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九年级英语竞赛题班级_ 姓名_学号_成绩:_一、抛砖引玉1.Have you got your driving l( ),otherwise ,you cant drive this car.2.He is a s( )boy. Nobody will do as he will .3.He is an excellent fashion d( ).And he has won many prizes.4.We must remember the i( ) of protecting the river from pollution(污染).5. We should make notes about the p( ) of what the teacher said.6.You should spend some time ( )your father who is ill in hospital.二、单词百变1.Im tired and ( )(sleep) and I want to go to bed early tonight.2.As an ( )(experience)worker,he is the head of the workshop.3.He is very ( )(succeed) in dealing with the problem.4.Many years ago, she ( )(teach) me English in a poor middle school.5. Her mother didnt allow her ( )(get) her ears ( )(pierce).6.Our school doesnt allow ( )(wear) colourful clothes.7. He should stop ( )(wear) that silly earring.8.He needs ( )( sleep),because he has been working many hours.9.He needs time ( )(do) homework.10.The other day,my friend and I ( )(talk)about the rules in our school.11.Why is it good ( )(volunteer)?12.My mother didnt allow me to practise ( )(run) on the school nights. (一)根据首字母填空。(每空1分,共10分)1. Can you p_me with some books on science?2. Could you tell me how to p_this word ?3. Everyone in my class w_ about the coming exam.4. You can find p_ telephones easily in our city now.5.That years Olympics were s_ because the games were coming back to the country where they started.6. The policemen have caught the thief who matches Mrs Lis d_ .7. Hong Kong has lots of great e_.8. I want to join the school v_ project.9. Its d_ to swim alone in the river.10. Whats wrong with the flowers ? Some of the l_ are turning yellow.一、.根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子(15分)1. His bike is broken, he has to walk to school i_ of riding.2. Little Tom is t_ of speaking aloud, hes shy.3. When we heard the bad news, we couldnt help s_ laughing.4. A spider is a kind of i_.5. He became very i_ in music at the age of five.6. Annie used to be quiet, but now shes very o_.7. I didnt go to bed u_ nine yesterday evening.8. Lucy used to have short hair, but now her hair is l_ than before.9. Sorry, I cant join you. I h_ to study for a test.10. She is u_ to the life here.11. Dont w_ about things so much. Take it easy.12. It seemed that she has c_ a lot. Shes more outgoing.13. Hes f_ to us. Were very thankful.14. Dont you r_ me, Im John, your old classmate.15. The teacher looks so s_. What happened?1. He should be a_ to come into the room.2. He is s_ because he often does foolish things like this.3. He often c_ with his friends on the Internet.4. I want be a v_ in the Olympic Games 2008 of Beijing.5.Marry has her ears p .She wants to wear earrings .1. The car is worth m_ of dollars.2. His uncle is carrying out a r_ on the cause of cancer.3. Dont draw on the p_alls.4. You dont understand me in the s_.5. There are p_ of eggs in the basket.6. How is your son g_ along with his English?7.The dove (鸽子)r_ peace.8. My throat is p_ sore, and I am coughing very much.9. Im sorry to b_ you, but can you tell me how to do it?10. You should not be too c_ of success. 1. The prisoners a_ to escape, but failed.2. I have a important _ (约会) at 3 p.m.3. Im very a_ about my sons health.4. There would be too many people in the _ (交响乐)hall.5. Getting this contract is c_ to the future of our company.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)1. Id like Uncle Li _ (mend) my bicycle.2. Jim doesnt know how _(fix) up his TV.3. A cup is used for _(drink) water.4. By the time she got to the cinema, the movie _(begin).5. _ (luck) , I passed the examination.6. The TV play had a very happy _(end).7. Lin Tao would like to go (to) somewhere _(relax).8. Id like to stay at home, because I like _(peace) vacations.9. Mr Chen was surprised to see the fast _(develop) in China after his long absence from the country.10. Watch _(care), and you will find the differences between the two pictures.1. Do you learn English by_(study) with a group?2. What about _(read) aloud?3. Practice _(memorize) articles, and you will be able to say complete sentences.4. Read every day_(practice) your_(pronounce).5. Do you know how to _(pronounce) the word?6. Are you excited about_(travel) to Asia?7. At first, they argued with each other. Later on, they ended up_(fight).8. Its not easy for me _(follow) the teachers because they speak too quickly.9. _(do) much listening practice is one of the secrets of _(become) a good language _(learn).10. They decided _(not hang out) any more.11. Write your original sentences_(use) the grammar.12. Have you ever_(join) an English club?13. Its good to improve my _(listen) skills.14. He asked about _(study) grammar.15. Do you often watch actors_(speak) while watching English moves?16. _(join) an English club is a good way _(learn) a language.17. Its _(amaze) how much it helps.18. Do you enjoy _(learn) English?19. My parents are very _(impress) by my great progress.20. Do you have trouble _(take) a lot of grammar notes?21. The best way _(improve) English is _(use) Grammar in original sentences.22. I saw him _(enter) the classroom.11. She was absent because of her_ (ill).12. I looked at the_ (worry) woman and felt sad.13. I have an _ (appoint) with the doctor.14. Im _ (extreme) sorry.15. Be careful of your _(healthy)16. If I dont take one, Ill be _ ( wake ) all night.17. There were _ (million) of people in the big square.18. Whats the _ (mean) of “decorate”?19. He got lots of money by_(honest) means.20. That house_(belong) to my grandfather.(1) - Why isnt Jim here?- Hes busy. He _(take) care of his aunts baby at home now. (2) - Whats Mr. Clarke going to do tomorrow?- Hell go fishing if it_(not rain). (3) Linda_ (make) a lot of friends since she came here last autumn. (4) - Did Jack finish_ (clean) the house this morning?- Yes, he did. 5) - Have you heard of the Great Wall, Mr. Read?- Yes, I have. Its a place of great interest in China. It _(build) thousands of years ago. 三.根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共20分,每小题2分) 21. 我认为他不能准时完成这项工作。I _ he _finish the work on time. 22.你应该停止带那个愚蠢的耳环。You should _that silly earring.23.他们谈话而不是做作业。They talk _homework.24.这个女孩害怕在很多人面前讲话。The girl _in front of many people.25.你为什么不加入英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢?26.他过去害怕考试,不是吗?_?27.如果每个人都带去一份小礼物怎么办 _28.小心不叫的狗_29这首歌让我想起了我的英语老师。 _30你能告诉我你的爸爸叫什么名字吗?_七、译往无前1. 青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。2.他们在大声说话,而没有在做作业。(instead of )3.那将是使得老师和同学们都高兴的好方法。(way to do ;bothand )4.我们将感到更加舒适,那将有利于我们学习。5.对于父母来说,允许青少年在团队中学习不失为一个好主意。(it 形式主语)6.去年我有一个在当地医院做志愿者的机会。(to do 做后置定语)7.既然他长大了,他需要考虑,如果他没有成为一名职业赛跑者会发生什么。(now that)8.只有那样,我才会有机会实现我的梦想。(only then.)(B)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一次)。eye in be watch play second bad make for and suitable relaxI think watching TV is not good for students. First, children 51 _ different from adults. It is true that students like 52 _ by watching TV. However, the dangerous thing 53 _ students is that they just cant take their 54 _ off the screen. They will go on watching TV for hours 55 _ hours. It is very bad for their eyes. 56 _, many students have the habit of57 _ too much TV. Then they will have little time for sports. Third, some TV programs are not 58 _ for students. Some even lead them to crimes. Finally, too much TV can 59 _ students weak in reading. They will lose interest 60 _ reading, which I think is a terrible thing.

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