搭起来吧。3a Three students talk about the most interesting museums they have ever been to. Read the magazine article and answer the questions.三个学生谈论他们曾经去过的最有趣的博物馆。读这篇杂志的文章并回答问题。1. Which three museums do the students talk about?2. What do you think is the most interesting thing about each museum?1.这些学生谈论哪三个博物馆?2.你认为每一个博物馆最有趣的东西是什么?Ken:The most interesting museum Ive ever been to is the American Compute Museum. They have information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers were much bigger. Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! Ive also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even better than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future. 肯:我曾经去过的最有趣的博物馆是美国电脑博物馆。它们有关于不同的电脑及其发明者的信息。那些古老的电脑(现在的电脑)都大得多。很难相信技术竟以如此快速的方式发展!我还得知有一种特殊的电脑。它下棋比人还要好。不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么了不起的事情呢。 本句是一个含有主语从句的主从复合句,it 在句中作形式主语, that引导的从句是真正的主语。Its unbelievable that. 意为“很难相信. nbli:vblIts unbelievable that he didnt pass the exam. 很难相信他考试没及格。unbelievable作形容词,“难以置信的;不真实的”,是由believablebili:vbl “可相信的,可信任的”加否定前缀un-派生而来的。其动词形式为believebili:v,意为“相信,以为”。known (出名的)-unknown (无名的,不为人所知的)tidy (整洁的,整齐的)-untidy (不整洁的,凌乱的)kind (和善的) unkind (冷酷的,不客气的)happy (高兴的)-unhappy (不高兴的)progress此处用作不及物动词,“进步;进展”。Our company cant progress until we employ more people. 我们公司只有雇用更多的人才能发展。progress用作不可数名词,“进步”。常用短语make progress (in)“(在方面)取得进步”。You have made progress in your English.你的英语进步了。辨析such和sosuch,形容词such十a/ an十形容词十可数名词单数such十形容词十可数名词复数/ 不可数名词so,副词so十形容词/ 副词so十形容词十a/ an十可数名词单数so十many/ much/ few/ little (少)十名词He is such a great writer. =He is so great a writer. 他是如此伟大的一位作家。I have such good books to read.我有这么好的书可读。He runs so fast. 他跑得如此快。There are so many visitors in our school today. 今天我们学校有这么多访客。I have eaten so much food, I dont want to eat any more. 我吃了这么多食物,我不想再吃了。rapid形容词,“迅速的;快速的,其副词为rapidly,“迅速地,敏捷地”。He is driving at a rapid speed他正在快速驾驶。Amy:Ive recently been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. I just couldnt believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum teaches people about the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.埃米:最近我去了印度的一个很不寻常的博物馆,国际马桶博物馆。当我在那里看到那么多不同种类的马桶时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。这个博物馆告诉人们关于马桶的历史和发展过程。它也鼓励政府和社会团体想出办法,以便将来改进马桶。encourage及物动词,“鼓励”,常用结构为encourage sb. to do sth. ,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves. 父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事。social sul形容词,“社会的”。其名词形式为societyssaiti,“社会”。These are social problems. .这些是社会问题。think about“考虑”,后可跟名词、代词、动名词或宾语从句。He is thinking about a problem.他正在考虑一个问题。Please think about how to tell her the bad news. 请考虑一下如何把这个坏消息告诉她。think构成的短语还有:(1)think over仔细考虑Let me think it over. 让我好好想一想。(2)think of想起,想一想I cant think of his name right now. 我一下子想不起他的名字了。Think of the past and youll see what a happy life you are leading now. 想一想过去,你们就会明白你们现在的生活是多么幸福。What do you think about/of sports news?你认为体育新闻怎么样?I cant think of your name. 我想不起你的名字了。Linlin:Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. Its a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea. Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.琳琳:去年我去了杭州的中国茶叶博物馆。它是在湖附近的一个令人放松和安宁的地方。茶艺表演展示了如何用精美的茶具沏一杯完美的茶。看着他们用美丽的茶具沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人享受。我终于明白了我祖父为什么喜欢喝茶,并且喜欢收集茶具。peaceful形容词,“和平的;安宁的”它是由名词peace “和平”加后缀-ful派生而来。China is a peaceful country.中国是一个和平的国家。英语中,一些名词加后缀-ful可构成形容词,表示具有某种性质。use-useful有用的helf- helpful有帮助的color-colorful色彩艳丽的care-careful 小心的;仔细的performance可数名词,“表演;演出”另外performer也为名词,“演出者,演员”、其动词为perform,“表演,演出”The evening performance begins at 8 oclock.晚上的演出8点开始。He is a good performer. 他是一个好演员。how to make a perfect cup of tea“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,作动词show 的宾语。英语中,疑问代词what, who, which和疑问副词where, when, how等后面接动词不定式构成动词不定式短语,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等成分。I dont know how to improve my English. 我不知道怎样提高我的英语。I really cant decide where to go. =I really cant decide where I should go. 我真的不能决定该去哪里。perfect形容词,“完美的;完全的”,其反义词为imperfect. Her English is perfect她的英语很地道。The weather was perfect. 天气好极了watching the tea preparation为动名词短语作主语,动名词(短语)作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。enjoyable形容词,“有乐趣的; 使人快乐的;令人愉快的”。We had an enjoyable weekend. 我们过了一个令人愉快的周末。Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.这是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句。特殊疑问词why引导的句子为宾语从句。当宾语从句为疑问句时,要用陈述语序。How did he come here? 他是怎样来这儿的?Could you tell me how he came here? 你能告诉我他是怎样来这儿的吗?collect及物动词,“收集;采集”。collect stamps收集邮票collect coins收集硬币collection名词,“收藏,收藏品” collector名词,“收藏家”。The collector has many collections.这个收藏家有许多收藏品。1.The American computer Museum, the International Museum of Toilets and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum2. I think the most interesting thing in the American Computer Museum is the special computer that could play chess even better than humans, the most interesting thing in the International Museum of Toilets is that it has so many different kinds of toilets there and in the Hangzhou National Tea Museum, the most interesting thing is watching the tea preparation with beautiful tea sets. 3b Read the article again and answer the following questions.1. What does Ken say about the American Computer Museum?2. What can we learn at the International Museum of Toilets?3. Why is the Hangzhou National Tea Museum a nice place to enjoy tea?1. 关于美国电脑博物馆,肯说了什么?2. 在国际马桶博物馆,我们能学到什么?3. 为什么杭州的中国茶叶博物馆是一个享受茶的好地方?1. Its the most interesting museum hes ever been to.2. The history and development of toilets.3. Because watching the tea preparation with beautifu1 tea sets is enjoyable.3c Which of the underlined words in the passage have the following meanings?短文内画线单词中的哪一个有下列的意义?make(something)better quietbecome better madeuncommon quickmake (something) better improve, quiet-peaceful, become better-progress, made-invented, uncommon -unusual, quick- rapidGrammar FocusHave you ever been to a science museum?Yes, Ive been to a science museum./No, Ive never been to a science museum.Have you ever visited the space museum?Yes, I have. I went there last year./No, l havent.Ive been to the art museum many times.Me, too And Ive also visited the nature museum.Ive never been to a water park.Me neither.4a Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.1.A:Do you want _to come_(come)to the space museum?B:No, Ive already been (be)there three times.2.A:Have you seen (be) there three times.B:Yes, I went (go)there last weekend.3.A:Lets spend (spend)the day at the zoo.B:Well, Ive already been (be)there a couple of times, but Im happy to go (go)again.4.A:How about going (go)to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now.B:Sure. When do you want to go (go)?5.A:Have you ever visited (visit)the history museum?B:No, Ive never been (be)there.a couple of“少数,几个”。He bought a couple of books for his daughter. 他给他女儿买了几本书。a couple of“一对,一双”I found a couple of socks in the room but they did not make a pair.我在房间里找到了两只袜子,但它们不是一双。German形容词,意为“德国的、德国人的、德语的”。He is a German boy. 他是一个德国男孩。German作可数名词,“德国人”,复数形式为GermansGerman作不可数名词,“德语”。Can you speak German?你会说德语吗?There are two Germans in our class. 我们班有两名德国人。4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.Most of us have seen (see)Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever been (be)to Disneyland? Disneyland is (be)an amusement park with a special theme-Disney characters and movies. There are (be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops there. You can also see (see)the Disney characters walking around the park. And have you ever heard (hear)of a Disney Cruise? This is (be)a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can take (take)a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. On the boat, you can shop (shop)and have Disney parties before you arrive (arrive) at the Disney island.我们中的大多数人以前在卡通片中(看)过米老鼠、唐老鸭和其他著名的迪斯尼人物。但是你曾经 (去)过迪斯尼乐园吗? 迪斯尼乐园(是)一个有特别的主题-迪斯尼人物和电影的游乐园。那里-(有)许多令人兴奋的游乐设施,可爱的餐厅和极好的礼品店。你还可以(看到)迪斯尼乐园里来回走动的迪斯尼人物。你曾经(听说)过迪斯尼游轮吗?这(是)一个有着迪斯尼主题的船上巡游。你可以在船上进行几天旅行,在上面睡觉和吃东西。在(到达)迪斯尼岛之前,你可以在船上(购物)和举行迪斯尼聚会。Most of us have seen (see)Mickey Mousemost of“.中的大多数”。它修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决fmost of修饰的是可数名词还是不可数名词。Most of the students have been to the Great Wall. 大部分学生都去过长城。Most of the food has gone bad多数食物已变质。4c Answer the survey questions and then ask your partner.Have you ever YouYour partnerbeen to another province in China?lost something important?Have you ever been to another province in China?another此处用作形容词,“另一,又一; 别的,另外的”。后常接单数名词或代词。也可用作代词,泛指三者或三者以上中的另一个。We need another chair. 我们需要另一把椅子。辨析another, the other, other, others 和 the othersanother泛指三者或三者以上中的任何一个,后常接单数名词;也可用作代词the other表示两者中的另一个,是特指,常用于结构“one:the other”中,意为“一个另一个”;其后可接数词或复数名词,特指“其他的”other常与复数名词连用,相当 othersothers用作代词,泛指其他的人或物。some others“有的,有的”the others特指在一个整体中的其他的人或物,相当于the other十复数名词This pair of shoes is too small for me. Show me another, please.这双鞋对我来说太小了,请给我拿另一双。I have two brothers. One is a doctor, the other is a worker. 我有两个哥哥。一个是IE生,另一个是工人。There are three people in the room, One is a girl, and the other two are boys.房间里有三个人,一个是女孩,另外两个是男孩。We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects. 我们学习语文、英语、数学和其他课程。We should think of others.我们应该为他人着想。There are fifty-five students in our class. Thirty Of us are girls, and the others are boys.我们班有55名学生。30名是女生,其余的是男生。another还可用于“ another十基数词十可数名词复数”结构中“再有几个”“还有几个”,相当于“基数词十more十可数名词复数。I need another two books. =I need two more books. 我还需要两本书。province名词,意为“省份”。Shandong Province=the province of ShandongSection B1a Match the pictures with the names._the Terracotta Army terkt :mi 兵马俑_ the Great Wall 长城_ the Birds Nest 鸟巢_ the Palace Museum 故宫1b Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check () the questions you hear.Have you visited the Palace Museum? 你参观过故宫博物馆吗?Have you been to the Great Wall? 你去过长城吗?Have you been to the Birds Nest? 你去过鸟巢吗?Have you seen the Terracotta Army? 你见过兵马俑吗?Have you tried Chinese food? 你品尝过中国食物吗?1c Listen again and take notes.Name:_peter_Country: Australia How long in China: two weeks Places visited: the Palace Museum , the Great Wall,the Birds Nest, the Terracotta Army Food: Beijing duck 1d What places have you been to?Ask your partner.Have you visited ?Have you been to Have you seen ?Have you tried 2a What do you know or want to know about Singapore? Discuss it with your group.关于新加坡,你知道或想要知道什么?和你的小组 (成员)讨论一下。2b Read the article. How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore? 读这篇文章。你能找到多少个参观新加坡的理由?Making NotesAfter reading, Write down three or more things you have learned. We always remember things better if we take time to reflect.做笔记阅读后,写下你了解到的三件或更多的事情。如果我们能花时间来细想一下我们总会记得更好。Singapore-A Place You Will Never Forget! 新加-一你永远也忘不了的地方Have you ever been to Singapore? For thousands of tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so its also a good place to practice your English!你曾经去过断加坡吗?对于许许多多的中国游客来说,东南亚的这个小岛是度假的一个极好而且安全的地方。一方面,超过四分之三的人口是华人,因此很多时候你可以只讲普通话。另一方面,新加坡是一个说英语的国家,因此它也是一个练习你的英语的好地方!thousands of“数以千计的;许许多多的、thousand “千,一千”。当前面有具体数字时,其后不加-s,不和of连用; 若表示一个了不确切的数字,且前面没有具体数字时,其后要加-s,且与of连用。There are six thousand students in our school. 我们学校有6千名学生。Thousands of birds are flying to the south. 成干上万只鸟正飞往南方。safe形容词,“安全的;无危险的”其名词形式为safety,“安全”;副词形式为safely,意为“安全地”;反义词为dangerous,意为“危险的”。It s not safe to swim in the river.在这条河里游泳是不安全的。on the one hand on the other hand“一方面另一方面”。其中on the one hand 中的the也可以省略。On (the) one hand, this job doesnt pay very much;on the other hand, I cant get another one. 一方面这份工作报酬不是很高,可另一方面我又找不到其他工作。three quarters“四分之三”。英语中的分数表达法为: 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式。quarter四分之一 a half二分之一two thirds三分之二分数作主语时,谓语的单复数要与其后面的名词的数保持一致。若名词为可数名词复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式;若名词为可数名词单数形式或不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。One fifth of the water is dirty. 五分之一的水是脏的。Three fifths of the students in our class are girls. 我们班里五分之三的学生是女生。practice及物动词,“实践、练习”其后可接名词或动名词。I practice English every morning. 我每天早上练习英语。He practices playing the piano every day. 他每天练习弹钢琴。:practice用作名词,“练习,实践”。Learning a new language needs a lot of practice.学习一门新语言需要勤练不辍。Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you fear that you wont be able to find anything good to eat when you travel. In Singapore, however, youll find a lot of food from China; you wont have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings. Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore!你曾经在国外品尝过中国食物吗?也许你会担心,在你旅行时找不到好吃的东西。然而,在新加坡,你会发现许多来自中国的食物;你将会毫不费力地找到米饭、面条或饺子。新加坡还是品尝新食物的极好的地方。不管你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你都能够找到!fear此处用作及物动词,“害怕;惧怕”,其后可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或从句作宾语。后接动名词表示习惯性动作;后接不定式表示某次具体的动作。Mice fear cats.老鼠怕猫。He fears to tell me the reasons for being late. 他害怕告诉我迟到的原因。The shy girl fears looking up at others. 这个害羞的女孩害怕抬头看别人。(1)fear表示“担心”时是较为正式的说法,口语中常用be afraid.-Is the dog going to die?这条狗要死了吗?I am afraid so恐怕如此。(2)fear还可用作名词,表示“害怕,恐惧、His eyes show no fear.他的眼神中无丝毫畏惧:whether连词,“不管(还是);或者(或者)”引入选择的可能性,引导的句子通常作状语。Whether she wins or loses, this is her last tournament. 不管她是赢是输,这是她的最后一次锦标赛。tunmntWhether you like it or not, youll have to do it. 不管你是喜欢还是不喜欢,你将必须做这件事。Indian此处用作形容词,“印度的”,其名词形式是India (印度)。Indian还可用作名词,意为“印度人”。She is an Indian girl.她是个印度女孩。Three Indians visited our school yesterday. 昨天三个印度人参观了我们的学校。英语中,一些表示国家或地区的名词,可加后缀-(a)n,构成形容词,意为“(人)的”America美国;美洲-American美国(人)的; 美洲的Australia澳大利-Australian澳大利亚(人)的Europe欧洲-European欧洲的;欧洲人的Africa非洲-African非洲的;非洲人的Japanese此处用作形容词,“日本的”,其名词形式是Japan, Japanese作形容词时,还可意为“日本人的;日语的”。Is that a Japanese car? 那是一辆日本的小汽车吗?(1)Japanese用作可数名词,“日本人”,其单复数形式一样。a Japanese 一个日本人 ten Japanese t 十个日本人(2)Japanese用作不可数名词,“日语”He can speak a little Japanese他会讲一点儿日语。all在句中作it的同位语,all与both等作代词的同位语时,须放在代词的后面。We all li


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