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2013年七年级下册英语期中单词短语总结(外研版)单词表中短语1.劳驾,对不起2.为什么不呢?3.试穿4.别急, 稍等一会5.之一6.外出7.总有一天8.不但.而且9.不再10.实现11. 也12.能做某事13.在 将来14.观光15.散步16.玩得开 心17.盼望做某事18.和某人交朋友19.复习20.正如,正像21.与某人相处 融洽22.担心23. 乐于做某事24.想要, 希望25.寻找26. 成百 上 千27.从现在开始28.首先29.小心30.匆匆忙忙31.仅此而已32.在这儿,下面33.母亲节34.交通堵塞35.暑假36.五 一劳动节37.手机38.失物招领 处39.失 物招领箱单词默写1. 手套2.钱包3.谁的4.手表5.我的6.紫色7.仔细的8.照相机9.百10.奇怪的11.钢琴12.俱乐部13.学期14.队伍15.整 洁的16.美丽的17.野餐18.每个人19.我 自己20.在期间21. 乡下22. 第二23.第三24.收集25.澳大利亚人26.营地,帐篷27.早的28.晚的29.粉笔30.拿, 带31.改 变32.生活,生命33.水平34.空 闲的35.陆地36.机器37.太空38.交 通39. 真的40.便宜 的41.到处,处处42.容易的43.市场44.尺码45.价格46.新 鲜的47. 任何东西48.付钱49.收到50.安全的51.几 个,一些52.差不多53.营业的54.博物馆55.在对面56.游客57.广场58.著名的59.晴朗的60.桥61.教堂62. 完成63.高的64.中间英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日Module 11. lost and found box失物招领箱2. be carefulwith小心一3. from now on从现在开始.4.in a hurry匆匆忙忙5. hundreds of几百,成百上千6.look for寻找7. first of all首先8.try to do sth_尽力做某事9. choose from从中挑选10. a lot of许多11. at the moment此时此刻12. such as例如13. have got有Module 21. table tennis乒乓球2. get on well With sb与某人相处融洽3. play the piano弹钢琴4. what about. .怎么样5. worry about担心 2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日6. new term新学期7. be good at擅长8. fly a kite放风筝9. thats all仅此而已10. just like正如,正像11. ready to do sth.乐于做某事Module 31. have a picnic去野餐2. check my email 查收我的电子邮件3. go over复习4. on Sunday morning 在周日上午5. see a movie看电影6.in the park 在公园里7. have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课8. make friends 交朋友9. summer holiday暑假10. go on a summer camp 参加夏令营11. take a walk散步12. go for a walk 散步 2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日Module 41. in the future 将来2. at home 在家3. in 20 years time 20年之后4. on the Internet 在网络上5.be sure 确定6. be able to 能够7. a lot of 许多8. free time空余时间9. come true 成为现实10. a small plane一架小型飞机11. all year 一整年12. as well也Module 51. on Mothers Day 在母亲节2. what colour什么颜色3. what about. -怎么样4. try on试穿5. look at 看 2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日6. too much太多7. wait a minute 等一等8. half price半价9. pay for 支付10.on the Internet在因特网上11. a few days later 几天之后12.the price of. . .的价格13. one day 某一天14.at any time在任何时候Module 61. on the left/right 在左边/右边2. between. and 在和(两者)之间3. in front of 在的前面4.turn right/left 向右/左转5. the way to 去的路6. get to 到达7. over there 在那边8. in the middle of 在的中间9. on a clear day 在晴朗的一天10. by boat 乘船2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日11.get getoff 下(飞机、车、船等)12.next to 靠近,紧挨着13. do some shopping 买东西14. learn about 了解15. on the other side of 在的另一边Module 71. be born 出生2. in。small villag。 在一个小村庄里月3. the name of . 的名4. your first teacher 你的第一位老师5. be friendly 友好的6. be like 什么样7. movie theaters 电形院8. old family houses。 故居9. my favourite movie stars 我最喜爱的电形明星10. the last time 最后一次2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日Module 81. once upon a time 从前2. go for a walk 去散步3. again and again 一次又一次4. be lost 迷路5. pick up 捡起,拾起6. be asleep 入睡7. at first 起初9. knock on the door 敲门8. look around 环顾四周11. begin with. 以开头10. change into 变成Module 91. National Day国庆节2. find out查明,了解3. at the age of 在岁时4. in January 在1月份5. be bon, 出生于.6. begin to do。开始做某事7. learn to do sth.,学习做某事8. decide to do sth. 决定做某事2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日Module 101. on holiday 度假2. two years ago 两年前3. how long 多长时间4. movie stars 电影明星5. in the Pacific Ocean 在太平洋里6. by plane 乘飞机7. the day before yesterday 前天8. at home在家9. such as, 例如10. take a walk散步11. buy a present for you 给你买一份礼物12. do some shopping 购物13. first of all 首先14. all day一整天Module 111. nod ones head 点头2. shake hands握手3. at school 在学校2013最新(外语教研版)七年级英语下册短语汇总 2013年 月 日4. three times三次5. in different countries 在不同的国家6. hug each other互相拥抱7. around the world 全世界8. talk to和交谈9.move away 搬开,搬走10. not. at all一点儿也不11. look at 看12. wave to向挥手13. in fact事实上14. on time准时Module 121、Wstern music 西方音乐2. be sure 确定3. be born 出生于4. a beautiful city 一个美丽的城市5. Beijing opera 京剧6.the centre.of. 的中心7. take. around 带领参观8.give concerts 举办音乐会外语教研版 2013新课标 七年级英语下册知识目标、基础知识汇总一、知识目标【必记单词】Unit 1 crayon, eraser, glove, wallet.watch whose, lose, find,mine,yours ,tape. purple, hers, careful, onUnit 2 camera. phone, leave, plane, taxi,why .airport,hundred,thousand,strange, boat, duck, pig, sausage【常考短语】Unit 1 first of all, be careful with, from now onUnit 2 mobile phone. in a hurry, hundreds of, look forUnit 3 help sb. (to) do sth., try to do sth.【经典句型】Unit 11. There is/are.2. Here is/are.3. Please be careful with. .Unit 21. A man is talking to.2. They are looking for.Unit 3They can. .二、基础知识【短语归纳】1. lost and found box失物招领箱 2. be carefulwith小心一3. from now on从现在开始. 4.in a hurry匆匆忙忙5. hundreds of几百,成百上千 6.look for寻找7. first of all首先 8.try to do sth_尽力做某事9. choose from从中挑选 10. a lot of许多11. at the moment此时此刻 12. such as例如13. have got有【用法集萃】1. Whose+名词+is this?这是谁的?2. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事3. Please be careful with请小心保管4. welcome to+地点欢迎来到5. call sb. at+电话号码拨给某人打电话【典句必背】1. First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! 首先,来看一下这个失物招领箱!2. People often lose things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry.人们经常在旅行或匆忙间丢失东西。3. They leave things on planes,on trains,on buses and in taxis.他们把东西落在飞机、火车、公共汽车和出租车上.4. Hundreds of people come here every day.每天有数百人来这里。Module 2一、知识目标【必记单词】Unit 1 play, tennis, piano. ride, club, term, board, well, all .worry, teach,thenUnit 2 monitor, start, ready, promise, fast, fit, just, ball,game,team, best,score, tidy, sure, everybody, beautiful.Unit 3 fly, kite, swim【常考短语】Unit 1 would like. thats all, worry aboutUnit 2 get on well with sb. , ready to do sth_, just likeUnit 3 add. to., give sth. to sb.【经典句型】Unit 1 1. I think shed like to do sth.2. Dont worry aboutUnit 2 1. I want to be.。2. I often help.do sth.3. What do/does sb. do?二、基础知识【短语归纳】1. table tennis乒乓球 2. get on well With sb与某人相处融洽3. play the piano弹钢琴 4. what about. .怎么样5. worry about担心 6. new term新学期7. be good at擅长 8. fly a kite放风筝9. thats all仅此而已 10. just like正如,正像11. ready to do sth.乐于做某事【用法集萃】1. what/how about+动词一ing形式 做怎么样2. would like to+do sth. 愿意做某事3. promise+to do sth. 承诺做某事4. play+球类名词 打球5. play+the+乐器名词 演奏乐器6. do+v. -ing 做【典句必背】1. Id like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 我想加人音乐俱乐部是因为我会弹钢琴2. Dont worry about Chinese.不要担心汉语.3. I get on well with everyone,classmates and teachers.我和每个人相处得都很好,无论是同学还是老师。4. I want to be the PE monitor.我想成为体育班长。5. I often help my mother do cleaningat home在家我经常帮助妈妈打扫卫生Module 3一、知识目标【必记单词】Unit 1 picnic, housework, on, else, nobody, at , nothing, silly, fantasticUnit 2 forward. fan, shirt. cheer, player, hope,win , myself, during, May,late, somethingwalk, country, secondcollect。litter, fun, camp,Austral-ian sightseeing,beachUnit 3 early【常考短语】Unit 1 go over, have a picnic, do my homework, see a movieUnit 2 look forward to, make friends, enjoy oneself, May Day, take a walk, summer holiday, go sightseeing【经典句型】Unit 1 1. Im going to do.2. Who else is going to.?Unit 2 Im looking forward to.二、基础知识【短语归纳】1. have a picnic去野餐 2. check my email 查收我的电子邮件3. go over复习 4. on Sunday morning 在周日上午5. see a movie看电影 6.in the park 在公园里7. have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 8. make friends 交朋友9. summer holiday暑假 10. go on a summer camp 参加夏令营11. take a walk散步 12. go for a walk 散步【用法集萃】1. Im going to 十动词原形我将要2, look forward to+动词一ing形式期待3. have fun (in) doing做很高兴4. go+V. -ing 去5. enjoy oneself 过得愉快6. I hope+that从句 我希望【典句必背】1. Im going to see a movie in the afternoon.下午我要去看一场电影。2. What are your plans for the weekend?你周末的计划是什么?3. Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.我正期待着明天的足球比赛。4. Usually I spend the summer holiday at home我通常在家过暑假Module 4一、知识目标【必记单词】Unit 1 chalk, ruler, carry, change, everything, future. life, need, will,maybe, ask, question, by, level, able, more, freeUnit 2 true, bike, cheap, everywhere, into, long, heavy, light,easy, working, hour. short, rise【常考短语】Unit 1 in the future, be able to, ask questions, not. .any moreUnit 2 come true, not only. but also, as wellUnit 3 play with【经典句型】Unit 1 1.Will.?2.In 20 years time, maybe there wont be. .3. Teachers

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