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外研版高一英语必修一重点词组Module 11. in other words 换句话说2. look forward to (doing) sth.期盼(做)某事3. at the start/beginning of 在开始的时候4. at the end of 在结束的时候5. go to college/university 上大学6. be divided into 被(划)分成7. take part in 参加= participate in sth8. be similar to 与相似9. ones attitude to sth 某人对某物的看法10. be impressed with sth.对印象深刻11. leave/have/make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象12. mind doing sth 介意做某事13. all kinds of after-school activities各种各样的课外活动14. by oneself 单独,独立15. be disappointed with/in sb 对某人感到失望16. be disappointed at/about /with sth 对某事感到失望17. in a fun way 用有趣的方法18. be/get bored with sth 对某事感到厌倦19. be/get bored with doing sth. 对做某事感到厌倦20. introduce sb./sth. to sb. 把某人(某物)介绍给某人21. introduce sth. into/in 把某物引进22. on ones /the way to 在途中22. on the way home 在回家的路上23. by the way 顺便说一下;在路旁24. in the way 碍事,挡路25. lose ones way 迷路26. by the end of 到结束时(常与完成时连用)27. be amazed at/by 对感到惊讶28. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事29. ring up 打电话30. feel lonely 感到孤单31. try doing sth. 试着做某事32. try to do sth 努力做某事33. take off 起飞, 脱掉(衣物)34. make rapid/great/a lot of progress 取得(很快/很大)进步35. a description of sth .的描述describe sth.36. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事37. be on time for 按时参加38. be well organised 有条理的39. admit doing sth承认做过某事40. as a result 因此,结果41. fall asleep 睡着42. be strict with sb. 对某人严格43. be fluent in 在(方面)流利44. speak Chinese with fluency流利地说汉语= be fluent in Chinese汉语流畅45. feel embarrassed 感到尴尬46. to ones embarrassment 令人尴尬的是47. the number of 的数目48. a number of 许多49. receive the high school diploma获得高中的文凭50. explain sth to sb向某人解释某事Module 251. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格52. be strict in 在方面要求严格53. be strict about sth. 对某事要求严格54. make sure of sth. 弄清楚某事;查明某事55. make sure that 弄清楚56. I would appreciate it if 如果,我将不胜感激。57. appreciate doing sth. 感激某人做某事58. admit doing/having done sth. 承认做过某事59. admit sb. to/into/in 允许某人进入60. as a result 结果61. as a result of 由于的结果62. wave sth. about 挥舞某物63. wave goodbye to sb. 向某人挥手告别64. tell jokes 开玩笑65. play a joke on sb. 戏弄某人66. respect sb. for sth. 因某事而尊敬某人67. show/have respect for 对表示尊重68. would rather do than do 宁愿做而不做69. would prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事70. be up to 由决定71. be patient with 对耐心72. historical figures 历史人物(pl.)73. learn from 向学习74. have problem with sth 在某方面有问题75. give sb. some advice 给某人提建议76. do some revision 复习77. with all the work finished 由于作业已经完成78. Thats settled 就这么定了。79. a couple of. 几个(件)80. do well in 在方面做得好81. cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事82. suggest doing sth. 建议做某事avoid doing sth. 避免做某事Module 31. get on 上(公车、船)2. get off 下(公车、船)3. get into 上(汽车、的士)4. get out of 下(汽车、的士);离开5. take off 起飞6. be short for 是的缩写/简称7. in short 总之;简言之8. not any more 不再9. out of date 过时10. refer to 涉及;提到11. more than 多于;超过12. in the 1920s 在二十世纪20年代13. at a speed of 以的速度14. pay a visit to 参观15. Would you mind doing ? 你介意做?16. at a distance 从远处17. in the distance 在远处18. keep distance from 与保持距离19. abandon oneself to sth 沉湎于某事20. be expert in(at)doing sth 熟练做某事21. no more than 和一样不22. not more than 至多23. more than 与其说倒不如说24. try doing sth 试着做某事25. train sb to do sth 训练某人做某事26. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事27. allow doing sth 允许做某事28. just now 刚才(一般过去时)29. a long time ago 很久以前(一般过去时)30. be frightened of doing sth 不敢做某事31. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事32. had better not do sth 最好不要做某事Module 41. put up 搭建;修建;张贴;举起2. so far 到目前为止 up to now3. get away from 摆脱4. a great many 许多(后加名词复数)5. a number of = many 许多6. go up 上升;(价格)上涨7. Its been+一段时间+since 自从以来,到现在已经有时间了8. be made of 由制造(能看出原料)9. be made from 由制造(看不出原料)10. be made up of 由构成11. attract sbs attention 引起某人的注意12. starve to death 饿死13. so far as I know 据我所知14. exchange sth for sth 用某物换某物15. in exchange for 换取16. reason for 的原因 (加名词性短语)17. reason why 原因是为什么 (加句子)18. can afford to do sth 能负担得起做某事19. survive from 从幸存下来20. survive om 靠幸存下来21. be in contact with 与保持联系22. get in contact with 与取得联系23. get away 离开;出发24. a great deal of = much 大量(修饰不可数名词)25. a lot of = lots of 很多 (修饰可数和不可数名词都行)26. be similar to 与相似27. compare to 把比作28. compare with 把和相比较29. too to do sth 太以至于不能做某事30. laugh at sb 嘲笑某人Module 51. two-thirds 三分之二a quarter 四分之一three quarters 四分之三2. expand v. expansion n.expand the vocabulary 扩大词汇量3. at the stage of 在。期间 stage by stage 逐步4. draw/reach/come to a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 最终、总之5.with the aim of (doing) sth. 为了(做)某事 aim at/for sth 力争做到 aim()at 瞄准、对准 aim to do sth 旨在做某事6.equip sth/sb with sth two pieces of equipment 两件器材7. react to 对。做出反应 react on/upon 对。产生影响8. in order 按顺序、整齐 out of order 不整齐、次序颠倒 in order that+ 句子 为了 by order of 按照。指示9. at the top of 在。顶部 at the bottom of 在。底部10. learn from 从中吸取教训,向。学习 learn sth from sb 向某人学习某事,从某人那里得知某事。learn of/about sth 得知、听到某事11.make sure of sth 确保,查明,核实 make sure that 确信,查明12.addto 往。加入 add to 增添 add up 加起来与总数相符,说得通 add up to 总共是 add that。 补充说到13. in the form of 以。形式14. keep ones balance 保持平衡、保持镇静 lose ones balance 失去平衡、心慌意乱 off (ones ) balance 失衡 on balance 总的来说16. take turns to do sth 轮流做某事in turn 依次、反过来Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事17. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事be used to do sth 被用来做某事18. in the area of 在。领域19. be proud of = take pride in 为。感到骄傲/自豪20. be supposed to do sth 理应做某事21. be astonished at/by sth 对某事感到惊讶be astonished to do sth 对某事感到惊讶in astonishment 惊讶地22. 1)the + 比较级+。, the+ 比较级+。“。越。, 。就越。”eg:the warmer the weather is, the better I feel.2) 比较级+and+ 比较级。 “越来越。”eg: Computers are becoming more and more complicated.3)the +比较级+of the two“两者之中更。的一个”eg: the larger of the two islands 4) no + 比较级+ than “和。一样不”eg: You are no more careful than he is.Module 61. access information获取信息 2.through a computer/telephone 通过电脑、电话3.consist of =be made up of=be composed of 由组成4. consist in=lie in 在于、存在于5. consist with =agree with 与协调,与一致 6.a network of computer 电脑网络7.system of communication 交流系统8.as well=too=also 也 (用于肯定句)9.as well as 和一样好,同 10.may/might as well 不妨、还不如11.become/be known as =be famous as 作为而出名12. become/be known for =be famous for 因而出名13. become/be known to 为所熟知 14 access information获取信息15.be accessible to 可接近、可使用、可进入的16.have /gain/get access to 得以接近17.crash into 撞上/击 18.hundreds/thousands/millions of +名词复数19.dozens /scores of+名词复数 许多 20.数词+ hundred/thousand/million / dozen /score+名词复数21.go down 下降/沉/跌/落 22.go up 上升/涨 爬23.come up with 24.come up to 找到 提出25.design sb sth design sth for sb 为某人设计某物 26. be designed to do sth为做而设计27.from that moment on 从那时起 from then on / from now on / from that time on / from that day on 28.with sbs permission 经某人允许29without sbs permission 未经某人允许30.comparewith将与相比31.compare to 把比作32.compared with/compared to 与相比33.concentrate on sth/doing sth 专注做某事34.pass sth around 传递某物35.pass sth onto sb 将某物传递给某人36.pass away 去世37.pass by 经过38.pass on 把传下去39.agree with sb/ what sb said / sbs words 同意某人、某人说的话40.agree to idea/decision/ plan / arrangement /advice /suggestion.同意计划等41.agree on sth 双方达成一致协议42.on an/the average 平均43.log on/log off 登陆/下线,结束工作44.the entrance to the gate 大门的入口处45.get paid by the week按周拿薪46.on the other side of the street 在街的另一边47.on both sides of the street=on each/either side of the street 在街的两边48. It is +adj+for sb to do sth=for sb to do sth is+adj 某人做某事是的49.It is +adj of sb to do sth= sb is adj to do sth 某人是做了某事50.the number of +名词复数 的数量 a number of+ 名词复数 许多,若干Book 2 Module 11 be connected with=be related to sth. 和有联系2 take exercise=exercise 锻炼3 be crazy about 迷恋 go crazy 变得疯狂4 have a temperature/fever 发烧5 lie down 躺下6 begin with 以开始7 putinto 将投入8 become/fall ill 生病9 head towards/to/for 朝前进10 catch/get a cold 感冒11 get flu 染上流感12 have a sweet tooth 好吃甜食13 get/be injured 受伤14 return to normal 恢复正常15 above normal 超过正常标准16 below normal 低于正常标准17 breathe deeply=take a deep breath 深呼吸18 out of breath 上气不接下气 catch ones breath 踹口气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸19 keep fit/healthy 保持健康20 keep us fit/healthy 保持我们的身体健康21 be fit for 适合22 be off work 不工作,休息23 be out of work 失业24 be at work 在上班25 keepaway 使离开26 at least 至少27 at most 至多28 be worried/anxious about 为而担忧29 be anxious for 渴望30 be anxious for sb to do 渴望sb做31 see sb doing 看到sb正在做32 make sure 确保,确实33 would rather do 宁愿做 would rather sb did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去时表示现在和将来的情况) would rather sb had dong宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示过去情况)34 go/be on a diet 节食35 a bit of 一点儿,有点儿36 miss school 缺课37 pay for 支付38 a free health care system 免费医疗体系39 the problem with 的问题40 have problems with 有的问题41 pick sb up (用车)接某人42 be privately owned. 私人拥有43 I rarely get toothache.=Rarely do I get toothache. 我很少牙痛、44. This is because 这是因为45. make a prediction 进行预测46. contribute to 把贡献于47. Take more exercise or you will become ill.多锻炼锻炼身体,否则你就会生病的。Take more exercise and you will become really fit. 多锻炼锻炼身体,你就会变得健康。48. Im captain of the class team at school.我在学校是班级足球队的队长。 Module 21 be/become/get addicted to sth. 对某物上瘾2 be in danger 处于危险之中3 be out of danger 脱离危险4 ban sb from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 ban doing 禁止做某事5 There is a ban on 有一个关于禁令6 affect=have an effect on 对有影响 influence=have an influence on 7. No point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义8 Develop interests 培养兴趣9.break into a house 破门进入一个房子10.break into tears 大哭起来11. be related to sb. 与某人有关系/关联12.take/follow ones advice 听从某人建议 give sb some advice on sth. 就某事向某人建议13.in order to(句首句中),so as to(句中) 为了,以便14.give up 放弃15.sharewith sb 和sb分享16.compare to 把比做17.compare with 把和做比较 compared with/to 与比18.do/make a survery 做一个调查19.make a list of 列一个名单20.stop sb from doing 阻止sb做某事 keep sb from doing prevent sb from doing 21. against the law 违法break the law 违法obey the law 守法22. under medical treatment 在治疗中23.continue to do=continue doing 继续做24.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 向sb提供sth25.cause many deaths 导致许多人死亡26.illnesses (which are)related to smoking和吸烟有关的疾病27.die of hunger 死于饥饿28.die from an accident 死于一起事故29. This is my treat . 我请客 treat sb. to sth. 用某物款待某人 treat sb .as 把某人视为30.a heart attack 一次心脏病发作31.ask sb for money 向sb要钱32.be in pain 处于痛苦之中33.take sth. to sw. 把某物带到某地34.leave school 辍学,离开学校35.mind doing 介意做36.in public 当众地37.the public 公众38.set/fix a date 确定一个日期39.increase to 增加到40.increase by 增加了41.by this time 到这时为止42.during the 1990s 二十世纪九十年代 in the 1990s / 1990s43. inject into 注入44.reduce to 减少到reduce by 减少了45.I couldnt agree more 我再同意不过了46. Thats a good point. 有道理To the point 切题47. participate in 参与48. distract from 分心Module 31. sb. is impressed with sth. 某人对某事印象深刻 = umpress sb. with sth. sth. make a good impression on sb. 某事给某人留下好印象2. split up 分裂,分割,离异/婚3. make/take a note of 记录,做笔记 take note of = take notice of 注意到4. compare notes with sb. 与某人交换意见 与某人互道感想5. change into 把变成6. music instruments 乐器7. of all time 有史以来8. something wonderful 很精彩的某种东西9. the rest of his life 他的余生10. go deaf 变聋11. No way! 没门,不可能12. at an early age 在很小的时候13. a leading/top composer一个优秀的/首席作曲家14. receive many prizes 获得了许多奖15. play the violin/piano 演奏小提琴/钢琴16. have talent for 具有的天赋17. show talent for 表现出对的天赋a talented musician 一个有天赋的音乐家18. lose interest in 失去对的兴趣get lost = lose ones way 迷路be lost in thought 限于沉思之中lose heart 丧失信心lose weight 减肥19. mix with 把和混合20. have a deep influence/effect on对有深远的影响21. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做22. as well as 和;同;以及 之外=besides或 in addition to 23. As time goes by/on 随着时间的流逝24 be composed of 由 组成25. if so 如果这样的话 if not 如果不是这样 if any 如果有 if necessary 如果有必要 if possible 如果有可能26. 强调句型 It is/was + 主语/宾语/状语 + that (who) + 句子其余部分 I saw Li Ming on the playground yesterday. 对“ not until”强调,用 It is/was not until that He didnt start his homework until his mother came back. 对特殊疑问句的强调, 用 特殊疑问词+ is it that + 句子其余部分 Where did he see Li Ming yesterday? Where was it that he saw Li Ming yesterday?Who saw Li Ming on the playground yesterday?When do you go to school every day?27. make a record 录制唱片 keep / hold a record 保持记录 set a record 创记录 break a record 打破记录28. 当way 作先行词时,用that / in which / - 引导定语从句 Module 41.tell sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事2.aim to do sth. 目标是做 aim at doing sth.4.show sb. in /out 恭迎某人/恭送某人5. take turns 轮流 in turn 依次,轮流 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事6.manage to do 设法做成7.suggest doing sth. 建议做8.be fond of 喜欢9. tell by 从可以看出10. put off 推迟,延期11. get tired of 对感到厌烦 be tired from 因而疲倦13. attempt to do stn. 企图做14. observe sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事15. all the time 一直,总是17. cant stand 不能忍受18. in ones twenties 在某人二十多岁的时候Module 51. in total = totally = in all 合计,总共2. now that = since 既然3. believe in 相信(某人为人)信仰believe sb=believe what sb says相信某人所说的话4. be similar to sth. 和相似5.play a part in 在中扮演角色,起作用 6.take part in 参加7. work on 从事8. send/receive messages of congratulations发送/收到贺信 congratulate sb on sth. 向某人祝贺某事9. land safely 安全着陆10. in space 在太空中11. take photographs of=take a photograph of拍照12. a success/ failure一个成功/ 失败的人,一件成功/ 失败的事a surprise一个使人惊奇的人,一件令人吃惊的事13. offer sbs congratulations on/upon 对表示祝贺14. take off 起飞;脱下;请假;(事业)腾飞18. wishsuccess/luck 祝成功/好运19. look through the telescope 透过望远镜看过去20. a five-day visit to China 对中国为期五天的访问21. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事22. come on 来吧,快点,得了吧23. go aboard (the ship/plane) 上船/飞机 All aboard! 请大家上船/车/飞机 Welcome aboard! 请上船/车/飞机注意:go abroad 出国24. at the start/beginning of 在开始时25. be welcome to do sth. 可随意做(用于邀请某人做某事)26. more or less 或多或少27. divideinto 把分成(把整体分成部分)be divided into 被分成28. concentrate (ones attention) on/upon全神贯注于 fix ones attention on/ upon 集中注意力于 fix ones thought on/upon 集中思想于 fix ones eyes on/upon 目不转睛地注视着29. to ones delight 使某人高兴的是 be delighted with 对感到满意 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事30. daily newspaper 日报home news 国内新闻international news 国际新闻31. cultural events 文化事件financial reports 财政报道film reviews, book reviews 影评,书评32. royal family 皇室家族Module 61. come out 出版;出来;发芽,开花come about 发生come to oneself 苏醒come up 上升come up with 想出(一个主意),提出come across 碰到,遇见come true 实现2. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人(表动作)be in love with sb. 爱上某人(表状态)3. play a part in 在中起作用 play the part of 扮演角色4. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 in surprise 吃惊地5. care about 关心,顾虑,在乎care for 照顾, 喜欢6. (every)now and then 时而,不时地 ,偶尔= from time to time=occasionally =now and again=every now and again7. martial arts masters with unusual abilities 有非凡能力的武术大师8. be popular in 在处受欢迎be popular with/among sb.受某人的欢迎9. take place=happen 发生10. as faras 远到, 像那样远11. at the age of 在岁时12. win a prize 赢得一个奖13. argue with sb about sth 和某人争辩某事argue for 主张argue against 反对argue sb into doing sth. 说服某人做argue sb out of doing sth. 说服某人不做14. Good for you! 干得好/真不错/真棒!be good for sb. 对某人有好处do good to sb. 对某人有好处be good to sb. 对某人友好/和善It is no good doing sth. 做某事没有好处15. What is on the box? 电视正在演什么16. The thing is 情况是17. It is generally agreed that 人们普遍认为=People generally agree (that)It is said that 据说It is believed that 人们相信It is reported that 据报道It is proved that 据证


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