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第(recycle2)单元教学计划一、教学目标1、能够把后三个单元所学的语言知识融会贯通,运用到实际交际中去。2、能够通过温习旧知识开拓思维,自觉学习并运用新语言知识。3、能听懂、会唱歌曲“Little Corn”。4、熟读、了解阅读篇章的大意及基本语法点。5、了解48个国际音素,并能进行简单的单词拼读。二、单元教学中难点掌握四会单词和四会句子的听说读写音标及相关单词三、单元教学课时计划一、 Read and answer; Lets find out二、 Letsread; Lets chant/sing三、 Lets play; Lets sing教案教材内容Read and answer; Lets find out总课时6第 1 课时教学要求1)能力目标: 能够阅读并理解Read and answer 部分的短文内容,独立完成文后的问题。 能够听懂Lets find out 部分的录音内容,并能根据录音完成表格。 能够熟练运用有关询问某人职业及爱好的句子,主要是第三人称单数的运用。 能够根据所学内容,进行简单的英语写作,做到语法、语句基本正确。(2)智力发展目标:通过情境中的语言操练,学生能够阅读、听懂较长的语篇,能够借助提示复述语篇,提高语言运用能力。(3)情感目标:通过介绍自己的笔友,培养学生与人沟通、交往的能力,学会与他人和谐相处。教学重点难点本课时的重点是将第四单元的中心语言融为一体,在具体情景中自然运用。教学过程修改意见Step1. RevisionT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.T: How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. T: Boys and girls. Weve learned many worlds about profession. Now lets see some pictures and please tell me: Whos he /she? What does he / she do? If you know more about him or her, please tell us.教师以PowerPoint的形式向学生依次展示一些学生熟悉的、感兴趣的人物照片T: Now look. Whos she?Ss: Shes Yang Hongying. (出示杨红樱和她写的书)T: What does she do?Ss: She is a writer. T: How do you spell writer?Ss: W-r-i-t-e-r, writer.T: Do you like her?Ss: Yes, we all like her books about Ma Xiaotiao.S: She writes stories for children.T: Good. I like reading her story, too. Lets look another picture. Whos he?Ss: He is Cheng Long.T: What does he do?Ss: Hes an actor. A-c-t-o-r, actor.T: Yes, hes a famous actor. Many of us like his movie.S: Hes my idol.T: Good! Idol means the person you like, love, respect or admire. Whos your idol?S1: Liu Xiang is my idol. He runs fast.T: Good. As we known Liu Xiang is a good athlete(运动员).S2: My father is my idol. He works hard every day.T: Good. You have a good father. What does he do?S2: Hes a worker.S3: Li Lianjie is my idol. (Cheng Long. Li Lianjie. Jin Chengwu T:They all are famous actors.S4: I like Zhao Wei. She is a good actress.T: Good. Zhao Wei is an actress. Zhang Ziyi is an actress,too. Theyre actresses.(学生自己讲出女演员的名字,我出示准备好的章子怡的照片)S: I dont like Zhao Wei.I like Liu Dehua.Liu Dehua is my idol. He is a fomous actor and a famous singer. I like his songs.T: Very good.I like him, too.Look, this is Ss: Liu Dehua.T: Look.Do you know this old man?Ss: Yes, hes Xu Beihong. T:What does he do?Ss: Hes an artist. T: Yes, he is a famous artist. He is good at drawing horses.T: Look, What does the man do? Ss: Hes a policeman. T: What about the woman?Ss: She is a policewoman.T: Policeman is a man and policewoman is a woman. Do you want to be a policeman? Ss( boys): Yes. Ss(girls): We want to be policewomen.(教师依次展engineer, accountant, cleaner, farmer, driver, doctor等) (出示班长的照片)Ss: Shes Linda. Shes our monitor.T: Yes, shes your classmate. You have been in the same class for many years.I think you know her very well. Can you tell me something about Linda? S1: Shes an active and a kind-hearted student. Shes good at English.She often helps me with my English.S2: Her home is near the school. She goes to school on foot.S3: Her father is a doctor. He goes to work by car.S4: I know Lindas favourite colour is green.S5: Her favourite food is chicken. (同学们表现活跃,为下一步的教学做了很好的铺垫)Step2. Recycle 2 Read and write(1)T: Very good. You know Linda very well. But Zhang Peng doesnt know who is his pen pal. Why? Lets read the passage. Before reading,please look at the requirement here.(屏幕显示阅读要求)The first time, read the passage quickly. Try to catch the main information.When youreading underline the key words and then answer the questions without looking at your books.Questions: How does Zhang Pengs pen pal go to school? What does his pen pals mother do? What does his pen pals father do? Whats his pen pals favourite food? Whats his pen pals favourite colour? What does Johns mother do? Is Zhang Pengs pen pal a boy or a girl? Whos Zhang Pengs pen pal?(2) T: Good. All of you did good jobs.Now The second time, read the passage carefully. Try to remember the main information.Lets do “Tick or cross” exercise. Lets have a competition. Whose question is the best?T: Zhang Pengs pen pals favourite colour is blue.Ss: Cross. Zhang Pengs pen pals favourite colour is red.(学生迅速站起来抢答,如果是错的,还要讲出原因)S1: Zhang Pengs pen pal lives behind a hospital.Ss: Cross. Zhang Pengs pen pal lives next to a hospital.S2: Amys father and Johns mother both are teachers.Ss: Cross. Ss: No, no, Tick.T: Boys and girls, its a little difficult. Think it over. Ss: Tick. Because Johns mother is a teacher, Amys mother is a teacher, too.(从学生出题的水平来看,学生对课文已经掌握熟练,能出不同层次的题目)(3)T:OK!Look at the words,retell the test.You can pratise in pairs first,then Ill ask two students to tetell it. S1: Zhang Peng has a pen pal.He knows his pen pals goes to school on foot Step 3. Practice(1) T: Boys and girls , do you know the words of other jobs?Ss: Yes. Teacher, accountant, TV reporter, salesperson, doctor.(学生讲了许多学过的单词)T: Good, look here, there are many other jobs. (在屏幕上出现一些日常生活中常见的有关职业的单词,带学生读,理解意思)Manager(经理),dentist(牙医),pianist(钢琴师),tailor(裁缝), sailor(水手),mailman(邮递员),office worker(办公室文员),housewife(家庭主妇) (2) T: Ok, lets do a pair work. Nancy , please do with me , you listen carefully.(教师与班上一位同学对话作为示范,同时在电脑上完成相应的表格)T: Whats your name, please? N: Nancy.T: What food do you like? N: I like tofu and beef.T: How do you go to school? N: My father takes me to school. My home is far.T: What does your father do? Where does he work?N: He is a doctor. He works in the No.1 Peoples Hospital.T: How does he go to work? N: By car.T: What does your mother do? And where does she work? N: She is an accountant. She works in a bank.T: How does she go to work? N: By bus.T: OK. Thank you. N: Youre welcome.(然后学生两人一组仿照上面的对话进行问答,把答案填在表格内。待学生完成后老师将纸收上来,打乱顺序,再发给学生) Name: Nancy He / She likes _ tofu and beef._ He / She goes to school _by car_._ His / Her father is a /an _doctor._ He works in _the No.1 Peoples Hospital._ His / Her mother is a /an _accountant._ She works in _a bank_._ She goes to work _by bus._T: Now who want to say the information on your paper? We guess who he or she is?(3)T: Good. Lets stop here. If you like you can play the game with your friend after class.Now listen to the tape and fill in the form.( 教师播放 部分的录音,学生完成表格,并进行问答)Step 4. Writing exercise T: Today weve learned Read and answer. Zhang Peng is happy now, because he knows his pen pals name. Do you have a pen pal? Tell us something ahout your pen pal. And write an email to me. My email address is studentwen You can write like this:Dear Miss Wen,How are you ? I am happy to write an email to you. Let me tell you ahout my pen pal. He /She comes from ._ Yours, _T: Of course you can let me guess who your pen pal is. T: Well done. Boys and girls, All of you are so great today. Im looking forword to hearing from you soon. Now class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls!Ss: Goodbye, Miss Xu!在电脑屏幕上出现这两个问题,如果学生知道得更多,可以发挥,用学过的句子表达出来。多选取一些图片进行描述,给予学生锻炼机会。从谈论名人到自己身边的同学,以便引出我们要学的课文这是我在阅读课中经常用到的形式,由学生自己来出判断题,看谁出得好,看谁反应快,知道答案的快速站起来说“Tick” or“Cross”,学生对此类型题目很感兴趣。这样设计既开阔了学生的视野,满足他们的求知欲,又为下面的口头练习打下基础提出写作要求,也可以让老师猜猜他们的笔友是谁,提高他们的写作兴趣。课后反思对阅读文本的处理,首先是自由读,回答问题,在阅读前对学生提出了明确的任务和要求,较好地体现了任务型教学的理念。第二是学生自己出题“Tick or cross”,来增强他们阅读的兴趣,不同层次的学生出的题目难度是不一样的,这样能扩散学生的思维,增强学生的创造性,也是本课的一个亮点。第三是复述课文,培养他们对语篇的组织能力,为写作做铺垫。应该说是层层递进的关系。因为阅读教学已经不单只是培养学生阅读能力的教学,而是在阅读课堂上渗透着听、说、读、写的综合能力。我培养学生在阅读方面的技巧,更多的是注重学生综合语言运用的能力,突破了以往阅读课堂中,枯燥的读文章做练习,训练阅读技巧,让小学生的阅读课“活”起来,让课堂更精彩。教案教材内容Letsread; Lets chant总课时6第 2 课时教学要求1通过阅读Letsread部分的短文复习植物种植过程和相关知识。2能够说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。教学重点难点本课时的重、难点为复习并使用有关种植的句子并完成Waystohelpyourplantgrow的书写。教学过程1 Warm-up(1)教师放歌曲“LittleCorn的录音,学生跟唱。(2)教师出示各种植物照片,进行日常会话练习。2Preview排队教师提供一个四会单词的字母头饰,如:s-e-e-d,请几名学生上来围成一圈闭上眼睛,教师把头饰分别戴在他们的头上。教师发口令:“Openyoureyes”学生张开眼睛,根据别人头上的字母来判断自己头上的字母,以最快的速度站成一排,说出单词。3PresentationReadandnumber学生根据图的提示,分小组给对应的文字排序。Letsread(1)教师问:“Howdoyouplantaflower?引导学生回答。教师继续问:“Whatdoflowersneed?引导学生回答:“Waterandsunlight教师把学生提出的相关词语卡片贴在黑板上。(2)看图(词)造句o让学生试着把黑板上的词语连起来说一说种花的过程。(3)教师问:“Howoftendoyouwateryourflower?Onceaday? Twiceaday引导学生回答。教师向学生展示本部分的挂图,说:“Mike,ChenJieandSaraheachplantaflowerGuesswhichisMikeSarahChenJiesflower学生分小组阅读短文。让学生猜一猜三盆花的主人是谁。(4)教师出示三盆花的插图,教师心中想好一盆花,学生提问,根据教师的回答。猜一猜教师想的是哪一盆花。如,学生问:Isitstrongthinshorttall?(5)教师放课文录音,学生跟读。Letschant教师出示Letschant部分的挂图,放歌谣录音,学生说唱。4Consolidationandextension学生完成课堂作业本的配套练习,相互批改,及时校对订正。修改意见课前让学生查阅有关种植植物的方式,在课堂上进行交流。How often should we water a plant?学生回家种一盆花,通过观察和试验总结养花的方法。课后反思本单元第二课时教学时间的把握不够恰当,因教学内容较多,生怕不能够在一节课时间里上完自己准备的内容而提前讲课,而在感觉时间有余时又没有及时地调整教学进度,还是快速地讲完内容,对学生掌握本课内容有一定影响。教案教材内容Lets play; lets sing总课时6第 3 课时教学要求1了解48个音素 2学唱歌曲“LittleCorn。教学重点难点让学生学会捕捉听力材料里的关键信息是本课的教学重、难点,教师要注意培养学生这方面的能力。教学过程1Warm-up(1)播放字母音素歌(2)讨论已学音素2Preview组长领读已学音素,小组成员跟读。3Presentation(1)音素对对碰:两人一组,一个说清辅音,一个快速说出对应的浊辅音;可延伸到长元音与短元音。(2)音素大反转:以私人小组为单位,在规定的时间里,用手上的音素卡拼出最多的单词,小组间竞赛(3)组内竞赛:组长说一个单词,组员在最短的时间里用手上的音素卡拼读出这个单词(4)教师小结音素发音规律(1) Letssing教师放歌曲“LittleCorn的录音或VCD,学生跟唱。4Consolidationandextension1. 完成课作相应练习 2. 组内交流讨论修改意见模仿年代秀形式,学生只能提问一般疑问句,回答的学生只能回答yes或者no课后反思我们常说教学要面向全体,要因材施教,英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键。给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作学习新的语言,互相帮助努力完成共同的任务。通过小组之间的竞争有效激发他们的学习热情。


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