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五年级英语(上1)一 选择填空。1.Mary doesnt like doing her homework_doing any work.A.and B.but C.so D.or2.Ken likes eating sweets_.A.but he doesnt like coffee B.and he likes teaC.he likes rice D.or he likes meat3.We have _on Sunday.A.no any classes B.not class C.no classes D.no any class4.Lets go _in the xili lake.A.fishing B.fish C.fishes D./5.I like playing _piano and I like playing _football.A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D./;/6.What are you going to do?-Iam going to _.A.play chess B.plays chess C.played chess7.Peter and Lili _playing football or basketball.A.like B.doesnt like C.dont like8.Ann_singing ,but she likes dancing.Look!She_there.A.doesnt like;is dancimg B.isnt like;is dancingC.dont like;is dancing 9.I dont like playing football.its very_.A.Boring B.fun C.exciting 10.Iam not good at_.A.drawing or painting B.drawing or paint C.draw or paint二选反义词。Old;empty;sad;late;upstairs; boring;clean;quickly;give;tidyMessy( ) new( ) dirty( )Full( ) happy( ) early( )Slowly( ) get( ) downstairs( )Funny( )三.改错。(圈出,并改正。)1.I dont like have a picnic ._2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are._3.There are something under the door._4.Tom doesnt like playing and working._5.There isnt some bread or rice._6.I like play chess and having picnics._7.Ken doesnt like playing piano._8.Your sister like helping others._四汉译英1.我们将要去哪?_2.有时候我们需要排队,但我们从不推挤。_3.不,你绝不能在那玩。_4.首先,我们必须在走廊里排好队,你们千万不要推挤。_5.接下来我们将去游泳池,我们从不在游泳池旁快步走。_6.在那之后我们将去博物馆,我们从不在博物馆大声讲话。_7.我们要学习许多东西,我们必须认真地看、仔细地听。_ 8.然后你们必须在操场上静静地站好队。_9.今天是消防演习,不是真正的火。_10.你们一定要把垃圾放进垃圾桶里。_11.三人一组讨论一下这个地方的规章制度。_12.博物馆的规章制度是什么?_13.认真地听当你在课堂上的时候。_14.红灯亮时千万不要走。_15.我们城市的道路通常是非常繁忙的。_16.我们必须在交通灯或者是有白线的十字路口处过马路。_17.我们必须等到变成绿灯为止。_18.这是另外一些重要的标志。_五选合适的词填空。1.I cant hear what you say .please say it _(happy,happily)2.Please be _.Its time for class.(quiet,quietly)3.Its rains again .The plants grow _.(quick,quickly)4.we should eat _food .So we can have _bodies.(health,healthy)5.The naughty boys are shouting .So the teacher is _.He leaves_.(angrily,angry) 6.The room is_to live.(big,enough)7.I have _ to buy this book.(money,enough)

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