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导游服务规范1、what are the main points that the local guide must try to make certain when reading the tour plan of the group in order that he would not miss meeting the group when it arrives or would not wait hopefully for the group to turn up when actually it is not coming on the scheduled flight or train?(1)The name and telephone number of the tour operator of the domestic tour organizer travel service.(2)The number of people in the group and the name ,sex and occupation of the tourists.(3)The arrival time and place of the plane or train that the group is going to take.(4)For an inbound tourist group ,he must also know the name of the overseas tour organizer travel service,the foreign language name or code of the group ,the name of the tour escort ,the language ,nationality and religious belief of the tourists and the entry and exit cities of the group. 2、What are the main points that the local guide of an inbound tourist group must get to know about the transport tickets for the group ? (1)Have the groups transport ticket for the next destination been booked according to schedule or have they been changed? And has the changed booking been confirmed? (2)Are there any return tickets for the group? (3)Do the tourists hold international air-tickets for domestic flight? (4)Are the groups tickets, i.e. transport tickets for leaving the country, confirmed Ok or do they still remain open? 3、In what ways must the local guide make preparations for conducting a group in respect to language and knowledge ? (1)Before the group arrives, the local guide must familiarize himself with the explanatory materials on the places that the group is going to visit. For an English way of expressing himself.(2)For a tourist group that is composed of people in a special trade, the local guide must try to acquaint himself with the knowledge and technician terms off their specialty.(3)In addition,the local guide must be well prepared for questions about hot talks of the town,important news at home and abroad and any other subjects that the tourists may be interested in. (4)If the local guide himself is new to the places to the places to be visited by the group,he must try his best to familiarize himself with them beforehand.4、How can the local guide make sure that the group he met in the airport or train station is the very one he is to meet ? (1)The local guide must ask the tourists what country they come from and inquire of them about the names of their tour escort and their national guide,the name of the travel service in their own country and the name of the tour organizer travel service in China .(2)If the group has neither escort nor national guide,he must inquire of the tourists their nationality,the name or code of the group,and the number of people and the main itinerary of the group. 5、Try to make a welcome speech to a tourist group in the name of a local guide. The following points should be included:(1)According the tourists a welcome for their visit to your city on behalf of your travel service,the driver and yourself ; (2)Introducing yourself and the travel service you work for;(3)Introducing the driver;(4)Expressing your willingness and desire to render good services to the tourists; (5)Wishing the tourists a pleasant stay in your city.6、What things should be mentioned when the local guide is telling the tourist the general conditions of his city?(1)The citys climate,population,administrative division,social life,cultural tradition,special products and its history. (2)In the meantime,he should take occasion to tell the tourists something about the citys developments in economy and municipal construction as well as the streets and important buildings along the way.7、How can the local guide keep in touch with the tourists after the group has checked in at the hotel? The local guide must write down the room number of the group,especially those of the tour escort and the national guide. He also tell the tour escort and the national guide his own room number and telephone number so that they may reach each other in time of need.8、what should the local guide do if the tour escort or the national guide proposed to make a minor(1)The local guide should report the matter to the travel service leadership and try his best to arrange it if their proposal is reasonable and feasible.(2)If an extra charge must be made for the added item,he must let them know in advance and must collect the money at the set price.(3)If is difficult or impossible to meet their demand, he must give them a clear explanation and patiently persuade them to follow the original program.9、in what way should the local guide collect the consigned luggage of the group that has just arrived?(1)when the group has arrived,the local guide should help the tourists get their luggage together at a designated place and remind them to check and make sure that their bags are all in good condition.(2)together with the tour escort and the national guide,he should count to get the right number of pieces and then hand them over to the luggage man of the local travel service through necessary procedures.(3)if something is missing or damaged,he should help the owner to approach departments concerned to report and register the loss or claim compensation for the damaged.10、what should the local guide remind the tourists to do when they are going to leave the bus for sightseeing?On this occasion the local guide should advise the tourists to remember the model,color,number and special sign of tour bus. He should also tell them where the bus will be parking and what time they will be leaving for the next destination. 11、What are the main points that need the local guides attention in regard to the travel certificates of the tour escort and other tourists?(1)Under normal conditions,the local guide should not keep the travel certificates of the tourists. If he needs to use them,he must return them to tourists as soon as he has finished using them.(2)On the day before the group leaves,the local should check his own belongings to see if he has kept any of the groups passports or other papers and,if any,should hand them back personally to their owners without delay.(3)Some hotels request that the tour escort should leave this passport at the reception department when the group checks in at the hotel. In this case,the local guide must remind the tour escort to take it back when the group checks out to leave the hotel. (4)When a foreign group is going to leave the country,the local guide should remind the tourists to check and make sure that they have passports and Customs declaration forms readily available for examinations by the Customs and immigration officers.12、How can the tour guide ensure that the tourists will not get lost?(1)The local guide must request that the tourists should bear in mind the names of the local travel service and the hotel and the number the tour bus,that they must not wander too far away from the group while its moving on,and that they must not come back to the hotel too late if they leave the group to stay behind or when they go out of the hotel by themselves. (2)During the sightseeing tour, the local guide should often announce the itinerary of the day so as to keep the tourists informed of such things as the route of the tour, the time and place for meals, the time and place to assemble and the parking place of the tour bus.(3)The tour guide should stay together with the tourists all the time and frequently count the number of people in the group.(4)The local guide, the national guide and the tour escort must closely cooperate in their work. While the local guide leads the way for the group, the national guide and the tour escort should bring up the rear.(5)The local guides explanatory speeches must be interesting enough to attract the tourists attention so that they would not wander away from the group. 13、What should the local guide tell the tourists when the group is going to check in at the hotel? When the group is going to check in at the hotel,the hotel guide should tell the tourists where they can change their money,how to find the place for entertainment and the locations of the stores,public toilets and the Chinese and Western-food restaurants and so on. In addition,he should also make the tourists acquainted with matters deserving their attention while staying in the hotel.14、What should the local guide do before, during and after meals in order that meals for the group could be properly arranged?(1)Before meals,the local guide should check us things as place,time, number of dinner and per capita price for the meals and particular requests of the tourists,and try to make sure that all these have been properly arranged.(2)When the tourists are having their meals,the local guide should go,once or twice,around the dining-room to answer questions of the tourists and to supervise the service of the restaurant.(3)After meals,the local guide must settle the bills strictly in accordance with the fixed per capita charge and the actual number of diners.15、What is the right way for the local guide to deal with the recreational activity that is included or excluded in the groups scheduled program?(1)If the activity is included in the groups itinerary,the local guide is duty-bound to accompany the tourists to attend it and make them acquainted with performance.(2)If it is not included in the groups itinerary,for instance,if the tourists ask to watch a theatrical performance at their own expense,the local guide can help them with such things as buying admission tickets or hiring a taxi but usually he has no occasion to keep them company.(3)When the group is staying in a large place of recreation,the local guide should advise the tourists against separating themselves from the group. He must also keep an eye on the movement of the tourists and the condition of the surroundings so as to be prepared for any contingency.16、What should the local guide do when the group is going to leave the hotel?(1)When the group is about to leave the hotel ,the local guide must collect all the heavy bags of the tourists for consignment if they have any.(2)Under normal conditions,he should go though the check-out formalities before 12;00 noon.(3)Before the group leaves,he should remind the tourists to pay the hotel bills and return the keys to the reception desk in case they should forget. When the tourists are all seated in the bus,he should carefully count the number of people and remind the tourists to check and make sure that they have nothing left behind in the hotel.17. What should the local guide do when the sightseeing tour of the day is coming to an end and the tourists are all seated in the bus on the way back to the hotel?On this occasion ,the local guide should review the sightseeing tour of the day , tell the tourists more in detail about what they have seen and answer their questions, if they have any.If the tour bus is not going the same way back to the hotel as it came out , the local guide should take acquaint the tourists with the sights passed by.Before the tourists get off the bus, the local guide should announce the program for the evening and for the next day, and tell them the time to leave and place to meet.On arriving at the hotel , the local guide should remind the tourists to take all their belongings with them when they leave the bus.When the bus is parked, the local guide should be the first to get off the bus and stand at the door to say good-bye to the tourists while watching them getting off the bus.18. What are the three “outposts” that a tourist group has to pass through before it enters a foreign country?The three “outposts refer to the check-posts of the three authority organs of the destination country , that is , the Customs, immigration and quarantine check-posts stationed at the city of entry to the destination country. (This means that, before the group is allows to enter the country , it must go through all the checking and examination formalities of the Customs, immigration and quarantine authorities of the destination country.)19. How long before departure time must tourist groups arrive at the airport , train-station or pier so as to ensure that they will not lose the flight, train or ship? In order that the tourist group will not risk losing the flight , train or ship, the tour guide must manage to ensure that his group will arrive at the airport, train station or pier at an earliest possible time .Specific requirements are:(1) If the flight is an international flight or is destined for a coastal city , the group must get to the airport 2 hours before departure time;(2) For domestic flight, 90 minutes before departure time.(3) For train and ship, one hour before departure time.20. On what principle must the national guide insist when discussing the sightseeing program with the local guide? The national guides duty is to ensure that the tour itinerary worked out by the tour organizer will be fully implemented by the tour executor travel service. SoIf the local guide suggest a change in the itinerary ,the national guide must insist that tits to places of tourist he order of tour can be changed but none of the items in the program can be omitted .When occasion requires, he should report the matter to the tour organizer travel service.In case the local guide proposes to add item with extra charge, the national guide must get the common consent of the group before he agrees to the proposal.21. What is the national guide required to do whenever the group arrives at a destination city? Every time the group arrives at a destination city, the national guide is duty-bound:(1)To acquaint the local guide with things in the group so as help him with his work (2)To supervise the of the local travel company and, if he thinks necessary, put forward some suggestions;(3)To take care of the tourists to guard against any possible accidents and to solve problems arising from accidents, if any (4)To give advice to the tourist when they are shopping (5)And, to make contacts with people concerned, especially with the travel service in the nest destination city, so that the group may travel smoothly 22. What role does the national guide play in the group and what are his responsibilities?The national guide is the representative of the tour organizer travel service .He must join the group throughout journey and take part in all its activities ,His duty is make the whole trip of group well connected between destination cities along the route of the journey ,to supervise the service of the local travel companies to ensure that the set itinerary for the group will be carried into effect ,and to coordinate and harmonize the relations between the tour escort ,the local guide and the driver.In what ways must the national guide supervise the shopping arrangements for group and how should he help the tourist to do shopping? If the local guide has arranged too many times for the group to do shopping and if shopping has taken up too much of the time for sightseeing, the national guide must advise the local guide against the arrangement.When the tourists are shopping, the national guide should advise them to examine the price and quality of the articles they are thinking of buying so that they should not buy any inferior goods or fake products.When some foreign tourists have bought something valuable, especially antiques, the national guide should remind them to keep the receipts for Customs examination. For purchase of ready-prepared them the relevant regulations of the Chinese Customs.23. In what ways must the national guide supervise the shopping arrangements for the group and how should he help he tourists to do shopping?(1) If the local guide has arranged too many times for the group to do shopping and if shopping has taken up too much of the time for sightseeing, the national guide must advise the local guide against the arrangements.(2) When the tourists are shopping, the national guide should advise to them to examine the price and quality of the articles they are thinking of buying, so that they will not buy any inferior goods of fake products.(3)In case some foreign tourists have bought something valuable, especially antiques, the national guide should remind them to keep the receipt for Customs examination. For purchase of ready-prepared Chinese medicines or Chinese medical materials, he should tell them the relevant regulations of the Chinese Customs.24 What is the national guide required to do when the group has arrived in the hotel?(1)When the group has arrived in the hotel, the national guide must take an active part in the work of checking in the hotel (2) While the responsibility of assigning rooms to the group members is usually undertaken by the tour escort, the national guide must take an active part in the work of checking in at the hotel.(3)When the tourists have got their room numbers, the national guide should show them the way to their rooms (4)If the local guide is not staying in the hotel for the night, the national guide must take full responsibility of taking care of the group (5)In addition, the national guide should note down the telephone number of the hotel reception and must inquire of the local guide about the way of getting in touch with him in case of emergency.25. What should the national guide do in order to supervise the service of the local travel companies?If the sightseeing program in a city is much the same as those as those in the preceding cities, the national guide must suggest that the local guide should make some changes.He must frankly give his opinions to the local guide if he has any complaint about the service of the local tour company; for example .if the meals, hotel or tour bus arranged by the local guide deliberately cancel an item on the sightseeing program in an attempt to add anther item for extra charge before he is authorized to do so, or if shopping has taken up too much of the time for sightseeing If his efforts of taking to the local guide have no effect, he should refer the problem directly to the local travel service leadership or report the matter to the tour organizer if necessary. 26、What should the national guide of a foreign tourist group do when the group is about to leave the country?(1)When a foreign groups trip to our country is coming to an end and the group is going to leave the hotel for the airport or train station ,the national guide should remind the tourists to check and make sure that they have all their belongings with them and have their travel certificates within easy reach.(2)On the way to the airport or train station, he should earnestly ask the tourists for their comments or complaints on the tour.(3)When the bus is arriving at the airport or train station, he should make a farewell speech to give thanks to the tourists for their cooperation and understanding and express his expectation for their return.27、Try to make a farewell speech to the tourists in the tourists in the name of a national guide .The following points should be included in the speech : (1)Reviewing the trip of the group and giving your thanks to the tourists for their cooperation.(2)Expressing your friendliness to the tourists and your reluctance and regret to park with them

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