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Unit 11.The then director of the Guinness Brewery 吉尼斯啤酒厂厂长2. Settle an argument about 结束一场的争辩3. After talking to his friends. 同他的朋友交谈之后4. The first edition was published in 1955 and has been a best-seller ever since “自那以后”.5 apply for 申报;申请6 if all goes well,如果一切都顺利,7 get a certificate from得到的证书8 set down the records 把纪录记下来 set down 记下,写下 set about doing / aside / back / off / out / up开始做/把置于一旁 /阻碍 /出发/出发/建立 9 keep track of them in other ways 用其他的方法与他们保持联系 keep track of 与保持联系; 看清;听清 lose track of 与失去联系;看不清;听不清10Impressive as the record is=though the record is impressive, it fades next to the story of Armstrongs struggle against disease. 11was diagnosed with “被诊断患”12in a row “连续不断” 13be familiar to sb 对某人熟悉14be different from 与不同15have fun 有乐趣16get ready for 为作好准备17concentrate on 注意力集中在 .18 have something /nothing to do with与有关/无关19 a world of knowledge in stamps 邮票上的许多知识20.Once (一旦) you know what you want to collect,21 first of all 首要22 get hold of 拥有;得到23 cut out 剪下24 leave lots of room 留有许多空间25 a clean sheet of paper 一张干净的纸26get wrinkled 起皱纹27 a pair of tweezers 一把钳子28 a magnifying glass 一个放大镜29 become valuable 变得有价值30 the only existing copy of the stamp唯一现存的一枚邮票31look through/ go through 看32 in circulation 流通33 one coin of a certain kind 某一种硬币34 As with至于35 Nor should you ever clean an old coin= you should not ever clean36 The records are put into different categories. 这些记录分不同类别进行归档.Unit 21. Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation for mankinds greatest endeavour. 贸易和好奇常常成为人类最伟大努力的基础.2. search for 探寻 ( in search of)3. the distant, wealthy Asian lands遥远而富裕的亚洲大陆4. It is well known that (众所周知) Africa had contacts with (与有接触) India and the Red Sea civilisations from the earliest times.5. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for (交换) spices and glass. find ones way “发现到某处的途径” feel /make / fight /push ones way (lose ones way迷路) 6. meet with sb. /sth. “与某人会晤/遇到;经历某事物”7. hear about “ 听说”8. know about “了解”9. with descriptions of 用描写11. The Arabic contacts (n.) to “与接触”the African coast led to the next meeting between black people and a Chinese. lead to + n. “导致” (lead led led ) 12. In the year 751, the Chinese traveller Du Huan was taken prisoner by the Arabic army. take/ hold sb prisoner/captive = keep or take sb as a prisoner “囚禁或俘虏某人” Sb. be taken prisoner by 13. wander through “游荡;流浪” wander through the countryside 在野外闲逛14. give information on 提供有关信息15. make a voyage/ journey/trip to = go on a voyage / journey/ trip “通过海路/ 陆路来到” 16. date from = date back to 始于,追溯到,18. have the will to do sth 有意要做某事19. under (the) command of 在某人的指挥下=Under sbs command20. set sail from to从出发向航行21. renew relations with恢复同的关系22. in return作为对的回报/付款 I bought him a drink for his help in return. in turn = one after the other 依此;逐个 The girls called out their names in turn.23. For a short time 在短期内24. After 1433, the Ming court believed that its greatest challenges and opportunities were at home “在国内”.25. suggest vt.1) 建议,提议+v-ing+(that虚拟)+wh-I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。order, command, insist, require, demand, advise, recommend, etc.+ that(should)+do2 ) 暗示;启发+(that陈述)Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased. 她面露喜色。26.apart from 1) 撇开来说;除外 Apart from the salary, its not a bad job. =Except for 2)除此而外,还有 Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.=Besides In addition to, besides, as well (as) 除外还有 Except, except for, but 除去27.adjust to sth 适应;28. rely on 依靠29. They had no idea what they were up against.他们对将要面临的情况一无所知. up against sth 面临问题,困难等30. Two British expeditions made the attempt in 1922 and 1924,返回重新登山 make an /the / no attempt to do sth /at doing sth 企图;尝试(不)做某事31.run out of/run out 用完 I have run out of my money. My money has run out. use up/ run out of Vt. run out/ give out Vi. They have used up their money. ( run out of ) The fuel gave out.32. make it to sth 在上获得成功Hes never really made it as an actor.他当演员从未获得成功.33. succeed in doing sth.在上获得成功34 In the Middle Ages 中世纪35 fall off 从掉下36 lose ones interest 失去兴趣37 in the search for 寻找38 concentrate on39but he was hanged for telling lies 但他因为撒谎而绞死,40 up till then/ now 直到那时/现在41 He was positive about 他确信42(Be) Based on根据43set sail to the south 向南航行44 (Be) Unable to 不能45 set sail to the south/for New Zealand 朝新西兰航行46 more or less by accident 多多少少偶然47 Cook sailed as far south as possible. 库克尽可能往南航行.48 ,but he was very disappointed when it turned out 证明 to be just a small island (which was )covered with snow.Unite 31. be connected to / with sb./ sth.与连接2. Having been separated from与分开3. lay eggs生蛋,下蛋, 产卵4. lay the table放置,铺设lie说谎(vi.) lied lied lyinglie躺;位于(vi.) lay lain lyinglay下蛋,放置(vt.) laid laid laying5. feed sb/ animals on sth.用喂养They feed the babies on milk.She was feeding the baby with/on porridge. 她在给孩子喂稀饭。 Youd better feed this to the ducks.6. give birth to 生孩子,孕育7. keep out 使在外; 不使入内, 不让进来 keep out of .躲开;避开;置身于之外;不介入 keep off 推迟,避开keep from 阻止keep up 保持keep up with 跟上8. round up赶拢,使集拢 逮捕,完成9. We are delighted to meet you. 和你们见面真感到高兴.10.share sth. with sb. “和某人分享,分担,共同具有等”11. hand down 传下来12. be suitable for 适应 13. become experienced at 在方面有经验14. As a consequence 结果15. In addition to 除了16. providewith 提供17. make up 占18. take sth as ones own 把占为己有19. other than 除了20. bring back to life 复活21. head for 朝着前进22. be made up of 由组成 23. be surrounded by被环绕,被包围24. be harmful to 对有害 26. as a consequence 结果,后果27. have a strong influence on/upon 对有强力影响28. suffer from 遭受的苦难29. transform into vt. 转换, 改变, 改造, 使.变形30. benefit from 从得到好处 31. differ from. vi. 不同;不像;相异e.g. She differs from me in many ways.32. be fond of 喜欢33. get away from 逃避 Unit 41. a branch of 一个分支2make attempts 尝试3classify into分类4be based on 在基础上5as a result结果6at the first sight 乍看起来7develop a lifelong friendship with 发展终身友谊8born into a life of privilege 生来就享有特权生活9in ones position在的位置10lead a cosy life过着舒适安逸的生活11have an appetite for渴望做12appoint sb. as 任命13make a career in science 为科学事业努力工作 14look out for当心,小心;找寻15on a large scale大规模地16spread over the globe 传遍全球17from behind his desk 从他的书桌后18be involved in被卷入,专心做,与有关 19hold a position 保持职位20to experiment with sth. 对做实验21be left to sb 22. in terms of 23. even if 24. devote to 25. share an interest in 26. get together27. have a general interest in 2 8. with the help of 29. reach high standards 30. students aged 18 31. be experienced at 32. have a close look 33. make notes of 34.in communities 35. be made up of 36. take an active interest in 37.a variety of 38. put up 39. make a contribution to 40. make an effort to 41. care for 42. participate in 43. become aware of 44The Beagle followed almost the same route as Cooks .45享受做试验的充分自由 enjoy all the freedom to experiment46 值得特别重视 deserve special attention47 明显与相关 show a clear relationship with48. 有关 be related to 49. 用花朵和豌豆实验conduct his experiments with flowers and peas50 代代相传 pass on from one generation to the next51 导致遗传学的产生give birth to the science of genetics52. 形成理念 form the belief53. 研究玫瑰的变异情况study many varieties of garden roses54重新认识环境对物种的重要性 bring the importance of the environment on species back in view55. 大叶 broad leaves56. 外形改变 change ones appearance 57. 适应新环境 adapt to the new environment58. 靠近地表生长 grow close to the ground59.的关键, 的答案 the key to sth./doing sth60 in view 可以看见;在考虑之中;已提出的;计划好的61concerning “关于”62 I almost never see her. 我几乎从没见到她。63 in ones youth 某人年轻时期Unit 51 a highly developed industry高度发展的行业2 go hand in hand 紧密联系3 with the development of 随着的发展4 react to sth. 对的反应5 (on one hand,)on the other hand 另一方面6 accuse sb. /sth. of 指责;控告7 introduce sb./sth. to sb. 把介绍给8 associate with把和联系起来9 make (good) choices/a choice 作出(好的)选择10 get their message across 明白他们的意图11 The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.接近消费者的最好机会是投合消费者的情感.12 take into consideration 考虑13 make the right decision 作出正确决定14 be armed with 用装备15 make people aware of使人们了解16 look out for 提防17 keep an eye out for 留心;注意18 distinguish betweenand 把和加以区别19. protect from保护免遭20. differ from : be different from 22. attach to 系,贴;固定;附着;重视23. with the purpose of “以为目的”24.for the purpose of “为了目的”“因起见”;25.make sense有 意义;意思清楚;有道理26. make sense of (常用于疑问句、否定句)理解;懂;明白27. think twice慎重考虑; 谨慎思考28. be similar to(与相似) 29. keep track of 与某人保持联系30. be aware of 知道,明白,意识到31. come across 遇到.碰到32. try out 试用 The drug has not been tried out on humans yet.33. throughout the country= all over the countryUnit 61. in the spring of 1845 1845 的春天 2 less than half a year later 不到半年后3 pack sth onto 把装到上4 what to take 拿什么 5 what to leave behind 留下什么6 by the middle of October 直到十月中旬7 set off for our journey 开始旅途8 leave traveling 启程 9 the most trying part 最难熬的一段10 lose ones way 迷路 11 be hard on sth/sb. 非常艰难12 drag ones legs拖着疲惫的步子13 hang out伸出14 in desperate need of water急切地需要水15 be accustomed to习惯于16 be lined with排列17 in anxiety of急切地18 get onto ones knees跪在地上19 stare at sb. 盯着20 come to an end 结束 Unit 71. pay for付钱为2. all day off放一天假3. the day after第二天4. do sb good对某人有好处5. without bringing in profits没有带来效益6. enjoy abundant comfort享受舒适生活7. in want of需要8. badly off贫穷9. the two of us我们俩10. close up关闭11. far from一点也不 12. comment on评价13. have an/no eye for(不)关注14. occupy themselves with making money只顾自己挣钱15. display his deep sympathy and love for the poor表露了对穷人深深的同情和爱16. turn down拒绝17. in need of 需要 18. in favour of 支持19. in want of 需要20. in praise of 表扬21. in honor of给致敬22. in the face of面对23. in hope of希望24. in search of寻找25. in charge of掌管26. in memory of纪念27. take ones place代替28. be content to do sth./ with sth. 对满意29. walk with Tiny Tim upon his shoulder边走边背着TIM30. that mean ,hard, selfish old man那个小气,顽固,自私的老头31. Long life to him! 愿他长寿!32. Its twice the size of Tiny Tim. 那是TIM 的两倍一样大33. on the contrary相反34. toast to the New Year with a glass of wine为新年喝一杯35. on a cold November night in 1775在1775年十一月一个寒冷的晚上36. attend to sb 照顾37. die at the hands of sb 死在某人手中38. be thrown in/into prison 被关进监狱39. Freed from prison 从监狱中释放40. want revenge for sb 为某人报仇41. give up his fortune 放弃财产42. fall in love 爱上43. look so much alike that看上去如此的像以致44. for fear of what might happen to him 担心可能发生45. take place 发生46. belonging(=who belonged )to the old order 属于旧制度 47. answer for the wrongs( which had been) done to sb 为所做的坏事负责48. sentence sb to death for sth 判处死刑49. be put to death 处死50. take his place 代替51. make this final sacrifice to. 作出最后的牺牲52. be taken to the guillotine 被带上短头台53. a far, far better thing 一件非常,非常好的事54. a far, far better rest 一次非常,非常好的休息55. Upon/on arrival 一到达 Unit 8 1 more than just不只是2 learn and acquire 学习并获得3 be equipped with用装备4 adjust itself to使适应于5 regardless of 不管 6 considerfurther进一步考虑7 communicate with与交流8 In other words换句话说9 Research has shown 研究表明10 have sth in common有共同之处11 make sense of理解,明白12 distinguish from. 与区别13 be curious about对有好奇心14 be willing to愿意15 be confident in对有信心16 deal with academic challenges对付学业中的各种挑战17 gain confidence 获得信心18 take risks冒险19 make mistakes, 犯错误20 contribute to贡献;捐赠;有助于;21 It takes patience to learn a language. 学习语言要有耐心.22 do well/better in在做得(更)好23 put to/into better /good use使(更)好地使用24 take chances 抓住机遇25 at various academic levels不同学术层次 26 at a reasonable cost合理的费用27stay in touch保持联系28 become fluent in the new language使新语言说得流利29 make friends with交朋友30 broaden your horizons大开眼界31 depend on依靠32 fall behind落后33 worry about担心34 be concerned about关心 35 find an appropriate course for you为你找到合适的课程36 take an active part积极参加 37 hear about听取 38 at about the same time as Shakespeare 大概莎士比亚同一时期39 Some books are to be tasted, others (are) to be swallowed, and some few (are) to be chewed and digested.40 pick up 拿起41 dip into 翻阅;浏览42 read bits here and there 这里和那里读一点43 every time you come to每次碰到44 come across 遇到45 an article of clothing 一件衣服( a suit of clothes一套衣服)46 point out 指出,说明47 look out for 留心Unit 9 1.take measures to do sth. 2.a laid-off worker3.have an income of 4.to make matters worse5.take a bank loan 6.put extra pressure on the family7.keep a healthy diet 8.live in poverty 9.make ends meet 10.look forward to 11.ready-made clothes 12.cure many diseases13.a story of hard work 14.search for15.clean up 16.in a good mood17.set a goal 18.be effective in19Two years ago , he was diagnosed with(被诊断)tuberculosis . 20 Mr Wang is a laid-off worker(下岗工人) and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per month. 21To make matters worse = whats worse = worse still 使情况更困难 22 at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何At the/a cost of 以代价 23 depend on /upon 依靠, 依赖,视 而定 24 Thanks to 由于,因为, 多亏Because of/ owing to/ Thanks to + n.25 aim at 以 为目标 be aimed at 目标是, 目的是E.g. The factory must aim at increasing production .26 be designed to do sth .打算/企图做某事E.g. This course of study is designed to help those wishing to teach abroad .be designed for + sb./sth 为而设计27 so far “到目前为止”,谓语动词常用完成时态28 have access to 接近,利用29. Provide sth . (for sb)提供 , 给 , 准备E.g. If you pay us a visit , we can provide a meal at any time .30. Provide sb. with sth.给 提供 E.g. Was he able to provide you with information?31 Live on 以为生Live by doing 以干为生Live a life 过样的生活32 cover the most fundamental needs解决最基本的需要33衣食住行Clothing, food, housing and travel34 As is/was the case with = as it is/was the case with “.的情况也如此”35 Care for 喜欢,关心36 Leave sth ./ sb behind “留下,遗留, 忘记携带”37 get treated = be treated 表被动(作联系动词)get lost 迷路了get burnt 被烧伤get drunk 喝醉了get killed 丧命get married 结婚get excited 激动38 Meet此处作“满足,适应”讲 。 meet the challenge 迎接挑战 meet the demand/ need 满足要求 make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵;维持生活Unit 101 at a time “一次”at one time: (过去)有个时期, 一度at any time: 无论何时, 随时2 attend to: =give practical consideration to sb./sth.3 With which to buy Jim a present 4 worthy of + sth/ being done5 two possessions of 6 take pride in为感到自豪= be proud of 7 do up: fasten a coat/skirt with buttons/a zip精心打扮、整理、梳头8 Down flowed the brown cascade. = The brown cascade flowed down.9 search for10 turn inside out11 Her clothes were in rags. 她的衣都穿破了。 12 My shoes were worn out after a long trip.经过长时间的旅游,我得鞋破旧不堪。I was worn out (=tired out)after a long trip.13 let down vt. 使失望 to disappoint14 turn down 拒绝15 let alone 不干涉;不碰 let down 放下;降低;使失望 let go 放开;释放;发射 let in 让进入;放出来 let off 放(炮);开(枪);宽恕 let out 放掉(水等),发出 let up 减小;(雨等)渐渐停止 16. double the watch chain.对折表链17. be burdened with加以重担18. fix ones eyes upon ; stare at注视;凝视19. have ones hair cut剪掉头发20. live through Christmas度过圣诞节;21. be good to sb对某人好22. make a mistake about. 对误解23. in the way of这一类东西;在方面24. tear at撕开;扯开25.a set of combs一套梳子26. at length最后;终于27.put away把放一边Unit 111.for the sake of sb./ sth. = for sbs/sths sake 由于,为了 的利益2 accomplish ones aim, accomplish a task达到目的,完成任务3 His parents have great expectations for his future. 他父母对他的前途深寄厚望。 4 as with = as it is with “就像一样”。5 keep an eye on固定用法,意为“留心看着,照料某人(某事物)” 6 congratulate祝贺;恭喜(+on/upon)7.stick with sb./sth.和某人/某物保持密切关系 ; 继续,坚持,保持be stuck with sth./sb.被缠住 stick out伸出,坚持到底,忍下去 stick to坚持,尊循 stick up竖立,向上突出8.through thick and thin不顾艰难; 同甘共苦; 祸福与共9. suspect sth./+clause怀疑/以为 suspect sb. to be 怀疑/以为某人是 suspect sb. of sth./doing sth怀疑某人做10. what if 倘使将会怎样?即使又有什么要紧 , 尽管又有什么关系含if的短语only if 只有 if only要是就好了 as if 好像11. for the sake of=for ones sake为了,由于,看在的份上12.attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在另一物上 将某物与另一物相联系13. as with=as to =as for就而言,至于14. keep an eye on=keep ones eye on 密切注意,看守,看管,留神一些与有关的短语have an eye for 对有鉴赏眼光 shut/close ones eyes to 不理会,闭眼不见get the eye 引人注目 catch ones eyes 引起注意by all eyes 聚精会神地 keep an eye out for 当心keep an eye on 盯着15. take into account = take into consideration= take account of 对加以考虑, 顾及16.have sb./sth.in mind 在想,计划 bear/keep sb./sth. In mind记住,记在心里 haveon ones mind 把挂在心上17 congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth 18. live up to 不辜负 19. make the most of =make the best use of 最好/最大限度地利用 make use of 利用,使用 make good/full use of 好好利用,充分利用20. shameWhat a shame!遗憾的事,可惜 shameful可耻的 shameless不要脸的ashamed羞耻,惭愧 Im ashamed to do sty 不好意思做某事shame的一些搭配:feel shame (at/for) 感到羞耻 putto shame 使感到羞耻,使蒙羞bring shame on sb. 给某人带来耻辱What a shame to do sth. What a shame thatIts a shame (that) Its a shame to do sth.21.hands-on: practical亲身实践的,实习的 have hands-on experience22.accommodate sth to sth 适应,迁就,迎合Unit 121. drop out 弃权,不参加 drop out of 退出,辍学 drop in on sb, 拜访 drop in at sp, 拜访 drop off 走掉drop by 随便访问drop down 倒下,风停 2. distribute distribution 散发,分配,分发。Eg, The teacher distribute books to the students.They distributed the lands among the peasants.3. result in 导致/产生某种作用或结果result from 由造成,因产生lead to 导致,造成,引起lie in/exist in 在于His failure his laziness (lies in/results from)His laziness his failure. (leads to /results in)4. evident: obvious, 明确的,明白的,清楚的 evidence n.证据,物证give evidence against/ for sb.提出对不利/有利的证据call sb in evidence 给某人做证eg, It is evident that he has committed a crime.5. concentrate on sb./sth : focus on 集中,全神贯注be imp


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