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小学英语分类词汇表-二级目标词汇1.性别及家庭成员1. parents父母亲2. son儿子3. daughter女儿4. child孩子(单数)5. children孩子(复数)6. people人7. person人8. family家,家庭9. family tree家族表10. family member家庭成员11. lady女士12. Madam夫人13. Sir2动物14. elephant大象15. dragon龙16. ant蚂蚁17. giraffe长颈鹿18. chicken小鸡19. wolf狼20. mouse老鼠21. zebra斑马22. frog青蛙23. goose鹅24. snake蛇25. worm蠕虫,蚯蚓3数字26. thousand千27. eleventh第十一28. twelfth第十二29. thirteenth第十三30. fourteenth第十四31. fifteenth第十五32. sixteenth第十六33. seventeenth第十七34. eighteenth第十八35. nineteenth第十九36. twentieth第二十37. thirtieth第三十38. fortieth第四十39. fiftieth第五十40. sixtieth第六十41. seventieth第七十42. eightieth第八十43. ninetieth第九十44. once一次45. Twice两次46. three times三次4食物饮料三餐味道水果47. beef牛肉48. potato土豆49. tomato西红柿50. food食物51. chicken鸡肉52. pork猪肉53. juice(水果蔬菜等的)三十54. nut干果55. grape葡萄56. cherry 57. sweet糖果58. sugar盐59. soup汤60. pie煎饼,馅饼61. sandwich三明治62. delicious美味的,可口的5衣服63. sweater毛衣64. socks袜子65. blouse 衬衫66. jeans牛仔裤67. trousers裤子68. tie领带69. belt70. raincoat雨衣71. umbrella雨伞72. pocket口袋(衣服上的)7代词73. mine我的74. myself我自己75. yours你的,你们的76. yourself你自己77. his他的78. himself他自己79. hers她的80. herself她自己81. ours我们的82. ourselves我们自己83. yours你的,你们的84. yourselves你自己85. themselves他(她、它)们自己86. itself它自己8.疑问词87. whose谁的88. how often多久一次89. how much多少,多少钱9.介词90. over在正上方91. along沿着92. above在上面93. next to与临接94. beside在旁边95. in front of在前面96. behind在后面14 学校97. P.E体育98. exercise book练习本99. note book笔记本100. ceiling天花板101. keyboard键盘102. mouse老鼠,鼠标103. laboratory实验室104. dictionary字典15商店105. supermarket超市106. restaurant饭馆107. fruit store水果店108. station车站16 反义词109. thick/ thin厚的/薄的110. empty/ full空的/满的111. soft/ hard软的/硬的112. front /back前面/后面113. cheap /expensive/dear便宜的/昂贵的114. borrow/ lend借进/借出115. poor/ rich穷的/宝贵的116. same/ different同样的/不同的117. fool/clever愚蠢的/聪明的22 其它形容词118. good好的119. better更好的120. best 最好的121. worse更差的122. worst最差的123. strange奇怪的124. afraid害怕的125. bright明亮的126. free空闲的127. exciting令人兴奋的128. clear清楚的129. terrible可怕的130. serious131. tired累的13身体部位132. finger手指133. neck脖子134. shoulder肩膀135. arm手臂136. knee膝盖137. toes脚趾17 颜色138. pink粉红色的139. light blue浅蓝色140. dark blue深蓝色141. brown棕色,褐色142. purple紫色的143. gold金色的18体育运动144. tennis网球145. volleyball排球146. boxing拳击147. skiing滑雪23其它名词148. crossing十字路口149. postbox邮箱150. recorder录音机151. lake湖152. pool池子153. bamboo竹子154. leaf叶,树叶155. factory工厂156. forest森林157. question问题158. hotel旅馆159. match比赛160. model示范,例子,模型161. museum博物馆162. club俱乐部163. gate大门164. group组165. moment一会儿166. capital首都167. show展览,演出168. camera照相机169. Palace宫殿170. Smoke烟171. Newspaper新闻172. fan风扇173. gift礼物174. ticket票24 动词+动词短语175. count数176. cut切、割177. cook做饭178. spit吐痰179. stay停留180. turn翻、转181. lock182. fall跌落183. grow生长184. mind介意185. sail航海186. arrive到达187. enjoy享受乐趣188. hate憎恨189. begin开始190. check核对,检查191. repair修理192. fix193. maybe可能,也许,大检查194. should应该195. see you再见,回头见196. see you later再见197. see you tomorrow明天见198. see you next week下周见199. go cycling骑自行车200. play table tennis打乒乓球201. take a picture照相202. ride a bike骑自行车203. turn right向右转204. turn left向左转205. wash clothes洗衣服206. do morning exercises做早操207. clean the classroom打扫教室208. ride a bike骑自行车209. ride a horse骑马210. hand in hand手拉拉211. have a rest休息212. hurry up快点213. at half past twelve在十二点半214. Dont be late别迟到215. Learn from向学习216. look out of向外看217. look out小心218. a map of China中国地图219. go to the nurse去护理220. go to see a doctor去看病221. a lot of许多222. a bowl of rice一碗米饭223. a bottle of orange juice一瓶桔汁224. a bottle of beer一瓶牛肉225. clean the classroom打扫教室226. collect stamps收集邮票227. singing and dancing唱歌跳舞228. do homework做作业229. draw a picture画画230. help yourself to some fish随便吃些鱼吧231. show me your ticket把你的票给我232. wait for the bus等公共汽车233. wait for the train等火车234. be bad for对有害处235. bus driver公共汽车驾驶员236. drive a car开小汽车237. get ready 准备238. have a headache头痛239. have a good idea有个好主意240. in bed生病在床241. post office邮局242. bus station公共汽车站243. railway station火车站244. get ready for为作准备245. get ready to 为作准备246. stay in bed躺在床上247. Dont spit不要吐痰248. take a message 捎口信249. Whats wrong with怎么啦?250. a phone call一个电话251. all the time在这个时252. row a boat划船253. get to 到达254. give a lesson给一个教训255. worry about担心256. a flower show花展257. after class下课后258. the capital of china中国的首都259. help sb.with帮助某人做某事260. Its very kind of you你真是太好了261. just now刚才262. last night昨晚263. last Saturday上周六264. Its my pleasure.这是我应该做的265. Youre welcome. 266. the Science Museum科学博物


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