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学校:班级:姓名:考号:.密.封.线2009-2010学年度第二学期第一次月考试题七年级英语一.词汇(25分)A:词型转换。1.Japan(国家人) 2.country(复数) 3.like(反义词) 4.french(国家名) 5.there(反义词) 6.begin(动名词) 7.frend(形容词) 8.ugly(反义词) 9.relax(形容词) 10.Meat(同音词) 11.child(复数) 12.teach(名词) 13.dangerous(名词) 14.get(动名词) 15.leaf(复数) 16.right(对应词) 17.visit(名词) 18.policeman(复数) 19.hard(副词) 20.internation(形容词) B.英汉互译1.pen pal 2.邮局 3.到达 4.in a hospital 5.在图书馆前面 6.在右边 7.散步 8.have fun 9.take a taxi 10中国地图 11.有几分聪明 12.at night 13.shop assistant 14.警察局 15.紧靠着学校 16在银行对面 17.in the neighborhood 18和玩 19 外出 20.一家新旅馆 C.根据汉意及首字母提示完成句子。(5)1.Mr smith l in Australia.2.Mary comes f England.3.Im very h ,so I want to eat something.4.Dont p with fire(火).5.There is a (医院)near our school.二单项选择。(25)( )1.They are all and .A.Japanese.American B.Chinese,CanadiansC.Frenchman,Japanese D. Japanese,Englishman( )2.-Where he ? - He lives in Beijing.A.is ;from B.does; come from C.does;live D.does;like( )3.- do Lily and Lucy come from? -The Unite StatesA.Where B.Who C.What D.Why( )4.He can neither French nor German.So I with him in English.A:speak;talk B.talk;tell C.say;speak D.tell;talk.( )5.-Whats your favorite ? Janese.A:foood B:moive C.subject D.game( )6.Her parents from England.A.is B.are C.be D.comes( )7.She dislikes with her friends summer. A.to swim;at B.swimming;at C.to swim;in D.swimming;in( )8.Koalas eat but tigers eat .A.grass;grass B.leaves;grass C.meat ;meat D.leaves meat.( )9.The news about your class.A.are B.is C.am D.be( )10.If you want to be a teacher, please call us 575-3839.A.on B.about Cin D.at ( )11.Jack gives a mobile phone Ben.A.for B.on C.to D.in( )12.This is the way my school.We often a taxi to go to school.A.to ;take B.to;make C.for;drive D.for;turn( )13.-What you ? - Im a reporter.A.does,do B.are,do C.do,do D.are,does( )14.- your brother work? In a bank.A.Where B.What do C.Where does D.What does( )15. see the giraffes.A.Let B.Let we C.Lets D.Let I( )16.Why go to the zoo?A.dont B.not C.not you D.you dont( )17. !Can you tell me the way to the office?A.OK B.Hello C.Excuse me D.Sorry( )18- do you like animals? - they cute.A.Why;Because B.What;so C.Why;so D.What;Because( )19.-Isnt the panda cute? - .I like it very much.A.No,it isnt B.No it is C.Yes,it is D.Yes ,it isnt( ) 20.Your English is very good! A.Youre welcome B.Oh ,no C.youre right D.Thank you( 21.We teach Chinese,and they teach English. A.him;me B.them;we C.them;us D.their;our( ) 22. He works in the book shop. A.too B.also C.neither D.either( )23.You can get money in the ,and you can get books in the A. post office;bank B.bank;garden C.bank;library D.library;bank( ) 24. Please write tell us about your school life. A.and B.or C.but D.so( )25.He often helps me my homewok A.do B.does C.doing D.did三句型转换(10)1. There is post office near here(一般疑问句)。 post office near here?2.I speak English and Chinese.(提问) Do you speak?3.I do my homework everyday.(否定句)I my homework everyday.4.He arrives at school at 7:00(同义句)He school at 7:00.5.Please be quiet in class. (否定句) Please in class.6.What other books do you need? (同义句) Do you need?7.I think it is interesting(否定句)I it interesting.8.I want to be a library assistant(划线提问) Her sister to .四用所给词的正确形式填空(10)1.I want (be) a reporter.2.My workis very (interest)but kind of dangerous.3.There (be) many stores on the street.4.The restaurant is on (three) Avenue.5. Zhongshan Park is a good place to have (fun).6.My sister enjoys (read) the storybooks.7.Can you (drive) the car?8.They are busy (clean )their classroom.9.Hangzhou is a good place (visit).10.I ask my sister (go) shopping.五补全对话。(10) AA:Excuse 1 .Is there a bank in the 2 ?B: Yes, there 3 .Go 4 and 5 left.Its 6 the school and the post office.A: 7 you very much B: 8 9 10 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BA:What is that over there? B: 1 A:Over there ,in that corner of the cage(笼子) B: 2 A:Thats my favorite animal.What about you? Do you like it?B: 3 A:Why do you like it? B: 4 A:Do you like lions? B: 5 Because they are kind of ugly.A:Lets go to see other animals B:OK.Lets go.A.Thanks a lot. B.Where?C.Yes I do D.No I dontE.Its a panda. F.Because it is very beautiful.G Because they are very beautiful.1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 六.完形填空(10)I work in a small shop.Its near an English 1 . Every day,student come to 2 things.In the morning,I get up 3 six and then have breakfast .I go to 4 by bike .I 5 the shop at six about six forty .The shop 6 At seven.We sell things 7 food and drink.We have school,too. So there 8 often many people in our shop 9 morning to evening. I have 10 in the shop .At seven in the shop is closed.( )1.A.farm B.factory C.school D.Rriver( )2.A.buy B.sell C.take D.want ( )3.A. on B.in C.at D.from( )4.A.school B.bed C.clsaa D.work( )5.A.go B.get C.stay D.look( )6.A.opens B.is opening C.open D.is opened( )7.A.with B.like C.for D.about( )8.A.are B.have C.see D.come( )9.A.in B.on C.at D.from( )10.A.supper B.breakfast C.tea D.lunch七阅读理解(20分) (A)Come and see the smart lions from Africa and the fun dolphins from New Zealand. The interesting koala bears from Australia would be glad to meet you , and the intelligent pandas from China are waiting to greet you . The lovely elephants from India are waiting to kiss you with his nose , and the cute penguins are going to dance for you .Tickets(票价) Grown-ups(成年):2.00 yuanChildren over(超过)10:1.00yuanChildren under 10:Free(免费) Open time9:30a.m5:30p.m except(除过) :Wed and FriKeep the zoo clean!Dont touch,give food to or go near the animals.( ) 1.There are kinds of animal in the zoo. A.four B.five C.six D.seven( ) 2.Now Mrs White is in the zoo with her two children.Her son is 11 and daughter is 8. how much are the tickets together? A.2.00yuan B.3.00yuan c. 4.00yuan D.5.00yuan( ) 3.-What do you think the elephant are like? -they are A.long B.short C.small D.heavy( ) 4.Can you go to visit the zoo at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday? A.yes we can B.No we cant C. yes we cant D. No we can( ) 5.Its that we can go near the animals and give food to them? A.ture B. not ture C.easy D. difficult(B)Do you have pen pals? I have three pen pals from three different countries.They are Tom , Ella and Molly.Tom comes from Australia,His favorite subject is PE, because he likes playing soccerbest and he can play it in PEclasses.He has a sister and a brother.Ella is an American girl, Of all her subjects. She likes Chinese best , She often writes to me in Chinese, Her favorite sports is volleyball.Molly lives in Japan. She likes learning Chinese, too. But her favorite subject is math. When she has time, she likes playing tennis best ,She is a very clever girl.I love them very much.根据短文内容,将表格补充完整。NameFromLiving placeFavorite subjectFavorite sportTomAustralia /6 soccerElla7 /8 Molly /9 10 tennis6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 七改错。(5)1.He is a actor ( ) A B C D 2.The children is watching TV ( ) A B C D3.They are from African. ( ) A B C D4.Because they are kind shy ( ) A B C D5.What is your fathers do ? ( ) A B C D八书面表达(5分)写一个你喜欢的动物,包括它的出生地,年龄,生活习性等等,不少于60字。 一 词汇(25分)A:词型转换。(略)B.英汉互译(略)C.根据汉意及首字母提示完成句子。(5)1.lives 2,from 3.hungry 4.play 5hospital二单选2515BCAAC 610BDDBD 1115CACCC 1620BCADD 2125CBCAA三句型转换(10)1.is there 2.what language 3.dont do 4.gets to 5.dont be quiet 6.what else 7.dont think is 8.what does want be 四用所给词的正确形式填空(10)16 to be

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