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第1章 专题6动词与动词短语1.(2011全国卷,10)Mary, I _ John of his promise to help you.Atold BremindedCwarned Dadvised答案:B。句意:玛丽,约翰承诺要帮助你,我提醒过他。tell“告诉”;remind“提醒”;warn“警告”;advise“建议”。2(2011湖北卷,26)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also _ our thinking.Adirect BlimitCchange Dimprove答案:B。本题考查动词辨析。句意:如果我们想要成功,知识与学习很重要,但也可能会限制我们的思维。前句中提到important,而but一词又表示出两者之间的反差,而与其形成对比关系的只有B:限制。3(2011湖北卷,27)The minister said,“We are ready for discussions with any legal parties,but well never _ with criminals.”Anegotiate BquarrelCargue Dconsult答案:A。本题考查动词辨析。句意:部长说道:“我们可以与任何一个合法的团队讨论,但不会与犯罪分子协商。”根据语境,需要选择一个与discussion一词相近的词,而选项A与D都有商量的意思,但consult为及物动词,不需要跟介词搭配。4(2011湖北卷,28)Clinical evidence began to _,suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.Aoperate BstrengthenCapprove Daccumulate答案:D。本题考查动词辨析。句意:临床证据开始多起来了,表明这些新药比在动物身上试用所得出的预想有着更加广泛的用途。从语境来看,只有充分的证据才能够证明问题,所以选项A:操作;B:使强大;C:同意,都与本语境不相符,故排除;而选项D:聚积,即:越来越多的意思,符合句意。5(2011湖北卷,29)The government has taken measures to _ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.Atake down Bbring downChand down Dtear down答案:B。本题考查动词短语。句意:政府已经采取了措施来降低日常用品的价格,保持市场的稳定。take down取下,记下;bring down使降低;hand down传递下去;tear down撕下来。根据语境,只有B最符合。6(2011四川卷,7)To get a better grade, you should _ the notes again before the test.Ago over Bget overCturn over Dtake over答案:A。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:为了拿到个更好的成绩,你得在考试前,把那笔记再复习一遍。go over有“复习,回顾”的意思。7(2011新课标卷,26)I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean.Acome up with Bput up withCturn to Dstick to答案:B。本题考查短语动词。句意:我可以容忍房子不整齐,但我不喜欢它不干净。come up with“提出”;put up with“忍受”;turn to“转向,求助”;stick to“坚持”。根据句意B项正确。8(2011新课标卷,34)William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to_.Adisappear BfallCfail Ddamage答案:C。本题考查动词辨析。句意:威廉姆发现看书越来越难,因为他的视力正开始变弱。disappear“消失”;fall“降下,落下”;fail“(视力,健康等)变弱,衰退”;damage“毁坏”。根据句意C项正确。9(2011山东卷,25)They are broadening the bridge to_the flow of traffic.A. put off B. speed upC. turn on D. work out答案: B。本题考查动词短语的用法。句意:他们在加宽桥面,从而加快交通流量。put off“推迟,延期”;speed up “加速,加快”;turn on“打开”;work out“计算出,结果是”。10(2011江苏卷,28)Are you still mad at her?Not really, but I cant_that her remarks hurt me.AdenyBrefuseCrejectDdecline答案:A。本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:你还在生她的气吗?不了,但是我不能否认她的话伤着我了。deny“否认”;refuse“拒绝”;reject“拒绝”;decline“衰退”。由句意可知A项正确。11(2011江苏卷,30)You look upset. Whats the matter?I had my proposal_again.Aturned over Bturned on Cturned off Dturned down答案:D。本题考查动词短语在具体语境中的应用。句意:你看上去很沮丧,怎么了?我的提议又被拒绝了。turn over “翻转”,turn on“打开”,turn off “关掉”,turn down“拒绝,(把声音等)调低”。由句意可知D项正确。12(2011天津,6)I_a bank account after I made1,000 by doing a parttime job during the summer vacation.Aborrowed BopenedCentered Dordered答案:B。本题考查动词词义辨析。borrow “借;向借”;open “着手;开始”;enter“进入”; order“命令”;open a bank account“开银行账户”。句意:暑假期间我靠打零工挣了1000美元后在银行开了一个账户。13(2011天津,8)She_an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.Aturned down Bdealt withClooked after Dcame across答案:D。本题考查动词短语辨析。turn down “拒绝;调小(音量)”;deal with “对付;处理”;look after “照料;照顾”;come across“偶然遇见”。由句意知D项正确。句意:昨天她在一家商场购物时遇到了一位老朋友。14(2011浙江卷,12)He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of _ at a hotel for the night.Aputting down Bputting offCputting on Dputting up答案:D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他决定一路开车回家而不在旅馆住宿过夜。put down“记下,放下;镇压,平定”; put off“延期;推迟;打消(疑虑)”; put on“穿上;演出;表演;装出(某种样子);增加体重”;put up“建造,支起,搭起;张贴;为提供食宿,投宿”。D项符合题意。15(2011辽宁卷,22)What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre_to be asleep.Asupposed BknownCthought Dconsidered答案:A。本题考查动词辨析。句意:汤姆你在床下干什么?你应该睡觉了。be supposed to相当于should,“应该,应当”,符合题意。16(2011辽宁卷,24)You are old enough to_your own living.AwinBgainCtakeDearn答案:D。本题考查动词辨析。句意:你足够大了,可自己谋生了。earn/make ones living为固定搭配,意为“谋生”。17(2011辽宁卷,26)The exam results will be_on Friday afternoon.Aput down Bput offCput up Dput away答案:C。本题考查短语动词的用法。句意:考试结果要星期五下午张贴公布。put down “记下,写下,镇压”;put off“推迟,延期”;put up“建起,搭起,张贴”;put away “收拾起来”。18(2011福建卷,28)Id prefer to_my judgement until I find all the evidence.Ashow BexpressCpass Dreserve答案:D。本题考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我发现所有的证据前,我宁愿保留判断。show“显示,表明”;express“表明,表达”;pass“传递,通过”;reserve“保留”。由句意可知D项正确。19(2011福建卷,31)Born into a family with three brothers,David was_to value the sense of sharing.Abrought up Bturned downClooked after Dheld back答案:A。本题考查动词短语在具体语境中的应用。句意:生在一个有三个哥哥的家庭里,戴维被教育要珍惜分享意识。bring up“教育,抚养”;turn down“拒绝,(把声音等)调低”;look after“照料”;hold back“扣留,隐瞒不讲”。根据句意,A项正确。20. (2011安徽,21)As the story_, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.Abegins Bhappens Cends Ddevelops答案:D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着故事的展开,关于这个奇怪人物的真相也慢慢被发现了。begin“开始”;happen“发生”;end“结束,终结”;develop “发展,展开”。21(2011安徽,34) If you _faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.A. come across B. care aboutC. look for D. focus upon答案:A。考查动词短语。句意:如果你发现自行车有缺陷但你仍然想要买这辆自行车,就要求店员降低价格。A项意为“偶然发现,遇到”;B项意为“关心”;C项意为“寻找”;D项意为“集中于”。22(2011陕西卷,25)Some insects_the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out答案:C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:有些动物呈现出他们周围事物的颜色以保护自己。take in“接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括”;take off “脱下;起飞;匆匆离开 ;拿走;突然走红;流行开”;take on “开始雇用;呈现,具有;同较量,接受的挑战;承担,从事”;take out “取出;割掉;拔去;取得;擦掉;洗掉”。显然C项符合题意。23(2011江西卷,35)You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.Arun out Bbreak outCwork out Dput out答案:C。本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:你不能预测所有的事情。事情经常不按照你预料的发展。run out“用完,用光”;break out“爆发”;work out“产生结果,发展”;put out“扑灭,出版”。24(2010全国卷)The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box“This Side Up”Acarried Bdelivered Cpressed Dpacked答案:D。考查动词辨析。句意:工人们把玻璃杯装箱,并给每个箱子贴上标签,写上“此面朝上”。carry“提,搬,运送,携带”;deliver“递送”;press“按,强迫”;pack“(把)打包”。只有pack符合句意,因此答案为D。25. (2010全国卷)My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput up Cput on Dput together答案:A。考查动词短语辨析。打开抽屉的目的是把刀和调羹匙放进去。put away表示“把收起来放好”。后三项分别表示“张贴”“穿上”“组合”,都不符合句意。26(2010江西卷)Parents_much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.Aattach BpayClink Dapply答案:A。考查动词辨析。句意:父母亲都非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给予孩子们无价的馈赠。attach much importance to“非常重视”;pay attention to “注意”。27(2010江西卷)Smell the flowers before you go to sleep,and you may just_sweet dreams. Akeep up with Bput up withCend up with Dcatch up with答案:C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:你在睡觉前闻一闻这些花,即可终得美梦。keep up with“跟上”;put up with“忍受”;end up with“以告终”;catch up with“赶上”。28(2010辽宁卷)Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland.A. turned on Bturned inC. turned around Dturned out答案:D。考查动词词组辨析。turn on“打开”;turn in“上交,归还”;turn around“转身,转换方向”;turn out“为某事而集合,出动;结果为,证明是”。句意:成千上万的人去观看了昨天与爱尔兰的那场比赛。根据句意选D项。29(2010辽宁卷)The new movie _ to be one of the biggest moneymakers of all time.A. promises B. agreesC. pretends D. declines答案:A。考查动词辨析。句意:这部新电影有望成为有史以来最赚钱的电影之一。promise to be表示“有希望成为”,符合句意。agree to do“同意做某事”;pretend to be“假装是”;decline to do“拒绝做某事”。30. (2010安徽卷)No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high.Agetting rid of Bgetting along withClooking up to Dlooking down upon答案:C。考查词组辨析。句意:不管你多么看低自己,总有敬重你的人希望他们也(像你一样)那么高尚。look up to表示“尊重,敬仰”。get rid of“摆脱”;get along with“与和睦相处,进展”;look down upon“轻视,瞧不起”,都不符合句意。31. (2010安徽卷)How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing didnt_to me much.Aappeal Bbelong Crefer Doccur答案:A。考查动词辨析。答语的意思是:老实说,他的歌唱不太吸引我。appeal to“吸引”。belong to“属于”;refer to“暗指,提到,查阅”;occur to“发生在,被想起”,都与所给句意不符。32(2011浙江卷,6)The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose Ill just have to _ it.Amake the best of Bget away fromCkeep an eye on Dcatch up with答案:A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个学校不是我真正想去的,但是我认为我不得不充分利用它了。make the best of“充分利用,妥善处理”;get away from“逃离”;keep an eye on“留神,留意”;catch up with“追上,赶上”。A项符合题意。33(2010湖北卷)Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house _ his personality.Aresembles Bstrengthens Creflects Dshapes答案:C。考查动词辨析。句意:就像一个人穿的衣服、吃的食物、一起打发时间的朋友一样,他住的房子也同样反映他的性格。resemble“相似,类似,像”;strengthen“加强”;reflect“反映”;shape“定形,使成形,塑造”。显然,C项符合题意。34(2010湖北卷)Had she _ her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.Alooked up to Blived up to Ckept up with Dcome up with答案:B。考查动词短语。句意:如果她达到了她许诺的标准,她就能成功上耶鲁大学了。look up to“尊敬,敬仰”;live up to“符合,达到预期标准,不辜负的希望”;keep up with“跟上,赶上”;come up with“提出,想出”。B项符合题意。35(2010天津卷)He telephoned the travel agency to _ three air tickets to London.Aorder Barrange Ctake Dbook答案:D。考查动词词义辨析。“订票”通常用动词book, order表示“定购(商品)”。36(2010天津卷)Joining the firm as a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and _ as a manager.Aended up Bdropped out Ccame back Dstarted off答案:A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他进公司时是职员,很快他得到提升,并最终当上经理。end up“结束,告终”;drop out“退出(比赛),辍学”;come back“恢复(知觉、记忆等),回想起,重新流行”;start off“出发,开始活动”。37(2010山东卷)Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought up Blooked up Cpicked up Dset up答案:C。考查动词短语。由句意可知,Sam是在看别人用电脑的时候,无意间获得了一些电脑知识。表示偶然学到的技能或知识,要用pick up, bring up“提出,养育”;look up“查阅”;set up“树立,建立”。38(2010山东卷)Your house is always so neathow do you _ it with three children?Amanage Bserve Cadapt Dconstruct答案:A。考查动词。句意:你的房子总是那么整洁有三个孩子(在家里乱),你是怎么做到(保持房子整洁)的呢?manage“能解决(问题),应付(困难局面等)”,符合句意。serve“服务”;adapt“(使)适应”;construct“建造”。39. (2010福建卷)Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.Lets _ it.Akeep up with Bdo away with Cget down to Dlook forward to答案:C。考查动词短语。句意:我们刚搬到一所大房子里,有很多事情要做,我们开始干吧。get down to“开始做”,符合题意。keep up with“跟上,赶得上”;do away with“废除,消灭”;look forward to“期待,盼望”。40(2010四川卷)Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what_nice.Alooks Bsmells Cfeels Dtastes答案:A。考查动词的辨析。look为系动词,意为“看起来”。句意:有些人用眼选择东西吃,他们喜欢点看起来好的菜。smell“闻起来”;feel“感觉起来”;taste“尝起来”。41(2010四川卷)Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man_and left.Atook up Bgot up Cshut up Dset up答案:B。考查动词短语的辨析。句意:很幸运,詹妮找座位时,有个男的站起来离开了。get up“站起来”;take up即“拿起,捡起,占去(地方、时间、注意力等),开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等)”;shut up“关闭(门、窗等),(使)住口”;set up“开办,装配,建立”。42(2010陕西卷)You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you,I suppose.Aagree with Bagree to Cagree on Dagree about答案:A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:你看起来气色不错。我想,三亚的空气和海鲜肯定很适合你。agree with sb.表示“适应”,主语常为气候、食物等,符合语境。agree to sth.表示同意某事(主语为单方);agree on和agree about意思基本一样,都表示“就/关于取得了一致的意见”,主语为协商某件事情的双方或多方。43(2010江苏卷)Thousands of foreigners were_to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.Aattended Battained Cattracted Dattached答案:C。考查动词辨析。句意:在上海世博会开放当天,成千上万的外国人被“吸引”到此处。attend表示“参加”,是及物动词,不必加to,而且要用主动形式,所以A项错误;B项表示“达到”,D项be attached to表示“附属于”,都不符合语境。44(2010江苏卷)The experiment has_the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet,but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.Afound out Bpointed out Cruled out Dcarried out答案:C。考查动词词组辨析。句意:试验排除了那个星球上存在生命的可能,但是这并不意味着其他星球上没有生命。rule out“排除”。find out“查明”;point out“指出”;carry out“实行”,都与所给语境不符。45(2010浙江卷)The majority of people in the town strongly_the plan to build a playground for children.Aconsider Bsupport Cconfirm Dsubmit答案:B。考查动词辨析。句意:大部分镇里人强烈支持为孩子们建操场的计划。support“支持”,符合句意,选B项。consider“考虑”;confirm“确认”;submit“呈递,递交”。46(2010浙江卷)After that,he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on with Cget through Dget across答案:C。考查动词词组辨析。句意:在此之后,他知道只要尽全力就能成功应对一切紧急事件。get through“度过(艰难等)”,符合句意。get away with“逃走,受到从轻发落”; get on with“与和睦相处”; get across“被传达,被理解”,都与句意不符。47. (2009全国卷)Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _ them too hard.A. draw B. strikeC. rush D. push答案:D。动词词义辨析。从语境知“鼓励孩子去尝试新事物,但不要逼迫孩子太厉害了”。draw“提取;吸引”;strike“撞击;打动”;rush“匆忙地做”;push“推动;逼迫”。48. (2009天津卷)Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main points at the end. A. recover B. reviewC. require D. remember答案:B。动词词义辨析。根据句意“如果你不能全部理解不要担心,因为老师最后要复习这些要点”。选项中recover“恢复”;review“回顾,复习”;require“要求”;remember“牢记”。根据句意选B。 49. (2009山东卷)Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? Oh yes, enough and to spare. A. cover B. spendC. fill D. offer 答案:A。动词词义辨析。根据句意:你有足够的钱来支付你的日常花费吗?是的。足够而且还有剩余。可以看出,对于此题来说考查了cover与spend的辨析,同时也考查了cover的其它的意思。cover在此处的意思是是“负担,支付”。 50. (2009北京卷)When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we _ up, her voice had been full of life.A. were hanging B. had hungC. hung D. would hang答案:C。此题既考查动词的时态又考查动词hang的过去式、过去分词的不同形式。句意:当我和祖母通电话的时候,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但当我们要结束通话的时候,她的声音充满了活力。很明显挂断电话的动作发生在“充满活力的声音”之后,相比之下hung up只能是过去的动作。另外hang表示“挂断”时,过去式和过去分词要用hung。 51. (2009安徽卷)Just as Professor Scotti often _ it, success is ninetynine percent mental attitude.A. gets B. makesC. puts D. means答案:C。此题考查了动词的固定搭配。根据前半句,“正如斯考提教授经常”,显然,所缺词的意思应当是“所言”,只有put有“提出”之意,最接近句意,it代替后面整个句子的内容。 52. (2009福建卷)The Somali robbers frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to _ all nations to take immediate action. A. fight for B. apply forC. call on D. wait on 答案:C。考查动词短语辨析。fight for“与做斗争;为而战”;apply for“申请”;call on“拜访(人);号召”;wait on“等待,伺候,服伺”。根据句子的意思“索马里海盗在海上频繁的抢劫敦促联合国号召所有国家立即采取行动。”可以选出正确的答案。 53. (2009安徽卷)We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all _.A. given away B. kept awayC. taken up D. used up答案:C。考查动词短语辨析。根据句子的意思“我们试图找一张能坐7人的桌子,但是它们都被占了。”选项中give away“赠送”;keep away“使离开”;take up“占据”;use up“用完”。 54. (2009全国卷)I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt _.A. get along B. get onC. get to D. get through答案:D。此题考查了关于get所构成的短语辨析。get along“前进;友好相处”;get on“上车”;get to“到达”;get through“接通”。根据句子的意思“我试着给她的办公室打电话,但是没有接通”,从语境知D项正确。 55. (2009四川卷)Have you _?No. I had the wrong number.A. got in B. got awayC. got off D. got through答案:D。此题考查了关于get所构成的短语辨析。get in“进入;到达”;get away“逃脱;离开”;get off“下车”;get through“接通(电话)”。联系语境,后者说拨错了号码,所以D项正确。 56. (2009江西卷)It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of two missing children. A. look upon B. look afterC. look into D. look out 答案:C。此题考查了关于look所构成的短语辨析。短语look upon的意思是“看作;显得不错”;look after“照料;照顾”;look out“向外看;注意”;look into“调查”。根据句子的意思“根据报道不久警察将调查那两个失踪孩子的案件”。选择C项。 57. (2009湖北卷)Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A. look around B. look intoC. look up D. look through答案:D。look around“四下观望”;look into“调查”;look up“查找;找寻”;look through“仔细检查”。句意:请你为我检查一下这份文件,看是否有任何明显的错误,可以吗? 58. (2009浙江卷)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only _ ones strength, but also develop ones character.A. bring up B. take upC. build up D. pull up 答案:C。动词短语辨析。bring up“抚养,教育”;take up“拿起,占据”;build up“健身,塑身”;pull up“使停止,阻止”。根据句子的意思“练习中国功夫既能增强力量,又能培养品格。”可以知道正确答案是C。 59. (2009四川卷)How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our car _ twice on the way.A. slowed down B. broke downC. got down D. put down答案:B。动词短语辨析。slow down“减速”;break down“出毛病;压倒”;get down“下来”;put down“记下”。根据语境知,车子在路上坏了两次,故B项正确。60.(2011天津十二区县联考一,5)Shi Changxu was awarded a special state prize for his scientific research.He certainly _ that honor, for he has devoted so much to the country.Aexpects BdeservesCobserves Drespects答案:B。句意:石昌旭因其科学研究而被授予一项国家特别奖。他当然值得获得这一荣誉,因为他为国家做了那么多贡献。考查动词辨析。deserve “应受(奖赏、特殊待遇等),应得,值得”。expect“预期,预料,期待,盼望”;observe “观察,遵守,观测,注意,庆祝”;respect“尊敬,敬重,遵守,尊重,重视”。61(2011天津十二区县联考一,11)More and more rich people have promised to _ their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled.Agive away Bgive upCgive out Dgive off答案:A。句意:越来越多的富人已许诺死后要损赠他们的财产给穷人和残疾人。考查动词短语辨析。give away“赠送,送出”。give up“放弃, 抛弃”;give out“分发,宣布,耗尽,散发”;give off“发出(光等),放出”。62(2011东北三省四市联考,24)Once infected with HIV, the body is unable to _ itself against diseases.Adefend BjudgeCsave Dprevent答案:A。句意:一旦感染HIV,身体就不能保护自己免受病菌的侵袭。defend sb./sth. from/against sb./sth. “保护某人/某物免受的伤害”。prevent意为“阻/防止”,prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.“阻止或妨碍某人/某事物做某事”。如:prevent the spread of a disease/a disease from spreading “防止某种疾病的蔓延”。save sb./sth. from sth./doing sth.“拯救/援救/保全以免受伤害/损失等”。如:save sb. from drowning “救溺水的人”。从动词与后面介词against的搭配排除prevent和save,选defend。63(2011东北三省四市联考,30)We did have a quarrel about money last night, but now we have already _.Ataken up Bmade upCput up Dbrought up答案:B。句意:昨天晚上我们确实因为钱的问题吵了一架,但现在我们已经和好了。考查动词短语。注意关键词did have a quarrel和but。take up“占据(时间、空间)、从事”;make up“补上、和解”;put up“张贴、举起、提高,提供食宿”;bring up“教育、培养、提出”。根据句意可知选B。64(2011东北三校二模,22)If your son keeps practising, he _ to make a famous crosscountry skier in our province.Im thrilled with joy and very grateful to you, Mr. Li.Awants BhopesCpromises Dwishes答案:C。句意:如果你的儿子持续训练的话,他有望成为我们省著名的越野滑雪运动员。我心情无比激动,也非常感谢你,李老师。考查动词辨析。promise“给人以的指望;有的可能”。promise to do“有望做”。65(2011东北三校二模,24)I cant quite _ what it is a photograph of.Oh, it is our new boat.Acome out Bmake outCturn out Dpick out答案:B。句意:我搞不清这张照片上是什么。哦,这是我们的新船。考查动词词组。make out“辨认出,看清楚,理解”。come out“出版,刊出,出现,显露,长出”;turn out“结果是,证明是”;pick out“挑选出”。66(2011沈阳二模,9)The petrol in the car _ on our way to the beach, so we had to walk there.Agave up Bgave offCgave in Dgave out答案:D。句意:在去海滩的路上车上的汽油用完了,因此我们不得不步行去那儿。考查动词短语辨析。give out“用尽/完,耗尽” 符合语境和常识。give up “放弃,抛弃,停止,戒除,交出”;give off“发出(光等),放出,散发”;give in “投降,让步,屈服”。67(2011沈阳二模,14)As reliable parents, they never _ to give their son what he is promised.Aexpect BintendCmanage Dfail答案:D。句意:作为可信赖的家长,他们对向儿子做出的承诺从不食言。reliable“可靠的,可信赖的”。考查动词辨析和搭配。fail to do sth.“未能做”和句中的never连用意为“从来不会做不到”,符合语境和逻辑。expect sb. to do sth.“期盼某人做某事”;intend to do sth.“打算/意欲做某事”;manage to do sth.“想方设法做成某事”。68(2011万家庄二模,10)When in trouble, remember to stay calm, and everything will _ well.Aturn back Bturn upCturn down Dturn out答案:D。句意:当遭遇困境时,记住要保持冷静,并且一切最终会好起来。考查动词短语辨析。turn out“证明是,结果是”,表示出乎意料的结果。turn back“阻止; 阻挡”;turn up“出现,露面,发生”;turn down“调低,调小,拒绝”。69(2011太原基础知识测试,34)By playing with the native boys and girls, one can _ a lot of their language.Aput up Bset upCpick up Dbuild up答案:C。句意:通过和那些本地的男孩和女孩在一起玩耍,一个人可以无意中学会很多他们的语言。考查动词短语辨析。pick up“无意中学会,在实践中学会”。put up“建造,供给食宿”;set up“竖立,建立,创立,建造”;build up“增进,使增大,积累”。易错选D。没有准确理解语境和build up的意思及动宾搭配而造成误选。如:build up ones strength增进体质,build up ones algebra提高代数水平,build up ones honour积累荣誉。70(2011河南示范高中适应性测试,22)What experience most _ who you are, Richard?My father let me play the guitar when I was three. Thirtytwo years later, I still play.Aproved BimpressedCpermitted Dshaped答案:D。句意:Richard,什么经历对塑造现在的你影响最大?在我三岁时,我爸爸让我弹吉他。三十二年之后,我仍然弹。考查动词辨析。shape“塑造,定形,使成形,形成”。如:Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping ones character.童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起重要作用。impress“给以深刻的印象,使铭记,铭刻”。如:My father impressed me with the importance of hard work.我父亲使我明白了努力工作的重要性。易错选B。尽管impress也有影响的意思,但其侧重对某人留下深刻的印象从而造成影响,而本句语境为:什么使你成为现在的你,侧重形成某种性格塑造某人,用shape一词能准确表示这一意思。71(2011济南4月模拟,25)With only ten minutes to


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