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英语大综合一、 根据首字母填空,把课文补充完整。unit 13:What did you do yesterday?Miss White:Children,please a_ my _.W_the date today,Xiaoling?Xiaoling:Its T_,N_3_(11月3号,星期四)Miss White:Yes,thats right.And what w_ the date y_,Ben?Ben:It was W_,N_2_(11月2号星期三)Miss White:Good.OK,can a_talk a_yesterday,please?Janet,What d_ you d_yesterday after school?Janet:I s_a film o_ TV.It was really good.Miss White:Great !And Jiamin,what a_you?Jiamin:I p_football in the park w_my dad.Miss White:Oh,good.Sally,its y_t_now.(轮到你了)Sally:I h_my mum c_the rooms.Miss White:Good girl!And Ben?Ben: I helped my mum t_.We c_a big m_.Miss White:That was good.Xiaoling,your turn.Xiaoling:I p_a p_o_some h_(我画一幅画有关一些马的)Miss White:E_!And Yongxian,What about you?Yongxian:I w_my dog.He w_ really d_.Miss White:Oh,that s_d_(听起来不一样)Yongxian:What about you ,Miss White?Miss White:I c_ my house and d_o_ h_(做别的家务)Yongxian:What did you do i_t_e_?(在晚上)Miss White:I m_ y_h _and p_t_l_(我批改你们的作业和准备今天的课)Jiamin:D_you g_t_b_late?Miss White:Yes.I w_to bed a_a q_to one this morning.(我在12:45分去睡觉)Everyone:You h_a b_d_(你有忙碌的一天)unit 14 What was Judys old school like?Mr Chen:Good morning,everyone.We have a new c_ today.This is Judy.Shes f_the USA.Children:Hello,Judy.Judy:Hello.Mike:Where w_your old s_,Judy?Juday:N_N_Y_(在纽约附近)Mike:W_was it l_?Judy:It was OK.It was s_and o_than this school.Yongxian:W_the t_d_f_o_?(你们的时间表和我们的不一样吗?)Judy:Yes.We s_school l_and f_e_.Sally:A_e_?(别的呢)Judy:We worked f_a s_t_in the morning b_l_b_and we h_s_every afternoon.And we h_l_h_.(我们早上的学习时间比较短,在午休之前我们每天下午都会做运动。还有我们有更少的作业)Mr Chen:Its time t_g_h_(回家了)。Goodbye,children!Children:Bye-bye!Mr Chen:H_w_you g_h_,Judy?你将怎样回家)Judy:O_f_(步行)My house is really near the school.Mr Chen:Thats good.Sally :How d_you g_h_f_shool before?(你之前是怎样从学校回家的)Judy:I w_h_b_b_(我回家坐公车)Sally:W_your home?W_d_you l_now,I m_?(你家在哪里,我的意思是你现在住在哪里)Judy:I l_a_249 Renmin R_.Sally:Really?We live i_the s_b_!W_f_do you live on?(我们住在同一栋楼,你是住在哪一层)Judy:I live o_t_e_f_(我住在第8层楼)Sally:I live o_t_e_f_t_.(我也一样住在第8层楼)Unit 16:Christmas is comingMrs Brown:Hello!W_ to our home.How are you?Yongxian:F_,t_y_.And you?Mr Brown:Were fine,thanks.Jane:I_it y_f_t_i_L_,Yongxian?(这是你第一次来伦敦吗)Yongxian:Yes,it is .Jane:T_i_t_b_t_t_b_i_B_.(这是来英国的最好时间)Yongxian:W_?Jane:B_C_i_c_,(因为圣诞节快来了)Yongxian:Is Christmas t_m_i_f_in B_?(圣诞节是不是英国最重要的节日)Mr Brown:Yes.And its t_m_p_f_in w_c_(它西方国家最受欢迎的节日)David: We have l_o_p_and n_s_,and F_C_b_p_to all the Children.(我们有一引起聚会还有不用上学,圣诞老人还会带来礼物给所有的孩子)Yongxian:I c_w_!(我等不及了)David:Yongxian,put your s_here.Yongxian:Why?David:Father Christmas p_p_i_the s_a_n_.(圣诞老人会在晚上把礼物放到袜子里)Yongxian:D_he k_me?(他认识我吗)Mrs Brown:Of course,he does.Yongxian:Wow!L_a_all the presents!David:Hurray!T_a bike f_me!Jane:Come on,Yongxian.Open your p_.Yongxian:Oh ,a toy car!I t_Father Christmas is f_!(哇,一辆玩具车,我认为圣诞老人很神奇)


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