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Module4Unit2 OurfavoritefestivalistheSpringFestival festival 节日 thewesternfestivals 西方节日 favourite 最喜欢的 本课重点句子 Newwords新单词 Prances短语 1FlagDay国旗日2Flytheflag升旗3singsongs唱歌4tellmemoreabout告诉我更多关于 的事5Americanfestival美国节日6aspecialmeal一段特殊的饭7abigfamilydinner一段盛大的家庭晚餐8afterthanksgivingdinner感恩节晚餐之后9onTV在电视10givepresentsto 送礼物给某人 Module4Unit2 OurfavoritefestivalistheSpringFestival thewesternfestivals AprilFool sDay ChritmasDay FlagDay ThanksgivingDay Halloween ChineseFestivals SpringFestival LanternFestival DragonBoatFestival Mid AutumnFestival the the the the l nt n theSpringFestival春节 theMid AutumnFestival中秋节 theLanternFestival元宵节 theDragonBoatFestival端午节 Part1 把下列食物与相应的节日连接 theSpringFestival theLanternFestival theMid AutumnFestival theDragonBoatFestival Listenandmatch theSpringFestivalWeseelotsoflanterns Wegotoseedragondances theMid AutumnFestivalWeseethedragonboatrace Weeatzongzi theLanternFestivalWeeatmooncakesandseeabigandroundmoon theDragonBoatFestivalWehaveabigfamilydinner Weeatdumplings Whatdoyoudoonthesefestivals theDragonBoatFestival seethedragonboatrace eatzongzi theMid AutumnFestival eatmooncakes watchthemoon singsongsaboutthemoon watchTV getluckymoney Wehaveaspecialfamilydinner Weeatdumplings wearnewclothes theSpringFestival setofffireworks theLanternFestival hanglanterns eatyuanxiao dodragondances Ilovethisfestival Weallgotoseethedragonboatrace Weeatzongzi It sverydelicious TheDragonBoatFestival Mymotherlovesthisfestival Shemakesdeliciousmooncakes Myfatherlikesthisfestivaltoo Hesingssongsaboutthemoon Hesingsverywell TheMid AutumnFestival Thisismyfamily OurfavouritefestivalistheSpringFestival Wehaveaspecialfamilydinner Andweeatdumpings TheSpringFestival MyfavouritefestivalistheLanternFestival ItisafterSpringFestival Peopleeatyuanxiao hanglanternsanddodragondances ThelanternFestival Fillintheblanks 1 Ilovethisfestival Weallgotoseethe Weeat It sverydelicious 2 Mymotherlovesthisfestival Shemakesdelicious Myfatherlikesthisfestivaltoo Hesings about Hesingsverywell dragonboatrace zongzi mooncakes moon songs 3 Thisismyfamily Ourfavouritefestivalisthe Wehavea dinner Andweeat 4 Myfavouritefestivalisthe ItisaftertheSpringFestival Peopleeat hang anddo SpringFestival specialfamily dumplings LanternFestival dragondances yuanxiao lanterns Writeandtalk MyFavouriteFestivalMyfavouritefestivalistheDragonBoatFestival Onthisday wegotoseethedragonboatrace Weeatzongzi It sverydelicious IloveDragonBoatFestival Talkaboutyourfavouritefestivalslikethis SpringFestival Wehaveaspecialfamilydinner Weeatdumplings A What syourfavouritefestival B Myfavouritefestivalis A Whatdoyoudoon B 一 选出括号中正确的词 在正确的词上打勾 1 Thisis my I mother 2 Nicetomeet your you 3 He His nameisMark 4 What s she her name 5 Excuse me my I 6 Are your you MissLi 7 I My amBen 8 She Her ismysister 9 Fine thank your you 10 Howoldis he his 二 用所给代词的正确形式填空 1 Theseare he brothers 2 Thatis she sister 3 Lilyis Lucy sister 4 Tom thisis me cousin Mary 5 Doyouknow it name 6 MikeandTom be friends 7 Thanksforhelping I 8 Ann安 motheris we teacher I 用适当的代词完成句子 1 amanEnglishteacher nameisMaJing 2 Heis goodfriend Wealllike 3 Thatismypencil Pleasegiveitto 4 Theboysaredoing homework areverygoodpupils 5 We regoingtothepark Wouldyouliketocomewith I My our him us me They their 2 用单词的适当形式填空 1 I love thissong andmymother love it too 2 Myfatheralways sing inthemorning 3 They have anicedayyesterday 4 There be adragondance 5 Let they havealook 6 Theyarelookingat we 7 Canwe jump Mum love loves sings had is them us jump


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