2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件7 人教PEP版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件7 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件7 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4Thenandnow B Let slearn gym lastyear time atnight lastmonth 火眼金睛 Readquickly 快速 正确地读出单词 moon grass internet dininghall Review internet Readandwrite 读一读 写一写 playbadminton IcouldplaybadmintonIcouldn tplaybadminton gocycling Readandwrite 读一读 写一写 rideabike IcouldgocyclingIcouldn tgocycling ice skate a s ske t Icouldice skateIcouldn tice skate Readandwrite 读一读 写一写 goice skating playbadminton gocycling ice skate sayandmach 说一说 连一连 Bombtime 选出你认为不是炸弹的单词读一读 自主预习 2min 请把Let slearn句子中不会读的单词用笔标出来 Bombtime before was couldn t love gocycling now thought didn t ice skate playbadminton Yifan Ididn tlikewinterbefore Ithoughtitwastoocold andIcouldn tgocycling Mike Howaboutnow Yifan NowIlovetoice skatesoIlikewinter 我以前不喜欢冬天 我认为它太冷了 并且我不能骑自行车 现在呢 现在我喜爱滑冰所以我喜欢冬天 Let slearn 一起学 wintercold 画龙点睛 Ididn tlikewinterbefore 我以前不喜欢冬天 didn t是did的否定 动词过去式句子中否定的构成 Icouldn tgocycling 我不能骑自行车 couldn t是could的否定式 Yifan Ididn tlikebefore Ithoughtitwas andIcouldn t Mike Howaboutnow Yifan NowIloveto soIlike 我以前不喜欢秋天 我认为它有风 并且我不能打羽毛球 现在呢 现在我喜爱骑自行车所以我喜欢秋天 autumnwindy autumn windy playbadminton gocycling autumn Pairwork 合作练习 Yifan I1 I2 andI3 Mike 4 Yifan Now5 so6 我以前不喜欢夏天 我认为它太热了 并且我不能滑冰 现在呢 现在我喜爱骑自行车 所以我喜欢夏天 summerhot Let swrite 写一写 1我以前不喜欢 2我认为它太 并且我不能 3现在呢 4现在我喜爱 因此我喜欢 Let ssay 说一说 Ididn tlike beforeIthoughtitwas andIcouldn t Howaboutnow NowIloveto soIlike Allen Joe Diana listenandmatch 听一听 连一连 AllenDianaJoe Before Allencouldn t Nowhecan Before Dianacouldn t Nowshecan Before Joecouldn t Nowhecan listenandsay 听一听 说一说 AllenDianaJoe Before Allencouldn t Nowhecan Before Dianacouldn t Nowshecan Before Joecouldn t Nowhecan ridehisbike gocycling playbadminton ice skate goice skating playbadminton listenandsay 听一听 说一说 Homework 1 ListenandrepeatP373times 2 doexercises

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